Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 99.5 – First Time (18+)

Chapter 99.5 – First Time (18+)

---18+ Content Readme (Click away if you’re underage!)

---And so, the 18+ smut fest is upon us! You lot made this happen so this author-kun cannot be blamed if it ends up terrible! I joke but hopefully it’s alright. If you’re new and just looking for smut to read, I can see this being a little disappointing since there’s actual buildup involved.

---This will be a little different than most, the chapters should be normal length (This one in particular I made too long and didn't want to cut anything) and won’t be completely filled with just nonstop sex. A bit of buildup/romance/random stuff can go a long way but there is obviously the main dish as well…

---Not every time will be told about in detail simply down to not wanting to repeat a scene and these should be pretty rare (This volume may have more than most). Each scene should have a different spice to it and hopefully you enjoy! Warning, Petra may have perverted tendencies if this goes to plan…


"Enjoying that steak Ikarus?"

"Yeah, it's good"

After completing the day's work and during dinner at a restaurant in town, both of us have been a little iffy all day since my vague response earlier. It's not exactly like I said yes or no but normally I would just blush or shrug off her teasing so it's obvious I've developed to a point where being extremely intimate might just be possible.


And now, the dreaded nerves continue to show themselves, I think I may have even surprised Petra with what I said and it's starting to get late now making it even worse. She doesn't normally start small talk so that fact she's asking something like that means even she has been thinking about this too much as well.

Thankfully enough, she's the first to finally say something about it all.

"Listen Ikarus... we don't have to do anything if you're not ready. It doesn't matter if it takes years or if things never go that far, you really don't need to work yourself up over it... If you feel like you have to force yourself, then I'd never forgive myself"

In all honesty, both of us have been a little quiet to each other throughout the day while working, it's clearly obvious now we've both been worried about this but maybe for differing reasons. Doing the deed as a guy is one thing but as a female and with someone like Petra? It's an overwhelming thought, like what am I even supposed to do? I've got like two moves I know how to do well and one of them is impossible... unless toys exist in this world but that's not something for now.

"It's not forcing myself this time around Petra, it's not like I haven't tried things already... I'm just anxious, that's all. It's a good kinda scary if that makes sense"

As for those things I've tried before, think back to when I was unconscious for weeks inside my own head after the curse thing, you don't remain sane without trying a lot of different things like exploring your body just simply trying to pass the time. I also would like to point out every single try failed, you have no idea how hard it was to pet the cat and I just couldn't come close. It's funny that frustration actually helped keep me calm and sane inside there.

That's not the only time but there really wasn't any need for me to mention that I may have spent the occasional amount of my personal time groping myself when I first gained this human form. Sure, looking at the nakedness was always too stimulating but the feeling of having breasts to play with is actually great. It should've been expected I may have explored a little when first changing since what's the first thing you'd do in a different gender? The answer should be pretty obvious, even if I didn't try anything for quite some time because of my own stupidity.

"If it makes any consolation, I'm slightly worried as well but maybe for a different reason. I've been trying to plan this to make it ideal for so long yet when something might actually happen... my mind has gone blank. Have no idea what we can do and everything that would've been used in the past got threw away since I had no such desire for that after... you know who"

Even she's been worrying while overthinking during all this... hang on, everything that would've been used in the past? Should I question her on that or will I regret the answer? Yeah, that's an answer I may regret, she's obviously talking about her ex as well but I'd rather not know that part of her past.

"That... I might have an idea that could be a good start"

We're two girls, right? There are loads of things we can do even without any phallus type objects or scary third legs floating about... even now, I'm still slightly insecure about that. It really is stupid that the idea of seeing another third leg is a complete turn off that I've never been able to rid myself of. Would one made from something else that could be used for intimacy be okay though? I actually think I'd be alright with that but from the sounds of it, Petra got rid of everything like that if I understood what she just said correctly

"What do you have in mind Ikarus?"

