ReLife Player

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

[Even if it means turning the world into an enemy (4)]

Julietta Valentine.

All the people of Sicily called her the Princess of Sicily.

They called her the Princess of Sicily because there was no other woman in Sicily as beautiful and regal as her.

They also called her the Tomboy Princess.

Sicilians knew how tomboyish she could be and how much trouble the Valentine family had following her around.

Are you sure you want to set off fireworks?

You dont mean you want to set fire to some assholes house you dont like?

Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to see fireworks!

Julietta Valentine.

The Sicilians, in unison, called her the Princess of Valentine.

She was a blood relative of Lukenik Valentine, the boss of the Valentine family, who ruled Sicily.

There was no one in Sicily who could touch her with a bargepole.

And if you crossed her, youd learn the hard way what the Valentine family was made of.

Bru! He touched my ass!

Now, my bad, ah, I didnt realize you were the Princess of Valentines.

What a ridiculous excuse, what Sicilian doesnt know her?

Well, I really do, Im just traveling to Sicily this time.

Whatever the reason.

And youll know why Bruno Valentine is called Valentines Brown Bear.

There was a saying in Sicily that was passed down orally.

If you want to keep your penis intact, never touch the Princess of Valentine.

Its a testament to the Valentine familys hold on Sicily and how much they cherish the presence of Julietta Valentine.

However, the Valentine family was not the only family that wrinkled Sicily.

In every city in Italy, not a day goes by that the mafia doesnt wage a war for control of the city.

And the Valentine and Myron families were fighting for control of Sicily.

Of course, it was the Valentines who had the upper hand.

It was only a matter of time before the Valentines would overthrow the Myrons and become the true rulers of Sicily.

The Valentines had Julietta Valentine.

Another fight?

They started it.

Miss, I beg you, Im desperate, please give me the strength to beat them!

Alright, you must come back alive.

Julieta Valentines gift was, the ability to amplify mana efficiency.

Her amplification had the power to double the power of the Valentine family.

Of course, was not a rare gift by any means. There were people everywhere who possessed gifts that amplified mana efficiency.

It was just that her was superior to those who possessed the same gift.

Thats why, up until this point, people had no reason to doubt Valentines victory.

The twist came unexpectedly.

Big Mama has chosen Myron to be the ruler of Sicily.

One day, Lukenik Valentine called the family together and delivered the grim news.

They couldnt believe what their boss was telling them.

Why would Big Mama choose the Myron family to be the rulers of Sicily?

The Valentine Family should be the rulers of Sicily.

The Valentine family is stronger than the Myronfamily.

Still, the reality remains the same.

The Myron family has risen to the top of Sicily with Big Mamas stature behind them.

This seemed to be the end of the mafias war, but it wasnt completely over.

The Myron family, now in control of Sicily, began to gnaw away at the Valentine family metallurgically.

Theyve fallen to the Myrons!

Whats going on, where the hell did they come from!

In the name of cleaning up Sicily, the Myrons diminished the power of the Valentines.

As time went on, Valentines power grew weaker and weaker.

Some members of the Valentine family chose to defect to the Myron family, and the Myron family recruited powerful men from all over the country.

Until one day, Julieta Valentine met a cruel fate.


The Valentines have decided to merge with the Myron family.

Dad, thats not a merger.

Thats right, boss! Are you saying were going to succumb to the Myron children as it is!

To protect Valentine.

Lukenik Valentine was finally brought to his knees.

He made no pretense of hearing the objections of Julieta and the other officers, and continued in silence.

Valentine did not give in. Its just joining hands with Myron, for a while.

What does that mean? Doesnt that mean well be merged, which is all well and good, but in the end, well be under Myron!

Julieta and Vincent Myron will share a betrothal.


She tilted her head in confusion.

There was only one son of the Myron Family Boss.

Vincent Myron, the troublemaker.

Why should she marry a good-for-nothing man who openly revels in debauchery?

She looked at Lukenik and her brother Albert, demanding an explanation.

Albert averted his eyes.

Lukenik opened his mouth, not showing the slightest sign of agitation.

Myron said he would relinquish some control of Sicily if you and Vincent became husband and wife.

Isnt that the same as sacrificing your daughter?

No. Were just taking advantage of the next opportunity.

Lukenik looked to his left.

Lets face it. We lost. But we will win next time.

And the one person who can make that next time happen is you, Julieta Valentine.

