Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 91 – Work Preparations

Chapter 91 – Work Preparations

So now... it's time to move on, spent enough time with my parents and it's not exactly like we're going too far away, at full speed I could probably do the trip in half a week, maybe even quicker with my stamina upgrade but that would be pretty exhausting. It also feels good to have ONLY Petra up on my back once again, even if we've done this a few times after doing our little empire clean up. Look... anything I say is just going to make me sound weird so I'll just leave it alone for now, I definitely prefer her over anyone else being on my back and I really don't know why that's a thing, being 'ridden' so to speak isn't something I should lik-... I don't like it though! Urgh, forget it.

Anyways, guess where we're going next? It shouldn't be that hard seeing that I've been bringing up that gold mine every now and then, I've gone off monetary gain a bit but it couldn't hurt to set up my own source of income so I don't always have to rely on my parents' wealth forever, even if I could never realistically get through it all. Also, it's just a nice way of passing the time setting up a goal that could lead to a lot and needs a bit of work put into it.

Of course, Petra can have half of everything but she's telling me it's all mine and that she'll help regardless, no point in having money discussions with her so I'll just get Aesa to half everything we get from it and keep that separate in storage so if she ever needs it. Petra will probably never use it but even then, it's still there.

Oh, that might not work, also could do with building a vault or a fort to store all my gold in, there is a weight limit in my storage after all, even if I've only ever come close to it once. Carrying around tons of gold isn't practical as much as I'd love to do it.

The thing is, what am I going to do with all that wealth after? That mine in the dungeon was huge, so much gold for the taking that spending it would prove troublesome, it would be wasteful just sitting there like my parents' nest. I'm getting a little ahead of myself though, it's a plan that requires some buildup and work beforehand, need to find some people to mine, smelt and then sell the gold to first.

Think trading will be pretty simple, I'm guessing the dwarfs will be willing to buy loads of it, it sounds like they use gold in their filtration systems but that was just something I remember hearing in the background at a bar. Also, it's freaking gold! It's like the main thing currency revolves around in this world, the only thing more expensive is platinum when it comes to actual crafted coins but they're too rare to even be practical.

That's only on the trade side of things though, there's the whole issue about everything else so I'm going to start slow, then build our way up, always have Petra to help as well. The first plan is to get miners who are willing to work, that hot springs settlement is the only civilization on the three islands so there must be people willing to work there, just need to promise good wages and hopefully that works... things are never that simple though.

Then... I guess I'll just have to wing it, need some blacksmiths constantly working once we have the ore in our hands... huh, I wonder if that Garry the gnome guy would be willing to relocate, let's just wait on that until another time though, should be at least a blacksmith or two in town that might be able to provide some advice.

Oh, can't also forget to mention I'm still flying, did say Petra's on my back before all that future planning stuff came up.

"Heh... so Ikarus... how does it feel knowing you hold power comparable to the Gods?"

I'm surprised she's asking that but I think it's a little funny to be honest, why? After we left, I thought it might be a good idea to show her that stupid hole I made, I don't know why but maybe I'm prideful about it? I mean, I literally did that! I guess the more I think about it, the happier it makes me even if I can't really be using that consistently. Petra's reaction to the whole thing was of slight shock at first seeing the crater that lasted for miles, then she very quickly turned it into a joke again.

I'm so happy she trusts me not to destroy the world or something like that, you'd think her seeing something of that magnitude would make her worry about anybody wielding that type of power but clearly she can't see me using that for evil. Well... I could very easily use it for evil if someone decides to take Petra from me, let's not think on that though...

Oh, did make sure to check with Aesa if it's safe or not before heading back though, apparently there was no radiation from any of the explosions in the slightest and didn't bother asking at the time since shock and awe from it all, ya know? I do swear that goes against how they're supposed to work but I'm no scientist so have no clue on that. Obviously wouldn't have showed her if it was full of the silent killer, can't be having her become radiated and growing or mutating a third leg or something-... wait, that stupid memory has come back up...

"I think you're exaggerating a little Petra"

"Maybe... but also maybe not, don't have or haven't seen anything of that devastation so the assumption might be correct'

What? Petra doesn't have anything as powerful as what I have? She seems serious but hard to tell since I can't look at her face, also that ability should tell me otherwise if she's lying or not.

