Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 89 – Upgrade

Chapter 89 – Upgrade

Five years later...

I'm joking, I'm joking! Jeez, you really think I would do you over like that? It's not even been a whole week since the scum from the empire died and for what me and Petra are up to, thought it would make sense to pay a slight visit to the parents on the way to where we're going. I'll get to what my plans are another time but for now, it's just a relaxing fun time.

We arrived a couple of nights ago and are currently out hunting with Minos, actually it's him hunting with us two both sitting up on his back in human form, I'm in feathered version but I shouldn't need to repeat myself on that, feathered when away from civilizations, non-feathered for when around people, excluding the odd exception like visiting a settlement that won't give me looks.

Oh, kinda off topic but did have a quick chat to father about the reward thing he owes the empire, it still is basically no issue. As of this current moment in time, there are no non-human threats around, at least according to him and mother's noses. Unsure what's going down in the empire right now but that's some information to learn another time since it's bound to have gone slightly bad.

"Minos, over there"


Petra is mainly doing the helping while I'm basically just sitting here cuddling up to her, I'm not having him steal her away from me! I'm kidding of course, unsure on why he really likes her but it's definitely nothing like love, right? Of course not, he still has the mental age of a youngling despite his size now being pretty big, still a very long way to go before being like our parents' sizes but it wouldn't surprise me if give it a few decades, then maybe he'll be like father. Could also be a lot quicker, apparently he's similar to me in that regards, he grows really fast for a dragon.

Oh, an update on me and Petra as well, we kissed again the over day, it wasn't really a big deal like the other two since it was a bedtime goodnight kinda thing in the nest but it still counts, I think. It just happened naturally without any real buildup so it was just one of those things really. Also, it's not like I can give an update every time we kiss, sure, in the beginning it matters but at some point it's going to become normal and something we do most days, even if that still might be a little bit away.

Also, we obviously slept in the nest together but that still doesn't count as actual sleeping together like in a bed but we've done that in the nest before so it's fine, alright? It's a pretty big nest even if we sleep pretty close together, was worried mother might say something about everything but apparently her only concern is about mating, nothing else. Even then, it still doesn't sound like I would be disowned for doing such a thing...

Forget it... anyways, I know there's a massive elephant in the room that I'm still failing to mention, my level obviously being it... I actually haven't done anything with it just yet, mainly down to indecision. I've got so many points spare now, I'm unsure how many I want to spend so I've purposely been trying to decide to set a hard limit beforehand, then spend up to it afterwards. I don't actually have a gambling problem but it wouldn't surprise me if something good comes up just as I'm finishing, also it's been kinda relaxing this getaway so ruining it with a brilliant new ability that might destroy the cave or forest I can wait on.

Ah, it doesn't matter, I'll get around to it later, Minos is now swooping in for the kill, he was the one who suggested doing this, to Petra as well no less. He clearly can spea-, no, use telepathy really well now but purposely doesn't use it on me thankfully enough, I'm pretty sure he's been having conversations with Petra about me without me knowing, apparently you can focus it on just one person but that probably seems obvious by now.

Should I be concerned? Nah, I love my little dragon brother, I will give him a punch if I find out he's been gossiping nasty stuff behind my back though, he can easily take it looking at his size, not like I'm actually going to do it though. Minos should be protected at all costs.

While me and Petra are holding onto a conveniently placed scale on his back, he rapidly descends through the forest and grabs the wolf like a big brown badass. Seriously though, that was epic brother! It's a shame he's disappointed.

<Noooooo! I thought that was a goat, wolfs suck! I wanted goat for dinner... Ah, sorry sis>

Minos realizing what he's caught flies back up and throws the poor wolf to its inevitable falling death, I'm a little annoyed with him wasting food and throwing it away like that but there's another issue.

"Urgh, my heart Minos, your voice is still too much... don't worry about it though, we've been looking long enough and there are no goats around, might be best to head back"

"Ikarus is right little fellow, just a forest full of wolfs right now"


Even the sad cu's come back around, you can't afford to picky little guy, even if he's bigger than both of us.


