Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 97 - Monke And Battle Royales (8)

I silently crept away from the headless body of my previously allied lamia (who was now in my hate relationship book, even though it didn't matter 'cause she was dead) and hoped that whoever those two were didn't find me.

'I'm pretty sure I heard the small figure, which sounded like a female, now that I think about it, call the woman a hussy…' I cringed, and swore to whatever FBI god that I was completely innocent.

I plead innocent and solemnly swear that I am not a pedophile, so please don't put me in horny jail where other inmates could shank me in the ass.

Jokes aside, I had to quickly run for the hills so those two wouldn't dream of finding me, if only for a few days. Attention here and there is unescapable, that I admit, but this kind of attention makes me want to dig a hole and hide there for the rest of my life.

"Ah! Don't you dare run away mein test subchec!" I heard a squeaky but familiar voice coming from behind me, followed by large footsteps that shook the earth. "Come here so I kan dissect you!"

I didn't stop to turn around and picked up my speed. No way in hell am I doing what most characters in horror movies do when they hear something behind them.

So, I ran, dodging the trees in my way, and if not possible to dodge, powering through them with my own body while using the [Rolling Thunder] skill. I also realized something when I trained with this skill.

Before, when I used this skill against the goblin shaman (or mage) who created a quagmire, all this skill did was make me an unstoppable force as I charged forward. Now, however, some sparks as well as motes of electricity appear all around me as some of the vegetation has caught fire.

And boy was that a bad/good move to do now. Good since I could hinder the progress of the beings behind me, and bad since I was once again burning another part of the forest down.

'At this rate, I'll have to look for another biome where I can make my temporary base, and this time, without any allies…' I growled lightly as I recalled the face of the lamia who decided to backstab me the moment her life was threatened.

I can't help but draw parallels with the damned demon every time I think of betrayal.

I shook my head at those thoughts and stopped myself from going into a blind rage again.

'Fuck. I got betrayed again and now I feel like I want to punch something…' Sure, the lamia wanted to stay alive, and her flight or fight response was operating at full capacity. She also wanted to live, and in all seriousness, I would've probably done the same as her if I was in her position, just not too obvious, but hey, emotions can get the better of you sometimes.

But what really ticked me off was the fact that the lamia betrayed me. No reason mattered. As long as a person agreed to be my friend, only to betray me at the last moment, I will literally go on a hunting trip just to hang the fucker's head on a pole while pissing on it…

'Okay, calm down… Calm down… Just focus on running and ramming through these flimsy trees.' I breathed out as my left foot stomped hard on the ground, causing a depression within the earth the shape of my foot. Ramming my body against a tree in front of me, I breathed in once more, before exhaling, my heart pumping faster and faster as my feet rushed me through the somewhat dim forest.

"Get back here! You're mein! MEIN!" The squeaky voice of the tiny-bodied female slowly got quieter and quieter as I burned my HP to keep on using the [Rolling Thunder] skill.

'Yeah, no… Find someone else to be your guinea pig…' I sighed the moment I was far enough to not hear the tiny-bodied female's screams. I waited for a few moments as I hid within the thick natural canopy provided by the massive trees, while eating a fruit.

All that running was making me hungry, and I needed some food in my system after that stressful encounter.

"That looks delicious. Mind if I had some?" A sultry voice piped up from behind me. I quickly jumped to the ground below and grabbed my Monke staff that was sitting in my inventory, ready for some action. "Aw, now that's not the proper way to greet a lady."

Oshurkova, who I was sure was tackled by the tiny-bodied female earlier, licked her lips and narrowed her eyes at me with a seductive smile.

"… Didn't your parents ever tell you not to frighten strangers? Also, what do you want?" Prodding her for information, she grinned at me while dropping down to the ground as well, her cape fluttering dramatically as she landed on one knee.