Eh, maybe it might not be best to be too explicit inside this place, we've finished eating at least but talking about it like this while other people are eating feels a little wrong, there is a time and place for these types of things I guess. Everything else we've said could be interpreted in other ways and this might be a little difficult to not be explicit on.

"I'll tell you later when we're alone..."


"So... this is it then"

"Heh, you don't have to make it sound this is an ending Ikarus"

"Maybe... it is nearly the end of the day but I'm just being pedantic... I'm not putting this off by the way"

Now back at the inn and inside the bedroom, it might as well basically be time to start. It’s a shame these rooms are pretty basic and don’t help with any stimulation but that was never going to be an issue with this woman who makes me feel things I’ve never even thought possible. Urgh, even just thinking like that makes me realize just how much I love her.

The thing is, during our hugging or even while kissing, both of us have had wandering hands despite me not really bringing it up. Only reason I'm bringing this up now is just to prove this isn't like we've developed straight from kissing and moved straight onto this, there's been a load of intimate things going on behind the scenes that honestly didn't feel like a big deal but were obviously pretty hot. It also doesn't help that I really like it when her hands wander so I'm definitely ready, no more putting this off.

There's unfortunately something I must do beforehand, otherwise this'll get awkward when I try to strip down. I guess things feel a little awkward with us just standing around in the inn room right now but that was always going to happen, I'm hoping any nerves quickly fade when we get started and maybe this shaking of mine might go away.

I go to pull my corset dress over my head, this thing has always been extremely difficult to get off so doing it now is a must unless we plan to 'mate' with it on. Yuck, mother has ruined that word for me... my mind is not going to wonder from anybody other than Petra right now!

While I'm undressing however, Petra was always going to make this more difficult.

"That's... absolutely stunning"

She can't just let up for a minute, I haven't even gotten this completely over my head and she's already complimenting my nakedness!?

"Urgh... are you trying to make me pounce on you Petra? And are you going to stay like that as well?"

Both of us have already taken off our boots and I'm now standing here butt naked covering up my most private parts while she's just still standing there clothed.

"Yeah actually, please pounce... I'll strip down in a minute once I've finished taking in this glorious sight"

A woman of nonstop complimentary words that easily knows how to manipulate my heart. Whatever, I can't contain myself if she's going to give responses like that, we can start while she's still clothed.

I slowly go up to her lightly grabbing onto her waist while going in for proper kiss, this type of thing is always supplemented by foreplay, am I right? Maybe this might help any awkwardness or nervousness as well, even if I want to pounce on her...

Without even giving it a second thought, she joins me in our foreign tongue kissing, just from this alone has already put me further in the mood. Joined mouth to mouth, embraced close together with me in my birthday suit, I couldn't even care about anything else now.

While we're making out, her hands just cannot help wandering to the side of breasts lightly caressing them causing me goosebumps and a slight shiver.

'Damn... I like that way too much'

As she's doing that, I've also started to slide my hands over to her bottom and have started softly grabbing that as well, I'd like to grope her as well but this just feels more natural right now.

Still continuing on stimulating me even further, Petra tongue now finds its way out of my mouth and she has something to say it seems.

"Heh... what did you want to do to me again Ikarus?"

Her seductive, whisper speaking has always been arousing, I'm not sure if mine is as good but both of us are doing this regardless. Any nerves have already gone, turns out being horny is brilliant for anxiety!

"A little bit of touching, kissing and then a slight amount of slowly and softly sampling your forbidden fruit"

I'm really not even sure if that sounded sexy or not but it sounds a hell of a lot better than just saying I want to make you climax with my tongue. You'll be surprised just how much things can sound sexier just with a bit of vagueness or a euphemism though, not everything needs to be unnecessarily explicit even if I'm still pretty hopeless at this.

"Really?... That position can be a little much to start with though Ikarus"

My thought can't help but go the that specific number in the sixties that is also a sex position, clearly she was thinking of that as well but my idea was a lot more one sided than both of us receiving at the same time.

