Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 99 – Unexpected

Chapter 99 – Unexpected

"You alright Ikarus?"

"*Yawnnn*... yeah, I guess so"

Urgh, dear God, I slept like shit... I'm too tired to even get flustered about how that could be interpreted a completely different way, nothing happened except her sleeping like a rock cuddled up to me. You'd think that would be pretty cute and for that part, it was nice. The problem is that Petra was having some very explicit dreams last night. Whatever that succubus she killed did to her, it clearly gave her some happy thoughts. Some of the stuff she said-... no, I'm not recapping that, I'd get extremely embarrassed if I were in her situation knowing what happened.

This is one of those things I doubt I'll ever bring up to her, even I think it might not the best idea to say or even tease about. Some things are better left off unsaid, even she can't be confident in everything despite it nearly being impossible to embarrass her. Teasing is fun and all but let's leave most of that to Petra.

At the very least, that night has proven to me I think I'm now ready for the next step. It wouldn't surprise me if that's why she was adamant I stay with her last night to see my reaction but she does seem pretty oblivious to her explicit sleep talking, that or she really just doesn't care. Either way, let's just move on and try to power ahead, we've got things to do today.

As for what we're doing, we've just gotten some meat sticks from the market since the inn's kitchen was closed down this morning and are now heading back. Also, my tiredness isn't helped that we were woken first thing in the morning by the inn keeper saying the Lord would like to meet with us late in the morning. At least he wanted to have a talk at the inn but still, this could be a long day, anything tax related has that effect but Petra did just save his sorry arse from being a vampire's thrall so we may be able to avoid it. Let's just find out and see.

There isn't really much to actually recap on from yesterday though, it literally just sounded like Petra went in to have a meeting with the council that runs this place, found every person in the room was undead baring the Lord and then initiated combat without giving it a second though. I guess that makes her sound a little bloodthirsty but she knows more about vampires than anyone else so her attacking first would've been needed. It also says a lot that they were able to land a couple of hits on her, they must've been extremely powerful to even scratch her since Petra is the second most powerful person I properly know. The other being mother of course.

"You really didn't sleep well, did you Ikarus?"

"It's honestly fineee"

She really is oblivious to what happened I guess, at least she's happy... even if her smile is a little too happy this morning, she definitely remembers what she was dreaming about even if she isn't willing to say it out loud.

"Heh, guess I must've kept you up then, was I snoring or something?"

"Yeah... you were snoring"

At least her happy smile can always make me feel a little brighter inside, I'll never complain at seeing Petra being chirpy even if it's to the detriment of my sleep... heh, chirpy, I like that.

Anyway, finishing our breakfast still while walking and now arriving back at the inn, looks like the guy's right on time already waiting for us in the seating part of the inn where food is normally served when the kitchen isn't closed. I'm actually a little pissed about that since the inn owner is a pretty decent chef but I guess nothing he can do about it when it needs work.

"Ah, you two have returned, I'd like to thank you again for yesterday... oh, my apologies, I'm yet to even introduce myself to you Ikarus, the names Marcus and I've been trying to take care of this small island the last few years now"

Describing the Lord of this settlement's appearance, imagine any male Japanese or Korean stereotypical main character and he looks identical to that. Dark eyes, jet black short hair, blackened fancy clothing, quite the slender figure, all he needs is to duel wield swords or be a regressor and he's perfect. It sounds like I'm mocking but I shared a pretty similar appearance back on Earth so it's not like I can say much without being a hypocrite. Also thinking about it, father's human form kinda fits that stereotype as well but he's a dragon so he can be excused.


[Name: Marcus | Species: Human | Level: 25]

[Health 1,800/1,800]

[Stamina 672/700]

[Magicka 0/0]

'Huh... that's actually not bad compared to most'

Considering the average human who hasn't been to war, doesn't go adventuring, isn't a knight or doesn't do mercenary work, a level twenty-five is actually pretty high for a guy who doesn't look particularly strong. Of course, I've been around so many powerful people, my thinking is going to be skewed so he is going to appear weak regardless.