What am I.

Marry Vincent, have children.


In that moment, she recognized Lukenicks intent.

She wasnt the only one. Some of the officers were more perceptive than others.

All eyes turned to her.

Perhaps its for the best. Vincent Myrons gift is one of Myrons strengths.

Everyone has a gift. We just dont recognize them.

So, are Gifts hereditary?

The International Mana Management Organization has stated that Gift is not a heritable variable.

The report cites statistics that show that newborns gifts are not inherited from their parents. It concludes that even if a child sometimes possesses a parents Gift, it is only a coincidence.

They also concluded that a newborns mana is negligibly influenced by their parents.

In other words, mana and gifts are indeterminate.

With a few exceptions.

The International Mana Management Organization has found that some gifts can be inherited from parents.

And Amplification was a Gift that had the property of inheriting a spouses Gift.

Boss, I think it would be good to get a second generation from Miss Julieta.

How about my child, she has minimal mana, but her gifts are worthy.

Ive received correspondence from several families who would like to form a conjugal bond with Lady Julieta.

She had overheard a conversation the officers had once had with their boss.

Discussing marriage contracts against her will.

At the time, she felt betrayed and even angry.

But she also realized that she had to consider Valentines future as one of the people who would carry on his name.

She was thinking about it.

She hadnt been thinking about a future in which she would be Vincents mistress, succumbing to Myron in this way.

Is a mana efficiency gift. If Julieta conceives Vincent Myrons child, the child will inevitably be affected by .

Bo, boss, you dont mean.

Thats right. The child born will have gifts beyond Vincent Myrons. We will steal the child, and we will make him or her the one to rebuild Valentine.

The officers were silent.

It was a ridiculous plan.

It meant the Valentine family was backed into a corner.

The officers looked at each other.

None of them wanted to deny the absurdity of the plan.

Lady. Please think of Mr. Valentines future.

Please. Lady.

Please fulfill your duty as Valentine.

Lukenik turned to her.

Julieta. If you are one of the Valentines, you will endure the humiliation of being Vincent Myrons mistress.


If you have enjoyed what Valentine has enjoyed so far, I think you should fulfill your duty as one who bears his name.

Julieta looked at Albert, hoping he would convince Lukenick.

Albert said nothing.

His silence was an affirmation.

She looked around the room.

Suddenly, everyone was looking at her.

They were waiting for her answer.

In the end, there was only one answer she could give.


When youve earned it, do your duty.

The words echoed in her head.

She realized what a sweet dream she had been having.

It was time to wake up.

And then-.

Say it.

No. I dont want to get married like this!

Julieta Valentine.

The night the officers were guarding her in the name of protecting her.

To keep her from running away.

Bruno climbed through the window and approached her as she sat on the bed, transfixed.

He put his hands on her shoulders and leaned in.

I will protect you, even if it means turning the world against you.

Julieta was chilled. She clasped her hand over his large one.

The next day, no one found them.


Zenko Myron cursed in Italian.

Albert, sitting across from him, sighed and turned to look out the window.

What happened?

The player driving the car glanced at Zenko in the rearview mirror.

Tom Myron.

He was Zenko and Alberts assistant on this trip.

He wasnt an ambassador and didnt seem to know what had happened in the interview room.

There is such a thing.

Zenko didnt answer, but hummed to himself.

He hadnt laid a finger on her since then.

Since when, he wondered.

When he realized, a chill surrounded him.

The chill seemed to linger in his body even now.

His body remembered. An indelible horror.


Zenko thought he recognized the man who had imprinted his fear on him.

Namgung Seong from <Divine Spear>.

Only he can handle such coldness, and he is said to be the strongest spear in Korea.

Korea, their player level is not low.

Dont underestimate the Twelve. They are recognized by the international community. Didnt I tell you that before?

Yes, recognized. Lets just say theyre the equivalent of the Tredici.

Zenko hummed and glared out the car window.

Maybe Ive been underestimating Korea too much.

It wasnt just <Divine Spear> .

He thought of the bodyguards who had blocked his attack.

They werent the Twelve, but they were just as strong.

They werent guarding the fairy for nothing.

Forget it, drive on, were going to meet the Princess of Valentine.

Zenko pursed his lips.

The meeting with the fairy wasnt the reason for his visit.

An ambassador was originally scheduled to visit Korea, Albert Valentine.