<Sometimes wish the world would just bur-... forget about it"

<What was that Dermak?>

<Nothing dear>

Back at the cave, you'll never guess what we're doing and what father is clearly getting pissed at? Board games, made sure to buy some to bring around while we are travelling a little time ago since playing cards is out of the question so stuff like this is the best option. Sure, you don't have most of the popular Earth ones and some are a little childish but there's still a few which are extremely similar, most are pretty easy to pick up on like this one we're playing.

Ever remember that one with the ladders and snakes? Yeah, we're playing something very similar to that called serpents and ropes, at least just me and father are since the females have already gotten to the end. I keep getting stuck at the end bit and father gets setbacks every time he progresses, he must have luck similar to Zeki for stuff like this. It's inevitable he's going to lose this; the God of luck may be toying with me but he is screwing father over massively.

Also keep in mind, those two basically have to lay completely flat in the cave to even be able to come close to the game, it's honestly surprising they can even move pieces seeing how large their paws and claws are but I guess it's only pushing counters. And in father's case, going forward, then going all the way back down once again.

<Hmph, how can little mortals enjoy such a boring activity?>

<I think it's fun Dermak... go out if you're going to complain, you better be back on time though>

<Fine... damn curfew, I'll get everyone dinner while I'm out then>

It also appears mother has given him a curfew; I dread to think what might happen to him if he's not home on time but we're not going to watch what happens. It wouldn't surprise me if father has this put on him for years but if it's to get him to stop cheating, then it would be worth it. We could also just kill the dragons he's been getting with but unlike with humans, I don't want to kill a dragon, already did that and nearly ended up eating aunt's tail...

(Ikarus) "Don't bother... I've got no appetite now"

(Petra) "I'll pass as well"

<Hmph... fine then>

Father flies off and now that it's just us three alone, Minos is also out doing God knows what, bet he really wants to find a goat in this forest and inevitably he will find one if keeps searching long enough, the forest to the west does seem endless after all.

<Anyways... now that we're alone... how's your relationship developing? Even though I still don't think you're not old enough for the mating, I would like it if we could be open and honest to each other if you have...>

Damn it mother! Don't be asking something personal like that and why does she assume we're actually doing it!? Sure, I guess there's not much in the way of news living in a cave far away from everything but still, that's a little personal.

"Heh, it's going nice and slowly so it's all good"

"Petra's right but I'd rather not talk about that type of stuff with you mother"

Petra always can find words that suit the situation best, I really don't want mother knowing if stuff happens between us. I know this is a thing some women do, specifically talking personal details between friends but there's no chance I'm having that sort of relationship with mother. To be honest, it's probably just her being curious, it's obvious who I get that trait off.

<Well, if you don't want to share, you don't have to worry if you want some privacy or- Ah! Don't forget about that little cabin the humans built if you two do fancy some alone time, even me and Dermak sometimes hunt together alone so you don't need to worry that much about it>

I mean, it's not exactly like we're staying long though, I'm also surprised that little place is down there still, I guess there's no reason why it wouldn't be. I'm also surprised just how much of a U turn she's made about this, I guess she's just trying to be a supportive mother after all even if she's not completely happy about it. Why am I thinking about this? Mating still ain't happening... at least for a while...

"Ahem... that cabin is still there?"

<Sure Ikarus, it probably needs some fixing up since it's been sitting dormant for quite some time but nothing nasty has moved in>

Oh, so it might just be a little dusty then? Visiting might bring up some bad memories with the mage but it could be good to have a quick check around, they probably left some stuff since Jekyll and Leone did plan on returning until my cure came about.

"Fancy some alone time then Ikarus?"

Wait, Petra wants to visit that place? Hmm... I'm unsure why but at the very least, I've been putting off my stat points long enough now, it's quite secluded and could be a good place to test some new stuff out.

"Ah screw it, we'll head there now then..."


Back at that small three room cabin I came across however long ago that was, can't help but feel a little nostalgic while outside, thought there would be some bad memories but honestly it doesn't seem all that bad, it's not like the only thing that happened was constant harassment by that woman after all. The training with Jekyll wasn't actually that bad although a little exhausting.

