Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 87: Silbern

Chapter 87: Silbern

"There's 5 of you?"

Hearing what the dirty kid said, Emi's eyes started to twitch as she slowly backed away, tapping Viel as she steps back.

"Mr. Voice, let's go. This kid is crazy", whispered Emi, "We're wasting our time here".

Emi quietly stepped a few meters away, but then she noticed that Viel was not following her.

Instead, he continued to have a conversation with the dirty kid.

"How do you know?", asked Viel in a very serious tone. He continued to stare at the gray-haired boy in the eye.

"Mr. Voice, are you serious?", Emi could not help but look at Viel. But seeing as Viel did not have any reaction, it would seem that he really was serious in accepting the quest. And so, with a sigh, she walked back to her previous position.

"I see themin your eyes", said the dirty gray-haired kid, "They feel like mommy."

"Okay, this sounds mighty suspicious, not to mention creepy", once again Emi interrupted, "I know it's your first rodeo, but don't get swindled, Mr. Voice"

"Let's go find your mother, okay?", Viel, however, did not take Emi's advice as he quickly shook Silbern's hand.

"What!? We are wasting our time here!"

"R-really!? Thank you! But really, I only have 100 gold though", said the gray-haired kid as he looked dejectedly to the side.

"It is okay", said Viel.

Seeing that Viel finalize the deal, Emi could only sigh as she gave up any thoughts of backing out. Might as well, she thought. It would seem that kids these days have different ways of communicating with each other.

"D-do I need to pay now?"

Hearing this question, Viel looked at Emi, as if asking her what to do.

"You can pay half now, or pay it full later", Emi then turned to Viel, "It is up to you, Mr. Voice"

Viel thought about it for a few seconds before shaking his head, "You can pay it when we find your mother What's your name?"

"Ah, Silbern! My name is Silbern!", said the gray-haired kid as he bowed towards Viel and Emi, "T-then, I will hold onto the money for now! But if you need it at any time, just tell me, Mr. Voice!"

Viel nodded in response as he once again shook Silbern's hand. Emi could not help but groan as she saw Viel being swindled by a boy that was probably younger than him.

"Let's go!", shouted Viel as he raised his fist in the air. Seeing Viel's excited expression, Silbern also raised his fist in the air, his eyes shining.



"Why are you not moving!?", Emi could not help but shout. It has been a couple of seconds and yet Viel still remained on his spot.

"Well I don't know where to start", Viel chuckled awkwardly as he looked at Emi.

"Ugh", once again, Emi could not help but place her palm on her face in frustration, "Fine. Let me, Swift Cat, help you just this once", said Emi.

It was not like she had any choice, she was the one who insisted in coming anyway, so any backing out now would only mean that she really did waste her time here. Besides, even though it was somewhat irritating, it was also entertaining to see their new recruit make a mess.

"So, Silbern, was it?", asked Emi.

"Y-yes!", Silbern nodded a couple of times.

"When did you last see your mother?"

"70 years ago"

"Hm", Viel hummed as he placed his hand on his chin as he nods.

"Take this seriously!", Emi shouted, which made both Silbern and Viel flinch.

"S-sorry! But I think maybe 69 years?"

"Ugh", once again, Emi could not help but place her palm on her face.

"Fine, but where did you last see her?", Emi continued her interrogation. The sooner this is over, the sooner they can accept a more normal quest, she thought.

"Ah! I'll show you!", Silbern started to run excitedly while signaling for Viel and Emi to follow him.

It didn't take long for them to reach the central market. And from there, Silbern pointed at something from afar.

Emi looked towards where Silbern was pointing at.

"The plaza's fountain? You last saw her here?", Emi looked around. If his mother disappeared here, in the city's busiest place, then that could only mean one thing.

"I am sorry, kid. I think your mother abandoned you here", said Emi with a straight face.

"No! Not here, there! There!"

Emi was confused, but after a few seconds, she finally figured out where Silbern was pointing at.

Silbern was actually pointing at the castle from afar, which was being blocked from the view by the fountain.

