Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 90 – New Arsenal

Chapter 90 – New Arsenal

All alone in the forest flying as a human without a single person around... it'd be a little lonely if it isn't wasn't for my robotic wife. To do what I wanted though, having Petra around would be too dangerous and she knows that, testing something called a supernova and basically a literal nuke is going to do a lot. As much as Petra may be strong, she ain't gonna survive a nuke, right? Heh, she probably would find a way.

Even though I like to worry, there's no way this will cause an actual supernova, at least I think so. My sun blaze ability didn't envelop the entire planet last time so it should all be good, even if that wasn't a top tier ability. Regardless, we're not using anything higher than one percent today.

Nothing happened last night except just some more cuddling and sleeping in separate beds in that cabin, Petra did make a little joke about pushing the beds together that made me chuckle though, did have to tell her a light no but she's clearly just teasing for now. It won't be long till we can share an actual bed, only just for sleeping though...

Honestly, I'm unsure why my mind thinks it's fine to sleep in a nest together but not here, maybe it's down to me changing form? Yeah, it's probably that, it's not exactly like we're going to kiss or do anything romantic while we're in different forms though, at least I don't think we should. Let's not think too heavily on that since it starts going into issue of legality even if we both are technically birds that might look different every now and then.

Anyways... back onto where I was, I've done a thorough search of this place making sure there's no humans or elves in sight, also made sure that the family, more specifically Minos wasn't hunting today so I've done what I can to prevent anyone around here... it's time for some real cool shit!

"So the question is Aesa... which one should I use first?"

Might as well speak out loud since I'm probably going to be partially death in a minute, it's just a hypothetical question though, everyone knows you start small and go bigger.

[<Aesa obviously suggests -atomic hellfire- first, will give the planet additional minutes of life before the inevitable>]

'You're joking... right? Ah forget it, let's get this thing started... activate atomic hellfire.

[<Confirmed, -user- has now activated -atomic hellfire->]

When Aesa confirms the activation, a small looking orb rapidly forms in my hand reminding me of one of those marbles you might've played with as a child but is much bigger, it's reddish-orange in colour though and is roughly the size of those balls you catch creatures in, gotta catch them all...

'What's this?'

[<-User- throws the orb and the impact activates the ability>]

'Hmm... I wonder if I can make that work'

I really want to be able to watch the cloud from a slight distance, I bet if I fly at full speed and throw it then, I can make a gap so I can at least see a good part of it. It's seriously a good thing abilities can't harm the user otherwise this might be suicidal.

[<User- worries about pointless things too much>]

'And you state the obvious way too much as well... you don't need to comment on things like that ya know?'

[<Aesa couldn't disagree more>]

Ignoring her, I do my little thing and start to fly full speed at an angle upwards. Once I'm as fast as I can possibly fly, it's time to throw.

"Heave... Ho!"

I just like that, the orb flies out of my hand and very quickly flies out of sight, just how far did I throw that?

"Okay... that may be a little far"

I honestly can't see where I threw it now, that orb definitely went a lot further than I was anticipating but forget it, when's the explosion coming?

Fortunately, it doesn't take long...

Everything in front of me turns pure white like priestess's flashbang attack and my ears ring from the bang, it only lasts for a second before I can see the thick, dense cloud rapidly starting to rise in the distance.

'Fuck me, that makes no sense how I was able to throw it that so far'

Why am I focusing on that? I'm literally looking at the deadliest weapon humans have created and I'm able to do it from my own hands! The mushroom fireball is in full effect right now as well, pretty fucking epic if I do say so. Also, a strong shockwave passes through the thick forest below me causing leaves and branches to fall off the trees. Nearly forgot that bombs have shockwaves for a second, definitely threw that way too far if the shockwave is only just arriving.

"I am become death-... I've already said that so let's just move on"

Look, I know what I'm doing is irresponsible as hell, what am I supposed to do though? Not test the world ending abilities!? Do I really seem like that sort of bird? Even excluding all the little animals and insects that may die from all this, the destroyed trees and the potential fallout if it's an actual nuke will make this place unliveable for a while, it's only a little nuke so it's fineee.

