Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 39 - Monke Be Territorial

Two days… Two days passed after Lennon left and subjugating an entire goblin settlement. Over the course of those two days, all I did was train the mobs and the defenders, create some more mediocre weapons – armor is still far from my grasp – and try to comfort the traumatized women.

Newsflash, comforting the women is still not working. All they're giving me are those dead, empty glares that can pierce through your thick skin. The dragonewt – I'm calling her dragonewt for now until she can clarify what race she is – was still sleeping like a log.

Seeing her sleeping made me want to punt a goblin into the air and land into an active volcano, while watching it scream to death as it burns in lava while I eat popcorn.

"Report," I asked Domino, who was busy laying on my back while eating some sugary sweets I got for her in the Market. Good thing a month's supply of sweets only cost 15 DP. I wonder why it was so cheap though? Then again, this world is somewhere along the lines of medieval fantasy and futuristic sci-fi combined together to form one hell of a messy world…

"Mu…" Domino nodded as she accessed the Dungeon Menu and sent me the information. My Dungeon Menu popped up right in front of me, showing me the DP I gained over the last two days.

Trespassers Killed: 12

Goblins: 8 = 25 DP, 20 EXP (invalidated) each

Kobolds: 3 = 35 DP, 25 EXP (invalidated) each

Orcs: 1 = 60 DP, 50 EXP (invalidated) each

Dungeon Residents DP income:

Day 1:

Goblins: 51 = 6 DP, 5 EXP (invalidated) each

Kobolds: 10 = 9 DP, 6 EXP (invalidated) each

Orcs: 4 = 15 DP, 13 EXP (invalidated) each

Lizardmen: 1 = 20 DP, 15 EXP (invalidated) each

Human: 1 = 13 DP, 11 EXP (invalidated) each

Beastman: 1 = 38 DP, 31 EXP (invalidated) each

Dragonewt: 1 = 113 DP, 100 EXP (invalidated) each

Day 2:

Goblins: 54 = 6 DP, 5 EXP (invalidated) each

Kobolds: 12 = 9 DP, 6 EXP (invalidated) each

Orcs: 5 = 15 DP, 13 EXP (invalidated) each

Lizardmen: 1 = 20 DP, 15 EXP (invalidated) each

Human: 1 = 13 DP, 11 EXP (invalidated) each

Beastman: 1 = 38 DP, 31 EXP (invalidated) each

Dragonewt: 1 = 113 DP, 100 EXP (invalidated) each

Total DP earned: 1696

DP: 199 -> 1895

Yeah, I'm steadily increasing my DP income. Also, it turns out that the lizard woman was indeed a dragonewt. She also gives me a bunch of daily DP, so it seems that not killing them off for DP was the best outcome. Plus, once they recover, they can help with my Dungeon either by training the mobs and defenders, or helping Domino and me manage the Dungeon.

The latter option, though, I was not keen on doing since, unless they are completely loyal, there was a chance that they would betray me, and I don't like being betrayed.

"… Papa…" Domino tugged on my head with her tiny hands. I locked my gaze on Domino's face, her expressionless face coming up within my view. "Humans at entrance…"

I tensed up.

"Humans? Can you tell me what they're wearing?"

"Elves, twins… Injured…"

My eyes opened wide. I was afraid of this coming up, but I've been putting it off for too long. Should I help them? Or should I leave them to their fate…

I look at the shack behind me, the broken human and demi-humans staying within the walls like broken dolls.

'Maybe…' A plan made; I quickly made a passageway that led directly to the entrance. "Domino, alert the mobs and defenders. Tell them we might have company."

Domino nodded and hopped down my body. Equipping my 'Armor of the Primates', I swiftly ran through the new passageway with haste.

I did not stop, since their lives rested on my shoulders.


~ Third Person POV ~

"Come on… Come on…" Mariona carried Merethyl on her back as she ran from the enemies. An arrow landing on the tree trunk next to her caused her to gulp for a second before continuing on dashing through the woods. "Almost there…"

Her breathing ran ragged as her sister's head slumped down on her shoulders, her breathing faint.

'No, no, no… We're almost there… Just hang on for a bit longer…' Mariona grit her teeth as she stumbled on a root, both her and her sister crashing to the ground. 'No… Sis…'

Mariona reached her hand out, but an arrow lodged itself into her back, barely missing her vital organs. She gasped out in pain, the corners of her vision darkening.

"Sis…" She let out a weak whimper as she crawled towards the downed form of her twin sister. Various wounds decorated her sister's body, blood staining the ground red with their essence.

She was bleeding out.

Mariona let out a few tears as she desperately reached towards the figure of her sister. Memories played out as she crawled. The time they were cast out of their village. The time where they were ostracized in the orphanage. The time when they only relied on themselves. The time when the orphanage burned down and everybody else blamed them as the cause.

Getting kicked out of the town and living out their lives in monster infested territory in their teens…

'No… I won't let you die…!' Suddenly gaining vigor, Mariona crawled faster, intent on reaching her sister to protect her from the incoming waves of enemy soldiers.

And then pain…

Mariona screamed, even as she lost air. Rising from her unconsciousness, Merethyl saw the moment her sister lost her leg. Her eyes dilated, rage and despair coursing through her veins.

"Damn it, girl, you really had to run didn't you," The human soldier sneered as he grabbed the limb he chopped off and tossed it towards Merethyl, all the while having a demented grin on his face. "That's what you get for running, filthy demi-human."

The rest of the soldiers caught up with the man, their numbers increasing from 1 to a dozen or more.

"Sir, how about a little play before killing them like the low-lives they are?" A soldier from behind piped up from his spot, a baleful smirk adorning his face as he looked down on the twin elves.

"Not a bad idea, lad," their captain agreed with a malicious grin. "You heard 'im boys! Time to have some fun!"

The soldiers cheered and began approaching the two suffering elves.

'Is this it…? Is this where we die…?' Merethyl choked a sob as she desperately tried to reach for her screaming sister. She held her hand out, only for it to be snatched by another soldier with a crazed grin on his face.

"Now now, filthy elf," the soldier laughed as he ripped her clothes to shreds. "You'll be having the honor of having been raped by yours truly, keke haha!"

"… Fuck… You…" Merethyl gasped out, her eyes defying the crazed grin on the soldier's face with all of her being.

"… What did you say…?" The soldier, however, was not impressed. His grin turned into a frown, then into a snarl. "You, bitch. So that's how you're playing, eh…? Well then, enjoy, demi-human cunt!"

The soldier reached for his sword and positioned it above her legs, his grin coming back with full force. He raised it up and laughed dementedly. He brought the sword down and Merethly braced herself for the pain.

Only, it did not come.

Opening her eyes, she saw a sight which she would've never thought would come true.

Jionni was here, protecting her, and he was enraged.


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