Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 254 What Happened?

They reached a certain horse, untied it, and both of them mounted it. And Ethan didn't waste putting it in motion as he rode it out of the compound.

Yes, Aiden had learned a lot concerning horse riding, but there were still some things to learn, he wasn't perfect yet. So due to that, he can't take the risk of riding a horse on his own yet.

That was too risky, imagine an accident occurring on the would be too bad. As they were riding in the village square, Aiden was thinking about the time when knights were escorting him to and fro from school.

This was after his dad embarked on the journey to pay tributes to the Mepaidian and Chuvulan Kingdom. And even when he journeyed to the Chuvulan Kingdom again, it still happened.

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face, he enjoyed those moments. He felt like a boss, eyes were always on him, and his two friends Oliver and Ava partook from the enjoyment as well.

When he wants to trek home, knights would be following both him, Ava, and Oliver from behind like they were royalty, like they were princes and princess.

..Yes, the feeling was really nice.

But it was over now, his dad was back, knights escorting him would stop in the meantime. Well, his dad riding him to school was better, he preferred his dad's company to the Knights' company.

His dad kept putting the horse in motion until they arrived at Aiden's academy. After Aiden came down from the horse, he rode off.

Right now, Aiden was in his classroom and a certain teacher was in front of their classroom teaching them. A female teacher dressed in red robe was the one teaching them.

She brought her board along as usual, and she was writing something on the board right now which she told them to jot down. And they were doing it, as she was writing, they were writing as well.

A book was in front of Aiden as he was jotting down what was being written on the board as well. He held the reed pen well as writings were appearing on the page of the book.

..As known, the writings weren't just appearing automatically, he was the one writing them.

And after the teacher was done writing, she began explaining as the students listened. Now, this was a female teacher, but Aiden doesn't fancy her at all.

He doesn't consider her that beautiful, and he doesn't want to f**k her. Now, not like the lady was ugly or something, no, but she wasn't that beautiful. Her beauty can't be compared to Miss Alice's or Miss Sandra's.

But that wasn't of business to the lady, she wasn't here to drag beauty with the female teachers, she wasn't here for competition. She was here to do her job which was teaching and get paid for it.

After she was done explaining, she wrote a few things on the board again which the students wrote down. And by now, she had already rounded up with the teaching.

She took her board and walked out of the classroom. After she had walked out of the classroom, Aiden didn't waste time putting his book and reed pen back into his school bag.

..And do you know what followed next? He began thinking about Lucia.

Yes, he was gonna visit her academy today to see if she was in the mood to have sex with him. And even if she was in the mood, it would have to happen the next day.

But he should still go today since that's how they planned it. And you know what? He'd have to do the same thing since he was going to her academy.

He'd have to leave the classroom without Oliver and Ava's knowledge again, he wouldn't be able to go home with them today.

Oliver and Ava had noticed this numerous times. Once it gets to closing hour, he'd suddenly disappear from the classroom without informing them, and they were getting used to it.

They barely question him about it nowadays, he can choose to be leaving anytime he wants...

After the female teacher stepped out of their classroom, more teachers stepped foot into their classroom, both males and females. Some of their teachings were interesting, while some were pretty boring.

When the boring teachings ended, the students couldn't be happier...someone could die of boredom.

It got to break hour, and both students and teachers visited the cafeteria to eat. They paid, they were served, and after they were done eating, they left the cafeteria.

..Right now, it had gotten to closing hour, it was about time for everyone to go home.

Aiden immediately carried his bag and walked out of the classroom. He arrived at the compound and began walking out of it as well. At this point, he'd be the first person to walk out of the academy.

..In fact, there was barely any student on the compound currently.

After he had finished walking out of the compound, he began heading toward the Bupia Community where the Trailes Academy was situated...where Lucia's academy was situated.

You know what? After he had walked out of the classroom, Oliver stood up from his seat and glanced at Aiden's seat, but he was nowhere to be found.

He wanted to tell Aiden something, and he was very disappointed when he didn't find him in his seat. This same thing happened again, him leaving the classroom without informing them.

Oliver glanced at Ava and gave her the look of, 'Aiden has left without our notice again'. She understood immediately, and she glanced at Aiden's seat to confirm what Oliver was saying...and it was true.

..She wasn't that surprised though, this wasn't the first time something like this would be happening.

It had happened countless times...she did nothing more than shake her head a little.

Meanwhile, Aiden was journeying toward the Bupia Community. And he wasn't the only one walking on the road, he was walking past different people.

He journeyed and journeyed until he arrived at the Bupia Community. Then he began heading toward the Trailes Academy.

And as of now, he had arrived at the academy as he was standing in front of it currently. He just stood there glancing at the fence surrounding the buildings.

'I'm here again'. He thought to himself.

Yes, he had come here countless times, and he'd still come here some more in the future. One of his harem members was attending this academy.

He walked into the compound, and according to what he was seeing, their bell had been rung to signify closing hour, but it hadn't been long since it took place.

As known, his academy would always close first before theirs. Even though it took him minutes to arrive here, they were just closing. Students were already walking in the corridors, and they'd soon arrive at the compound.

He began scanning among those students to see if he'd sight Lucia there, but he didn't see her. Yes, he wasn't really expecting to see her, he knew it would take some minutes after the closing bell had ranged before she'd arrive on the compound.

Horses began riding into the compound, yes, parents that wanted to pick up their kids. And by now, students were already arriving at the compound.

..All Aiden was waiting for was for Lucia to arrive at the compound.

The first thing was to see her walking in the corridor where her classroom was situated. He stood there for minutes until he finally sighted her walking in the corridor, and a smile appeared on his face at that moment.

His heart gladdened, in the next few seconds, she'd arrive on the compound and they'd be able to discuss.

And that's exactly what happened, she arrived at the compound, and it didn't even take up to six seconds for her to notice Aiden. Aiden stood at a spot where she'd be able to sight him easily, so that's why it didn't take time for her to notice him.

The moment she set eyes on him, a smile appeared on her face, and she began walking toward him. She had been waiting for him.

Meanwhile, when she smiled, it made her look so pretty...gosh! an epitome of beauty. Aiden even felt butterflies in his stomach when she smiled.

She reached where he was standing, and the first thing she did was glance at the corridor where her classroom was situated. Yes, she was searching for the boy she was close to.

She didn't sight him, so she focused her gaze back on Aiden. She has to be really cautious 'cause we all know what would happen if the boy sees the both of them conversing together.

..His suspicion was right all along.

"I've been waiting for you, according to what we agreed, you'd come either next week or the upper one, but you didn't, both have passed. What happened?". Lucia uttered to Aiden.


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