'Aesa, you reckon that'll be saf-, don't be stupid Ikarus, radiation from your own ability can't harm you'

I want to get a closer look at where it might've landed, I'm pretty sure nukes don't actually cause huge holes in the ground but still want to check regardless.

[<Aesa would also like to see impact crater, only for testing purposes obviously>]

'You don't have to explain your reasoning, we're in agreement after all...'


'Eh... that's smaller than I thought'

There's not much of a crater here, most of trees have been incinerated around it but seriously though, this crater is tiny compared to what you might expect, can't say I'm overly disappointed but that bomb was definitely smaller than you'd think. Oh well, it would still take out most of a smaller city if I wanted to use it, a hole in the ground isn't the best for measuring its power after all and maybe I'm exaggerating a little with the smallness of it, it's still pretty big. It'll probably have a bigger effect if I find a way to explode it midair like what an actual nuke does but that'll be a little hard to achieve unless I smack it against my arm or something, I'd miss the view unfortunately as well.

'Anyways... now that you've collected whatever data you wanted from that, you ready for the next one Aesa?'

[<Everything is sorted... I'd suggest -user- be more cautious where -user- throws this one, the mountain range is only several days away>]

'I'm just going to throw it where I was before, that should be fine, right?'


She really doesn't fill me with any confidence so let's just get this out of the way, the ability to apparently destroy the world is about to set off, pull up a front row seat and crunch on your popcorn, it might be the last thing you do...

'Aesa, activate supernova... only at one percent'

[<Confirmed, ability -supernova- is now is use... be careful>]

And like with how the last ability formed, a marble the same size to the last, just only this time having a more orangey-blue mixed look forms in my grasp. Since I'm still flying, it's time for another run up, or fly up if I'm being pedantic.

Like with the last time, I rapidly gain some speed and hurl it far away ahead of me, no idea when it's about to land again but this time around, I know it's going to be bigger.

And like I predicted, the explosion is blinding and huge.

Another bright white light blinds me lasting for close to several seconds, then once it goes, a deafening explosion, maybe a hundred times louder than the last roars past my ears and must shake this entire part of the forest... and the sight...

I must've thrown that further than the last and it seems to have spread all the way over here. Unlike the last with the smoke cloud that comes with a bomb, this time it's extremely colourful, shades of blue, purple, orange and red surround the area like a foggy aurora, it'd be beautiful if you exclude the pure destruction that just happened.

This only lasts for what might be only thirty seconds or so but once it fades, I can see the impact site... damn.

"Aesa... are you sure that was only one percent?"

[<Erm... unfortunately -user-... that was only 1%, Aesa suggests NEVER going above that>]

The crater... must be literal miles or kilometres, I must've thrown that further than the nuke and it's spread this far!? This crater might be the size of a tiny country, I can't even see the end of it... and it's only at one percent...

'Look... I know they say with power comes great responsibility... but what the actual fuck was that!? Whoever made this system, are they literally trying to get me destroy countries or continents in the blink of an eye!?'

This might wipe out an entire continent if I used this at full power, I'm not even exaggerating...

[<Aesa is in complete agreement with -user-, ability -supernova- should never be used unless as last resort>]

The thing is, I can't even make a joke about this, it was obvious some of those gambling abilities were insane but this is something as powerful as mother could do... and it's only at one percent.

'Forget it... it says a lot that even you are shocked... let's just head back, it did take days to get this far away from everyone, thank fuck I took precautions'

This fucking crater man, at least I've got a test site for any other future tests, can't physically destroy the forest any further than what I just did there... unless there's something even worse than this...

[<Agreed, -user's- worrisome nature might've saved the planet>]

'At least I can always rely on your sarcasm, that could've been bad though...'


---Thought it would be cool to show the scale of the explosion.



