Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 112.5 – Afterparty (18+)

Chapter 112.5 – Afterparty (18+)

---Just the heads up, these chapters can be tamer then doing full on intercourse but I wanted to show pretty quickly both these two are open to a lot. I guess it was a little much going straight to the 'belt' thing but then again, it kinda works? Despite saying that, this one isn't tamer...

---Also, another long smut chapter ahead...


And now, it's time for the afterparty! When I say afterparty though, what I really mean is birthday sex! That was quite the long party and I'd like a little bit of booty right now...

Everyone's already gone and we've cleaned up the inn slightly, we'll just pay someone to finish it properly since it is quite late right now and it's pretty messy. Besides, I really want Petra's sweet body... it seems I've found the perfect alcohol level to not care about anything right now. Isn't life a joy?

"So then Petra... seeing that it's my birthday and I just so happen to love you more than words can describe... how about we take this into our room if you know what I mean?"

"Heh... it might be better to not bother tonight Ikarus, tomorrow if you're still feeling up for it then?"

Huh? The woman who seriously said she'll never turn me down just has!? What the hell kinda bullshit plot development is this!? Am I not attractive to her now or something? No, apparently tomorrow is fine, why not now though?

"Wait, are you seriously turning me down!? I thought you said you'd never do such a thing and yet here you are"

"Heh, did say that Ikarus but don't want you waking up tomorrow with any sense of regret, alcohol can do that"

I mean, we'll still sleep together regardless, it just depends on whether something actually happens before the sleep or not. Stop being pedantic Ikarus! This is actual bs, I've been monitoring how much she's been drinking as well and we both aren't even close to being drunk or even tipsy!

"Petra, you've basically drunk the same amount as me and you're not tipsy, right? Why is this all of a sudden a problem?"

I mean, I can already tell there's going to be a tiny hangover but why do I have to explain I'm not drunk? I think this is just Petra being too caring for her own good again, I'm not exactly going to beg if she doesn't want to do something but if the reason is because of alcohol, then I would've stayed dry all night if she's that worried about it.

"Yeah... you're probably right Ikarus... can you get Aesa for something though?"

"Sure, in a second... Petra, you are actually up for doing something tonight? You've made me worry a little now, you haven't drunk too much, right?"

Now that she's brought up the alcohol thing, it's made me worry a little. Sure, we both seem sober and consenting but the way modern society works, it's making me question my own brain. Ah, this is just irritating me now, I want some sexy time and it's being ruined by my own stupid brain! This is perfectly fine, alright?

"Heh, looks like you've brought it back around full circle Ikarus. I can start teasing you if that would make you worry less?"

Yeah, she's completely fine, there's no worry if she's going to bring up teasing. She's as sober as they come.

"No no, we're all good on that side of things... you wanna go first today? I've got something in mind"

Hmm... I'm yet to actually use that belt thing on Petra, it might take a bit of getting used to but it could be fun... damn, I'm unhinged tonight it seems.

"Heh, sure Ikarus, can you get Aesa to confirm something though?"

"What Petra?"

"Just make sure she reminds you of tonight... I doubt you'll forget it but still"

Sighhh, I thought we were past this alcohol thing if that's what she means, I'm going to start moaning at Petra if she's going to be this caring. There's only so much I can actually take before it get's a little annoying, this is kinda spoiling the moment a little but that's not really going to stop us though.

[<Aesa will remind -Ikarus- of current actions in the morning to help out target -Petra->]

'You don't have to remind me if I still remember it though, do you?'

[<Target -Petra- is only worried for -Ikarus-, it's nothing to be to be concerned about>]

'Fair enou-... you're using my name again... sorry! I know you get tsundere about all that so I'll stop mentioning it'

[<Hmph, Aesa has no idea what -user- is talking about>]


At least that's sorted then, it's time to move things on to the next level. Damn, I'm pretty horny right now all things considered, I know I love Petra and all but I'm really feeling the urge to rip her dress off...

