Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 84: And Some Miscellaneous Things

Chapter 84: And Some Miscellaneous Things



"You know, it has been a long time since we were last needed by the kid"


"Are you still not talking!?"

Xanthus was currently pulling his hair out in frustration, he has been talking to himself for quite some time now.

Xanthus stared at Lu Yi right in the face, with their faces only inches away from each other, but still, there was no response from her.

"Look, the kid is no longer isolated in prison, until when are you going to blame yourself for the other boy's death!?"

Ever since Wei Song died, Lu Yi has not spoken a word, not even a single bit. All of them were affected, but it hit Lu Yi differently, as the skill Viel used was hers. It was nobody's fault, but still, Viel and Lu Yi seemed to have taken it to themselves to punish themselves.

"It was an accident, okay? No one knew that the plant would also be affected by the skill. Stop moping!"

Xanthus was starting to get frustrated. He has not talked to Lu Yi for years, and his other roommate, the Judge of Karma, was more interesting in examining their newest friend.

Xanthus could not help but sigh as he looked at the Judge of Karma. He has spent years looking at this man called Rain, and only talks to Xanthus from time to time.

"That guy is not going to move no matter how much you stare at him, Jack. Just what is so interesting about him?"

Xanthus approached Jack and the still incomplete Rain.

"This man is interesting, no matter how much I search my memories, I do not recognize this soul", murmured the Judge of Karma.

"Yeah? Maybe you're getting senile?", Xanthus taunted as he raised his eyebrows a couple of times, "Eh, eh"

However, the only response he got from the Judge of Karma was "Maybe"

And he did not speak another word again.

So, once again, Xanthus began talking to himself.

"These long eared humans though, interesting. They are similar to us demons, but at the same time different. Not to mention this dungeon world, it is similar to mine"


"Yup, yup. It is quite similar isn't it?"


"When are you guys going to start talking!? You guys might be used to sitting around for millions of years, but I am only a short of a thousand years old!"

And with that, Xanthus' screams echoed through the darkness, again.


"Uhmm. So, you want to apply as an adventurer?"

"Yes. I need the money"

"I see"

Viel was currently in a conversation with a woman who was wiping a wine glass. There were a lot of people drinking on their tables, telling their stories and laughing with each other.

"So, what exactly are you doing here", the woman continued to wipe another glass.

"I already told you, I am here to apply so I can earn some more money"

"Yes, you already told me but this is a tavern"


As soon as the woman said that, the people that were chatting on their tables proceeded to laugh joyously.

Hearing the laughs of other people, Viel quickly looked around him. This is not the adventurer's guild!? But it looks so similar, he thought.

But then he noticed that the people here weren't really wearing any weapons, unlike the Adventurer's guild back at the King's castle.

So, with a frown and a little bit of red on his face, Viel walked out of the room, with the people still laughing at him.

But not even a few steps of going outside, someone approached him.

"Hey there, pretty boy"

Viel was about to punch the one who approached him from behind, when he noticed one thing. It was a woman wearing a bandana, and a somewhat revealing leather outfit.

Viel hesitated, he did not really know what to do if it was a pedophile woman that approached him, Grandpa Ling did not teach him that one. Should he also punch her on the groin? But that would be a problem, they don't have one, Viel thought.

"Woah there, pretty boy. Relax", the woman raised her hands when she saw Viel's closed fists, "I saw you inside, you were looking for the Adventurer's guild? I know where it is."

This woman looks suspicious, Viel thought. Was she not a pedophile?

"You're not a pedophile?", Viel asked.

"What? Heavens no! My name is Emi, I am an adventurer", the woman said as she raised her eyebrows, "And even if I am, you're like what, 11? 3 years and you're ready to marry"

Hearing this, Viel squinted his eyes and once again slowly raised his fist.

"Wait wait, no!", the woman named Emi then took out something from her pocket, "See? This is my adventurer's license!"

Emi enthusiastically showed the bronze-colored plate that that was on her hand to Viel.

"You can check it if you want, but I am telling you, I am an full-fledged adventurer of this city, born and bred! So, if you want someone to guide you around town you can just- Hey, where are you going!?"

Over her talking, she did not notice that Viel was already halfway across the street, walking away from her. So, she quickly chased Viel and blocked his path.

"Wait! Wait! Agh, heavens, why are you so fast!?", Emi tried to catch her breath as she stood in front of Viel, "Look, you want to go to the Adventurer's guild, I am going there right now. So, let me guide you"

Hearing the woman's proposition, Viel could not help but once again squint his eyes. The last time that someone guided him somewhere, they escorted him in a dark alley and they were pedophiles.

"Look here, pretty boy. Even though this is a small city, you can still easily get lost here. All the buildings look the same", Emi reasoned, "Do you want to enter another tavern?"

She does have a point, Viel thought as he placed his hand on his chin, and after deliberating it for a few seconds, he finally agreed.

"Fine, but I don't have any money to give you"

"N-no, no need to give me money", Emi waved her hand, "Here, follow me. I will lead the way"

Emi started to walk slowly, and when she noticed that Viel was following her, a creepy grin quickly filled her face. I am finally going to reach my quota! She thought.

