Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 255 Deceiving Them Again.

Aiden nodded his head a little then stated, "Yes, that's what we agreed, but you were aware of what was happening, right?".

"What was happening?". Lucia uttered with a bit of confused facial expression.

"The stuff going on between our kingdom and the Chuvulan Kingdom".

"Oh! Yes, I was aware of that, my dad went for several meetings 'cause of it". Lucia voiced out once again.

"Yes, that's the reason why I couldn't visit your academy within the time that we agreed on. I couldn't just bring myself to come here when those things were happening". Aiden explained.

Lucia nodded her head in understanding then said, "I understand, yeah, it was a bit of a scary situation, imagine if a war had ensued 'cause of it".

"It would have been really bad". Said Aiden.

..Meanwhile, she had no idea that Aiden's father was one of the head warriors that embarked on the journey to pay tributes to both kingdoms and also escorted the king to the Chuvulan Kingdom again.

She had no idea he was the son of Ethan Dankworth...his only son.

"So, are you in the mood to have sex with me today? 'Cause I'm definitely in the mood to f**k you". Aiden uttered to Lucia once again.

"Yes, I'm in the mood to have sex with you, as I said, I've been waiting for you. I'd like for us to go to an inn right now, but that wouldn't be possible 'cause I have to inform the boy and the knight that does pick me up from school, I have to lie to them,

You're already aware of this, I've told you this before, right?". Lucia stated.

"Yes, you've told me before".

"I have to tell them I'm gonna hang out with friends again which they'd definitely believe 'cause it's been some weeks since I last said something like this to them. As said, we'd try not to make it frequent at all,

And once I've already told them this, tomorrow, we'd be able to visit an inn again and f**k, I want to have a taste of your huge dick again. You can be assured that we'd bang tomorrow".

Aiden nodded his head, it was simple, he'd have to wait for he wants to f**k her pussy tomorrow. Now, Aiden and Lucia were conversing freely with each other, but their voices weren't that audible so people wouldn't hear what they were talking about.

But they'd lose guard a little 'cause they were conversing freely with each other not minding the people glancing at them which they've been doing before.

Remember, some students had noticed Lucia had been conversing and getting closer to a certain boy recently. And they knew the boy she was close who was this new guy?

They'd been minding their business all this while, but it might get to the time when they wouldn't mind their business anymore and go report to the boy she was close to about the certain boy she was getting closer to.

And again, the boy happens to be handsome.

..Would it get to the time when they wouldn't mind their business anymore and go report to the boy? Well, let's see.

"I guess I'd have to get going now". Said Aiden.

"How I wish you could stay with me". Lucia voiced out.

"Yes, I'd love to do that, but it's not possible. I'd be here again tomorrow".

Lucia nodded her head a little, and with that, Aiden began walking off until he had strolled out of the academy completely. As he was walking on the road, he just kept thinking about what tomorrow would be like.

How he'd bang Lucia and all that...unless there's a disappointment. And what would be the disappointment, 'We wouldn't be able to have sex today as well, something happened'.


Both Lucia and the boy were in the carriage currently as the knight was riding them home. Yes, after Aiden left, the knight arrived at the academy. And not long after that, the boy arrived at the compound.

The both of them walked into the carriage as the knight put the horse in motion. Now, they were heading toward the Wacan Community where the boy and Lucia's homes were situated.

..And you know what? Lucia was thinking of how she'd begin the speech.

She wanted to tell them that she'd be hanging out with friends tomorrow, you know, the normal lie. She wouldn't be able to tell the knight currently 'cause he wasn't in the carriage with them.

So she plans on telling the boy first before they reach their destination. And when they'd reached their destination, she'd now relay the same information to the knight.

She has to tell him this before they reach their destination, so she quickly mustered up courage and voiced out. Now, why would she have to muster up courage to tell him something?

That's 'cause what she wanted to tell him was a lie. And when you know you're about to lie to a person you're close to, and you're the one to trigger the conversation, it wouldn't be easy.

"Ummm, I want to tell you something". Lucia uttered to the boy.

"What is it?". The boy inquired of Lucia glancing at her.

She went straight to the point, "So, I'd be hanging out with friends tomorrow, it would be happening again. What does that mean? I wouldn't be able to ride in this carriage tomorrow and go home with you as well".

"You'd be hanging out with friends?". The boy questioned like he didn't hear well, but he did.

"Yes, I just said that now". Lucia stated.

"But it hasn't been too long since you hung out with friends last".

"It hasn't been too long? It's been weeks".

"That's why I said it hasn't been too long, weeks isn't too long? Shouldn't it be taking months before you'd be hanging out with friends?". The boy stated with a kind of expression on his face.

"Months is too long, but who knows, after this one, it might take months before I'd hang out with them again. I'm telling you this 'cause this is what we agreed on, I should inform you first before hanging out with friends,

Remember, I didn't engage in it in the past that much, so allow me to enjoy it in the meantime". Uttered Lucia.

The boy nodded his head a little, then uttered, "Okay, you're free to hang out with them tomorrow, thanks for informing me".

..From his facial expression, he wasn't too happy about it, he wanted him and Lucia to ride home tomorrow.

But nothing can be done about it, she wants to hang out with friends, then he'd have to let her be. He was still speaking,

"So, have you informed him about it?".

He was referring to the knight riding them home, and Lucia immediately understood.

"No, not yet. I'd inform him about it once we arrive at my house". Lucia responded.

The boy nodded his head a little, then he threw a question at her, "So, who are the friends you'd be hanging out with? Can you signify them?".

..Now, this was definitely a tough question that had put her on the spot already 'cause she wasn't actually hanging out with any friends.

"You don't have to know them, all you need to know is that I'd be hanging out with friends tomorrow".

She was just hoping he wouldn't start suspecting 'cause of the reply she gave to him. And yes, he wouldn't start suspecting as for now.

"Okay, you just have to promise me you'd hang out with friends and come back safely tomorrow. You know you're the daughter of a high-ranked chief, so you have to be really cautious". The boy uttered.

A smile appeared on Lucia's face as she voiced out, "I promise".

The boy only nodded his head, and they were done with that topic. And Lucia's heart was really glad at that moment, she had been able to deceive one, it was remaining one.

..Once she was done deceiving the other one, then it was a sure thing she and Aiden would get to have sex tomorrow.

They arrived in front of Lucia's house, and the boy came out of the carriage, conversed with Lucia a little as a smile was plastered to his face, then he began heading toward his home.

After that had taken place, the knight rode the horse and carriage into the compound. Now, before Lucia walked into the house, she informed the knight about it.

Now, the knight reacted somehow after Lucia relayed the information to him, just like the boy's reaction. But he had no choice but to agree to it, at least, she and him had talked about this before.

And not only did they talk about it, he agreed to it, so there was no excuse now not to allow her do what she wanted to do.

..But he told her, 'Be cautious while you're out there, I'd be in big trouble if anything happens to you'.

And definitely, Lucia would be cautious when heading to an inn with Aiden.


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