<Little one! Is everything okay?>

'Should've expected this, must've heard the explosion from the cave'

Off in the distance, two dragons that need no description and my girlfriend up on one of their backs, I bet she's been a little worried as well but we're too far away to hear each other right now, telepathy does have a longer range then sound after all. Also, Petra's on father's back, would've expected her on mother's but father does seem to like her after all, more than enough to carry her about. Heh, dragon's pride is bullshit.

Now that they're closer, we can finally speak, can already tell mother is concerned but she really shouldn't be as I did pre warn her something like this may happen. Ah, also back in bird form since flying is quicker that way.

(Ikarus) "You really don't need to worry so much, I can't harm myself from such a thing and I already told you before leaving"

(Petra) "Abilities are harmless to the user albeit maybe a bit of tiredness, Ikarus really isn't that reckless"

Well... I respectfully disagree there Petra, I've got to show her the crater at some point, I am most definitely reckless.

<Told you it would be fine darling>

<You two won't even understand till you have children... and Dermak, shut it>

<Yes dear>

Honestly would've liked Petra to worry a little but oh well, at least everything is fine on this side of things.

<Seriously though Ikarus, just how powerful were those two things you used? The first bang was loud but the second was louder than that volcano going off>

While mother is continuing to speak, father is desperately trying to hold something in, he's about to laugh. Can't respond to mother right now, Petra's safety is at risk!

"Petra! You need to get off him right now!"

<Relax little one... I can hold it in... to think, you're able to do something like that at the minuscule age of not even a quarter of a century, don't think I've said this but I'm extremely proud of you>

Oh yeah, I did tell them about the whole evolving from human thing, they actually seemed really understandable about it, almost as if it made a load of sense. Clearly that information the dryad has about phoenixes is true then, no idea what type of shit father is spewing right now though. I know he respects power but the whole approval from parents' thing has never been something I even care about.

<Why do you find that humorous though Dermak?>

<Because darling... she might already hold similar power to you... little one, I've already got one powerful nagging creature in my life, please don't turn into your mother and give me another>


Mother was clearly about to hit him hard there but clearly stopped because it might've knocked Petra off, we are all flying while conversing after all.

<Be careful darling, there's only a limited amount of smacks I can take before you destroy these weak and fading old bones>

<We both know that's untrue. If you want me to stop, then learn to be a kinder dragon Dermak>

<Impossible dear>


He's getting ahead of himself since he's got Petra protection, I should really carry her myself and then mother can whack him, he deserves it right now... hang on, I bet that's his reasoning for carrying her! Sly father, I know what you're up to... there is something else I'm thinking about though.

"Look... I'm not trying to brag, play it down or anything like that but that is seriously too much... you know that was only one percent of what's it's capable of, right?"


Knew I'd get that reaction, this isn't even bragging! This is too fucking powerful to realistically use, when am I going to need to wipe out an entire country? Seriously though, even if I didn't care about innocent lives, all that wasted EXP just for a huge bang? I mean, it's a pretty fucking epic bang but damn it, it's not exactly practical. This definitely isn't a complaint.

Petra seems to be able to break the slight silence though.

"Heh Ikarus... at least I know never to piss you off now"

I can't help but smile at that, her sense of humour has always been pretty great.

<Anyways little one, might be best to head back and get some rest, don't want any mortals nearby to think the world is ending from your little tests and come pay us a visit. If they do, it'll be a slaughter but wiping out mortals does get boring quickly>

<Your father's right, best to be a little careful>

Okay, we'll head back then, I'm going to try my luck on something though.

"Fine but I'm sitting up on your back dinosaur, Petra's already up there after all"

Might as well get a free ride back, dragons do seem to fly fastest out of everything, phoenixes are close but still are slower. Don't even get me started on how slow wyverns are compared, would you expect a flying rat to be fast? Urgh, forgot fathers been slagging wyverns off again.

<Hmph... just don't be doing anything me and your mother would do up there>

"Whattt? Never..."

Huh, almost forgot about that time I saw him sitting on mother's lap, definitely get my unorthodox relationship tendencies from my parents...


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