"Aesa's just confirmed it... so then Petra, want to give the belt another try? I still haven't used it on you just yet"

I know we're still in the main inn room but we are still alone thankfully, we can walk and talk while she gets that thing out of her storage back into the room. Also, I did say she can go first as well, it's kind of a shame that trying to finish together is actually pretty difficult seeing that the lack of stuff we have and it might require an awkward position or two but oh well. Stick with the easy stuff for now and try the more difficult stuff when we want to spice things up so to speak. I've got to admit it though, it does sound pretty hot to do but focus on the now since this is always great. Hang on, does the belt even count as easy stuff? I'm getting sidetracked like usual.

"Heh, you're surprisingly forward tonight Ikarus, feel like I may need a love potion to keep up with you"

"I mean, I know you're joking but you can have one if you want, still got loads spare"

Doing the deed and getting frisky while Petra's under an aphrodisiac, I'd rather not have to rely on performance enhancing drugs but if she wants to use it, it's fine. I guess it could be considered that but I've just made it sound like something weird or illegal now, she has taken that stupid potion before and could control herself but then that was way back when we weren't even a thing so it may end up being scary...

"Heh, have no need for such a thing Ikarus, you alone will always be enough"

Playing my heart for a fool like usual... the urge to rip off her clothes is only only getting worse, damn I'm feeling really feisty tonight.

We've also just arrived in our room and she's only now getting that strange belt from storage from the weird portal looking thing that gets made for her, I'm already stripping down since it's not like I can wear it clothed. At least this dress I've worn today is a whole lot easier to get off compared to the enchanted clothing so I guess the cuteness thing worked out alright , can't say I liked wearing or removing that makeup earlier though.

Anyways, now that I'm actually in my birthday suit hehe, I take the belt which still conveniently enough has the two 'objects' attached both, obviously still being one on the outside and the other on the inside. Unfortunately, I still have no idea how to even do this right. Talk about killing the mood but fiddly leather straps are freaking annoying!

"Erm... give me a hand getting this thing on please? I'm not completely sure how this works"

I swear trying to work this belt requires a master's degree, I can get a rough idea on where everything's supposed to go, problem is the straps really. It's way easier when you're not wearing it as well.

"Heh, I'll help. You'll unfortunately have to use the other one today Ikarus since it doesn't fit right otherwise"

Oh, looks like I'm getting the rock phallus today, I've never actually used that one yet. The waist part goes on nice and snug only leaving the bottom part now, this bit does need to go slowly though.

Gradually sliding the thing in under the strap, I really can't help just noticing how bad I am down there. You'd think that maybe I'd need at least something to help it in easier but alas, that's never been as issue getting in the mood. It's kinda embarrassing really but oh well, it does make me quiver ever so slightly due to it being a little cold and pretty full but it was never tremendously huge. At least it's completely on now.

I'll be honest though; I already prefer the softer one. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, just it's a little bit too filling if that makes sense. Oh well, I bet it'll feel pretty good when we get started, I hope so but it doesn't matter too much since Petra's going first.

"Heh, guess you can finally see this once again... say, you didn't forget what I was wearing underneath, did you Ikarus?"

Damn... I completely forgot about that; the party was pretty good so I can't believe I forgot tha t. She's already started stripping down and it like the first time we did this, that black lingerie never gets old. I'd like to get her to wear this sort of stuff underneath all the time but she's definitely the pervy one in this relationship so no chance I can suggest that. I'd love to not care about pointless things in the slightest but can't be drinking every second of the day and the slight alcohol seems to be fading now... she's so freaking hot, it's unreal.

"Of course not! How could I ever forget about that?"

"Heh, pretty sure you're lying but I'll take your word for it..."

And then she does that same thing that's just so goddamn sexy again. She turns around and slowly bends over pulling down her underwear leaving the rest of the lingering getup on, I really don't know why such a simple act is so freaking hot. Just that alone makes me want to skip foreplay... It doesn't help that rock phallus is just a waste of space inside me! It's boring just sitting there doing nothing, needs to be moving about somehow but this stupid belt just keeps it stuck in place.

