Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 253 Sudden Promotion.

And he did, he didn't waste time voicing it out, "Would you guys like to spend the night in my kingdom before you start journeying back to your kingdom?

I mean, it's evening already, you should spend the night in my kingdom".

The knights and warriors were amazed by the king's utterance. Not only has he changed his mind concerning the increasing of tributes, he was also telling them to spend the night in his kingdom.

..Wasn't that nice? Yes, it was really nice.

Who were they to reject? It was a really good idea. It would even be good for their king so he can rest and eat something nice after all the effort he's put into changing the king's mind.

Well, they spent the night in the Chuvulan Kingdom, and they ate there as well. They were given nice rooms, and they slept really comfortably.

They were able to sleep peacefully 'cause they'd achieved the reason why they were here. The king coming along wasn't in vain, they changed the king's mind, and no war occurred...nothing of that sort.

..Why wouldn't they sleep comfortably?

The next day arrived, and they began waking up from sleep, it was time for them to begin journeying back to their kingdom.

They bathed and brushed their teeth, and right now, they were fully ready to begin the journey. But they wouldn't just leave like that? They ate first. And after they were done eating, the king entered the carriage, and the knights and warriors mounted their different horses.

After the king and others had waved them goodbye, they put their horses in motion. They didn't stop until they were out of the Chuvulan Kingdom completely.

And even after coming out of the Chuvulan Kingdom, they were still in motion. Coming out of the Chuvulan Kingdom doesn't mean the journey has ended, instead, it has just started.

So they'd keep journeying until they get to their destination. And so they did, they kept riding their horses without putting them to a halt at all.

While journeying, they conversed about how everything has been settled. You know, they wouldn't need to double the tributes anymore when delivering them to the Chuvulan Kingdom.

They talked about that for a long time as the king was listening to them in his carriage. And there was a smile on his face throughout, he was happy he was able to do this.

He was happy he was able to make the knights and warriors glad that they even had to be conversing about it. And this would be the same case for the people of the Tuvalon Kingdom when they reach it.

..They'd be glad that everything has been settled, and that would only make the king happier.

They passed some kingdoms while journeying, and that's to be expected. And they made sure to spend the night in those kingdoms. As said, they didn't want their king to spend the night on a hill.

And they also came across obstacles, wild dogs, and one rank-2 magical beast. They killed all the wild dogs they came across without any of them getting hurt, and they also brought down the magical beast they came across.

..And by now, they had already arrived at the Tuvalon Kingdom.

Home sweet home, it felt good to be back home. As they were riding their horses on the road heading toward the king's palace, people were glancing at them. And a lot was running through their minds at that moment.

They were wondering, 'Was the king able to resolve the issue with the king of the Chuvulan Kingdom? Would the tributes still need to be doubled anytime they want to go pay them?'.

..Yes, they were asking themselves these questions, and they'd soon find answers to them.

They arrived at the king's palace, and the knights present there welcomed them. The king couldn't be more thankful to the noble that suggested he goes to the Chuvulan Kingdom to discuss with the king.

When he made that suggestion, he was rebuked, but it happens to be a really good one. The king was just glad that he accepted the suggestion and implemented it.

And you know what? He was a low-ranked noble, but the king was planning to increase his was based on probability. After the king came out of the carriage, he thanked the knights and warriors for protecting him throughout the journey.

The warriors began heading to their different homes, and that was the same case for Ethan. As for the knights, they stayed with the king.

Now, the king didn't waste time calling for a meeting of all the chiefs and nobles once again. While present at the palace, they talked about everything that took place in the Chuvulan Kingdom, yes, the king relayed everything to them.

..It's been settled, the tributes wouldn't need to be doubled anymore.

The chiefs and nobles were happy to hear this, this was definitely good news. Ethan was present among them, and this was something he was already aware of.

And you know what? The king truly planned on promoting the low-ranked noble that made the suggestion. While everyone was saying almost the same thing, he was the only one that made a different suggestion, the one that stood out.

He was smart, he doesn't deserve to be in that low rank. And once he's been promoted, the respect he'd be receiving would increase, and his earning as a noble would increase as well.

The king promoted him on that day, and he was very surprised, he wasn't expecting it at all. The chiefs and nobles were also surprised, they weren't expecting it either. The king doesn't even need his family to be here to give him the promotion.

So he was now an average-ranked noble, he was really glad...

Look at how the suggestion he made had increased his rank. And remember, he was worried at a certain point after he made that suggestion and the king accepted it.

Why was he worried? If anything happens to the king on his way to the Chuvulan Kingdom or on his way back, people would blame him 'cause it was his suggestion.

But now, look, it was that same suggestion that had increased his rank as a noble, wasn't that great?

"I did this 'cause he deserved it". The king voiced out.

..That only made some other low-rank officials become jealous at that moment, but nothing can be done about it.

He's been promoted already, they'd just have to keep their jealousy to themselves. After the promotion had already taken place, the king and the officials discussed for some minutes more, then the king dismissed them.

Note, Asher has been among them for every meeting they've been holding, he was still a high-ranked chief.

The news spread around the Tuvalon Kingdom, the tributes wouldn't need to be doubled anymore anytime they want to go pay them. And this was due to their king...they were so proud of him.

The respect people had for him increased, he was a great king. Those that were confused if they were able to achieve anything after coming back from the Chuvulan Kingdom wouldn't be confused anymore.

..The news had spread, they were able to achieve something.


Aiden was so glad that everything had been settled, the paying of tributes stuff had been settled, now, he can visit Lucia's academy again.

Remember, according to what he and Lucia agreed, he was supposed to visit her academy either next week or the upper one. Well, both had passed by slightly, and he hadn't still visited her academy.

He didn't go on purpose due to what was happening. Something was happening between their kingdom and the Chuvulan Kingdom, and he'd be visiting a girl's academy to see if he can have sex with her?

He didn't just have the mind to do it, so he waited until everything has been settled which has already happened...and now, he'd be able to visit her academy again to see if she was in the mood to have sex with him.

He was gonna do it today, and you know what? He was hoping she'd be in the mood to have sex with him, he wanted to bang, he wanted to f**k her sweet pussy again.

But then, he remembered something, 'Even if she's in the mood to have sex with me today, it wouldn't be possible 'cause she'd have to inform that boy close to her and the knight that does pick her up from school. She'd have to lie to them'.

..That killed his mood, yes, that definitely killed his mood.

But there was still hope, this was the next thought that ran through his mind...

'Even if it doesn't happen today, it would most likely happen the next day. That is still good at least'.

The moment that thought ran through his mind, Ethan's voice resounded in his ears,

"Aiden, let's move".

Yes, it was currently morning, and Ethan was about to ride Aiden to school. Aiden walked out of the house as he was following his dad from behind.


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