Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 100 – Onlooker

Chapter 100 – Onlooker

(Temporary Perspective Change)

"And that... is the perfect time to stop watching those two"

"What do you mean boy? This the perfect time FOR watching, don't switch it off just yet"

That's not surprising, father has always been a fiend when it comes to this sort of thing. Can't say I blame him too much since there is enjoyment to be found watching mortals go at it but alas, it really isn't the time.

"Really Zeus? You want to watch two mortals getting it on while me, your son is alongside you? Are you going senile old man or are you just a perve?"

"Bah... switch it off then boy"

Me and the old coot Zeus have been keeping track on the 'world ender' Ikarus and that unfortunately means watching a lot of her daily life, it just so happens she and her partner are enjoying themselves a little too much right now. Like most Gods up here, I'm all for that type of thing but it does feel a little indecent to peek on something like that so switching it off is clearly the right thing to do. Also, watching with a family member really isn't right either.

This white marbled room has multiple monitors to fixate and view specifically chosen individuals, this one is the official Olympus viewing station despite there being loads more if you know where to look. I'm pretty sure the mortals down in the more advanced worlds have something similar called televisions or computers? It matters little since contact on those worlds are out of our control but bits and pieces of information do get out, especially when some mortals are able to be reincarnated or reborn.

Ah yeah, I know about Ikarus's rebirth or her evolving, was actually watching when that tree spirit brought more to light but father has no clue on that just yet. If he did, he'd instantly blame Hades despite my other uncle being clueless on the reincarnations, at least I think the leader of the underworld is. I'd think he would've said something if he found out about dead people somehow being brought back to life using their original bodies as the base but there's been nothing on that side of things... yet. That's even if they had died beforehand, I'm pretty much as clueless as the little phoenix on the whys of such a thing.

"Anyways, you wanting my report or are you sulking about missing out on the mortals mating session?"

"Bah, must you persist in your annoying pursuit boy? There's no need for watching if I can easily get the whole thing anytime I please..."

'And yet, more and more women are pushing him away, I wonder when he last spoke to Hera'

"... Anyways, there's no need for a report this time, I've seen enough for now so I'm satisfied"

"You're satisfied? What that supposed to mean?"

"What it means Dionysus, is don't worry about it... you just keep on observing and try not to drink too much while doing so"

Zeus leaves the small viewing station and now it's just me alone, what in Tartarus is that supposed to mean though? Forget worrying, I've tried to do my part playing down everything I've seen before in the reports but there's only so much I can do.

To actually think how close he came to seeing something though, one of his earliest visits just so happened to come after the testing explosions. If he had seen that actually happen, there's no chance he wouldn't have found some excuse to try and kill her by using someone. The problem is, war is inevitable with anything prophecy related, us younglings have looked into the older lots history too much but at if there's a chance I can delay or even convince him otherwise, then I'm playing my part for now. That's not to say I'm alone though.

Enough of the serious stuff, I'll 'accidently' lock the door and get back in contact with my incantation. Despite her living quite the peaceful life recently, she does need to hear my voice every now and then.

'Charlotte, hear my inner voice, are you currently alive and kicking?'

Locking the door and switching the screen back on to the position I need, I see the empire's priestess sitting on a sofa in the arms of that knight she likes. I'm honestly a little happy she's found someone just like her but he really is in for a shock if she ever drinks or has an episode recollecting on her horrid days. I'm hoping he doesn't take advantage of her but with him, I can't see any scenario where he does.

<My Lord! Yes! Everything's perfectly fine, have you finished up your business?>

'Yes... do you really need to keep calling me that?'

<Of course! You are my saviour so it would be disingenuous to call you anything lower than the title you deserve>

Despite me loving my incarnate like a parent who loves their child, she really can be full of religious delusion at times. Hearing my voice always seems to cheer her up as well but thankfully enough, she seemed happy in the knight's arms right now regardless.

I still remember the day I came across her face down in a ditch covered in blood and who knows what else. Back then, she wasn't strong enough to handle the desires that stupid species get afflicted with and the group of vampires she was with treated her like a plaything to be discarded. That kinda leads on the bandit disgust thing as well, those vampires did use to attack and plunder nearly anything they came across, villages and town all across 

I actually don't think she ever realized they were vampires but that matters little when they ended up being incinerated by 'holy light'. Her main attack is actually something she could've done herself, just needed the power kick behind it and a little motivation. Also, I see the irony of a species considered undead having holy and light magic, luck is a strange thing after all.