After a couple of minutes walking, Viel was led inside a dark building.

The only source of light that the building had were candles that were lit up randomly around the place.

There were also people sitting around a table, but none of them were talking to each other, not even the ones that were sitting on the same table.

They just kept quiet there, drinking their bland looking soup, while their weapons were messily sprawled on the floor.

Is this a bandit den? Viel thought. He was about to punch the lady who brought him here and wreak havoc, when he heard a weak monotonous voice coming from the distance.

"Welcome to Burgerstatter's Adventurer's Guild. How may I help you?"

Viel quickly placed his attention towards the owner of the voice, only to see a woman looking at him with a bored expression.

This really is an Adventurer's Guild building? Viel furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief. But then he looked around, and on the wall was a board, similar to the one on the Royal castle's adventurer's guild.

But this one only had a single pamphlet plastered on it, and it seemed to be a very old one as well.

This is an adventurer's guild. With that concluded, Viel once again looked around. This place was so different from what he expected. Where were the lively adventurers that laughed and talked to one another? The ones bantering and punching each other because of some silly jokes?

In comparison to that, this place was like crypt, the only difference is the living inhabitants.

But suddenly, one of the receptionists plastered a sheet of paper on the board.

And not soon after that, a heavy pressure filled the room as all of the once dead-looking people started to stand up, all at the same time.

And slowly, once again, at the same time, turned their heads towards the pamphlet that was just attached on the board.

And like beasts being set free at the same time, like cows that survived winter and wanted to run free on the green pasture- they rushed towards the quest board.

"That quest is mine!"

"Shoo! Go over there!"

"It's mine, I tell you! Mine!"

"My precious stay away!"

Viel could not help but release a short breath as he watched the people fight like rabid dogs over a piece of paper.

"Hey pretty boy, ignore the fools and come with me", it was then that Emi grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the counter where the bored-looking receptionist was standing.

"Antoinette! I brought fresh blood!", as soon as Emi shouted that, the bored-looking receptionist called Antoinette smiled.

"Really!? Where!?", said Antoinette as she looked around with an excited expression.

Taadaa!", Emi then moved to the side, revealing Viel who was standing behind her.

"This little girl?", Antoinette's excitement quickly died down.

"It's a boy, but that doesn't matter. Sign him up!"

"Is he even old enough-"

"Who cares!", Emi interrupted Antoinette, "I have reached my quota now, right!? Money! Give me my commission!"

Antoinette could not help but sigh as she sees the desperate and forceful wails of the woman in front of her. She then looked at the golden-haired pretty boy that was in front of her.

"So, you want to be an Adventurer? What's your name?", Antoinette asked, her smile groomed and proper.

"Yes, I need more money. I am called Viel", said Viel with a straight face.

"II see. It's 5 silvers to register", Antoinette said as she placed a piece of paper on the counter.

"Eh!? I have to pay?", Viel slightly moved back, "But I am here to earn more money"

"Well, yes. You have to pay for the license plate", Antoinette said without slight hesitation, "and some other miscellaneous things"


"Yup, don't ask anymore", the woman stared at Viel straight in the eyes.

Viel did the same, so the both of them stared at each other for a minute or so before Viel finally grabbed a small purse from his pocket.

And with an inquisitive look, opened the small purse.

Antoinette and Emi could not help but slightly lean their head to look closer.

And there it was, a bag full of silver coins.


This pretty boy is rich! Then why did he say he needed money!? The two of them thought as their eyes glimmered with fever.

The truth is, Viel got this money from the castle, or rather, borrow it from the Princess without her knowing. He did not want to use it as much as possible, as he wanted to return it once he has money of his own, or so he says.

Viel saw the vulture-like eyes of the two women. So, after he got 5 silver coins from it, he quickly closed it and shoved it back to his pockets.

"Here you go.", Viel said as he looked at the receptionist inquisitively.

Seeing Viel's eyes, Antoinette could only clear her throat as she accepted it.

She then stood up after filling his name, "Come with me, you need to take the entrance test"

"Eh? There's a test?", Viel suddenly became nervous, the first and last test he has ever taken did not really end well.

"Yes, to test if you can work as an adventurer", Antoinette said with a smile on her face, "If you don't pass, you need to take it again

no refunds of the 5 silvers, of course"

Hearing this, Viel felt that something was off. No, something was definitely wrong.

But since he had already complied this far, he might as well take the test.

And so, he followed Antoinette and Emi to the back of the guild house.

Outside of the guild house, a huge platform was erected in the middle. Viel could not help but comment on how similar the set up is from Taizhou academy's combat grounds.

But who was the man that was sleeping on the stage? Viel tilted his head as he saw a man sprawled on the platform, holding two bottles of what seemed to be booze.

"Li Xue! We have someone who wants to take the exam!", shouted Antoinette as she threw a silver coin towards the sleeping man.

Hearing the sound of coin being flicked to the air, the man called Li Xue quickly stood up and caught it in between his fingers.

"Hehe. More booze for me, then", the man said. He then looked towards Viel with a playful and arrogant smile, "Come on, brat

I will try to get you back to mommy in one piece"


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