Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 113 – Building Progress

Chapter 113 – Building Progress

"Listen Penelope, how can this be so freaking hard to understand!? That's just how water works!"

"Although I'm not completely sure on the mechanics behind it, the dwarfs did have a similar system in place when it comes to drinking water when the surface was much safer too. Ikarus is right, that type of thing would work"

"But I don't get it! How can water flow back up a pipe if it's just fallen down it? What magic or spell did you use to make that work!?"

Me and Garry the gnome have been trying to explain to Miss Penelope how an aqueduct or plumbing works for the last hour now and we're no closer to finishing. All the usual council gang are here right now including the gnome as well, Petra and Marcus are clearly the only people not getting pissed at Miss gender bender right now. As for where we are, we're outside by the new district that's currently under construction. By the looks of it, progress around this place is now coming close to completion and could only take a couple more weeks before everything is finished but this pointless conversation is taking up my mind right now.

The stupid thing is, something like an aqueduct is too impractical since the only realistic body of water is on the mine island to connect it to. That was the dwarf originally trying to explain to Penelope how it works but nothing is getting through that thick skull of hers.

As for this conversation, I've even mentioned about water towers in this since she's still struggling to figure out this stupid thing but it hasn't helped in the slightest... See, I may have the odd dumb tendency here and there but I do actually know the odd little fact like how some taps work using gravity from something up high like a water tower on a hill. I'll explain what the entire point of this is in a second as well.

"Look, don't look at it like it's flowing up! It just returns to the level it was... I don't actually know the scientific reason for it but you've just seen it's a thing... please help me out Petra"

"Heh, you tried to reason with Miss stupid, this is your battle Ikarus"

"How rude Petra! I'm not stupid, just these two are terrible at telling me how it works!"

Damn, betrayed by my own woman of all people... At this point, I've even showed Penelope a quick demonstration using a few glass bottles positioned in odd and strange ways. Even some glass tubes that the dwarf made wasn't enough to convince her it's not magic. For someone so powerful and has unseen magic that might even be stronger than mine and Petra's, it's just a shame there's a load of fluff between her ears.

This discussion only came about after I mentioned something about having the new buildings with running water and sewage systems, it's not as difficult as you'd think to implement such a thing especially having a dwarf here but it could be a little costly though. The plan for now is just to continue building the new district, then we'll figure out stuff as we go along but leaving enough room in the future.

Besides, the second we start on a sewer system, I'd rather it connects to the whole place and that's going to be a lot of digging tunnels underground. It's a good thing we've got a mine full of miners for that sort of thing, also reminds me we hired some more a few weeks ago as well. Even I'm starting to get a little tired of the settlement ark we're going through but it has to be done unfortunately. We'll shouldn't have to worry about it afterwards though.

"I'm unsure why we're still even discussing this, it's not even needed since we have the dwarven pumping technology from our friend the gnome"

"Urgh, you might be worse than Petra with that Ikarus"

"No, it's not over since you still haven't explained the magic in what causes the water to flow back up!"

I'm ignoring her now... the more I think on it, the more I find it weird that the dwarven kid Jarl Denver happily allowed Garry to leave with basically no restrictions on him. Sure, I guess he was technically banished but the amount of knowledge this dwarf possesses, it's almost as if the jarl has given us a gift with this guy. You'd at least think he would've been told don't reveal any secret technology to wherever you may go but it's almost as if he predicted we'd end up with him.

That kid is definitely not what he seems... his level is a lie, he seems perfectly fine allowing us knowing dwarven secrets and his entire goal is to harness the power of the volcano... he's not actually a secret God in disguise posing as a kid dwarf, right? No, I somehow doubt that but there is something fishy about him but he seems to be on our side for now.

Anyways... moving on from any speculation, anything happened since my birthday yesterday... Oh, I do remember everything last night so there was no worries on Petra's end, did say that was all done of my own accord even if I've still got a banging headache today. No more alcohol for a little while once again, I was pretty forward with her last night thinking about it so might be best to not do that for a little while again otherwise I'll get clingy again. Was great like usual though...

Other than see the development, there isn't any real important reason we're even out here right now. It's more just a reason to change the working environment a little bit and also see what the gnome is up to, this was supposed to be a council meeting before it's turned into a teaching lesson for Penelope.

The new district is really coming along nicely but did already point out we should only be weeks away now. As for what actually is being built, the main buildings excluding some of the smaller things since there's quite a lot are the town hall; treasury which will also be a bank, a guard barracks, a leader's house which isn't technically the rumoured 'palace' that might someday get built and a hospital. There is one building missing that still hasn't found a suitable place being the new Magi guild headquarters. Penelope is very picky on that and in her defence, a huge tower does need some sort of a decent place to go but her indecision is getting boring on that now.