After the power blessing, several years pass with nonstop unneeded devotion, she prays towards me nearly everyday and it was ten times worse back then. I dread the day we can't speak for some reason and she has no one to communicate to, it's a good thing they were travelling in a group within those dungeons otherwise that would've been a terrible experience for her. She would've had an episode and broken down due to the lingering silence and I couldn't have said nothing to help. Blame the other Gods for that, it's not difficult to make your own dungeon sound proof to the outside world and quite the few choose that course of action... if only my stupid one weren't on the northern continent that's ended up in turmoil.

It's a good thing that little mortal she's surrounds herself with, the brown-haired knight distracts her worries a lot but even then, I can't always be around as a second voice and he can't always help as well... Ah, forget this, I'm getting down thinking about her, she's happy all the other times so let's not worry about that so much and take a swig of my bottle to calm the nerves. Wow, that's surprisingly weak, was this watered down?

As for specifics on the power lending thing, I guess you could say it's similar to an exchange? The difference is, I never put any conditions that could have any effect on her simply because I just didn't want her to die or be abused at that time. It's not like I regret the decision but lending that amount of power and needing to be around for the extremely rare occasions when she desperately needs more is a little troublesome... despite me wanting to do anything for her. This is just the responsibility of picking up an incantation I guess, you can understand why it's banned just from time commitments alone.

'Fine then, continue as you please... I'll be here listening but unable to have a proper conversation today child'

There's still some stuff I need to check on and she hasn't been in much danger recently after the toss up in the capital, I'd continue watching the two phoenixes right now but it might be best to give them some personal time alone.

<Oh... that's unfortunate but this unworthy one understands his holiness's needs>

'Goodbye th-... hang on, there is something I've neglected to tell... what do you think of the orange bird child?'

Truth be told, I'm curious on her reaction regarding Ikarus and the empire, she was kinda close with that devilish blonde brat but it was never apparently friendship, she only had a slight amount of sadness when she found out he was dead. The knight's reaction was a little surprising as well, he actually seems happier serving a new emperor now despite him being devastated at the loss originally. It might be better if Charlotte doesn't reveal that information to him but he is more open minded that you'd think.

<Ikarus-sama? She's great, why?>

'If Ikarus were hypothetically involved in the most recent empire shakeup, how would you react?'

<Ikarus-sama was involved in Alistair's death? That's... okay I guess, Nat might not be happy to know it but she must've had her reasons. Why do you ask my Lord?>

Huh, she's more perceptive than she lets on at times despite me trying not to give everything away, honestly thought she wouldn't catch on to what I was hinting at there.

'It's of no concern, I'm just curious if you'd ever want to fight against that phoenix'

That's more hypothetical than the other thing, I'm just wondering how she would view it if Ikarus were an enemy. There's no such need for a thing but you never know, Charlotte may decide one day to label Ikarus as a bandit or heathen and things could go bad... however unlikely that may be.

<Why would I ever go against Ikarus-sama!? She is a friend and will never be a heathen, why would we ever need to fight?>

I do like her child like innocence at times, I'm hoping she understands that not all enemies come at you demanding money or with a weapon in hand. Most I've found come at you with smiles and laughter carrying a bottle of spiked ambrosia or a poisoned dagger.

'I think you may be a little naïve child... was only curious and giving you some more information to test how you go about things... I really must go now so take care, call me if needed'

<Okay my Lord, farewell as well>

Despite the information I give Charlotte, there are some things that are best left hidden, things like how I got the information on where Ikarus's cure came from. Every person whether God or mortal has to get dirty every now and then.

'Sighhh... I wonder if those two are finished yet...'


"You alright Ikarus?"

"Eh? Sorry Petra, mind was thinking about last night again"

We're currently on the way to the blacksmith's to finally check out the gold. When we visited yesterday, the place just so happened to be closed so actually picking it up hasn't happened just yet. I should have enough room to carry it for now but will need a suitable place to stash it, probably have to buy a warehouse afterwards but that process should be easy since we now have friends in power... It's just Marcus for now but still.