"Seriously!? You don't have anything else like that?"

"Heh, don't have the power of the world at my fingertips Ikarus, you've already seen arguably the best thing I've got, even that had to be unlocked via exchange"

I'm guessing that's when she goes into black eyed mode, unsure how it completely works since numbers don't really get shown in Petra's system but it definitely makes everything she uses more powerful. Sighhh... I bet the exchange is that it's painful to use.

"You ever gonna tell me more about your curse? I can always shut it and just listen if you want"

As much as I don't want to make her sad, it could be a weight off her shoulders so to speak, it doesn't matter if it's a deal she regrets or not, I can just always listen if she wants to complain about the devil who offered it to her. I'm not sure if it's a devil or demon but you'd think they'd make that type of deal, I just hope she hasn't sold her soul or something as well.

"Perhaps someday, it's less of a concern than you'd think Ikarus"

Even if it is, I'm always going to worry about Petra even if I don't say it out loud enough.

"Then can I just ask one more question since I get the idea how it might work like this... if you had the chance to make yourself healthy but it cost you your power, would you do it?"

Unfortunately, I already know the answer because I agree with her on this.

"Honestly... no, the trade-off is worth it despite it all... besides, I've got you now so there's rarely any need for the normal body as well"

Urgh, why did she have to do that? I already love her enough and she has to say stuff like that? At this point, I'm not going to deny the word I just thought though...

"Don't you like being a phoenix? There is some appeal to the comfortable feathers and all that, also it's great for sleeping and even floating in water!"

Unsure why it sounds like I'm trying to convince her. If the normal bird form had arms, then it would be superior in nearly every aspect except getting through tight doorways, can't really counter that without changing. Ah, maybe flying through the desert would suck too, might overheat a little.

"Heh, maybe, but like I just said, it can be worth it... Also, doubt I'd get such a lovely fluffy seat if things changed"

She just can't herself, unfortunately neither can I but with me, it's just bluntness mixed with a little stupidity that can't be helped.

"As if that would make any difference! Even if you could switch forms with no issues whatsoever, you can ride me anytime you lik-..."

I don't even need to recap on what I just said, I think Petra is trying to control her laugher holding her mouth up there. Sometimes I think she makes me stupid, that's not even the first time I've thought about it in that way and I just said it out loud!... I bet even Aesa is disappointed with me.

"...Heh... I'll keep that in mind"

'Sighhh... it's a good thing I basically love her at this point, should I say anything? Probably not just yet...'


"Petra... where would we even go to find miners?"

"I'm... not too sure, might be better to find a blacksmith first and work from there?"

We've just arrived at the market of this settlement and clearly both of us aren't completely sure how to go about this, I guess even in Petra's never-ending experiences, even she has never had to run a mine before. It can't be that hard to do, right? At least we both had the same though about going to a blacksmith about this, even if it's a completely different role to actually mining the damn stuff.

Before we got back to this place, we made sure to pay a visit to the mine even if it's added most of another day onto our travel time. Kinda had to though, needed to make sure squatters or animals haven't moved in and thankfully enough, the mine is exactly how we left it, the pillars are still in the centre of the gigantic cave and the walls are covered in head to toe full of gold ore. I think I may have saw something silver looking on the roof of the cave as well but that probably was a reflection from something, that entire place does have a slight shine to it after all.

I feel like I should say something to her at some point about the love thing, I don't actually feel like it's that big of a deal though, at least for me. I'm not going to overthink it this time, if I say something, then I'll say it but I've already learnt it's better to just flow with it and see what happens. Also, it's not like we kiss most days now. Sorry, we have been travelling a lot and things have been pretty relaxed other than the odd wolf attack, they're mostly just goodnight ones but still...

Well anyways, we both walk into the town market in search of a blacksmith's building, there definitely is one or two out here but this place was only ever a small town that relies on its fishing docks and hot springs to get by, doubt we'll find anyone as good as a dwarf but got to start somewhere, am I right?