The hospital will take much longer to do just down to the sheer size of it but once that's completed, free healthcare for everyone! I'm seriously not kidding, maybe it could be alright to exclude it for criminals but Ariza's never been that petty. It's going to be her building to control after all and by the sounds of it, she's looking forward to it. She has always been a kind soul after all.

Also... I haven't forgotten about the fact that three of us are supposedly immortal now, none of us feel any different nor have really even spoken about it. I guess you could say we're now 'cursed' with life if that's even something to worry about, I know I'm very short sighted when it comes to this but I seriously can't see any occasion where I'd want to die of old age especially with Petra around. Enough thinking about this though, I was always more likely to die by the sword anyway.

"Look, we're all getting carried away now. How about we reschedule this for another day?"

It's a good thing Marcus can read the room, we ain't getting no work done today with Miss gender bender around. Also, this room is only half built and the ceiling hasn't even been started yet but still.

"Okay then! Those two can show the magic behind such a thing next time then!"

(Garry) "How you've become the leader of an entire mages guild is beyond me"

(Ikarus) "Agree with the gnome, we'd get better conversation from a rock"

"Hey! How rude!"

At least Petra chuckles at me and Garry's insults toward Penelope, she's nice to have around but it really can be a challenge sometimes. This entire water thing is boring the hell out of me now and it should be to everyone else.

"Heh, might be best to call it quits... you want to do something Ikarus?"

With Petra, always... I'm not going to say that out loud though, still got to hide that clinginess sometimes.

"You've got anything in mind Petra?"

"It depends, you up for a little sparring?"

Oh, this will give us a chance to use my personal domain space again, I'm down for that seeing this meeting has basically gone to shit.



"How about we go for a little bit of a changeup Ikarus? This time around, I'll initiate combat and you go on the defence"

"Wait, you're going to attack me!? You sure I'm ready for it Petra?"

We've used this place quite the few times since I've unlocked it for things like the odd sparring session and mostly cuddling but we're yet to actually get that far with sparring despite how long it's been going on. Petra was right though; this place is perfect for training especially with having no distractions around and the blank cloudy void helps on that side of things too. I guess we could create an epic looking training dojo inside here but we're using it for training so something like that is a little unnecessary.

That reminds me, the imagination side of things in here suck a little for me since everything I've made just looks a little odd. It's clear I don't pay much attention to how things look but you'd think I'd at least have a better memory when it comes down to it. Like I said, we haven't used this place much but I have at least tried to create something inside here but everything seems wrong.

Like for example, I tried to recreate that Asian style building Petra once created in here and it just looked a little off. I still don't know why but every part of it just seemed different and still to this day, I can't figure it out. The colour wasn't right, it seemed slanted and just looked like something a failed architect might make. Maybe I just don't have an eye for creativity or art I guess, I can easily imagine up a sword though since I'm basically just copying and pasting it from outside my head. It could also be this place needs some time to get used to hence why my buildings look shit but I kinda doubt that.

"Heh, maybe not completely but it's definitely much safer to do inside here. Just be warned Ikarus... need complete focus from you today"

That seriously just shows the level between us though, can't think how long we've been sparring for and its only now Petra will actually go the offensive. Huh, that actually opens up a question, when would our anniversary be? I'm just thinking about the length of time we've been together and all that but do we count that first meeting when I called her a blind bat?... damn it, you stupid bird! Petra literally just said to focus!

"Sure sure, I'll be serious and focus... promise"

'I really don't help myself at times'

"Heh, okay Ikarus... make sure you pay attention... let's go then"

Both of us armed with our weapons of choice, Petra with her samurai sword and I with my vampiric blade start the spar and immediately I'm unprepared for the absolute monster she truly is.

Her speed within a fraction of a second closes the gap between us and a swing is already facing down upon me, I can just about block the contact with my dagger but that wouldn't have made an inch of difference, she's already on me again. Her speed could be comparable to how fast light travels. The exaggeration may be slight, my loss clearly isn't though.

And then, in the space under ten seconds, her sword finds its way prompted up against my neck stopping just before any cut... this is just total bs...

"Hang on... just how freaking fast are you!? How the hell am I supposed to do anything to that!?"

I know she's a master swordswoman and all but actually being on the other end of facing down her attacks are a completely different thing. You don't get a second to even think what to do or even see it, it's actually just dumb how insane that really is.

"Heh, don't be too shocked Ikarus, you did manage to block the first swing after all. Let's try again"

I'm honestly a little disheartened realizing I'll never catch up to that but at least it's a learning experience I suppose, I'll still get slowly better regardless but Petra is a monster with this.

And so, we both ready ourselves again and it's time to spar again, I can only see this going one way though.

This time around, she goes for a side swipe but like the first time, I manage to block it. Unfortunately with Petra, you only ever have enough time to react once before her counter finds your neck without even giving me a time to flinch. Fuck's sake, that was barely five seconds this time, how am I even supposed to see that?