"Not that one, just let me do all the work... it'll be better that way"

"Heh... of course then"

As Petra responds while still face to face, she unties the waist on her disciple robe and it falls to the floor. Unlike her just wearing underwear, she has a lot more on than expected.

"You-, you're actually wearing that?"

"Heh, you did pick it out after all... although I may have to lose these"

I can't actually believe she's got that black lingerie set on underneath; this is physically starting to hurt how turned on I am right now. And her slowly pulling them down her legs, looking back at me and then kicking the black panties away isn't helping.

"P-Please... just lie down"

"Heh, as you command Ikarus"

And like that, Petra wearing the sexy lingerie that perfectly matches with her hair seductively lies down on the bed, obviously miss a piece of the outfit now perfectly showing off her most intimate part.

I don't even need to stare at her nether regions, just a glance at pure perfection is more than enough and it's not exactly like I won't be down there shortly. Sure, I know love is blinding-, pardon the pun but her body is even better than mine. Every curve is perfect, every inch of skin or even just how perfectly in proportion she is, I've got to stop fangirling over her now... I'm too horny to even care that I called myself a girl again.

Anyway, enough delaying, I sit down onto the bed, move myself to be above her and slowly start to kiss her lower stomach. I'll slowly work my way down from here lightly running my hands down the inside of her legs as I continue as well.

I assume she's enjoying it, at least from miniscule amount of slight shaking I feel from her, it's either that or anxiety after all. Anyways, slowly keeping this up and still moving further downwards, I've arrived at where the best part of this is.

Now that I'm onto the prize, I can really admire it up close. This type of thing I can never do justice describing in words so I'll just use the tried and proven word of perfection once again. Oh, she's completely shaven down there as well but both of us have never really grown body hair any part other than our heads so that's just a pointless observation really.

Beforehand, just a little more kissing close to the really sensitive area and now, it's time to start even if I've moved on a little quicker than I normally would. This is actually something I should be alright on.

Trying to describe in detail how to 'eat out' is not exactly something I can give a tutorial on, can I? I'll still try though, just try to imagine licking an ice cream but allow your neck to do most of the work and keep your tongue flat. Obviously, there's a little more to it than just that and there are other much more effective moves you can do but this one is always a good base to start with.

So that's what I do, start gentle and slowly work your way up gradually getting faster every cycle until you find a perfect speed. Unfortunately for my sake, I'm worried while doing this to Petra.

I'm actually a little unsure if she's enjoying this, Petra is unfortunately mute as a mole right now. From the vibe I'm getting from her body movement, I think she's enjoying it but her silence is making me doubt myself really. Thankfully enough, her muteness isn't cause for concern.

"Heh... you've definitely done this before... haven't you Ikarus?"

"Mmp-... are you seriously asking me that while my face is down here!?"

This was something I've always apparently been pretty good at but does she actually need to ask that right now? That's like a conversation about past relationships we don't ever need to have.

"Heh, not really... continue on then"

Even though the question was a little annoying, just by looking at her face is more than enough confirmation to know I've started doing my job well, Petra's face tells all even if the lack of her making noise or moaning isn't happening. I get that she's not very vocal but that clearly wasn't the case when she sleeps, it wasn't just once I heard my name said in that sort of way. As for how she looks, let's just say I have a competitor for who can look more flustered and redder between us and this bird is currently in second place!

Anyways, I position myself back into the right position and continue on. Time is obviously skewed when you've got you head inside someone's legs but I guess I keep this up for five or ten minutes? I may skim over it a little but honestly, this is like one of those things where time flows so much quicker since you're having fun... I really am quite horny it seems. And by the feel or it, Petra definitely is.

Whether or not it's a good or bad thing, I doubt Petra's going to last much longer at my current pace, unsure how I'm even able to tell but maybe it's just a superpower I've somehow picked up changing gender. 