"...Shall we begin then?"

This time around Petra even flicks her underwear away, damn seductress.


"Heh, can already tell you really want to start... how should I position myself then Ikarus?"

Wait, she's asking me? I know I suggested it but still... erm...

"How abouts... on your back and... legs down, or up? Erm, just the normal position?"

I don't know how to control this scene! Eating out is way easier than doing something like this, did always say I wasn't great at this but my little friend always tried his best way back on Earth. Let's just hope this goes well, it's not like there's anything to worry about but still.

"Heh, as you command"

The way she speaks like this proves she is such a natural at these sorts of things but I couldn't care about that, let's just try and make this absolute bliss for her because frankly I'm starting to get impatient. There's only so much buildup I can take even if her stripping down isn't really buildup.

Petra positions herself on the bed as requested with me following behind. Now smiling and lying down flat, I join her crawling on top and start to slowly kiss my way down from her stomach. It's the same type of foreplay I've used before but it always gets the job done.

"Don't worry about that today Ikarus"

Oh, I guess even she wants to get onto the main course, I'm not going to complain about that.

Moving back to where I was before the kissing, I get myself into the perfect position aiming the soft object into her nether regions. Despite me wanting to skip the foreplay, I'm still going to go about this very slowly at first not putting this in straight away. I'll gently stroke this around the outside on her forbidden fruit just before I move on.


She just smiles and shakes her head from my reluctance to get started, I should probably move on now though.

Now moving onto the entering part, the first thrust might as well move at a snail's pace but clearly it's had an effect since Petra's face has gone to that lovely shade of red like when we kiss. Being in this position as well, I can lean myself forward and constantly witness her blissful beauty... that lingerie really does a little too much to me, this stupid rock inside me just makes it worse as well. I know after a certain point, it's going to start hurting how turned on I am.

Anyways, it's obvious I start to pick up the pace still at a slow enough speed, I do have the slight issue of not knowing how she likes it but I'll keep getting a little faster and I'm hoping I can find the correct speed although I'm not really sure how to tell. Petra doesn't really moan so it's difficult to tell.

"There... that speed Ikarus"

Good, it's almost as if she read my mind. The speed itself isn't exceptional but if that's her preference, then let's continue. Her face is an absolute red mess right now and it's only getting better.

The thing is, the feeling of the thick, hard rock inside me while I'm thrusting back and forth towards Petra is seriously quite the odd feeling. It's pleasurable, sure but there's not a chance I could get off to this. It's like the ultimate tease feeling like this.

I must keep this up for quite q while before Petra starts to show obvious signs of getting closer. Nearly everything is the same except her legs have unstraightened and are now slightly pushing into me a little, she's done this before when getting close but this does give me the slight idea though.

"Heh... be careful Ikarus... who's going next, remember?"

Ah shit, I thought it might be a funny idea to try that edging thing she does and stop abruptly in my tracks. Clearly, that's a terrible idea that will only ever backfire so best get back to that speed asap!

Resuming swiftly, I get back into the rhythm that appears to be making her happy, I'm actually a little surprised how much her face is going red throughout this but I guess my head is normally down there so I wouldn't exactly know. Just two lesbian tomatoes we are...


I must've been doing this for at least quarter of an hour now and Petra's now back on the edge and finally about to explode... I always love this part.

Like the usual, Petra pushes her legs back into me and the orgasmic shakes ripple through her body. Her's have always been a lot less pronounced compared to mine but it's still sexy as hell to watch her go through that pure ecstasy. Like the calm and composed person she is, it should be expected she's reserved doing this, it's obvious our orgasms reflect our personalities I guess. Hers are cute, calm and collected while mine are just chaotic and violent.

Anyways, Petra's finishes her big O with me still stationary inside her... should I continue on or is she more than happy?

"You want me to continue Petra?"

