Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 85: Adventurer Name

Chapter 85: Adventurer Name

"Don't worry, little girl. I will sure to return you to mommy in one piece", the man called Li Xue grinned as he took one last sip from the bottle he was holding. He then threw the bottle towards Antoinette, who caught it instinctively, like they have been doing this for a long time.

"He's a boy, Li Xue", Antoinette said.

"Oh? Hehe. Then I guess I won't have to worry about damaging that pretty face of yours, then- ladyboy"

Hearing the word "ladyboy", Viel could not help but furrow his eyebrows. No one has called him a ladyboy before, and for some reason, he did not like it.

"Said by the man who has a name for old ladies that probably likes to study a lot", said Viel as he slowly climbed up the stage, his expression definitely pissed off.

"Last time I fought someone on a stage with a surname Li, I broke his bones", Viel stretched his arms and body, "And I don't even remember doing it", he said as he looked at Li Xue with a mocking smile.

"T-this brat", Li Xue's eyes twitched as Viel continued to provoke him. But he was also quite curious, not a lot of people in this area are knowledgeable about his kind of name, and the boy was pretty young too.

But soon, people gathered in the examination area, not allowing Li Xue to inquire about how the boy came upon such knowledge.

These people were the ones that were fighting for the quest that was attached on the board earlier, or more specifically, all those who could not get the quest for themselves.

"Finally, some entertainment. I was almost dying of boredom"

"Tch, maybe if you weren't so relaxed we could have gotten the quest"

"You were the one sleeping!"

"Place your bets! Place your bets here!"

"Huh? For what? This fight will be over in an instant kakaka!"

"Now now, one can never know the outcome"

"Pft, then who are you voting for?"

"Li Xue of course"


The crowds were starting to get rowdy as they take their spots on the side of the platform. The other receptionists were here too, along with Emi. One receptionist was even placing her bets on who would win.

A testament on how much free time they actually have on their hands.

Finally, after the crowd had all settled themselves and started to calm down, Li Xue spoke.

"The rule is simple, ladyboy, survive", Li Xue said as he cracked his knuckles, "I am grading you bla bla blaLet's do this so I can get back to drinking

Remember, I won't go easy on you. If you can't even survive a single second with me, you won't survive out there!"

As soon as Li Xue finished his speech, he quickly disappeared from his spot, only to appear behind Viel in less than a second.

"There it is! I almost failed 3 years ago because of that, good thing I knew he would do it beforehand KAKAKA!", one of the adventurers said in a very fast manner.

Li Xue's smile crept up to his ears, the ladyboy has not even noticed me yet! Probably the easiest silver coin in my life here! Thought Li Xue.

And the adventurers on the side thought it too.

Even with Li Xue on his back, the pretty boy really could not move at all. Even as the edge of Li Xue's palm thrust straight to his neck, he still was not reacting.

And there, as soon as it hit the pretty boy's neck, his feet slid on the floor, dragging him halfway across the stage like ice that slipped and rotated on paved ground.


All the people that expected him to fall could not help but be in shock.

But of course, the one that was most perplexed about this situation was Li Xue. He stared at Viel while holding his trembling hand. It numbed as soon as it hit Viel's neck, like he just hit compressed steel.

He then looked at Viel's expression, whose lips were pouted, like he was trying his best not to laugh.

Seeing Viel's mocking expression, Li Xue's irritation went to the next level.

Did he use magic!? Did this ladyboy cast it before going up the stage!? Tch, I did hear that nobles learn magic at a very early age.

But let's see how long you can last!

Shouted Li Xue in his mind as he once again rushed towards Viel, this time kicking him in the legs.

But this time, there was not even a slight movement from the pretty boy.

And then again, Li Xue released a punch.

Even with the flurry of attacks, the pretty boy just stood there. Unaffected like the mountains during a storm.

"D-did Li Xue swindle us!?"

Soon, the adventurers that were watching on the side could not help but raise their voice.

"Oi! Li Xue, what's this!? Are you trying to scam us!?"

These guys, I will beat the hell out of you after this! Thought Li Xue as sweat started to build up on his body.