"*Yawn*... yeah, morning as well Marcus"

While we're greeting him back, we both go to sit down in the booth. It's now time to stop yawning and force myself to listen, this type of thing was bound to happen at some point so it's time to go into professional, concentrated mode.


A slight silence presents itself as no one furthers the conversation, I guess I could easily fill the silence but it does look this guy wants to say something but can't find the words. At least he's finally started even if that seemed a little awkward.

"I'll just come out and ask it otherwise we'll be here all day... there was something I meant to ask you both yesterday and now I finally have the chance... would you two be willing to take a seat on the council?"


Erm... where the hell has that come from? Is this guy dumb or is this just some way of him giving a reward?

"Hang on hang on hang on... are you seriously offering us both a seat on your council? I get that you owe Petra but offering us that type of role is just odd"

Despite the slight surprise, I think I know where this is leading... damn isekais! Why must you forsake my sense of surprise when you're so good at predicting things like this?

"In all honesty, reviewed everything that went on yesterday and realized I may not actually be up for the task that this town faces. With you two set to bring in vast amounts of wealth and holding extreme magical power, I'd pass on the entire leadership as well if you wanted it"

So... in the space of not even a day, we've gone from facing a tax bill to literally being offered an entire settlement!? Sighhh, I knew it would be something like this, it could be too good to turn down but our lives cannot be fixated around politics, there needs to be ways around it. There's already been the chance to run an entire empire, this would be significantly more different than that but I'm just looking forward to a nice future with Petra without being stuck constantly overworking.

I'm not the only one with a reaction to him though, mine may be more down to annoyance and surprise but Petra's seems to be more scepticism and curiosity.

"Heh, are things really that bad you have to give this up like that? If you're looking for someone to clean up your mess, then you won't find any scapegoats here"

I completely agree with her point. Despite us being both pretty realistic when it comes to viewing certain things, being offered high ranking roles or even the settlement itself does seem weird, almost like we're being set up to fail. The Lord Marcus's reaction completely tells a different story though.

"No no no!... Apologies, it really wasn't supposed to come across like that, this settlement has been doing really well for quite some time now, I just know you two could easily take it to the next level"

(Petra) "And why's that?"

"Other than the reasons I said previously about the wealth and power, there's just something about you two ladies that screams leadership to me... As a child, I remember coming across a high-ranking dwarf visiting this place who left a sparkling impression on me. I found out later on, that dwarf was actually the leader of that entire kingdom! I thought it might seem a little odd offering it outright so I thought giving a couple of seats first might be a bit more realistic... Also, it's not exactly like I've got much choice, the entire council is now gone and needs to be rebuilt, offering the role to the saviours is a decent choice, right?"

I'm unsure what to make of that despite me paying close attention to everything he said or implied, there wasn't a single lie thrown in there so he at least believes what he says. I wonder if us actually ruling for a time has given that vibe, feeling or aura. I have heard leaders do give off certain impressions on others but all he witnessed was Petra slaughtering vampires and me carrying her in my arms into the sunset... actually, that would seem pretty heroic I guess, it probably makes sense why we've been getting slight looks walking around this place today as well.

"Petra... you think he might get that impression because of the time we spent in the elven dungeon though?"

Those six months are still pretty difficult to forget, I will stop bringing it up at some point but constantly slaughtering elves and dealing with political shit has that effect. It's not like I have nightmares over it but it's not exactly something that can just disappear without giving it the occasional thought either.

"Interesting theory Ikarus, there could be something in that but not really sure"

Even if we ignore the fact this guy wants to turn this settlement over to us, there's still something that remains unanswered.

"Look, me and Petra should probably speak alone on this but what about the other thing? The reason why we were even contacted in the first place"

The man pauses from my questioning, even he doesn't seem to have thought that completely through. Is he incompetent for not bringing this up sooner or is he trying to be careful about it?