I offer but I think I already know the answer, I guess we're both the same when it comes to finishing.

"Hmm... I'm good for now..."

Heh, I really can't help staring at Petra's red face, I can definitely see why she likes teasing me so much just by going off the blushing alone. I've got to embrace this sight since it's never all that common.

"...Heh, your turn Ikarus"

'Great, I'm looking forward to this...'


"Erm... you sure this is okay?"

"Heh, it'll be fine Ikarus, let's just try it"


Petra may have made a suggestion while I was taking the belt off what to do next. The gist of it is I'm basically going to be sitting on her face... literally. Seriously though, I'm really unsure what to make of this, I love a good eating out but is this position going to be good?

It's a little difficult to describe it in detail but basically imagine me on my knees facing Petra's naked body where I can just see her neck down below... the only reason she's currently able to talk is because I'm not actually 'sitting' just yet. If it isn't obvious, Petra's going to be 'enjoying a meal' right now, not sure if I prefer this or the soft phallus but both are still pure heaven though.

Well anyways... I finally pluck up the courage to sit down onto something I know would instantly be the cause of my downfall. Urghhh... her tongue definitely wasn't made for talking... that's not even funny.

I was actually a little worried about her suffocating but if she's going lick and suck that well already... I'm already quivering just from this alone, damn Petra! It's that technique she has sends me completely wild, it doesn't help gravity is working against me as well.

"Petra... urgh..."

It's unfortunate but I can already tell I'm going to finish fast tonight, it's not helping playing with my breasts makes everything feel so much more... urgh, no more words, fuckkk. It's coming...

And like the devilish woman she is, I can never fully enjoy myself even when I'm literally smothering her, I actually want to cry.

"Urg... oh come on Petra! It's my birthday and you still have to do this sort of a shit!? I'm actually going to smother you if you keep this up"

This damn teasing of hers... she always knows the exact moment to ruin everything. Also, it's not like I've just positioned myself so she can actually speak right now, I'm only making a stupid point after all about the smothering thing, kinda had to move otherwise I'd just get a muffled moan than an actual response from down below.

"Heh, can always make it easier for you Ikarus but you'll finish way too quickly. It's either this or we continue after you've finished"

Wait... she's on about multiple orgasms, right? So that's the reason for this, because I finish too fast and nothing to do with her being a tease? I guess it has barely even been a couple of minutes... ah screw it, let's try the multiple thing out tonight then, it can't be worse than being purposely frustrated... even though I'm sensing this could end up being too stimulating.

"Erm... ah fine then, let's give that a try"

"Heh, sure Ikarus"

And then I return to the previous position covering Petra's face once again, it's a good thing she's so good at this so it shouldn't take too long to resume to where I was at. It's still doesn't make it any less annoying losing the progress though.

Getting back into my breast fondling routine and Petra having a tongue words can't describe, I can already feel myself returning to where I just was, urghhh...

As I'm getting closer, I notice Petra starts to slightly grip onto my thighs this time, not hard or anything but it's still noticeable... I don't care about that, let's just try not to scream or fall down when this happens... any second now...


Finally, the orgasmic bliss erupts causing my body to uncontrollably spasm still on top of Petra's face. I honestly can't help but whimper and moan loud when the devilish woman still continues gripping onto my legs not allowing me to break free from her accursed tongue still continuing on! This sensitivity is killing me, this might be too much to handle but I agreed to this. At least I know why she grabbed onto my thighs now, to stop me instinctively escaping!

Thankfully, I'm able to now control myself a little and the spasms have finally started to slow down, Petra however is still having none of it continuing to power on through this and it's already started to become pleasurable again... why the hell does this orgasm still feel like it hasn't finished though!?

This must be how I experience a multiple orgasm then; it becomes a lot less intense but it feels like it never ends... fuckkk! This might be a little too much but I can already feel another building up, this shaking of mine isn't helping and might be making the licking even better.

Then without proper preparation this time around, it seems to come without the same peak I was getting and violently tears through me again... oh my God, she's still licking, this is way too much...

