Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 40 - Monke Engaged

A/N: Warning! Dark themes and extreme usage of profanity ahead. Reader discretion is advised!


This is the third time I've been this mad during my life here in this world. The first was when I saved those two children from the kidnappers, and the second was when I was betrayed by that bastard demon.

This, however, took the damned cake, as well as the damned party…

I was never one to condone sexual assault. Hell, I practically abhor the deed, and here, soldiers serving the damned country, tasked to protect the fucking populace, are raping Hunters that also protect the motherfucking people from harm, as well as fucking killing the fucking monsters that motherfucking kill the damned innocents…?

If I wasn't livid before, now I am…

I glanced at the prone form of Mariona, her stump of a leg bleeding profusely on the ground, tear tracks flowing down her cheeks as she gritted her teeth in pain. The soldiers around her still did not notice my presence as they stripped away the clothing that protected her dignity while unbuckling their pants.


I roared. Roared louder than I had ever before. I even embedded mana into my roar. The earth shook, trees fell, and animals and monsters alike ran for their lives in fear.

And the soldiers… The motherfucking soldiers... They dropped to the ground like flies, the majority of them pissing themselves as they passed out. My anger, my rage was imbued into the roar. It incited the instincts of every living being to run, or if not possible, play dead. Those that weren't able to withstand the pressure simply fainted on the spot.

Some birds dropped down to the ground, either dying once they landed, or injuring themselves beyond repair.

Even Mariona and Merethly weren't exempt from the effects, the pressure knocking them out cold. I needed to help them first because I knew they wouldn't last too long with their injuries.

Thankfully, since I was still within reach of my Dungeon entrance, I was able to contact Domino using the Dungeon Menu.

"Domino, get every fucking mob in the damn Forest area," I snarled, shocking Domino as a result. "Also, have the fucking defenders guard the Dungeon with their lives. If they desert, tell them, I will fucking hunt them down, and fucking torture them for the next month. Do I make myself clear? "

Domino shivered as she nodded. She didn't even dare speak out, lest her father focus his wrath upon her, which would never happen.

I opened the Market and looked for a Health potion. Finding the potions I was looking for, I didn't hesitate to bring my DP down by 1500 to heal these two elves.

DP: 1895 -> 395

Quickly, I rushed towards the two downed elves and applied the potions to their bodies. They were liquids, colored red, and by reading the description, all I needed to do for the potions to take effect is apply the liquid on the wound. With the potions I bought from the Market, which were named [High Health Potion] with their effects being, 'Heal the wound, internally and externally, in an instant,' I knew, it was going to work.

The first I applied the potion on was Merethyl, since she was already looking like she was going to die any second now. The red liquid splashed on her body, closing her wounds and patching up any internal wounds that I could not see. The bottle was now empty, and I could see Merethyl breathing easily.

Next was Mariona. I grabbed the amputated leg which was thrown towards her sister in an attempt to further disgrace them by the fucking soldiers. I positioned the amputated leg and hoped they aligned properly, and poured the red liquid. The wound healed, but sadly, it did not attach the amputated leg.

I sighed in anger, and pocketed the leg in my inventory. I then poured the remaining liquid on her body, patching up the other wounds she accrued from the fucking soldiers.

"Boss, we here…" The gorillas, as well as the chimps and mandrills, all hefting their weapons like they were their lovers, arrived and quickly gave their show of respect.

"Good, grab those two elves and lay them on the beds inside the small shack in the Dungeon Core Room," they all nodded and quickly nominated two gorillas to grab the unconscious elves and heft them back into the Dungeon. "As for these… waste of fucking soldiers, drag them into the Dungeon and kill them all. Take their gear and deposit them in the Dungeon Core Room. I'll distribute their gear to all of you later."

They all grunted and nodded once again. All the chimps, some gorillas and some mandrills began to drag or carry the unconscious soldiers into the Dungeon. Once in the Poison Swamp area, they kill them by either using their weapons, or using their bites.

Doesn't matter either way. They're all dead at the end.

Trespassers killed: 16

Humans: 16 = 125 DP, 100 EXP (invalidated) each

DP: 395 -> 2395

Once they were all done killing the rest of the soldiers and assigning one gorilla to haul the gears back into the Dungeon Core Room, I addressed the rest of the primates.

"Alright, all of you head back into the Dungeon," all of the grunted and promptly left, heading back inside the Dungeon. "Except you three."

I pointed at Chia, Chip, and Chin. The three of them stopped and approached me once again.

"Yes, boss?" The three of them asked in unison.

"I want the three of you to scout the forests, see if anything is strange or downright suspicious," I directed my gaze at the dense foliage. "And report back immediately if you find anything."

"Roger, boss!" The three of them then ran into the wind, climbing and jumping through the trees with nimbleness and agility that would put a ninja to shame. It looks like their training is paying off.

"Right then…" I forcefully calmed myself by taking deep breaths. 'Time to create more rooms…'


~ Third Person POV ~

It was dark. The sounds of chains and whips echo throughout the dimly lit hall. Kayla sobbed as she took a good look at her predicament.

The info they got was all wrong. The rumor started from an insider, who was a goddamn turncoat. They were woefully unprepared for the siege, and the town fell in just under a day.

Humans were spared, but demi-humans, though, were exploited and executed. The humans who were close to demi-humans were also treated as a demi-human, and exploited and executed as well.

What's worse, though, was their furious prosecution of the Hunters. Hunters weren't killed if they were humans, and were, instead, chained and enslaved.

The sounds of a whip and cries coming from across the hall were none other than her lover, Lennon, who was caught trying to break out Mariona and Merethyl. Although he succeeded, he was now under punishment by the new town lord.

As all of these events were going on, all Kayla could think of was…

'Why is this all happening…?'


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