Petra opens the door for me and we enter inside the cabin, it's actually not that rundown except from all the dust that has spread around this place. Over there was where I first had a human style meal being that rabbit stew, that's the mirror I first witnessed my nakedness on and just outside was where I got some pointers from Jekyll, I guess not all of it was bullying style memories. I wonder what Jekyll is up to anyways, probably cleaning up the mess we made.

"So why did you want to com-"

Before I even have the chance to finish, Petra jumps on me, I'm joking but I find an unexpected kiss out of nowhere... that was unexpected, didn't last long but I've completely lost my train of thought, erm...

"Apologies Ikarus, felt a little nasty doing this in front of your parents while they're fighting... you okay?"

I'll be one hundred honest, that completely caught me off guard and has dazed me a little, I know sometimes I can be a little dense but I didn't realize she wanted to kiss again so badly. Despite the dazyness, if that's even a word but that did seem to come out of nowhere.

"A-Ahem... you caught m-me off guard a little, didn't expect that in the slightest"

The kiss was still good though, every time with Petra is but that just came out of nowhere, I kinda feel like it needs a slight hint or buildup beforehand.

"Heh, if I start teasing will that relax you? There's no need to though, all I need to do is look at my lovely red Ikarus's face and that will always work"

She's such a hypocrite! Her face is as red as min-... oh, I get what she's doing, distractions do always work, even if she shouldn't be able to see colour but magic logic people.


Damn her lovely lips, my memory is still blank.

"... What was it I wanted to do again?... Oh yeah, my EXP, let's sort this place out, then relax while I buy some stuff"


We'll clean this place up a little, stay here the night and then spend some more time with my parents tomorrow, only thing I've excluded is the ability stuff but that's a reward for doing the dusting chores after all.


It takes a little while to get most of the dust off but once it at least looks liveable, I'm now relaxing cuddled up to Petra with her on the more masculine side of things on the wooden sofa. Despite me wanting to enjoy this, I've put this off for long enough now, can still hug while talking to Aesa.

Also, can't forget the atmosphere in this dark dimly lit room with only the fire in the fireplace to light up the room, it's quite romantic thinking about it... forget it, need no more distractions, even if I'm literally laying up against the best distraction around.

'Let's do a before and after thing, status'

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 174]

[Health 34,000*/34,000*]

[Stamina 9,362*/10,000*]

[Magicka 34,000*/34,000*]

[You currently have 38000 unassigned points]

As you can see, look at all those points... it honestly might be comparable to staring at gold or looking at Petra, sometimes life just chucks you a bone, why does killing have to be so rewarding?

'Erm... you know what? I'm going to round some stuff out before I start on the gambling cycle... Aesa, put three thousand in each of health and magicka, then add five to stamina'


'And now the after-status check'

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 174]

[Health 40,000*/40,000*]

[Stamina 19,362*/20,000*]

[Magicka 40,000*/40,000*]

[You currently have 27000 unassigned points]

'And that leaves us five potential uses, I'm not irresponsible enough to spend all of it at once though... let's go for three, then save the remaining in case I ever need it... Aesa, do your thing... please'

[<Does -user- wish to confirm spending 5000 points into ability -sacrificial lamb-?>]

'Yes... you don't have to do a confirmation message every time I buy it'

[<Aesa does when spending levels on new ability... processing... -user- has unlocked -doubled potential->]

'Well, that's not going to get annoying... what's doubled potential do anyway?'


Aesa's silence tells all, it's really bad I reckon.

'Come on, tell me what you know'

[<Warning, -user- will really not like this ability>]

Oh God, she's delaying even more, this is going to be terrible.

'Just tell me already'

[<Affirmative... for normal RP system -users-, ability -doubled potential- would double all stats for up to 10 minutes. Unfortunately for -user-, effect does NOT stack with enchanted clothing, activating ability will do nothing>]

'Are you fucking for real!? I've literally bought an ability that has next to no use!? How often am I not wearing this fucking dress? Sure, I know it might've been useful at that party but damn it, what a waste for like every other waking moment'

I can't help but pull myself off Petra from that as well, no time for hugging when being this frustrated, what's the point of an ability that does the same thing as a dungeon reward? Talk about the Gods running out of ideas or something, this might as well be a duplicate.

