Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 86: 100 Gold Coinsss

Chapter 86: 100 Gold Coinsss

"The only daughter of Queen Silvia, that is you isn't it?

Princess Ilrina?"

"N-no, I am not!", Ilrina said as she aggressively stood up, spilling the tea she was holding on the floor, "Where did you even think of such an idea!?"

"Why do you think we've been treating you so well?", said Sofia as she once again wiped her spectacles because of the tea that got splashed on it, "Did you really think that I, a direct princess of the human kingdom, will sit in a single carriage with an elf?"

"This", Ilrina's lips trembled as she tried to come up with an excuse, but after a while, she started to calm down and returned to her seat, "Is this why the Lord of that castle did not kill me when they caught me?"

"Oh no, you were just lucky", said Sofia before releasing a devilish laugh, "But to think the princess herself would rescue the boyYou must really value him?"

"Of course!", said Ilrina with pride, "He is the Great Spirit!"

"Really? Even if you do call him this Great Spirit, but he should have been a stranger to you, still?"

"If your deity appears before you, the one that your parents keep telling stories to you about. Won't you do the same?"

Hearing this question, Sofia released a slight chuckle, "I have already met a spirit before, I killed it".

An ominous chill suddenly crawled through Ilrina's bones as she heard Sofia's answer. But she managed to calm herself down as she released a deep sigh.

"The Great Spirit is not a stranger to me. He came out of the weird light, crying for the deaths of my brethren", Ilrina started to recall her memories, closing her eyes in the process, "The Great Spirit was aloof at first, not talking to any of us. But after a few months, he started talking with us. Laughing with us, eating with us"

"It was only when your treants came again that something in the Great Spirit started to change", Ilrina said as she opened her eyes, "When he saw our brethren die because of the assault of your treants, he snapped. He burnt all of them, along with the forest we were hiding in. That was when we knew that he really was the Great Spirit, but then you took him fro- Hey! Are you still listening!?"

Ilrina could not help but stand up again as she saw Sofia no longer listening to her.

"You said he came from a weird light, can you describe it?"


"Let me get that!"

"Mine! Mine!"

"Move! I will get that!"

When the news that a future Gold rank adventurer registered in their city "accidentally" spread, the citizens started posting their requests on the board. It filled up that the receptionists had to attach another board on the wall.

There were even requests coming in from the nearby towns.

"How about it? I brought him here, shouldn't I get something?", once again, Emi was requesting an increase on her commission.

"No! Aren't you a Bronze rank adventurer!?", Antoinette waved her hand as she was busy organizing the quests that the adventurers were accepting, "Go do a quest or something!"

"Eeeh, but the commissions pay more though"

"Stop saying that! It's because you keep saying that that Mr. Voice still has not accepted any quests!"

A week has passed ever since Viel got his adventurer's license, but he has not accepted even a single quest, or even looked at the quest board. He wanted to do the same as Emi, recruiting more people because he realized that Emi was earning more than the average adventurer.

But it would seem that his lack of social interactions made it hard for him to even start a conversation, let alone recruit someone to be an adventurer.

"Viel, you really should pick up a quest before those hoodlums get it all", Emi said as she patted Viel on the shoulder, "Not everyone can work as a recruiter"

Viel turned around to look at her with a pout on his face. Although he still had the silver coins he stole, or rather, borrowed from the princess, it was not going to last long if he doesn't get a source of coin.

"D-don't look at me like that, quick. Just get a quest", Emi said as she pushed Viel forward.

Sadly, though, in the midst of their talk and contemplating, all the quests on the board were almost gone. Only three were left to choose from.

Emi and Antoinette could only sigh as they see Viel approaching the deserted board.

Viel placed his hand on his chin as he examined the quests that were left on the board.

Please slay the goblin that has been roaming around my farm! Reward: My underwear

Please be my guard. Going to the Elven forest to promote peace: 150 silver coins

Please help me find my mother: 100 goldsss

Emi placed her palm on her face, all of these were trash quests. The reward for the escort quest was big, but going to the elven forest? That was suicide.

As for the finding quest, it was obvious that it was posted by a child, as there were scribbles of monsters and dragons on it. This quest has already been plastered there for a month, Emi wonders why Antoinette or the other receptionists don't take it out.