"Well... the original intention was to ask for you to share a portion of the profits since every licensed business does the same here..."

Damn taxes! Even in this medieval world, you just can't escape the hell that is society, lawlessness should reign all! Do we really count as a business though? I guess it kinda would... oh God, we're going to have to start keeping records of money going in and out as well, sometimes my memory on things like this can be as bad as Petra.

"... Seeing that you technically aren't located on the main island and that members of the council do get special privileges, I'm guessing such a workaround would be pretty easy to achieve"

Ah, corruption, I see how it is, not exactly like I'm complaining if it benefits us. The thing is, if we take control of this place, all profits would basically end up getting put back into it anyways so actually making money was never the issue. This has always just been a pet project for us, overworking because of it isn't ideal but I'll do it if we must. A pet project... a Petra project perhaps? I'm so freaking dumb at times.

"Could you now give us a few minutes to speak alone then?"

It's obvious Petra has something else she wants to say to me, seems like a good time for this now.

"Of course"

Marcus heads off outside the inn and now it's just us alone like usual, I do like our alone times but it's probably not the best time for cuddles and kisses right now.

"Ikarus, know you're not really up for the idea of controlling a settlement but this does seem a little difficult to turn down, especially if we can fully optimize this"

Despite me not wanting too many responsibilities, the idea to actually shape a settlement into our image might be perfect. Anyone who can't see the potential might be blind-... erm, you get my meaning, I think.

"There's still the issue with all the day to day stuff, we are only two people after all"

"Heh, I can handle most of the mundane stuff so you really don't need to worry all that much"

Why have I been blessed with such a person? Even if she says that, that's not happening.

"No fucking chance, that means I can't be with you all the time..."

At this point, the occasional slip up when I admit to way too much is bound to happen. Even though how uncomfortable it is to admit, I've become clingy to her and it's gotten to the point where it's not like I'll actually die of embarrassment admitting it anymore. I'd also like to think she might be similar but not ever asking anything like that.

"... Ahem, what I meant to say is that you're not doing everything alone again. If we're doing this though, the end goal is to make a settlement that doesn't need to rely on us in the slightest... let's also start with the council thing and see how it goes from there"

Already done the whole 'rely on the royals' thing back in that elven war dungeon and I couldn't have been more bored during that time. If Petra weren't around to basically do all the tedious work, I would've fully turned into the mad queen. There was only so much war to be waged so when not covered in the blood or ashes of elves, there was an entire country on our shoulders to deal with from the outskirts of the battlefields.

"Heh, agreed then Ikarus... although you know I can't let that previous comment go..."

'I knew this was coming, I wonder how she's going to spin this into a tease'

"... If possible, I'd also spend every waking second with you as well"

Urgh, my heart, don't be saying something like that with such a happy smile on your face! This woman is mentally corrupting me to love her more than what's even possible! I can't help but put my hand over my eyes even if that solves nothing.

"L-Let's just send him back in"

"Heh, sure... Marcus!"

After Petra raises her voice a little, the Lord returns back inside with an eager look on his face.

"Do we have an agreement then?"

"We'll do the role but we have two conditions..."

'Are there two conditions though? I'll just let Petra continue rather than question everything'

"...The first is that we'll take a seat on your council with a view to take over but that isn't a guarantee. However, that doesn't mean you can flog the tedious stuff on us to get out of work, you will also strongly regret this if there are any foul intentions behind it"

She really can make threats effortlessly, it's a good thing this guy isn't all that fazed with that subtle warning.

"That's perfectly understandable and agreeable, what about the other condition?"

"The second thing is that a very specific law needs to be changed quickly... the one regarding same sex marriage"

Hang the fuck on!? Is that an immediate issue or was that a proposal!? That can't be it, right?

"What!? Please don't tell me that was what I think it was Petra"

"Heh, no Ikarus, just we've got to make sure the church doesn't ever try to influence the public opinion here. It's not exactly like we're going to hide our relationship in front of people so it's more just setting the groundwork for when they inevitably try to rally up worshipers for their bullshit beliefs..."

