ReLife Player

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

[Even if it means turning the world into an enemy (7)]

Eunha. Get off. Its dangerous.

I know its dangerous.

Thats why Im coming with Mr. Bruno.

I mean, whatever.

Bruno turned the wheel and sighed.

He was going to go rescue Julieta alone.

He could hear from Eunha why she had disappeared, but he had no intention of taking him with him.

He knew from the attack on the department store at dawn last year that Eunhas skills were better than most, but he was up against an opponent.


Bruno wasnt sure he could take on the two of them.

Nevertheless, Eunha insisted on accompanying him, even to the point of a sword fight on the front porch.

In the end, it was Bruno who raised the white flag.

He had Eunha in the passenger seat and was tracking Julietas location on his smartphone.

Do you think well find her?

Luckily, she has a smartphone.

Julieta hadnt realized that her smartphone had a built-in locator.

There was no way Tredici, the man who had taken her, would know.

The red spot was currently flashing at the Alice Hotel near Jonggak Station.

What floor is it on, that was high performance, wasnt it?

Eunha knew how accurate Brunos tracker was at relaying information.

He didnt have to sneak into the hotel and look through the directory or go room by room.

But, Mr. Bruno. Do you have any player devices I can use?

There should be a bag of player gear in the back seat. Take your pick.

Eunha unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to the back seat.

On the seat was an aluminum briefcase.

It was quite heavy.

He brought it to his lap and inspected the equipment.

A Beretta 92, SB.

It was an old pistol, but thankfully in good condition.

Eunha opened the magazine, glanced inside, and tucked it into his back waistband.

He didnt bother to pick out a sword. The mangoche S3 and kukri S1 that Seoyoung had prepared for him would suffice.

There should be armor there, too. Its dangerous to be naked.

Id love to wear armor, but Im small and nothing fits.

Its hard enough to move with this.

Eunha pointed to the mangoshu and kukri tucked between his legs. Then he pointed to the various potions hanging around his waist and the beret hed pulled out of her bag earlier.

Seeing that, Brunos mouth fell open.

No words came to him.

It was as if the Eunha was going to war.

A war, indeed.

He was ready for it, too. He didnt know what to say to him.

Oh, I see you have the Shadow Spiders venom. Do you mind if I use it?


Eunha smiled in delight as he pulled out a container of purple liquid from his bag.

Sixth level Shadow Spider.

The Shadow Spiders venom was a terrifying poison that disrupted the flow of mana in the body, forcing a mana surge.

Along with the Shadow Spiders venom, he hadnt forgotten the antidote, which he hung on his belt.

And this.

And this?

Eunha held out a wedding ring.

There was no way Bruno didnt know who it belonged to.

But he was so lost in thought, he could only stare at it.

After a moment, Bruno removed his hand with the one holding the gears.

You need it more than I do. Itll help.

Yes, I will.

Eunha was grateful for Brunos favor. As an elementary school student, he needed something to compensate for his lack of skill.

He slipped Julietas ring onto a necklace hed worn since he was a child. It was too loose to fit a grown womans ring on his finger.

I assume you know what that is?

Sort of.

Eunha nodded.

Hed been bugging Bruno about it since theyd gotten into the car.

And Eunha vaguely realized why he hadnt known about Bruno and Julietas existence before the regression.

Even before the regression, Julietta and Bruno would not have been able to completely escape the Italian mafia.

We dont know what would have happened, but the outcome would have been the same, given that their presence in Korea was unknown.

And the Bruno of before the regression would have died, unable to save Julietta.

Without him, Julieta would have died.

<Myrons mistress>, Julieta Myron.

Eunha lowered his head and quietly recited.


He remembered the name.

There was no way he wouldnt remember it.

It was one of the tinnitus of the people who had raided The Abyssal.

I wasnt expecting that.

The Abyssal was a black dungeon that mankind had tentatively declared untouchable.

There are only eight dungeons in the world, and they are located in Chulwon, Kagoshima, Sichuan, Siberia, and the Grand Canyon.

And in the Mediterranean, there was the Dungeon of the Deep, a conical tower rising from the sea floor.

Mankind thought that the Deep Dungeon, with its extreme difficulty just to approach, would be the last of the Black Dungeons to be tackled.

Ironically, however, it was the first to be tackled.

In the year 26 A.D., the Southern European Union became the first country in the world to successfully capture a Black Dungeon.

The world was buzzing about the logbooks of the Deep Dungeon.

Eunha was no exception, and he pored over the Abyssal Dungeon walkthroughs in hopes of beating it.

Then he realized that Italian players had been instrumental in taking down the Black Dungeon.

He realized that many Italian players had the surname Myron.

Is the Myron family a representative clan of Italy?