"What I want? Nothing much, really." Oshurkova slowly stood up, her blood-red eyes glinting under the moonlight. A moment later, her grin widened, sharp fangs jutting out from her upper lip. "Just a trickle of your blood and I'll be on my way."

"… Why?" I had to gleam more information out of her before deciding whether giving her a drop of my blood was worth it or not.

"Simple," Oshurkova said as she strode sexily in front of me, her fingers brushing the side of my face as she cupped my cheek with her hand, "you look, quite frankly, like the most exotic being I have ever had my eyes on in the millennia I have lived for."

She released my cheek and parted her lips, her face coming dangerously close to mine, before she settled her mouth right beside my right ear.

"Besides, a trickle of blood won't hurt you, and I've been alive long enough to learn the consequences of cutting off the root of a budding plant." She whispered, her honeyed tone causing myself to get lost in her wonderful voice. "I'll also give you something as a gift, to ensure our friendly dispositions within the Mortal Realm, and the Divine Realm."

She separated from me and walked back a few steps, her eyes looking at me expectantly as she waited for my answer.

I had to think quickly on whether or not to agree. On one hand, handing her something that might be too important for my well-being for an unknown reward, as well as a temporary alliance with Oshurkova, or I decline and bid her farewell while I hightail it out of there, not knowing whether I made a potential ally neutral or hostile.

The choice was incredibly obvious.

"I accept." I nodded, my stance slowly slackening as my grip on the Monke Staff relaxed.

"Wonderful." Oshurkova smiled delightedly as she approached me once again, her hand held out as she waited for me to take it. I obliged and held her hand in mine. "Now, brace yourself, this will be a little disorientin---"

"STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU HUSSY!" A familiar, squeaky voice graced my ears as Oshurkova stopped herself from casting whatever she was about to cast. "HE'S MEIN! YOU HEAR ME! MEIN!"

'Oh, for the love of…' I sighed deeply as I saw the tiny-bodied female looking at me like some kind of exotic meat.

"Odette… Fancy meeting you here." Oshurkova dryly greeted the clearly insane loli wearing a lab coat.

"Schut up you harlot! You made me chump against anozzer ein uff your klones! Du dummer idiot! Du hurenschlampe!" The insane loli, now named Odette, glared at Oshurkova with deadly eyes.

"Oh, did you enjoy the time the clone spent some time with you?" Oshurkova smirked sultrily at the raging loli, who kept on throwing a tantrum by smashing her hand down on the giant Earth Golem she was riding on.

'Holy lord… That's bigger than even Arekhus by twice his size…' I gaped at the giant lump of earth remodeled to be eerily similar to a humanoid creature.

"NO! IN FACT, THE KLONE VAS ONE OF THE VORST KLONES YOU HAFE EFER MADE! DU ALTE HEXE!" The loli screamed out as she slammed her fist against the earth golem, who fell to one knee due to the force generated.

'… Yeah, I'm not fighting that loli anytime soon…'

"… Did you just call me an old hag?" Oshurkova let go of my hand as she approached the insane loli with a dark smile.

"So, vhat if I did?" The loli had a deranged grin plastered on her face as she kept on slamming her hands on the earth golem. "Isn't zat right, Herr Goldwasser?"

"… Hehe…" Oshurkova chuckled innocently, before her face turned into a stoic mask of indifference. "You'll regret that."

"Ha! As if grentma fampire zinks zat sche's schtill young. Du alte hexe!"

"Da… Time to kill…" Oshurkova toned neutrally as she vanished from sight, and right behind the insane loli, her claws already fully lengthened as she swiped it across the loli's body.

"Too slow, grentma!" The insane loli giggled as she punched Oshurkova with her tiny fist.

Her fists must've been filled with dozens of TNT, 'cause Oshurkova was sent flying a few dozen meters, her figure stopping as her back hit a tree for the nth time.

While all that was happening, my mind was processing the entire happening at a snail's pace.

'What the fuck am I watching…?'


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