The fact is, Li Xue's hits were already starting to get stronger and stronger. It was to the point that Viel's feet were already starting to burrow in the ground. This was the point when Li Xue knew, that he was not fighting with a normal examinee.

And finally, Viel made his move.

He casually raised his hand to try and grab Li Xue's leg, but Li Xue moved back before that, "Hm. Finally making a mo-"

But before he could even finish, Viel suddenly disappeared, only to appear behind him.

Li Xue was about to turn around, but then he felt a slight wind grazing his neck.

Li Xue slightly tilted his head down, only to see the edge of Viel's palm stopping a few inches from his neck.

Once again, Viel moved.

Li Xue quickly lifted his feet before Viel can attack him, but before his feet could even lift from the ground, he once again felt a wind graze his ankle.

T-this boy

Li Xue could predict what attack Viel was going to make, the only problem is, he was too slow to even react to it.

And once again, Viel attacked, stopping only a few inches away from hitting Li Xue. The only thing the Li Xue could do was flinch.

But then Li Xue noticed something.

All the attacks that Viel were making, they were the same attacks that he did when he was the one on the offensive!

This boy is toying with me!

"Enough!", Li Xue shouted.

Hearing Li Xue's shout. Viel immediately stopped his attacks and backed away.

"Antoinette! Give the boy a Bronze license!", said Li Xue before he jumped from the stage and proceeded to walk out without even looking back at Viel.

"What just happened?", said one of the adventurers in the audience as he watched Li Xue walk away.

"Bronze!? Already!?"

"I started at Pebble rank how unfair is that!?"

"Pft. Could you even move as fast as the pretty boy?"

"Why did you stop the fight!? It was getting good!"


The clamor of the adventurers did not stop even though Li Xue was no longer present. For Li Xue, this really did bruise his ego. He has been working at the examiner for this guild for more than 5 years now, but this was the first time that someone made him look like a child. So, Li Xue walked away before he embarrasses himself more.

Emi, on the other hand, was jumping in joy, "Did you see that, Antoinette!? I brought you a Bronze rank! That should net me a higher commission!"


"What's that?"

"This pretty boy of yours is at least a silver rank or maybe even a Gold rank in the future!", Antoinette smiled, her eyes glimmered as it reflected Viel's golden hair.

"Our guild is only allowed to bestow licenses of Bronze and below, but if send a letter to the main building", Antoinette's eyes continue to glisten. With Viel's golden hair turning into coins in her eyes, "We should scatter news that a future Gold rank has registered in our guild!"

"T-this Do I get anything for bringing him here!?", Emi's eyes widen as she slowly approached Antoinette.

Antoinette, however, just ignored her. Antoinette walked towards Viel and handed him a towel, where it suddenly came from, no one knows.

"Good work, Mr. Viel", said Antoinette with a perfectly professional smile, "Please follow me, we still have a few more papers to fill up so we can officially make you an adventurer"

"Okay, thank you, miss", Viel nodded as he followed Antoinette back inside the building, leaving a confused audience outside.

"Here you go, please sign your name here", Antoinette swiftly placed a paper on the counter.

"Exclusive contract?"

"Yes, don't mind it. Just sign your name on it"

"Hm", seeing Viel signing his name on the paper, a smile crept on Antoinette's face. But it quickly disappeared as she once again placed another paper on the counter.

"There's more?", Viel furrowed his eyebrows. This was the first time he was made to write a lot of letters. He only needed to write a few things before in the academy, so he was clearly not used to it, as is made obvious by his penmanship that almost looked like it was stepped on by chickens. If it was not for Mr. Voice's knowledge, he wouldn't even be able to understand any words here.

"This is the final and most important one. You need to write your real name and where you live, and then your next of kin and their address as well"

"Next of kin?"

"Yes, or a guardian. Whoever we can go to if ever you meet an unfortunate fate"

Without even knowing it, Viel instinctively wrote Xing Cai's name without even a slight of hesitation. And as for her address, Viel just placed Golden Pavilion.

"As for the last one, it is probably the most important part!", Antoinette said as she clapped her hands together, "Your desired Adventurer Name!"