As for the slay quest, well. Only the most desperate of virgins will accept that reward. It also was not indicated whether it's from a man or a woman.

"Viel, maybe you should just wait for tomorro-"

But before Emi can finish her words, Viel ripped off a pamphlet from the board.

And as soon as he did so, the adventurers that were readying to meet their client started to laugh all at the same time.

"Oi oi oi. Why did you pick that?"

"You're wasting your time, kiddo. I saw the one who posted that, it was a boy in rags"

"Ah jeez, now I feel bad. Why don't you join us in our quest?"

The adventurers all had different comments, but ultimately, Viel just ignored all of them. He just walked straight to Antoinette and placed the quest pamphlet on the counter.

"I will do this!", said Viel in a very irritated tone.

"Uhm Are you sure?", Antoinette could not look at Viel in the eye. He kind of felt sorry for him, as their sudden rise in population was because of him, and yet he was left with nothing but scraps.

"Yes, it says 100 Gold. I need the money!"

"You see, this quest is just a pra-"

"Just let the pretty boy be", Emi intruded in the conversation, "I'll come along with him"

Hearing this, Viel furrowed his eyebrows, "Ehwhy?"

"So that you won't get swindled. This is your first quest, after all"

"I won't share you the reward"

"There is no rew-!", Emi once again could not help but place her palm on her face as she sighed, "Tch, fine. You can keep all the rewards"

"Hmm. Fine, but I am watching you", said Viel as he squinted his eyes while looking at Emi.

Emi could not help but groan in frustration. There must be something wrong with this boy's head, she thought.

Finding the right time to intrude on the two's somewhat heated discussion, Antoinette gave them a slip of paper, "This is the address that the boy gave"

Viel took the piece of paper first, but alas, it was not a place he knew. So, Emi took it from his hands.

"Eeh This is", seeing the address that was written on the paper, Emi sighed, "Fine, let's just get this over with"

"You're in luck, Mr. Voice. I just know where this is", said Emi as she signaled for Viel to follow her.

After walking for a few hours, after a few twist and turns, the two finally arrived in a dark alley. There were people in rags sitting on the side of the alley, some were sniffing something out of a bottle, but Viel had no idea what they were doing.

But seeing as Emi led him to a dark alley, Viel started to lift his fist.

"Why do you keep on doing that!?"

"I told you, I hate pedo-"

"I'm not a pedoph- ugh. This is the address our little client gave to the guild!", Emi could not help but groan as she shook her head, "Anyway, according to the description. It should be right here!"

Emi pointed at a ran down tent. There was a small fire lit up on the side, so there should be someone inside, Emi said.

"Watch me, okay? Let me show you how to introduce yourself so you can do it in your next quest", Emi said as she approached the ran down tent, "Hello! We came here for the Finding request that was submitted to the guild a month ago!"

As soon as Emi shouted their purpose, a loud rustle could be heard inside the tent as it shook a couple of time.

After a few more seconds, a boy, looking not much younger than Viel, stepped out of the tent. His face was full of dirt, and the rags he was wearing were almost already torn to bits.

He doesn't smell that nice either. But still, Emi still held a professional smile on her face.

"W-will you help me find my mother!?", the dirty boy shouted as he excitedly approached Emi. His messy gray hair fuming out dust everywhere.

Emi could not help but clear her throat as the dirty boy approached her. "Well, not mehim.", said Emi as she pointed to Viel who was watching her from behind.

As soon as Emi mentioned him, Viel bowed towards the boy.

The dirty boy's eyes widen as he saw Viel. The two then kept staring at each other's eyes for quite some time, without any trace of emotions, they just stared at each other as if they were looking at each other's souls.

This made Emi, who was in the middle, felt slightly awkward. What is wrong with kids nowadays, she thought.

After a few more seconds, the dirty boy smiled and let out a hum, clearly excited.

"You guys will be the one to find my mother!?", said the boy excitedly, but then his expression suddenly died down as it turned into disappointment, "But I only have 100 gold though, just enough for 1 person"

"I told you, boy. I'm just an escort", Emi sighed, "He will be the one to help find your mother"

"Eeeh.. No but", the boy then once again looked straight at Viel's eyes,

"There's 5 of you?"


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