At first, I thought about the stature of the Myron family.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to learn more about the Myron family.

And he was surprised to realize the truth that the Italians had been hiding.

No, he wasnt.

More like disgusted.

Juliette Myron, a supporter of the Southern European Campaign.

She possessed a powerful Amplification.

Her gift allowed the raid to visibly augment its power.

On the surface, this is a story of one persons power.

However, Julieta Myron was merely an amplifier who was forced to participate in order to use the <Amplification> .

In fact, even the term amplifier could be considered tame.

She was nothing more than a breeding machine.

Gifts are not inherited, with a few exceptions, but the Amplification was one of those exceptions.

Of the players who bore Myrons name in the raid, all of them in their twenties or so were children of her blood.


That was the name by which she was known in Italy.

I had no idea that was Julietta noona.

No further explanation was needed.

With a little deduction, I was able to figure out that a woman named Julieta Myron must have been Julieta Valentine.

The more I thought about it, the more disgusted I became.

That pisses me off.

Before the regression, Julieta would have been living in a hell worse than hell.

And Bruno, who would have died without being able to save her.

He hoped they would never have to go through what they had before the regression.

He wanted them to be happy.


Were here.

Bruno stopped the car.

The Alice Hotel.

Julieta would be in there.

Dont regret it.

If theres any regret, its theirs.

Good luck.

You, too.

The two of them stretched lightly.

He checked his gear once more, then stepped forward without hesitation.

Kill them all.

Kill them all.

The 18th floor of the Alice Hotel.

The Italian ambassadors were using the entire floor.

All thanks to the consideration of the Fairy Godmother Government.

In reality, the government had rented the entire floor to prevent the ambassadors from causing international trouble.

Albert Valentine didnt mind. The facilities and services were too good to complain about.

Best of all, the imprisonment of Julieta Valentine would not arouse suspicion.

The same seemed to be true for Zenko Myron and Tom Myron.

But there was one thing that didnt sit right with Jenko.

Why did they suddenly change hotels?

He took a swig from his bottle of soju and frowned.

Slaves drink it, obviously. I was a fool to believe it.

Hed tried to taste how good soju was for Korean slaves, but it was just alcohol mixed with a little water.

Yeah. What were they thinking?

Tom agreed.

Originally, he had planned to take the ambassadors to the Dawn Hotel, which had been prearranged by the government.

But just as he was about to drive off, someone from the government rushed over and informed him that the hotel had changed.

Instead of the Dawn Hotel and apologized that they had prepared the top floor of Alice Hotel, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized something was wrong.

If the hotel had been notified in advance, they should have been prepared, but could there be a problem on the day of the summit?

Albert Valentine was also lost in thought, trying to figure out what the Good Fairys intentions were.

Even I would not accept the likes of you.

Ha, that bitch.

Zenko sighed.

He downed the bottle of shochu in one gulp.

Red-faced, Zenko glared at Julieta, who sat cross-legged.

Despite her imprisonment, Julieta felt no threat from them.

She was simply monitored to make sure she didnt leave the room.

This made her realize how important her value was to them.

They could not pose any threat to her.

Thats why shed been hysterical about them for a while now.

Hey, <Princess of Valentine>

Why dont you stay quiet, you know my temper? You seem to think we cant touch you now, poor thing.


Julieta batted her eyes.

Zenko leaned in close to her face and spoke again.

If I set my mind to it, I could easily devour you. After all, youve done everything imaginable with that Bruno guy, havent you?

Crazy bastard.

Julieta spat out the saliva that had been building up in her mouth.

Her spit landed squarely on his face.

Is this bitch really going crazy and trying to get herself killed!?

Losing his sanity, he raised his hand.

Whether she became the bosss property or not, it didnt frighten her in the slightest.

Didnt the boss also say it was okay to give her some leeway?

He was determined to make sure she would never crawl back up again.

Zenko Myron.

If it werent for Albert Valentine restraining him.

Tch. Such a tearful little sibling.

Zenko lowered his hand and licked his lips.

Whether it was frustrating for him to receive Alberts leftovers or not, he put his hand in his pocket and stood up from his seat.

Where are you going?

Why! Fuck! Im going out to get some fresh air, you damn dog!

Dont you dare look for me. Go ahead and try to find me? Since there are plenty of rooms anyway, theres no way Im staying in the same room as that bitch and you!

Zenko slammed the door shut with a loud bang.

Albert Valentine looked at the front door with a pitiful gaze.

Now, he thought he could finally relax.

But it was a miscalculation.

Albert oppa.

Julietta stroked her stomach and opened her mouth.

Im hungry. Go buy some convenience store lunch boxes. And get some bread too.

Once again, she was taking full advantage of her position.