And that is when I know I've got her. She un-straightens her legs pushing her knees upward also causing her thighs to softly squeeze together against my head, her hands as well find themselves pushing down against the back of my head, she's very close to achieving that sweet climax now. Keep in mind, I could very easily pull away if I so desired since it's not exactly like she's being rough but I'd never want to do such a thing at this point, I'm literally about to make my girlfriend orgasm!

And just like that, Petra's orgasm rips through her entire body colliding into me, being able to feel that slight shake and bliss tearing through her even down here is absolutely hot as fuck. Of course, I make sure to stop a little while she's finishing due to the sensitivity but by the sounds of it for some reason, that was enough. Doesn't she want to go again?

"Wow... that was just... wow... it's your turn now Ikarus"

Oh crap, she wants to switch our roles? How do I get out of this?

"I e-erm... am feeling a little tired now so h-how about we just sleep and cuddle?"

Of course, my reluctance is going to get nowhere with that smiling tease I'm crouched above.

"You really think I can allow such selfless behaviour from you Ikarus? Don't think you're getting away from this that easily"

This is not consensu-... I'm joking, I'm joking! Of course it's consensual, just that I already have a suspicion that this time around, I'm not going to fail to finish and that is making me anxious. I bet this is going to feel stronger than any experience as a guy and that is a scary thought.

"Fineee then... only if you insist"

"Heh, okay Ikarus the tsundere"

Ignoring her response and seeing that I'm still above Petra, we switch up positions so now I'm lying flat on the bed. Now that she's preying on me from above, there was another reason I was going to dread this and Petra can never help herself... I've never felt this turned on before and it's showing.

"Heh... to think you're already that moist just from that alone, naughty Ikarus, looks like we don't need foreplay"

Urgh... this isn't even the teasing causing that, I hate that damn word, moist. It's just a horrible word, she could call me dirty or disgusting for all I care, just not moist.

"Moist is such a horrible word Petra"

"Heh, sure sure"

While she's basically ignoring my response, I don't even have the chance to prepare before her tongue finds its way into pressing into that upper part of where babies are made... oh my God... is that how a tongue feels?

I almost want to push away it's that sensitive and she's started this quickly!? Fuck foreplay, this is... uh... great.

Petra's technique... is astonishing, she someone manages to combine sucking with the licking sensation and it's... mind-blowing. How in the hell did she manage to last ten minutes with me doing something like this? It's shocking, there's no chance I'm coming close to that...

While this is happening, I'm starting to uncontrollably quiver and might also be playing with my chest ever so softly... being a guy is overrated if this is... uhhh...

I'm also desperately trying not to scream and am biting my lip; this inn may be normally empty but it's just common courtesy for Christ's sake. Despite this, even I can't help but let out a quiet moan every now and then...

Then after God knows how many minutes or even seconds, I start to feel the ending in sight, the sensation of this is now getting stronger and I'm almost terrified how strong this is going to feel...

"Heh... can't be making it that easy"

She's stopped... damn it Petra! Even during this, she still cannot help her teasing!? She's literally lifted her head up and is now grinning towards me, get your head back down there!

"You... might be evil"

"Heh, sure enough"

Thankfully, Petra continues on again after what feels like an eternity, a minute might as well be that long and I find nearly all progress has been lost from the point I was just at. I'd be pissed at her if this didn't feel so good... uhhhh...

I get myself into the rhythm again and find this time around, it's building up quicker and might even be stronger to last time but of course, I'm just skimming this again cause fuck descriptions... No idea how long it taken and now I'm right at the edge, it's so close...

"Uhh... Petra! D-Damn it!"

"Heh, what's wrong Ikarus? What could be causing you such frustration?"

I got even further this time and she cuts it short once again!? I honestly must sound like a mess right now, I'm so close yet she just can't help herself and continues to tease. There must me sweat dripping from my constant blushing face, at least I'm guessing that's how I look.

"M-Must you?"

