Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 95 - Monke And Battle Royales (6)

"Is there an attack?"

"Not yet, but there may be soon." I looked out the window for any sign of that faceless entity that semi-cosplayed a horror franchise character. "We have two options."

I returned my gaze back to her, who was still trying to rouse herself up from her rest and getting out of the sleeping bag.

"Okay, any of those countin' we keep these sleepin' bags? They're comfy as hell." Prixais said with a hint of a coo as she hugged the sleeping bag to her chest once she was out of it.

"I'll just put it in my hammerspace, then we'll discuss the two options." I deadpanned as I got out of my sleeping bag myself and quickly stuffed it in my inventory, doing the same for Prixais' bag. "So, two options. We run now and look for a new spot to camp, or we stay here and defend the area. Personally, I'm leaning on the former option since I'm sure the ring is about to reach our position in a day or two."

"I agree with you on that front." Prixais declared as she also looked out of the window to see if there was anything to keep an eye out for. "I can provide a look out since I can somewhat 'see' with my eyes in the dark, although it'll only be for a few meters. Other than that, I'll be next to useless at this time."

I recalled a topic I searched for in the internet because I was curious about it back on Earth. It turns out, snakes have poor vision, but if you give them a prey… I think it was a meter away… Then it will directly get its attention.

The range must've extended due to having a human upper-body.

"So, we'll have to wait until the morning before we can move without any detriments…" I cupped my chin once again, my mind running on all fours as it tried to find a solution to our predicament. "Shit… I didn't want to have to do this, but it's alright if there's light, right?"

"Hm? Yes, as long as there's light, I'll be able to see well and see our surroundings for our safety."

"… Haah…" I sighed out, a pit forming in my belly as I decided to commit war crimes against environmentalists everywhere. "Welp, no fun like the present."

I psyched myself up as I grabbed Prixais by the waist and quickly scaled down the massive tree. Her screams next to my ear were ignored as a grin slowly formed on my face at the thought of retaliating against what someone might call a scouting party with an overreaction.

"Let it burn!"

I conjured a flame with a snap of my fingers and had it scatter across the area, the flame starting out as a cinder before spreading like the plague within the forest.


"I'm a fucking gorilla troll! Of course, I'm crazy!" I shouted out in glee. For once in my lifetime, I was able to forget the baggage keeping me tied down to the word known as reality. I had to think up ways to survive, implement them, and train like hell just to make sure I'm stronger than my future enemies. I'm also sure I haven't had a good fight during my stay here in this world.

At most, they were just curb stomps on weaker enemies, and during the major turning point of my life in this world (I'm talking about the damned demon's betrayal), I was hit with a surprise attack instead of a head-on attack.

I may not want to die, but here, in this place where countless other Dungeon Masters like me were fighting, my inner fantasies were being craved.

Plus, I always wanted to burn something. My parents back on Earth never let me burn anything. Hell, they wouldn't even let me burn paper just to fucking light the stove up when it was on the fritz.

"Well then, time to bail!" I laughed out loud maniacally as I carried the lamia like a sack of potatoes on my shoulder. All the while she kept hissing at me for my over-the-top performance. "Keep a look out for any pursuers, if there are any!"

"HOW THE HELL ARE THEY GOIN' TO PURSUE US!? YOU MADE A FUCKIN' FOREST FIRE!" Prixais screeched out as the fire that once started as an ember became a raging flame that was consuming more and more trees in its path. "OH FUCK! THE SMOKE! THE SMOKE'S GETTIN' IN MY NOSE!"

"Tough it up." My initial high now slowly subsiding, I focused on running away from the raging inferno that was growing right behind me. 'Shit… I normally have control over that part of my personality… I guess the stress is getting to me…'

I thought tiredly as I continued running with Prixais trying (and failing) to get the smoke out of her system. Once it was out, however, she glared at me for a moment, before scanning the area just to adhere to our agreement that she would watch the surroundings in case anything happened.

And with the raging inferno behind us generating a bunch of light, she wasn't hard pressed to see during this dark night.




~ Third Person POV ~

"Vell… I didn't zink he vould do zat…" A tiny figure covered in a black scientist coat muttered as they watched through their familiar's eyes the running primate. "Such an interestingkt specimen, don't you agree, Herr Goldwasser?"

Goldwasser, who was just a stuffed toy with a bunch of stitches here and there showing a bunch of rips and tears across the body, silently sat still on the lap of the figure.

"Yes, yes. You're right, Mr. Goldwasser." The figure stood up, their hand still held on to the arm of the stuffed toy. "Zey must be kaptured, undt schtudied. Oh, how it vould adfance mein r-r-research so."

The figure drooled and stuttered the last word out due to how giddy they were. If the figure wasn't wearing any mask, a sane person would be able to see a deranged grin on the face of the coated figure.

The figure's eyes turned into pinpricks, however, the moment they saw the primate through their familiar's vision stop when approached by another Dungeon Master they knew all too well.

"Nein! He's mine! Don't you dare touch him, Oshurkova you bitch!" The figure shrieked as they quickly ran through the forest, Goldwasser fluttering in the breeze as the figure zoomed faster than some could perceive.


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