Albert frowned at her behavior, which still resembled that of a cheeky child even after several years.

Unable to help it, he called Tom, who was leaning against the wall and watching Korean TV shows.

Tom Myron.

Yes, whats the matter?

Go out and buy something to eat.

Cant we just order room service?

I said I wanted convenience store food.


Tom couldnt resist Alberts intense gaze and reluctantly agreed.

He had no choice but to grab his wallet and head outside.

Before leaving the room, Tom turned back with a sinking gaze.

Mr. Albert.


You should know that youre not Albert Valentine, youre Albert Myron.

Albert shut his mouth.

Tom Myron was his aide-de-camp, the watchdog of the Myron family.

He was warning them now.

He did not want Julieta Valentine to be released.

Dont worry.

I will. Ill be off then.

Tom smiled and left the room.

There were only two people left in the room.

Julieta was frustrated to be alone with Albert.

She felt like shed invited him over for a convenience store lunch for no reason.

She stood up, not wanting to feel this awkwardness.

Where are you going, I thought I told you not to leave the room?

You still dont have a delicacy, Im going to the bathroom, why!

Julieta slammed the bathroom door, just as Zenko had done earlier.


Sitting on the toilet, Julieta covered her face with her hands.

She felt like tears were about to fall.

But crying wouldnt change anything.

Even if she thought of Bruno at times like this, she shouldnt expect him to come.

Jenko Myron and Albert Valentine.

They were Tredici. Tom Myron, their assistant, was not to be underestimated.

They were no match for him alone.

Besides, he had never defeated Albert Valentine.

Even if it means turning the world into an enemy , I will protect you.

On that day, Bruno promised her a love that could not be bettered.

So she ran away from Valentine. She could run.

She ran, but she couldnt run anymore. She couldnt believe she was the only one who mattered in this world.

She hoped Bruno wouldnt die.

She didnt want the people she loved to get hurt.

So she followed them without resistance.


She repeated her loved ones name over and over.

No, no. I dont want him to come.

I purposely didnt mention my destination. She turned off her phone so she wouldnt get any calls.

And in the end, she would return to Italy with them.

He would never find her.

And yet, for some reason, she felt like he would.

She shouldnt be hoping to be saved, but she was hoping to be saved.

And then, somehow, he would find her.

No, no.

Still no.

She clutched at her stomach, repeating it over and over again.


It was then that Albert called from the other side of the door.


She replied in a blunt tone.

Its for Valentine. If youre Julieta Valentine, endure it. Endure it with me.



When she was younger, she couldnt help but be proud that she bore Valentines name.

The world was beautiful. Everyone loved her.

But now the name Valentine was just a shackle.

As long as Valentines blood ran through her veins, she would never escape the curse.


She whispered it again. Her beloveds name.

The man she hoped would never come, but wished he would.

Desperately, he searched for the happiness she could not grasp.

Even if it means turning the world into an enemy , I will protect you

A happiness she could never forget.

A mysterious magic that defeated nightmares.

Damn, I drank too much.

Zenko wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

Soju was the problem. He drank the ordered wine continuously to cleanse his alcohol-soaked insides.

Ah, Im hungry.

The snacks were all gone.

Cheese alone wasnt satisfying.

He stood up and tried to order room service through the intercom.


The signal didnt go through.

Are they busy or something?

He threw the receiver and decided to go downstairs to place the order in person.

It happened when he got on the elevator.

Of all times, why now?

He needed to use the restroom urgently.

As soon as he got off on the first floor, he passed by the lobby counter and looked for the restroom.

It was strange. Why was it so quiet?

As he passed by the lobby, he raised his head in bewilderment.

Even though there were no people, it felt too empty.

Come to think of it, there was no one at the counter either.

Maybe it was his mood.

The entire hotel was too quiet for that.

Excuse me.

The restroom came first.

He hurried into the restroom at the end of the hallway.

He shuffled down his pants and braced himself against the urinal.



Ill order room service on the way back and.

Humming a tune, I finished my business.


I sensed life right around the corner.

Since when?

Even if I had been drunk, there was no way I could have failed to notice its imminent approach.

And now he didnt even feel it.

When he caught his breath, he looked back,

How lucky I am today.

The child jumped up to his head, brandishing the kukri in his right hand.

You, you bastard! kurhk!

Kukri pushed back the hastily deployed barrier. Zenko was hit by the barrier and slammed into the urinal.

The pure white urinal shattered in a shower of shards, and water gushed from the ruptured pipes.

And there he was, in a bizarre position, banging his head against the wall where the urinal had been installed.

You, you, you!

He pulled his head out of the wall and cursed in Italian.

The kid remained nonchalant,

Pull up your pants.

Well, if you can pull them up.

Mana swirled.


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