"Heh, let's see if the third time does the trick"

I'm going to end up swearing at her if she does that again... at least she'll do it till we're finished although I may end up giving up if this is she continues.

This time around, I'm honestly already starting to feel slight exhaustion from the clear edging she's been successfully achieving. Despite this, there's less effort needed on my part for these several minutes or so and it's just a matter of seconds before I'm ready... please don't stop this time.

And that's when... it happens. A feeling more intense, stronger and aggressive than anything experienced before rips through me like a tsunami destroying everything ahead of its path... and it doesn't stop. Even during all this and the violent orgasm shakes I'm experiencing, Petra doesn't stop and frankly, I'm unsure if it's helping or making it worse, it's just so damn sensitive I might cry... fuck me...

Now that the wave has fully swept through me, Petra has completely finished her duty... or has she?

"Want another Ikarus"

"NO NO!... "

Honestly, I'm fucked right now... she suggests another!? It's not I couldn't continue... just that those levels of sensitivity are something I need to get adjusted to... another might make me pass out if that shaking's anything to go off. Despite all this, words must be said instead of a thank you.

"I-I... l-love you Petra"

"Heh... love you too Ikarus"


"How was that anyways Petra?"

"Excellent Ikarus... although..."

After both 'finishing', resting a little and me in her arms in bed, I can't help but ask her about it, it's nice to know if you were pretty effective after all. There's no need for her to ask though, my reaction was obvious as hell, I wonder if that's just a me thing or are first orgasms that effective? It's a scary thought if that's just the tip of the iceberg though.

If I were to compare it, in some ways it's pretty similar to a guy but in others ways very different. For a start as a female, the entire experience isn't just about the 'ending' if that makes sense. The journey is a hell of a lot better getting there and when it comes around, dear God it's amazing. It's more intense, last's even longer and to think we could continue again nearly instantly.

The only downside is when you lose progress, things are unbelievably frustrating because you can't just continue on from that exact point, at least that's my experience with the buildup and difficulty of it. With Petra's teasing, I should've expected she would do something like that but it doesn't make it any easier.

"... Definitely prefer watching you squirm just a fair bit more... heh. Sure you don't want to go again?"

Dear God, she's worse than I ever could imagine. All I wanted was a relaxed experience after we both were done and she can't let up. I know watching me violently shake would've been hot as hell but come on Petra! Is this her true personality? She's just relentless.

"Must you continue? Can't we just relax for now?"

Listen, I know women can achieve success multiple times back-to-back but that doesn't mean I have to experience that straight away! I still kinda want to take this slow but she's making it impossible just by how much she's able to torment me just with words! Stop turning me on! Pleaseee...

"Of course but still want to point something out... you're definitely going to enjoy what we do in the future Ikarus. If you have such a strong reaction just from that, you're in for a right surprise"

"You just can't help yourself... It won't be that much of a surprise though, right?"

Is she teasing or trying to make me worry? That shit was more intense than I've ever experienced previously and she's now telling me that was basically nothing!?

"Heh, let's just say there's an entire world you're yet to discover and I've spent a long time perfecting the ways to enjoy it

Oh Petra, even everything she says isn't going to sound completely sexy, that sounds a little suspect there. I couldn't even care that she's probably done everything with her ex already, it's not exactly like it effects how we feel about each other in anyway.

"You know you sound like a right pervert right now? Hehe"

"Heh, maybe... and yet, you're going to enjoy it all... remind me to buy some things when we leave this town next"

Despite my love for this woman, she terrifies me at times and this time around, it's for a completely new reason. That smile she has may be beautiful but it's never been innocent. By dear God, there's never been an ounce of innocence within her.

'Well... if she says I'll enjoy it, then I shouldn't worry too much... that's impossible though...'


---Hopefully you enjoyed that but bad news to give, you may only be getting 2/3/4 chapters this week since I've basically burnt myself out. It's not one of things authors do and never return, normal scheduling should return next week baring any illness but I'm just physically and mentally drained right now.


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