Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 96 - Monke And Battle Royales (7)

We ran through the forest, the light from the inferno a few meters behind us giving us a clear path to follow through the dense foliage.

"If we make it through this, I'm going to hit you so hard with my tail that you'll see your ancestors!" Prixais hissed as my arm held her tight against my shoulder.

"Can't. From what I can see back in the Mortal Realm, and my suspicions have been confirmed when I was brought here to the Divine Realm, I'm sure that I'm the first of my kind, making me my own ancestor." I rebutted, causing her to sputter at the facts thrown straight into her face. My legs were still not feeling the burn after a few minutes of running, even if I was moving more than 40 kilometers an hour.

"… Fine, be that way, smartass." Prixais grumbled as she admitted her loss in our verbal battle. This wasn't the first one during my run. In fact, I was sure this was the fourth topic we've been juggling around just to lighten the tension.

"Heh, the score's tied two-to-two." I laughed while my legs continued to carry both me and Prixais away from the spreading forest fire behind us.

"Oh, shut up you… Up ahead!" Prixais screamed as her senses signaled to her brain that someone was hiding behind a tree a few meters in front of them. "On the left!"

I quickly snapped my gaze towards the tree that held the figure that the lamia on my shoulder noticed. Pumping more power into my legs, I quickly jumped past the tree and saw that the figure that was hiding was the same being he saw when they were back in the treehouse, which was now unfortunately burning to a crisp due to my hasty actions.

A few hours of work I'll never get back.

The faceless Dungeon Master tilted its head at my speeding form, and a moment later, I sped past it, not giving it a time to make a move.

I also noticed that it didn't follow us. Instead, it stayed there and continued observing us, not minding the growing fire behind it.

"Damn… That's a creepy Dungeon Master…" Prixais commented as she turned her gaze away from the creepy horror-franchise-cosplayer.

"Then you haven't seen anything yet." I off-handedly commented while I continued with my running, causing her to glare at me with a bit of nervousness and fear.

"… What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing much." I said with a shrug, causing her body to shake a bit. "Just thinking about a brain-spider the size of a car with ballistae mounted on its back."

Giving her the mental image of another game character that was meant to be killed by the main character over and over again over the course of the entire storyline… Which wasn't much, seeing that the main character never spoke, only grunted while he kicked ass, Prixais turned green and shook her head to get rid of the monstrosity her brain managed to conjure under this stressful situation.

"Geh… Send me another one of those mental images and I'll barf all over you." Prixais threatened me with her mouth wide open, her tongue lolling out as some build-up saliva began to trickle out.

"Uh… No offense…" I stiffened, but still continued running the moment I felt the wet, slimy appendage caress my back. "But even if I can't see you, I can still feel you… And please… Don't make me fucking horny right now…"

'Little John's gonna burst! Retract that [REDACTED] now!' I had to censor the word, otherwise, my little Johnny will become big Johnny.

Prixais, hearing my blunt message, quickly retracted her [REDACTED] and blushed up a storm, even if I didn't see it. How could I tell? Easy, body heat. I could feel her heating up in embarrassment.

"… We never talk about this… Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." I'm not normally one to follow somebody's instructions, but if that gets me out of another equally or worse situation, then I'll follow them just for the moment.

I continued running in silence, with Prixais using her senses to scan our surroundings for any immediate threat. We continued like that and the fire, which was by now a raging firestorm, was far away from our position. We could only see smoke rising from where the fire is still spreading.

It was only until a few minutes later that we stopped when Prixais sensed another figure right ahead of us. I tried to make a turn, but was stopped when the figure immediately approached us with a quick, simple step, and cupped my chin with her hands.

"My, now this is surrrprrrising." The figure purred as she stuck her finger in my mouth, brushing the tips of my teeth with her skin. "Strrrong canines, sturrrdy jaw, and a body only a hunk could match."

By this point, my brain was already fried from the sexual violation this figure… No, this woman was giving me. I dropped the lamia on my shoulder to the ground due to the shock, and I'm Prixais' brain was also fried at the sight of a gorgeous, but deadly woman currently giving me oral check-ups, since she didn't move an inch.

"J-Jionni… W-we need t-to run… N-now…" Prixais squeaked out as she felt the gaze of the woman bearing down on her skin. She paled and hoped that whatever awaited her in the afterlife, it wasn't hell.

"Now, now, no need to be in a rush." The woman said it cheerfully, but her face was anything but. "I'd like to take this fine piece of work off your hands, and reward you for bringing him here."

"Yes! He's all yours!" Prixais stood straight up and wasted no time throwing me under the bus the moment her life was threatened.


"Wonderful." The woman smiled. Her beautiful features contrasted with the long claws forming on her hand. Her smile then vanished as her cold eyes bore into the shivering lamia, and with a flick of her wrist, decapitated the lamia, causing her now lifeless body to fall to the ground. "Filthy animal. If you accept an alliance, make sure you don't betray them."

She spat out, her beautiful features remaining beautiful, even with her terrifying claws slowly receding back into her hands as her smile returned in full force once she got her gaze back on mine.

"Ah! Sorry about that. Just have a bit of a problem with turncoats." The woman said cheerily, her claws nowhere to be seen, and if it wasn't for the blood staining her dress, she would've looked like a fashion model on her way for a shopping trip. "My name's Oshurkova, but you can just call me Kova."

The woman, Oshurkova, put her hand out towards me, a smile still gracing her lips. Now that I take a good look at her, she was dressed in a black, tight, sleeveless shirt with a brown, fur jacket covering the rest. She also wore leggings that provided no simple protection against the elements and a surprise attack.

I glanced back down at the head of Prixais, who still wore a terrified and anguished expression on her face, and back to Oshurkova.

Reluctantly, I grabbed her hand, and the two of us shook.

"… Nice to meet you, Oshurkova." I momentarily breathed in before greeting her with calm words. "My name is Jionni."

Kova smiled at my introduction, a tiny bit of a fang jutting out from her upper lip.

"Well met, Jion-"


A loud voice and a tiny frame slammed into Oshurkova, punting them a dozen or so meters away and into the black of night.

"… What the fuck…?" I voiced out my confusion, a bit lost, and perplexed at the sudden situation, but then came the rage. I looked at the headless lamia for a moment, before spitting on the corpse.

"… Rot in hell…" I spat out as I discreetly made my way out of the area.. I needed to find another spot to camp.


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