Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 41 - A Line To Heaven

A/N: Again, same with the last chap...

Warning! Dark and triggering (and possible depressing) themes ahead! Reader discretion is advised!


"What did you find?" I asked the three chimps who came back a few hours later to relay to me their findings.

"Humans in armor. All heading here." Chia replied without batting an eye.

"Did you see who was leading them…?" Chia nodded her head in affirmation.

"Yes. Human male. Brown hair. Green eyes." My eyes narrowed at the description. Why was Lennon leading the soldiers here?

"Can you tell me what state he was in?" Chia nodded once more, but this time, her face began to scrunch up in disgust. That does not look good.

"… Yes… Human bloody… Chained… Numerous wounds…" I gnashed my teeth. Of all the fucking things…

I growled in anger. If I got any angrier, I was sure to pop a blood vessel.

"Domino," I contacted Domino once again. She still looks scared, but was powering through with sheer determination. "Tell everybody in the Dungeon to prepare themselves. It looks like we have an unexpected guest coming."

Domino nodded and I cut off the comms.

"Chia, get ready." I advised the female chimp and she nodded with determination. She left just as quickly as she reported.


~ Third Person Pov ~

"Move it filthy demi-human lover!" The soldier tasked with keeping a tight leash on Lennon kicked the injured man in the back to force him to keep moving. Lennon gasped as he crashed into the ground, painful coughs coming from his mouth as he struggled to get up.

The soldier was about to kick Lennon once more, but his commanding officer quickly put a stop to that.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" His stern voice froze the soldier where he stood.

"S-sir! This filthy demi-human lover was slowing down, so I thought a good kick could get him running!" The soldier explained his reasoning with an anxious gaze. The commanding officer, however, sighed at the stupidity of his subordinate.

"If he dies before we get to the Dungeon Nicolas and Bentley told us about, it will be your head on the pike on the morrow." The soldier paled at the notion of getting beheaded and having his head displayed on a pike for all to see.

Lennon, lying on the ground in too much pain, was unable to witness the exchange. If he did, he would've laughed at the soldier's expense.

"Go on, help the man up and, for Phoemis' sake, stop abusing him," the commanding officer patted the shoulder guard of the soldier. "Let him enjoy the remaining time he has left before we kill him."

The soldier nodded hastily as he propped Lennon back up with a speed rivaling that of a skilled medic. I guess fear is a good motivator after all.

They kept on marching through the dense foliage, their numbers reaching about 100 and more. This was all the new town lord could send to subjugate the Dungeon that could be a threat later on the line once the Monster Surge starts in a few months.

The march was silent with no one talking, only the sounds of boots marking the mud and dirt with their symbols. It wasn't long before they came upon a cave that was obviously a Dungeon, since the commanding officer was somewhat of a mage himself.

"Now, go on, finish the deal we made." The commanding officer nudged Lennon to move forward. Lennon grit his teeth, but relented and followed his commands to the letter. He limped his way towards the cave, stumbling from time to time due to how groggy and exhausted he was.

Once he reached the mouth of the cave, he stood straight and looked up.

"Jionni…" His voice for the first time came as a whisper, his throat aching at the exertion.

The commanding officer tapped the soldier right next to him who was holding a bow. The soldier nodded and readied his bow. His aim focused on the figure of the trembling Lennon.

"Jionni…!" Lennon's face was full of pain. His heart thumping loudly in his ear drums. He couldn't tell where was left or right. He couldn't even tell where the front and back were.

The string stretched; an arrow ready to be fired. The commanding officer tapped another archer and he, too, did the same. It wouldn't be long now until their grips were released and the arrows were sent flying.

"JIONNI!" Lennon mustered one last cry as his shout echoed throughout the cave. At the same time, the commanding officer signaled one of the archers to let loose, the arrow flying straight and through towards Lennon's head.

"NO!" a shout rang through the trees. Lennon was conscious enough to hear it and turned his head at the reason. His heart dropped when he saw his lover drop to the ground, an arrow piercing her eye as she collapsed to the ground motionless.

"Kayla…?" Lennon stumbled over, tears beginning to pour out of his eyes as he beheld the corpse of his beloved. "No! Kayla! KAYLA!"

He tumbled on the ground, his feet snagging on a rock. He crawled instead, no longer having control of his legs as he used his arms to inch himself across the dirt. "Kayla! KAYLA!"

Forgetting the pain in his throat, he yelled out to the heavens, his lover's name. All the while, the soldiers looked upon the scene with disgust.

"… How shameful…" The commanding officer sighed out as he signaled for the other archer to let loose his arrow.

Lennon reached the corpse of his lover, hugging her cold body all the while muttering her name. She would never move again, never fulfill her dream of having children… Never grow old with him as they watch their children and grandchildren play about…


This question rang in his head over and over like a broken tape recorder. He hugged the corpse of his lover even tighter, refusing to let go of her cold, dead body.


They were supposed to get married the next month. They already had everything planned out. Their wedding rings safely tucked inside a secret compartment in a drawer within their newly purchased house…

'Why…? Why…?'

Why did this have to happen…? Why…?

'Why…? Why…? Why…?'

'Oh… I know why…'

It was that damn Dungeon Master's fault. He couldn't let go of his hatred… He couldn't let go of the betrayal.

'His fault… His fault…'

He left them to die. He knew… He knew they were here… How else was he able to know when they approached the cave with only a white flag when they didn't even announce they were there?

'His fault… His fault… His fault…'

Lennon snarled, his rage overtaking his mind as he screamed bloody murder towards the skies.

'His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… His fault… HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…! HIS FAULT…!'

And just as brief as his rage was, so was his life. An arrow pierced his throat as tears flowed down like a river down his cheeks, the droplets pitter-pattering on the corpse of his beloved. He collapsed on the ground, his right hand cupping the cheek of his lover while his left hand grasped her other with their engagement rings on.

"Kay…la…" His voice was slowly waning. His vision slowly darkened. His thoughts slowly fading. And his last words to his deceased beloved were...

"I… love… you…"


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