Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 256 Glad.

She had been able to deceive the second one, so tomorrow, she'd be able to have sex with Aiden for sure...she'd get to have a taste of his massive dick again.

But she has to be very cautious when heading out of her academy with Aiden 'cause the boy she was close to could be watching.

..And again, her mum and dad must never find out about what she was doing.


Meanwhile, while Aiden was at home, he was thinking about tomorrow. You know, how he'd be able to f**k Lucia. So right now, he has two sex partners, two harem members.

..And they were Lucia and Anne.

It was nighttime currently, and all the Dankworth family were home and had even eaten dinner. He was in his room currently, and you know what? It hadn't been too long since he completed today's daily quest.

What was the quest? To drink two cups of water which he easily accomplished. This wouldn't be the first time the system would be giving him a quest to drink a certain amount of water.

Even if the system gives him the quest to finish three cups of water, he'd accomplish it though it would be a little hard. Well, he accomplished the quest and received the rewards.

The normal Exp and Skill points, so his skill points and Exp were increasing. Once it gets to the time for him to level up, he will.

Right now, he was just thinking of how he'd be able to bang Lucia tomorrow...yes, that was the only thought running through his mind currently. Damn! What a pervert he was.

Then from thinking about her only, he began thinking of the boy she was close to. He had been able to avoid that boy to the best of his capability, and he plans on doing so continuously.

..That boy mustn't see him, as known, things would happen if he does.

And you know what would make the situation worse? If he finds out that something was going on between him and Lucia...the so-called girl he was dating.

He was banging the so-called girl he was dating? That would definitely lead to something else. Well, Aiden's thought switched once again, he began thinking about something else.

He went back to thinking about Lucia. And after the passing of some minutes, he muttered to himself...

"I hope there'd be no unnecessary story tomorrow when it's about time for us to begin heading to an inn. I want to have a taste of her pussy".

..He was feeling sleepy already, so he freed his mind at that moment, it was about time for him to go to sleep.

He lay on his bed, and in minutes, he had dozed off.


The next day had reached, and Aiden had already arrived at school. And you know what? He trekked to it, his dad didn't ride him.

Yes, that was what he wanted, he said he wanted to trek, and his dad allowed him. As he was walking on the road, his mind was busy, and his walking pace was fast.

He reached his destination quickly due to his fast walking pace. But by the time he arrived at it, lots of students were already present both in their classrooms and on the compound.

The ones on the compound weren't just standing in one spot, they were heading toward their classrooms. And Aiden was doing the same as well, he was heading toward his classroom.

Neither Oliver nor Ava asked him about his sudden disappearance yesterday. As said, they were getting used to it, they don't have to be asking him all the time anytime something like that happens.

While they were heading toward the cafeteria and even came out of it, they didn't ask him about it. Well, he liked that to an extent, they shouldn't ask him, it would make things easier for him.

..And he'd also be doing the same thing today...he'd leave the classroom without their notice.

They shouldn't be signified about it, they shouldn't know. He has to leave on time and begin heading toward Lucia's academy to see if he'd be able to f**k her today.

It got to closing hour, and he truly repeated the same thing, he left the classroom without their notice. In fact, he was the first person to leave the classroom and almost the first person to arrive at the compound.

After arriving at the compound, he walked out of it and began heading toward the Bupia Community once again. He journeyed until he arrived at the Bupia Community, then he began heading toward the Trailes Academy.

..And now, he had arrived at the Trailes Academy again, the journey ends.

Then he walked into the compound, and he was seeing the same thing. They were just closing, it hadn't been too long since the bell rang to signify closing hour.

Students were already walking in the corridors, and they'd soon arrive at the compound. All he has to do was wait for Lucia, nothing else. Students were already arriving at the compound, but he hadn't sighted Lucia walking in the corridor.

Yes, his gaze was fixed on the corridor where her classroom was situated, but he hadn't sighted her walking in it. She should come out of her classroom on time so they could begin heading to an inn on time as well.

..She was aware he'd be coming today as well, so he was just hoping she'd come out of her classroom on time.

And she did, in the next few seconds, she stepped out of her classroom. And immediately after doing that, she glanced at the compound while standing in the corridor.

She scanned around until she sighted Aiden, and a smile appeared on her face at that moment, a smile also appeared on Aiden's face. She began walking in the corridor heading toward the staircase.

Now, she was being cautious while walking, she wasn't just strolling. The boy she was close to might be watching her, so she had to be very cautious.

She was walking and glancing around, she had even walked past his classroom by now. There was no sign that he was watching her or something, so she faced front.

She descended all the staircases and arrived at the compound. And the moment she arrived at the compound, she glanced at that corridor once again.

She didn't sight the boy or any stuff like that, so she began walking toward Aiden. The knight wouldn't be coming to pick her up today 'cause of what she told him, she'd be hanging out with friends today.

So there was no need for him to come pick her would just be a waste of time. She reached where Aiden was standing with that smile still plastered to her face, and Aiden was smiling a little as well.

"So, how have you been?". Aiden inquired of her.

"Doing good". Lucia responded.

"So, were you able to lie to them? And did they believe you?". Aiden inquired of her once again.

"Yes, I was able to lie to them, and they believed me as well".

After making that utterance, she then lowered her voice more before voicing out once again,

"We'd be able to have sex today".

The smile on Aiden's face widened, then he said, "That's good to hear, let's get going then, no time to waste".

"Start walking, I'd follow you from behind to avoid too much suspicion". Lucia said to him.

..And with that, Aiden began walking with his school bag on, and Lucia began following him from behind.

The both of them strolled until they'd finished walking out of the school compound completely. And now, they were heading toward an inn.

After they had walked for some minutes, Lucia then hastened her pace, walked past Aiden, and now, she was the one in front and leading the way.

..This was repeating itself, they were heading toward an inn to bang.

As they walked, Lucia tried to be hiding her face so people wouldn't recognize her, she doesn't want any questions. As for Aiden, he wasn't hiding his face at all, he doesn't care if anyone recognizes him.

..If you question him and he doesn't feel like answering, he wouldn't.

Lucia was the one that was gonna pay for the room they'd make use of, so she was the one that was gonna choose the inn they'd make use of as well.

He was banging two girls currently, and they were the ones that always pay for the room they'd make use of whenever they wanted to f**k...can you see that?

..That's how much they adore him, that's how much they loved his dick.

Do you know how happy Lucia was as they were strolling? She was glad she'd get to have a taste of Aiden's dick again. She wasn't smiling or any stuff like that, but her heart was filled with joy.

They kept journeying until they arrived at an inn, and this one was different, it doesn't seem familiar to Aiden at all...seems like this was a new inn.


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