"Again Ikarus"

I guess I could try attacking but it seems pretty pointless...


"*Huff huff huff*"

"Heh... you do understand there's no air to breathe inside this place Ikarus? Your panting isn't needed"

[<-User- was always overly dramatic about things>]

"Heh, your robotic wife agrees with me Ikarus?"

"Don't you be siding with her Petra, buzz off Aesa..."

Lying flat on the cloudy floor, it's safe to say I'm done now. Sure, it's basically impossible to get tired in this place but mental fatigue is a real thing and knowing that I can't even last half a minute against her is extremely frustrating. I really wish I can describe in words other than comparing it to light just how quick Petra is, the human mind cannot comprehend something like this. I know that we're technically not humans anymore but still.

"...You know this is bullying right? What's even the point fighting when you're like that?"

It reminds me a little back when training with the captain and the wicked mage, sure Petra's a hell of a lot kinder but this sort of gap is huge. I always knew it was but not to this extent where I can't even raise my dagger to her.

Every round, every try always ends with her stupid blade up against my neck. I can see where I'm going wrong, clearly speed beats everything but to actually keep up with her and even spot those attacks? I swear she's using cheat codes but apparently there's nothing in use effecting this, this is literally Petra with no buffs or effects!

"Heh, it's just time and commitment Ikarus. Give this a few hundred years and you'll look at it very differently"

"So... you're going to be beating me up for the next few hundred years then? Gotcha"

I mean, I'm not against it but it would be nice to know if there's quicker progress in sight. Can I really stay patient enough to do this for that long? I guess if there were rewards I might...

"Heh, we can stop anytime you like but let's be real Ikarus, you're not going to stop. You may call it stubbornness but think using the the word commitment again works better, you won't give up simply because this is a goal you've set in mind"

Damn this woman and her perceptiveness to understand what's going through my brain! See, if I could in theory be close to her sword level, then maybe, just maybe I can protect her a little. Everything I've got except that revive ability seems designed for destruction, too much of it is unusable around Petra due to friendly fire so learning something like the sword could be perfect... I'm still unsure why I'm so adamant about trying to protect her when she clearly doesn't need it but oh well, I'd rather us both be on equal standing though.

Should probably get up and stop being dramatic about this though. Petra was right, breathing and exhaustion don't really exist inside here, just another reason why training here is perfect.

"Fineee... can we at least have a little cuddle afterwards? Oh, and a kiss for a reward as well?"

Gotta try my luck, am I right? I need something as motivation for sparring for ages since time inside here is slowed down massively as well. As much as I dislike the idea, going for days at a time clearly could be beneficial and there's no real need to worry about our bodies outside this place. Apparently we'll be awaken if any danger is around.

"Heh... your mind was wondering through that, wasn't it Ikarus?"

"No, it actually wasn't, that's just an idea I came up with no-"

And just like the usual, I mention kissing and Petra just can't help herself going in for the hunt and destroying the prey. I never get the chance to prepare myself as well since she's really quick on such a thing but I'm pretty sure that's her way of teasing doing this though. It's a damn shame it's already over...

"Heh... will that help you focus a little more now?"


I mean, I wanted the kiss as a reward after but fuck it, let's get back to fighting then...


"Hey Petra... couldn't we use this place for you know what?"

Just as we're finishing off the stupidly long time we've been sparring inside here for now, my mind has clearly gone in the gutter and an actual question I'm really curious about has come up. I'm not sure how cultivation works on this sort of thing since this place is apparently a realm after all but doing the deed inside here would be possible, right? I don't mean for right now though, just it would save money on fancy hotels or being able to make a romantic scene with no effort. I'm pretty sure most cultivation things have a type of martial art which is used for that sort of a thing as well...

"Heh, wouldn't recommend that Ikarus, just give your hand a slight cut and you'll see what I mean"

Doing as she says, I quickly realize the point she was making.

"Okay... hang on, there's no pain?"

Huh, I guess that shows just how in control Petra was of our sparring then, I didn't even realize certain things like pain or other feelings get completely negated and that cut I just did has already healed up. From that alone, I'm guessing that other sort of thing would be numbed down then? That actually sucks...

That completely puts this place is the no proper sexy time category then, it's kinda unfortunate since you can basically imagine up anything you want but everything would be pointless if it leads to something else. It could've been a romantic hotel, a cottage out in the woods, a barn with the rain heavily pouring in the background or even something less conventual like a prison or dungeon... I'm obviously not into that sort of thing, honest!

I was just listing off places that some people might find hot, not me of course! This seriously isn't like one of those things where it turns out I'm as pervy as Petra... I need to stop thinking about this now, this grave I'm digging is going to end up in the land down under soon.

Sighhh, it actually wouldn't surprise me if Petra was into that sort of thing, maybe I make her out to be more pervy than she actually is but she definitely isn't innocent though. I'm not sure what I'd make of that if she was though...


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