The thing about this place is that it's not actually that big, at least compared to any town or city in the empire, still a lot bigger than a village though. Keep in mind, there is no proper wall as well, at least not in the traditional sense since some buildings have been built into what used to look like one but that's only one side of the place. There would've been one surrounding the place at some point that's turned to ruin but I'm guessing they're not exactly needed? I'm guessing bandits and pirates aren't all that common this area in the world and if they are, there is a force of the town guards to deal with.

There is something strange about this place though. Being that it's technically not part of the elven or human continents, it's slightly diverse. Clearly not as noticeable as the fourth continent Maladonia but the point is, elves, beastfolk and humans do live together here, even if it's like ninety percent human. No dwarfs in sight though.

Didn't notice it last time I visited, maybe because I was a little blind back then to the racism in this world? Unsure completely but it does at the very least allow me to use the hybrid form, gonna call the feathered version that from now on. Not really getting any glares which is kinda good.

While walking through the market holding hands though, we've finally come across what appears to be the biggest blacksmith shop in this place. In all honesty, it's not exactly large or impressive but that was to be expected in a place not needing weapons. 

"Don't mind me, sir is who you want to speak with"

We walk past the fiery forge out the front with what looks to be an apprentice working it and into the shop proper after he speaks to us. That kid is pretty scrawny for someone who strikes metal all day if I'm being honest, he must've just started this job.

Now into the store, we both walk up to the counter and to and old looking balding guy standing behind it, I'm guessing he's the owner then.

"What you looking for? Got a good selection of light swords or daggers in stock right now"

(Ikarus) "We're looking for advice"

"I'm a blacksmith deary, the only advice I can give is buy some weapons or leave"

Are all blacksmiths in this world like this? Slightly rude I mean, whether it's in a nice way or a nasty, most do seem pretty blunt even if I haven't exactly met many.

"*Sigh*, do me a favour and take a look at these. Ikarus, show him your dagger as well please"

Judging by Petra's reaction, this guy is just slightly rude, I'm guessing showing him our weapons proves we're here for a different reason? Not completely sure on that but I do as asked anyways and show it to him.

"You think that piece of enchanted shit will impress me? Prefer the shine of cold, hard steel than that magical crap, the dark-haired woman's one is better albeit a little worn though"

"It has been sharpened more times that I can remember a this point"

"Then you're stupid to rely on an old piece like that"

That's it, this guy's rudeness is pissing me off now. I don't mind being insulted myself but when it's my enchanted items or Petra, that's where I draw the line.

"Listen you grumpy old fuck! We're looking for advice on where to go to smelt a whole load of ore. If you don't want to be civil, then we'll just fuck off and take our business elsewhere"

I know they say old people can have a right to be rude and grumpy but I'm not having this eighty something year old relic talk that way to us; Petra is older than him and she's not a dick!

"Hang on, hang on, hang on... Apologies, get a load of people just coming in here with things not related to smithing or smelting so assumed you two were pulling my chain.... Anyways, you're looking for someone to refine some ore? Should've led with that"

I can already tell this guy might be irritating even if he just apologized, can always find someone else if he becomes too much I guess.

(Petra) "The advice wanted was just on where to find miners for such a thing, you live here so it would make sense seeing that we'll most likely be working together at some point"

At least this guy is willing to think and give us the time of day now, honestly have no idea how Petra can deal with stubborn people all the time and not get annoyed with them. Thankfully enough, this blacksmith isn't too stubborn.

"Hmm... the town isn't exactly full of people needing work but you could always just put a job listing down in the market, of course you'll also need some builders to ensure the mine is safe... oh, that kid outside might be able to help... Boy! Inside now!"

The scrawny, brown-haired kid rushes in from outside and ends up bumping into the door on the way in.

"Ouch... What was it you wanted sir?"

Even though I say kid, he's more in his late teens but looks scrawny as hell, he definitely must be an adult, at least he better be otherwise this guy is using child labour.

"These two are looking for workers... say, didn't your old man used to run a mine?"

"Yes sir, before it collapsed killing them all"


Well... that didn't just cause an awkward silence, this kid doesn't even seem that bothered about it, must've gotten over it quite a bit.

"Then how about we make an agreement? This boy is in a slight amount of debt to me, you take him off my hands and agree to dealing with this shop exclusively, then that's an arrangement that can be made"

Before I even have the chance to think on it, Petra already has an answer.

"No, it's impossible"

"Why's that?"

