Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 88.5 – Heavenly Beings

Chapter 88.5 – Heavenly Beings

---And we're back! Thanks for being so patient with these breaks and hopefully you enjoy this volume as well. Do have some news to give, there will be the rare 18+ side chapters going forward now (Thank the readers over at scribblehub for this) but all of them will be easily SKIPPABLE if you're underage or just don't fancy reading about Ikarus and Petra's love life. Consider this a 'warning' since these chapters should follow the same 5 a week upload routine but I don't want to make them all that common.

---2 chapters releasing today as payment for the wait and unsure if this can even be considered as a side chapter, it's basically a full length one with some background knowledge on a couple of things that have been hinted at.


"Welcome my children, please all take a seat and we can begin the meeting"

Ah, the hall of Olympus, had some fond memories here, a few being bad but the good ones were mostly hazy filled nights full of drinking alcoholic beverages but how else would you enjoy this boring place? There's only so much you can do to pass the years.

There's just the five of us in this large hall with this table that could easily fit twenty or thirty, unsure why it's only us though, was called for a meeting that could determine the fate of that specific human world yet it's only us? Me, our father Zeus, uncle Poseidon, Athena and Artemis. Haven't a clue where the other factions are or where the other siblings might be as well but with Zeus, it wouldn't be a surprise if another sibling is about to be born, he's never been able to keep it in his pants after all.

Let's just move on from that though, all of us are wearing toga styled robes because what else would you wear in this type of place? Even excluding the fact we might be wearing similar clothing, our appearances have always been different, even that's up for debate now.

Zeus like usual can't help with his over-the-top human muscley mortal figure with his toga only around his waist, Poseidon has always done that too but I really can't understand why both of them revel and gloat about such a stupid thing. Mortals gain muscle by working out, us lot would actually have to tap into magic for such a pointless visual effect. Combine that with their grey hair and huge beards, they really are looking more alike than ever. At least the rest of us don't really do much to our mortal forms.

I'm lying a bit, I did dye the scruffy mess on my head black and it appears Artemis has gone for a more natural look then the green she sometimes uses, she looks pretty similar to Athena with her brunette hair right now if you exclude the lack of wisdom and the gigantic bow she carries around like it's a newborn child on her back.

Zeus, God of the sky and who that controls all, Poseidon of the endless sea, Athena the Goddess of wisdom, Artemis of the hunt and little'ol me, stuck with the wine... Do you know how boring wine can be when there's so much else out there to drink?

Forget all this, at least he's invited most of the non-irritating side of the family, would be even better if Hades and Persephone were allowed out of the underworld but suggesting something like would probably get me struck by Zeus's lightning.

"Why are we here and only just us few?"

Before father even has a chance to speak at the head of the long white table, Athena has already questioned him on why it's just us younger lot and uncle here. We've already sat down close together, still can't understand the point of using the pure white Olympus hall if we're the only people turning up.

"Frankly... I wanted a more unbiased view from beings who aren't a complete pain in the arse... most of the older women up here are batshit crazy as they are, you four seemed the best"

It seems Artemis is about to blow a fuse from what Zeus just said there though, she has always been a bit wild and blunt, even if she can try her best to be civilized at times like this. It would make sense she spends nearly all of eternity in the hunting realms after all.

"Really Zeus!?! It's almost as if every woman in your life ends up 'crazy' so to speak... never let you forget what you did to Leda"

"Bah, will you not let that go!? It was consensual, I keep telling you that!"

Sigh, the Leda and the swan incident has been brought up once again. Long story short, father and his infinite wisdom thought it would be a good idea to bed a spartan king's wife in the form of a swan, the problem is father's version of events still don't sound great. Zeus seems to think the problem was of consent, it was not, both were apparently up for it. The problem is very simple, father bedded a woman in the form of a swan... he still doesn't realize how strange that is, even if Artemis believes consent wasn't given, he does have some appeal to women for some ungodly reason even looking like a swan.

"*Sigh*... can we just get this over with? Why have you sent for us?"

