Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 252 Changing His Mind.

The beast was smart, after giving it several injuries, they tried to get to its core numerous times, but it wasn't letting them. But you trust them, they knew they had to bring down the beast no matter what.

No matter what it does, even though it keeps stopping them, they must bring it down...

And so they did, they brought it down, everyone tried to play a role in bringing it down. Yes, it was a certain knight that destroyed its core completely and brought it down, but the rest played a part in injuring it.

..Yes, each person tried to slash it once or twice on the body to weaken it a little.

Now that it has been brought down, they were gonna resume the journey. They all mounted their different horses once again as they continued embarking on the journey.

As of now, they had covered kilometers again, and they hadn't come across another obstacle after the rank-3 magical beast. As they were covering kilometers, they were getting closer to the Chuvulan Kingdom.

..Before they know it, they'd arrive at the kingdom, hope things would go well in it.

Another day has passed, another night has come and gone, and now, they had gotten really close to the Chuvulan Kingdom.

"We are getting really close to the Chuvulan Kingdom". Ethan said to another warrior close to him as both of them were riding their horses.

The warrior nodded his head a little and voiced out, "Yes, we are getting really close to it. Hope things go well".

"Yeah, we just have to keep hoping".

..Right now, they had arrived at the Chuvulan Kingdom already...finally.

As they were riding their horses on the road, people were glancing at them as usual. And you know what? Some people were wondering. Yes, some of them saw them in this kingdom days ago, so why were they here again?

Remember, some of them knew they were knights and warriors from the Tuvalon Kingdom. And they remember seeing them in this kingdom days ago to pay the normal tributes, so the question remains...

..Why were they here again?

'Didn't they end up paying the tributes that day? Did something happen?'.

Yes, those were the thoughts running through some of their minds. They weren't aware, the news didn't spread around, they didn't know their king requested an increase in the tributes when next they come to pay it.

So that's why they were here. They didn't even have an idea that a little battle almost occurred on that day. They saw their horses riding past, they even saw the carriage, but they didn't know the king was in it.

The carriage was well covered that people wouldn't be able to see the person in it properly. They were seeing the knights and warriors riding past, but they didn't know the king was with them.

All they were doing at that moment was asking themselves different questions. One of them was, why were they in this kingdom again?

..Well, they'd have to keep questioning themselves without finding answers to their questions.

They kept riding their horses until they arrived at the king's palace. When the king sighted them, he quickly stood up from his throne. And do you know what was running through his mind at that moment?...

'Why are they here again? Have they come to wage war this time?'.

..Meanwhile, he had no idea that their king was with them.

He had sighted the carriage by now, but he didn't know the king was in it. The moment he stood up from his throne, none of his family members were sitting close to him, he said to the two knights beside him,

"Get ready, maybe they've come to wage war this time".

A kind of perplexed expression appeared on one of the Knights' faces as he voiced out,

"But their number reduced, they aren't as many as they were the last time they came to this kingdom".

"Just get ready". The king uttered once again glancing at the knight with a kind of annoyed facial expression.

The knight has no choice but to do as the king said. The king said to the two knights once again,

"Follow me".

And after making that utterance, he began walking as the two knights began following him from behind. There were two knights in front of the palace as well.

So the moment the king reached outside, he gave the knights the look of, 'Get ready', and they understood immediately. Who knows? Maybe they weren't here to wage war against them, but the king doesn't want to take the risk.

He stood there glancing at them along with the knights. After parking their horses well, knights and warriors of the Tuvalon Kingdom began coming down from them.

And at that moment, the king's voice resounded,

"Why are you guys here again? Any problem?".

"No problem". One of the warriors voiced out as he was walking toward the king, but he doesn't plan on reaching him.

"Then why are you guys here again if there's no problem? Or have you come to wage war this time?". The king's voice resounded again.

..Now, the king of the Tuvalon Kingdom heard his utterances while in the carriage.

He even heard the last one about waging war, and that was enough for him to discern how annoying the king had become. He just saw them in front of his palace, and he was already talking about waging war?

..Maybe he was so eager to wage war with them knowing they'd win.

"We aren't here to wage war either, someone is here with us". Ethan stated.

And an inquisitive expression appeared on the king's face at that moment...who was the person they were speaking of?

A certain knight opened the carriage where the king was in, and the king stepped out with a certain kind of aura around him.

Now, when speaking of the aura, it wasn't magical power or anything, it was just the way the king emerged, the way he came out of the carriage.

And the moment the king of the Chuvulan Kingdom set eyes on him, they widened. He was like, 'So the king journeyed to this kingdom?'.

He just stood there glancing at the king of the Tuvalon Kingdom in awe, he was surprised, he wasn't expecting the king would come. And he easily discerned why he was here, 'cause of what he said about the increasing of the tributes.

The king of the Tuvalon Kingdom began walking toward the king of the Chuvulan Kingdom slowly. The king of the Chuvulan Kingdom just stood there without moving an inch.

As for the knights and warriors, they just stood on one spot glancing at the both of them waiting for what would happen next.

..It wasn't easy, the king of the Chuvulan and Tuvalon Kingdom discussed for hours, and it was concerning the paying of tributes stuff.

You see? Things were different this time, he mellowed down after seeing another king. But while he and the knights and warriors were talking about this same issue, he kept standing his ground.

He was f**king annoying, he didn't give a listening ear to anything they were saying. When they were done talking, he'd stand his ground again.

But now, things were different, he and the king of the Tuvalon Kingdom sat down to discuss while the knights and warriors waited. It was a long talk, as said, it took hours.

For everything the king of the Tuvalon Kingdom was saying, the king of the Chuvulan Kingdom would have something to say as well. The king of the Tuvalon Kingdom found him pretty annoying just as they'd already told him before.

..But you know what? The unexpected happened. The king of the Chuvulan Kingdom changed his mind, he doesn't need the tributes to be doubled anymore.

You see the power of a king? With the king's persuasion, things changed. But when it was the knights and warriors trying to handle it, everything was in vain.

So the king passing through all those dangers to get here wasn't in vain, he was able to change the king's mind, the tributes wouldn't need to be doubled anymore.

So everything was back to normal now, the king wouldn't have to be overthinking anymore. You know, a certain situation can make someone start thinking that it becomes excess.

When the knights and warriors of the Tuvalon Kingdom heard the king had changed his mind, they wouldn't need to double the tributes anymore, they were so happy.

..The air was filled with joy, it was a happy situation. At least, peace would keep reigning.

The news would spread around once they get to the Tuvalon Kingdom, the great king has done it. The respect people have for him would double.

He took the risk to travel to the Chuvulan Kingdom, and it wasn't to waste. Apart from the fact that the king of the Chuvulan Kingdom had changed his mind, something else would happen.

..He wants to tell them to spend the night in his kingdom before they start journeying back.


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