"Alright Ikarus?"

"Yeah, don't bother about me, unlocked terrible ability that serves no use... still got to get through two more"


Sighhh... I guess it does have some use so I should stop complaining, at least I can use it on the off chance I get attacked when out bathing in a lake of something, the things is the ego of the outfit still applies when in bird form so bathing as a big fluffy swan boat has always been the way to go, at least when travelling. If I get attacked in a city while naked, then it's useful. Eh, silver linings I guess.

'Forget it, it's very situational after all, no point even asking about the cooldown since I'll just assume everything has it unless you tell me otherwise... Aesa, next one please'

[<Does -user- wish to confirm spending 5000 points into ability -sacrificial lamb-?>]

'Sigh, yes'

[<Confirmed... -user- has unlocked -supernova-... erm...>]

'Oh, don't tell me this one is shit as well!? It's called a freaking supernova! That should be epic if it's based on what an actual one is'

(<Aesa is more concerned about -user- ever using this ability, it has lack of specific description and is among the highest tier of danger levels... Aesa does have a percentage multiplier that can be used but unsure how much potential power this has. Also, Aesa needs to inform -user- that most high tier abilities are unable to provide EXP>)

'Wait... so this isn't bad then? Don't actually tell me this could wipe out multiple planets all at once?'

Is it really surprising that something like this would also be balanced? Think about it, how easy EXP would be to get with an high tier ability? Pretty sure an actual supernova is like a huge explosion, of fucking course there's got to be drawbacks like providing no EXP from the whole thing.

[<Ability cannot be as powerful as actual supernova, that should be impossible... Aesa still suggests -user- find a secluded area hundreds of miles away from anyone and chooses the 1% option when firing>]

It's rare but Aesa actually sounds concerned about this. By the sounds of it, this might be one of those abilities she said would be more powerful than what mother can accomplish, it's ironic I wanted something like this but it might be too powerful to actually use.

'The way you make this sound... it sounds like I've got something capable of destroying a planet'

[<-User- may have unlocked the strongest ability around... extreme caution is advice, unsure what else could be stronger than supernova>]

So, she's actually serious... there's almost a slight hint of curiosity in her voice despite the concern as well, we've got to be very careful using this, what else is in theory is more powerful than a supernova? A black hole? Never really cared all that much about astronomy but damn, I'm about to end the world if this is the shit I'm getting.

'We both know there's no chance this isn't getting tested at some point... let's buy the last one then'

[<Does -user- wish to confirm spending 5000 points into ability -sacrificial lamb-?>]

'Yup... once again'

[<Final confirmation message... -user- has unlocked -atomic hellfire->]

'I'm liking the sound of this... atomic means what I think it does, right?'

[<Affirmative, -user- should now be able to make an explosion comparable to Earth's nuclear bombs. Unsure on the devastation but seems to be smaller than ones used in last global war>]

'So wait... it's true... I've just unlocked a freaking nuke!?'

Listen okay, I know a supernova beats a nuke in every department but still, I can basically use myself as a nuclear bomb!? Oh, I won't get to see the mushroom cloud if I'm inside it, that kinda sucks, the mushroom bit is like the best part.

[<While -user- should be happy for unlocking 2 top tier abilities, Aesa reckons that both will be a struggle to use in daily life>]

'Of course, that would be obvious especially considering my plans aren't to destroy the entire planet'

At the very least, human targets can no longer be a threat towards me, all I need to do is threaten to use nukes... let's not go down that route, alright? Otherwise I'd just end up being a dictator who rules with an iron fist and abuses their people. I'll probably never use it...

Who am I kidding? If I happen come across a bandit stronghold and don't fancy the EXP for the day, then I've got two options for destruction, I can't wait to give these a try! I'll ignore my dictatorship tendencies but both of these do have to be used, only against criminal scum after all.

Obviously, Petra has started to notice me getting happy, I am right next to her still. Of course, unlocking a supernova and a nuke would be doing that, feel like I can now take on the entire world if I so pleased.

"You're smiling a lot Ikarus, get something good?"

"You have no idea Petra..."


---Still sticking with the randomized draw thing, stupid lucky bird...


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