"Adventurer name?", Viel tilted his head in confusion, "But I already put my name", Viel said, clearly bummed out that he had to write his name over and over again.

"No, no", it was then that Emi intruded in the conversation, "It's what you want people to know you as. It would be hard if clients go directly to you, so in order to avoid troubles, you need an Adventurer Name!"

"Hmm Like Mighty Might?", Viel asked.

"Oh, you know of him?", Antoinette said as she nodded her head, "That's exactly right, Mighty Might is a silver rank adventurer known for his well, might. So, you think of something that best suits you!"

"Like Emi here is called-"

"Swift Cat! Because I'm as swift as a cat!", said Emi as she placed her fists on her cheeks, imitating a cat, "meow!"

"", Viel could not help but squint his eyes dubiously as he watch Emi try to act like a cat.

But something that represents him

what could that be?

"If you can't think of anything, we can choose for you!", Antoinette said as she took out another piece of paper, but this time, it was for her.

And, without even asking Viel, they started picking out names for him.

"How about the Golden Prince!?", Antoinette said as she wrote on the paper.

"Golden Clad Youth!?", added Emi.

"The Gold Brawler!"

"Golden Noble!?", Antoinette gasped as the names on the paper started piling up.

"Oooh!", Emi slammed the counter in excitement, "How about, The Fallen Noble who travelled to the countryside and accidentally became a Bronze rank adventurer!?"

Viel started backing away as the two got more and more excited. And he was pretty sure that the last one they gave was no longer an adventurer name.

It took another dozen of minutes before the two ran out of breath from picking out names.

"W-what do you think!? Is there anything in the list you'd like to use!?", both Antoinette and Emi said as they gasp for air.

"No", said Viel without hesitation.

"Then you must at least have something on your mind!?"

"I do", said Viel as he smiled, in his mind were his Grandpa and Grandma Ling.

Seeing Viel's look of reminiscing, the two was excited to hear what it is.

Viel then started to write on the paper, keeping the smile on his face.

"What is it!?", the two scrambled to see what Viel wrote on the paper.

And there it was,

Ling Ling.

And thus, started the adventure of the Bronze Rank adventurer Ling Ling.

"No! You are not allowed to use that!", shouted Antoinette as she ripped the paper in half.

"Eh!? Why not!? I thought you said something that represents me!"

"Just because! Think of another one!"

Although Viel started to pout as he was disappointed of not being able to use Ling Ling as his adventurer name, he still placed his hand on his chin to think of another one.

"How about Special Prisoner?", said Viel with a serious tone.

"What!? Why that!?", Antoinette almost started to pull her hair out, "Have you ever even been to prison before!?"


"Wait, no! Don't answer that! That won't be good for your image", Antoinette waved her hands, "Just think of another one, please!"

Viel could not help but sigh.

It took another hour before Viel finally settled on something.

"Mr. Voice", Viel said as he looked at Antoinette directly in the eye, "I will use Mr. Voice".

Antoinette could not help but be surprised with Viel's serious tone, "Why did you pick that? Do you sing?"

"A singing adventurer that is also a noble!?", Emi, who was actively listening on the side, could not help but jump up in excitement.

"No, because I hear voices in my head"


And, finally, after racking their brains for a few more hours, they finally allowed Viel to use the adventurer name, Mr. Voice.


"Tell me all you know about Viel"

"No! No matter how much you torture me, I will never tell you anything about the Great Spirit!"


"Never, you hear me!"

"No one is torturing you, Ilrina"

Ilrina was currently being interrogated in the room that she and Viel stayed in. It was a luxurious room that has its own bath and an enormous bed.

"But you are keeping me locked up!", shouted Ilrina as she drank the cup of tea that a maid poured for her.

"Well, of course. You are an enemy of our race", said Sofia while wiping her spectacles.

"Then why don't you kill me and get this over with then!?"

"We know who you are though", Sofia smiled as she placed her spectacles back on her face.

"W-what do you mean!?"

"The only daughter of Queen Silvia, stupid but brave", Sofia said as she slowly leaned closer towards Ilrina, "That is you, right?

Princess Ilrina?"


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