"Heh, was it that memorable? We can always continue anytime you wish"

I love her and all but let's be real, Petra's a slight perve and I can see her only getting worse the further we're together. You'd think it would just be a joke or a tease but no, she's serious even if she hides behind that beautiful smile and single laugh. Like I said, I'd still love her regardless.

"*Sighhh*... ignoring your tainted mind, I kinda feel like someone was watching us last night"

Don't get me wrong, last night was epic, that 'sleeping' we did was excellent but for some reason, kinda got the feeling like someone was watching us afterwards. It's like that feeling you get as a kid worrying that there might be something watching you from the closet... I'm so freaking weird that I even remember that feeling.

"Erm Ikarus... shouldn't that be obvious? You forgetting about your robotic wife?"

Oh Petra, do I really seem that dumb? Don't even bother answering for her Aesa, you already know what I mean.

"Of course I'm bloody not forgetting about her! Ah forget it, it matters little anyway"

I'm honestly surprised I didn't get a congratulatory message or something from system as well last night but I guess even Aesa knows when to shut it.

[<Aesa was going to remain quiet but -user- just cannot help herself. Aesa is unfortunately stuck to -user- and obviously holds no opinion on events that transpired last night. If -user- is looking to annoy Aesa, then she has succeeded>]

"I'd apologize but we both know I'd be lying... you really have no opinion on it at all?"


'Fine, don't answer then, clearly you're in a mood... at least we're here now'

Anyways... we walk into the blacksmith's and am immediately greeted to a sight that annoys me. There's just the old dude here at the moment but this really isn't great.

"What the... why the fuck have you got it out in the open like that!?"

In the old guy's store are several piles of full sized shiny gold bars out in the freaking open on the counter! Is he trying to attract thieves or is he just stupid? I know we don't actually have to be secretive about it now but you still don't have that much wealth sitting out in the open like this.

Huh... this reminds me when the knight had a slight go at me for walking around the capital with a bag of gold coins when I first visited, back then I didn't have a clue though. I guess it is going to be safer in a town rather than a packed city but still.

"The door's closed and the sign says we're closed, there's no one in town who'd even consider trying to steal anything like this if they even knew about it anyway, you worry about it too much kid"

The old blacksmith tries to reassure me it's okay but is it though? I know those travelling pirates were an exception purposely looking to target unprotected victims outside of the town but I'd rather he not have such a carefree attitude about this, those piles may not be huge but we're still talking about tens or hundreds of golden coins if they were smelted down. This guy has seriously ruined my day now, I was looking forward to this but now I'm worrying.

"Whatever then, can you at least not do this again just to be safe?"

"Ikarus does have a point, it doesn't hurt to just keep it hidden away till we come to pick it up"

That old dick actually just rolled his eyes at us! It's a good thing he's an effective worker otherwise I'd have a right go at that. Seriously though, apparently he's already hired extra workers just to handle everything so like Jaxon, he's very good at doing management work. It just sucks his personality makes me want to kick him in the groin at times.

"Fine then... just you two youngsters can drag it out from storage in future since I thought I'd be doing you a favour getting this out... Oh, the other piles should be done by tomorrow, this is only half of what's been done so far"

Wait, that just half of what's been done!? I know it's good ore but still, it still seems like we're getting too much back in return.

"That's... only half?"

"Heh, you really have outdone yourself it seems"

The grumpy ol'guy can't even take praise from Petra and just scoffs that off as well.

"I'd take your praise but it's honestly pointless kids, that ore you've found might be one of a kind. I've actually never come across something this rich in density, there's barely anything wasted from the clusters you bring me... That reminds me, if that boy is able to make the mine even more effective, then I'll have to hire even more workers at this rate... I'm going to be working till the day I die it seems, looking slightly forward to it kids"

I think it's been roughly a month and a half since the first days of the mine started and now the fruit has finally bloomed... I actually feel the urge to cry happy tears but there's no chance of this bird ever weeping! I'm a stubborn dude when it comes to that sort of thing, crying is for girls... even if I actually am one and you exclude how sexist that sounds. Wait, would that even count as being sexist seeing that I am-, just forget my rambles again.

"This is honestly just great... give me a sec and I'll pick this up then"

"We've got to hurry it though Ikarus, got the council meeting next"

Oh yeah, the council meeting, you can already tell the first one is just going to be him informing us about the situation and going deep into the numbers of the place... I think I'm just going to skip past this one for now since you know it's going to go slow...


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