Phew... so that's why it's important, it's not exactly like we're looking at that sort of thing for a very long time.

"... It would be lying if that was the only reason though... heh"

Damn it Petra! Why can't she help herself at times? I've already got to deal with the fact that I'm basically ready for the next step and you be bringing up marriage like that!? I can't help but laugh internally about it, she clearly is making a joke but still.

Marcus doesn't immediately give an answer though, I can understand Petra's reasoning instantly but maybe he's trying to figure out the why of it.

"Ah... that's actually quite the fair thought, same sex marriage is pretty much illegal in anyplace close by to the empire and I just never changed it since it never came up. I'm all for changing it but even if I wasn't, you two would already hold the majority vote... also, I very much doubt anyone is this place would even care in the slightest as well so we can sort that out soon"

"Some may not like it since the empire does only have the one God religion... I'm excluding priestess's personal beliefs"

"Erm, you've met with the holy priestess Petra? What was she like?"

Heh, the conversation between those two have seems to changed topic a little now, I'm not butting in simply because it's nice to hear Petra being talkative.

"A little tame but pretty friendly if you exclude her disgust for bandits"

"That's... pretty much like the rumours. By the sounds of it, the church is going to end up a problem but I'm getting the feeling you two can handle it... Actually, seeing your fighting in person, I'm very confident in that"

"It will prove a slight issue but to put it in perspective, those undead could've destroyed the entire church and their secret weapon all while being blood starved. Me and Ikarus alone should be enough to handle them"

"Fair enough, I respect your confidence on it"

I've already heard a slight rumour about the church being quite strong holding a weapon that is considered a gift from the one true God. I'd be worried but an enchanted blade means shit against Armageddon... I actually feel bad for my dagger saying that, I'm not even sure their secret weapon is like that but it's just an assumption. Sorry vampiric blade, you could definitely survive a nuke...

In the end, we discuss a few various other things like stuff about the trade deal we've set up and where the new temporary town council is going to be, Petra burning down that building obviously being the cause for that issue. Most of it was just recapping what we've been up to leaving phoenix related stuff out but now it appears our kinda casual meeting has come to an end.

"See you two tomorrow then!"

(Petra) "Bye"

(Ikarus) "Yeah, see you Marcus"

And now, alone again, at least the meeting has woken me up a little. In all honestly, I'd love to spend the day cuddling since she deserves it and I'm in that sort of mood but I already know things are never that easy.

"Now that's sorted, what should we do next?"

I still want to relax but it's not exactly like we've done much since getting back other than kill pirates and vampires, there's clearly still 'mundane' stuff to do.

"Unfortunately, we've still got work to do. Still got to check back in with the miners and make sure the mine is operating again as well as their safety, then check in with the blacksmith as well and potentially find a new storage facility..."

Ah yeah, can't be slogging around tonnes of gold all the time and we do need to store it before selling it off, I guess any building would do the job for now but a vault would be best... although, Petra's magic would be perfect for stopping thieves if she casts a barrier.

"... Once those things are done, we can finally have some more alone time and continue back off as we were last night"

"You're actually being this forward again!?"

I swear that succubus has put her in the mood or something, she was never this bad before, right? Or am I now being dense?

"Heh, Ikarus, I did tell you I'm more in control than you first thought, you've seemed a little more intimate recently so thought it might be nice to repay the favour"

By intimate, does she mean affectionate? I guess I have been a little more but that's her fault! If she wasn't so damn loveable, then I wouldn't be this way! As for what she means by repaying the favour, I'm unsure whether to be happy, afraid or curious now, I'm ready for the next step but that doesn't mean it will happen straight away... or does it?

"We'll... see how things go..."

That actually took her aback a little, was she actually just teasing there!? Have I just made a mistake? Forget it, this is a worry for later on today, I've got to focus on something else otherwise I'm just going to get worked up.

"...Let's just get work done first, then think about stuff later..."


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