At the last minute, the Myron family stepped in to attend the meeting.

To win over Julieta Valentine.

Even after all these years, her value has not diminished.

She was a useful artifact.

How many times had they searched for her?

I hadnt realized she had fled to Korea, where she could only be caught by crossing the Pacific and North Atlantic oceans.

Are you sure? Couldnt they have mistaken her for someone else?

I showed it to the Valentines, Im sure. It was Julieta Valentine.

Tom asked, and Zenko answered.

Zenko recalled an incident last winter. He was watching the U.S. news and happened to see a video of a department store attack in South Korea.

And there she was, Julieta Valentine.

How excited he was.

He was so excited to see her again, the princess of Sicily.

It just so happened that the familys research on her escape route and direction pointed to South Korea.

She was a beautiful woman.

Although she was to become the wife of her boss, Vincent Myron, she was only a concubine.

Once Vincent had made his big move, and shed given birth to his child, hed let the executives have a taste.

Hmph, Im looking forward to it.

If Julieta was untouchable in the Valentine family, she was untouchable in the Myron family.

Everyone in the Myron Family wanted to see her surrender on bed.

If she was conquered by the Myrons, it meant that the Valentines had been completely conquered and humiliated.

And then theres Albert, how could he not recognize his own sister?

Well, maybe hell recognize her and pretend he doesnt out of loyalty.

Zenko snapped.

Albert was still staring out the window.

When he felt the stare, he adjusted his glasses and replied.

That wont happen. Ill keep my word. Julieta needs us, too.

Ho-ho. You mean to tell me youre going to defile her yourself, Valentine, before Myron does?

Youd better do it in moderation. The boss isnt very nice.

Youre right about moderation, I may have bowed to Vincent Myron, but Im the boss of the Valentine family.

Zenko stiffened suddenly as he received an unexpected threat.

Albert Valentine.

Recently, he had become a prominent figure within Tredici.

As much as he resented it, he knew he couldnt beat Albert.


Hey, were here.

Tom pulled up.

Zenko got out with a grunt.

What the So she was living in a place like this?

It was a four-story row house.

She hadnt expected the Princess of Valentine to live in such a small place.

Zenko was devastated and decided to wait for her.

Soon enough, he spotted a blonde woman walking in the distance.

Oh ,who is this, Julieta Valentine?

I felt sluggish after eating lunch.

Nevertheless, I had to finish the work.

I stared at the monitor and tapped on the keyboard.

Just a little more

It happened when I tried to move the mouse to save the document.

The smartphone placed on the table vibrated.

On the screen was the name of my beloved wife.

What could it be?

I had just called her a little while ago.

It was strange to receive another call so soon.


I called her name, but there was no response for a while.

I sensed something was off and leaned closer to the smartphone.

I could hear the sound of heavy breathing several times.

It seemed like there was another persons voice mixed in as well.

Bru. Its me.

Soon, Julietta spoke.

It wasnt her usual cheerful voice.

It was the voice she had when she was downcast, as if her throat was tight.

Bru. Thank you for everything so far.


Dont look for me anymore.

Julie! Julie!

I stood up from my seat. I called her name, but there was no response.

She had already hung up the phone.

Without paying attention to the distorted shape of the smartphone, I gripped it tightly.

Even though everyone at the office was staring at me, I ignored their gazes and started packing my things.

B-Bruno. What on earth are you

Im leaving for today.

What are you talking about? You havent finished the work yet!

Then Im quitting. Thank you for employing me. If I get a chance, Ill come back later to bid you a proper farewell.

Bruno! Hey, Bruno! Where are you going?

He stomped out of the office, not even hearing the department head call after him.


The manager ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

Then, he shouted loudly towards the corridor where he had rushed out.

If a man acts like this, there must be only one reason! Seize it for yourself!

Ive had moments like that too.

Wait, doesnt Assistant Bruno have a wife?

Seems like he still has a good catch.

Oh? Is he leaving the company because of his good catch?

The supervisor soon gave up on thinking about it.

He lit a cigarette.

When his head was in a mess, cigarettes were the best.

Hey, Supervisor

Yeah? What is it?

Assistant Kim approached.

With his hands in his pockets, the supervisor asked.

Assistant Kim whispered, cautiously observing the eyes of their colleagues.

Were still inside the company, you know.


The supervisor dropped the cigarette he had been holding in his mouth.


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