"Because frankly, there's too much ore for you to handle alone. We can start off with slight exclusivity but after, we'll have to expand, this shop alone isn't enough"

I mean, Petra is completely right like usual, we're going to have to go see the dwarfs again at some point so that's another blacksmith obtained right there if we can get one. Also, how much ore can an old man reasonably smelt in a single day?

"Okay... how much have you two kids come across? Don't answer, that'll work more than enough... Boy, these two hold your contract for now, the same rules still apply so work for them long enough and repay your debt"

"Okay sir..."


And just like that, we've gained someone who apparently can help out massively, I'm sceptical like with most things but hopefully it should work out. I also don't like how this basically sounds similar to something like a debt slave contract but everyone has to pay back their debts I guess.

The old blacksmith also pointed out it would've taken three years of work for him to pay back what was owed, spoke a little more just before leaving so I guess we've got him working for us for three years? I'm not comfortable with this so once we've spoken for a little bit, we'll just free him and if he knows his stuff, offer him a job, doubt he'll turn it down since he seems pretty excited right now for some reason though.

Leaving the shop and heading to a small bench in the market, I want to have words with him quickly, I get that he's got experience and all that but he does seem a little young.

"Oi kid, how much do you know about the whole mining thing? It's not exactly like you seem very experienced in the whole thing"

"Well, I don't want to brag ma'am but... most of everything involving day to day mining activities, father was teaching me to take over the family business until it collapsed. Most of it was stuff like managing the workers and keeping deadlines in check, also rationing out food and water and organizing the shifts, there's a little more to it than just that but that's just a quick summary"

Well shit, looks like we've hit the jackpot, feel sorry for his father dying that way but I guess we at least benefit from the whole thing... I really shouldn't look at it that way, that's honestly terrible Ikarus, bad bird!

"You know what caused the mine to collapse?"

Sometimes Petra can be a little insensitive but the question is valid, we don't want someone to start the mining process only to have another collapsed mine, even if the main part of it technically is a dungeon after all.

"Funding ma'am, father liked to skip costs and never thought to reinforce the mineshafts properly... it was his own stupidity really"

This kid sounds a little down but at the very least, he's honest about the whole thing. Also, that might be a slight hint, don't skimp out on costs and everything will go smoothly. Yeah... this is definitely going to be the way to go, our luck stumbling across him is brilliant, the God of luck clearly watches over us sometimes especially with my abilities as well.

"So then, here's the deal kid... we've come across something worth a lot on one of the other islands and need as many miners as possible. You can run the mine itself but obviously we'd like to see what you're capable of first"

"Excuse me ma'am, but that could be quite the haul getting a large amount of ore over here, you planning on using boats?"

I'm got to tell him to stop calling us that and start using our names, still don't like being called miss or ma'am, bloody irritating.

"You don't need to worry about that, there's a trick I can do... oh, you'll probably have to sign a non-disclosure agreement... they're not really a thing in this world though, are they Petra?"

"Heh, no Ikarus but you can always invent them"

For the time being, I can just transport the loose ore myself, it might be a lot of flying back and forth in the beginning but we can sort out transport ships later on. For now, it would be better to do it this way and maybe fly them over there in the first place. Actually, getting a ship or using some rowboats could also work getting across the channel, shouldn't have to show them my wings just yet.

"Sorry... a what ma'am?"

"Ah, it's basically like a keep the secret type thing. If you reveal any details, I can sue you for everyone you've got... Basically, don't spill certain details to anyone not associated with us and your money will be safe... oh, you'll also be paid a good wage as well"

"So... you wish to keep the whole thing under wraps ma'am? No problems to that if you're trying to avoid paying tribute"

That wasn't what I was getting at but I guess it's a good thing? Even if that other island doesn't even belong to this settlement, at least no one lives over there right now so it shouldn't, this kid is pretty open minded which is good. My point was more whether I'm in hybrid or normal bird form, it'll become an inevitability at some point that the workers see me flying unless I purposely go out of my way to prevent it. Point being, don't reveal I'm a phoenix to anyone who isn't allowed to know.

"At least that's somewhat sorted then, we'll give you the rundown of the place, get your opinion on everything needed once you agree to a wage and all that..."


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