"Yes brother... Dionysus is right, we can all go back to our own little spaces quick if you hurry this up"

Even uncle Poseidon is willing to back me up here, it's odd considering how much of the family dislike being together, constant arguments which are not helped considering Zeus has full power and say over everything. It wouldn't surprise me if this is just something stupid like fixing the door to the realm opening, that's been a little faulty for a while now.

"Fine then... we're here to discuss the latest prophecy that has been making its way throughout the human realm we control, the prophecy of the fall of the immortal world"

Hang on, something like this has come up and he hasn't even bothered to invite the other factions? This should be a meeting all four figureheads should be around to voice their opinions, sometimes I'm sure his power gets to his head but that's not my main issue right now.

No one has any real reaction to this prophecy as well. Unlike the old lot up here, we actually prefer to keep constant tabs on the mortals down below, even if it's not considered decent so this isn't really new.


"What was that Dionysus?"

"The prophecy was fall of the human world Zeus, not immortal... if you keep up to with the latest news down in the mortal worlds, then you'd realize that has already come to pass"

Of course, all of us try to keep up to date with human ongoings like with the recent change in the empire, mostly because there's nothing else to do up here other than drink, fight and debate. There's only so much ambrosia you can realistically drink before the stuff gets a little boring, shame human alcohol is nearly impossible to obtain except wine and is basically smuggled contraband up here. That still doesn't mean I don't have a bottle or two stashed away...

Anyways, it takes him a second to respond, then he gets pissed off again, he obviously realized I was talking to him like he's senile.

"Damn it Dionysus! Don't make me out to be a senile old coot... everyone knows the prophecy is the fourth phoenix will cause the fall of the immortal world, I haven't lost my faculties just yet so stop trying to confuse me"

Sigh, interpretations, not even going to argue with him.... most of Olympus just cannot help believing the worst of everything, even if the knowledge is not the same on the other side. At least what I've gathered from my sources and other various methods, those lot believe it to be the fall of the human world, they don't even know of the other version that's been told.

"Back on topic again Zeus, focus so we can hurry this up"

At least Athena is the voice of wisdom, literally I might add. Also, like how none of us call him father, that's a right reserved for someone who actually is a decent father.

"Ah right, no point arguing over such a little thing... where was I? Erm..."

'Now the old man is even mumbling'

"Oh, that's right, the prophecy that might kill us all, now isn't that an important piece of news that all of you should be worried about?"

No, he was just being sarcastic, obviously seeing all of us not giving a care about the end of the Gods must confuse him slightly. If he wanted different opinions, then he should've sent for someone else.

(Athena) "Zeus... need I remind you what happens when we go out of our way to try and prevent prophecies? Don't even need to give an example, prophecies are inevitable after all"

(Poseidon) "She's right brother, there's nothing we can do"

(Artemis) "Sister's right you old coot, can we go now?"

(Dionysus) "..."

Athena makes a point that no one can argue, it only ever ends worse if you go out of your way to prevent something like a prophecy. Even if it's the destruction of the immortal world, that still doesn't mean it will kill us all, everything can be down to interpretation. That long dead dragon who was the oracle did always say as such but it does work both ways though, an interpretation could always end up being worse as well.

It seems that he's thinking heavily on this twiddling his beard though, can already tell his stubbornness is trying to ignore what wisdom he may receive. Now it looks he has a question to ask me.

"*Sigh*... Dionysus my boy, what was the interpretation those lot believe again?"

I just told him a second ago, there really needs to be another titan incident where one of us overthrows him, I'm kidding of course but there definitely would be other siblings who might have that idea.

"I'll sum it up since being in your mighty presence is now starting to bore me... it's fall of the human world, the Sierran empire is considered the main seat of the humanity that resides on that world. The prince has fallen ending a long line of chosen succession and has been replaced by his brother considered a bastard. The average mortals have been calling it the death of the old empire and rebirth of a new one... that clearly can be interpreted as the death of the human world if you look into it a certain way"

Maybe I'm trying to be reassuring but whatever I say is just going to go straight through his thick skull.