"At Karl's place?", said Emi as she scratched her chin, "So, you saw your mother there 70 years ago?"

Silbern repeatedly nodded his head.

"But I don't think that castle was even built 70 years ago", reasoned Emi, but seeing both Viel and Silbern's expectant eyes, the only thing she could really do was sigh.

"Fine. It won't hurt to check. You are in luck boy, I know the owner of the place", said Emi confidently as she led the way to the lord's castle.

As soon as they arrived, the 3 then proceeded to jump over the castle's wall, with Viel lifting Silbern like a princess.

"I thought you knew the owner?", asked Viel as he looked at Emi inquisitively.

"W-well, this is the secret entrance", Emi cleared her throat as she continued to walk farther deep in to the castle grounds.

They continued to sneak, or rather walk, until they came upon a door on a secluded part of the castle building.

"You guys keep quiet. The owners are already sleeping. It is basic courtesy", whispered Emi as the sunlight is reflected on her eyes.

She then slowly opened the door, only to see an old man with a mustache on the other side.

"Eek! Old man Felix!", seeing the old man, Emi jumped back in fright.

Viel was about to punch the old man, when Emi blocked his way, "No! No! Don't, I know him!"

"H-hey, Felix, what's up?", Emi said as she awkwardly waved her hand.

"Miss Emilia, it has been a long time", the old man named Felix said as he bowed, "Didn't the late master forbade you to come here?"

"Well, he is not here anymore so does it still really count?", even Emi was unsure of what she was saying as she just raised both her eyebrows and look awkwardly to the side.

Felix could only sigh as he watched Emi winced her way out. He then glanced at the two kids behind her.

"I see your taste in company isunchanged, Miss Emilia"

"Sshh! I go by Swift Cat now!"

"Perhaps Cat Burglar would be more accurate, don't you think?", said Felix with a smile.


"And to what do we owe this visit, Miss Emilia?", asked Felix, ignoring any form of grumble that coming out of Emi.

Seeing Felix's nonchalant attitude, Emi could only give up.

"This is Mr. Voice and Silbern", introduced Emi, "Mr. Voice is currently on a quest to help Silbern here"

"Oh, a young adventurer", Felix said as he looked at Viel, "Wonderful, young man"

Viel did not really know what to react, he kind of reminds him of the Headmaster of Taizhou academy. Which Viel also had trouble speaking with.

"A-anyway, can you do us a favor a let us look around the place for a little bit?", Emi said as she clapped her hands together.

Hearing Emi's request, Felix's expression turned serious, "Sure thing".

But unexpectedly, he agreed.

"Sweet! Thank you, Felix!"

Emi raised her fist in victory, the two boys on her back did the same.

It was then that a shout came from behind old man Felix.

"Felix! I need those docu- You!"

A man with brown hair shouted and pointed at Emi as soon as he noticed her.

"H-hey Karl. What's up?", once again, Emi waved her hand awkwardly.

"What are you doing here!?", said the man called Karl as he angrily approached Emi and the group.

"I came to visit an old friend?", said Emi as she tilted her head and stuck out her tongue.

Karl continued his approach, but he stopped as soon as he noticed the two kids that were behind Emi.

"Those two are they your children!?"

"How old do you think I am!?"

The two continued their discourse for a few minutes before they finally settled down. They were now currently inside one of the guestrooms as Emi finished telling Karl about her circumstances. About how Viel was a new adventurer and she was just showing her the ropes.

"I see", said Karl, "Get out."


"Get out!", Karl once again shouted, clear disappointment can be heard in his voice. He gritted his teeth, he really thought that Emi was here to visit her, but it turns out that she was just here because of a quest.

"Jeez, alright! Who nicked your undies", said Emi as she stood up from her seat, "Mr. Voice, Silbern, let's go. We will sneak back when everyone's really sleeping"


"Mr. Voice?", Emi looked around, only to see that Viel and Silbern were no longer in the room. She then looked at Karl awkwardly,

"Hehe. I guess I am stuck here?"


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