"*Huff huff* no more *huff*..."

Petra thankfully stops but gives me something else unexpected. Still softly gripping onto my legs, I see her lift up a single finger. It's clear she's asking if I want one more... this might be too much but curiosity is getting the better of me, I might be a little slutty by how good this feels.

"*Huff*... fine... urgh!"

The second I fully commit to one last orgasm; she doesn't give me the chance to slow down and instantly the painful sensitivity returns. It's mind boggling that something this overwhelming can actually hurt... good. It's a feeling that makes you want to push away yet when being embraced with it, I hate but seem to love it.

At this point, there's no point even groping myself anymore, just trying to stay upright is hard enough and grasping onto the bedsheets is really the only thing I can even do. It's a good thing the violent orgasm shakes slow down otherwise I really couldn't control myself right now.

Everything at this point has become a blur, nothing else matters in the world anymore except from me and Petra's face. It's just a shame I've got no way to even control myself now, the next climax is going to come any second and I can no longer do anything except wait for inevitable... I must look like a sweaty mess.

And like the last two climaxes, this one crashes through me causing the never-ending shaking combining with the pain of finishing twice already. This time around however, there's two differences. The first is I've now gone light headed, that was so strong I'm basically collapsed on all fours still unfortunately attached to Petra's head. The second is something slightly embarrassing... I've definitely made a mess...

It's also a good thing Petra stopped the licking this time otherwise I might've screamed through that last one.

"*Huff*, Sorry Petra *huff*... couldn't help it"

It takes nearly all my strength to get off Petra's face and when I see her, it's obvious I've just 'finished' on her face. See, none of us have actually done that thing I've just done and it had to be right now in this position!? Even if she's smiling, I'm so freaking ashamed!

"Heh, why are you apologizing Ikarus? What do you think I was trying to do?"

Wait... Petra actually wanted me to climax that strongly!? I guess it's hot as hell but it's not great though.

"But still! You know that stuff is basically like piss, right?"

I've just ruined that for nearly every person out there, haven't I? I can't help it goddamn it! That's why I'm embarrassed, that fluid that can flow after is more gross than you'd think but I'm just making it worse... blame Petra really, she's the one who's turned me on too much!

"Heh... Ikarus, it's fine. Stop worrying about it and give me a hand cleaning up, probably a good idea before we go to sleep"

Yeah... we both should probably clean ourselves up. I'm covered head to toe in sweat and sure, Petra looks just as beautiful as usual but no chance we can sleep like this... Did she seriously want me to do that though? I think that was a partial lie but I had zero control of myself there...



"Heh, you do like playing with your breasts, don't you Ikarus?"

After cleaning up a little, we're back in bed having our after-sex talk that sometimes happens. Like usual, I'm normally the little spoon simply because I'm cuddlier apparently. I guess she's got a point and I actually do prefer this side but still...

At this point, that breast thing is just a weird tendency I have, I feel like my hands need to go somewhere and this feels better than gripping the bed rugs normally. And besides, it's not just groping, there's also two very sensitive parts that feel pretty great being touched as well. Breasts are like the two best parts of the human body after all, I'd also play with Petra's but I'm not sure she's that much into it.

"Do you not like it or something? I can stop if you want"

"No no, it's all good, just thinking you might enjoy something else someday but we'll save that for another time"

Something to do with my breasts? What type of pleasurable sex act would that be? I can think or something a guy can do but that would be pretty pointless for us two so I'm a little confused on that right now.

"You know... you're pretty scary at times, right? That vagueness never seems good"

Sure, I can't actually see her since I'm being hugged but that definitely made her smile, I know her way too well.

"Heh, maybe... but you can always say no to anything I bring up. Fortunately Ikarus, I'm pretty sure you're similar to me when it comes to this sort of thing"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Heh... don't worry about it"

Stupid pervy Petra keeping something hidden from me... ah, I'm just going to sleep now...


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