"That's still not good enough, that could still mean everything ends up destroyed, in their world or ours. *Sigh*... this is why I hate these types of things"

He's not going to let this go, is he? He abandoned caring over mortals a very long time ago, well most of us did but his stubbornness over one reason or the other cannot be reasoned with when he's get's stuck on something.

"What was the freaking point of asking for us if listening is impossible for you? None of us even care, what happens will happen, it'll just become a gigantic hunt if things go to poorly"

(Athena) "Sister Artemis is correct, although she allows her bloodthirstiness to cloud her judgement at times"

Despite the two Goddess trying to 'help' if you can even call it that, this isn't going to work.

"Bah! It says a lot that you four are the best advice I have to listen to... sometimes I really think we need a complete change up in the heavens"

"You should really learn to calm yourself brother! Come take a trip with me at sea, it'll calm all those nerves you have, might shed a thousand years of wrinkles as well!"

Gotta love uncle carefree Poseidon, he might be the most relaxed out all of us, always having a smile on his face never worrying about what's coming next. Of course like all Gods, he does have a nasty side to him but this version is always best.

"*Sigh*, sometimes I swear all of Olympus is against me... half of you couldn't care about an important prophecy like this, the other half would obliterate the entire mortal world if they so pleased... I miss my dungeon, still can't remember where I placed it"

Oh, he's brought up dungeons, they are every God or Goddess's little piece of the mortal world after all. After worship like usual sacrifices or constant devotion became less frequent, everyone came to the decision that we should take a more reserved approach to the whole worshiping a deity thing.

Can't also forget, some have temporary gateways to other connected worlds, those lot are normally done by Gods with trickster type tendencies, think Loki had something like that down there but not sure.

"At least you didn't get shafted with the placement of yours Zeus, never had a single visitor in mine"

Mine just so happened to be seated in a place of the world no mortals can live, they would've had such a fun and enjoyable time trying out all the alcohol I stored away down there. Unlike most others, really don't see the point of keeping mortals stuck in constant combat, me changing the subject has made father frustrated once again though.

"Seriously now... all of you, listen up! You must already know that sitting on the fence waiting for something to happen isn't something I can allow... those birds need close attention. Even if we can't prevent the inevitable, there's nothing stopping us from using it to our advantage like last time when we cleared out some of the lesser Gods... I mean seriously, why do we need a God for the latrine? What a waste of a position that was..."

'He really is random at times; I'm guessing he's slightly thinking of going to war with them, hopefully not'

"... I'm getting distracted again, full blown war is something I want to avoid unless it's inevitable, they do need to be watched and observed though"

'Guess I was wrong again... wait, he said something about close attention and watching? Hmm...'

"Well then father... seeing that you need someone to keep eyes down there, I'd like to volunteer if I'm provided with the correct drinking material to do my job successfully"

We really are in a carefree place; you'd think maybe one or two surprised faces might've come up for me basically wanting to work alongside father since no one wants the sort of a job but they might understand I have my reasons for such a thing. Besides, it will at least be official now, do spend everywaking minute keeping up to date with news, communicating or sharing power with my incarnation or drinking, sometimes all three. It does take a lot of power and is highly illegal to have an incarnation though.

"You really want to spend all that time staring at that boring world?"

"Not completely but it'll pass the time"

He stops for a second, probably thinking if I'm toying with him, this isn't one of those moments though. Secrets still need to be kept but at least this way, being executed like Lyssa shouldn't be a concern, even if I've been doing this a lot longer than that mad hatter had been. Perks with working 'for' the old man I guess, fear of execution hadn't stopped me before though.

"Well, at least that's settled then! Make sure you give constant reports, the rest of you can now go.... Dionysus my boy... it's time to get to work then, tell me everything you already know and we'll start from there"

'Hmm, thought it might be this way, I'm going to twist some bits, can't obviously let him know about Charlotte. Ikarus is a different thing but I can always make her out to be barely any threat, even if he struggles to listen...


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