Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 114 – Ariza

Chapter 114 – Ariza

"So Miss Penelope... what was that story about you and the potion again?"

During breakfast at a nice café, all us phoenixes, Penelope and Ria are around a table. Me and Petra have already finished eating so I'm slightly cuddled up to her while those three are finishing or are now talking apparently.

"Ah, Ariza was it? Petra has told me about your plight a while back so there's no point asking about how I made a right blunder! I really wouldn't recommend what happened to anyone unless you're willing to be literally turned inside out! That week really wasn't fun!"

You're probably thinking, Miss gender bender has been around quite a lot these days and you would be right, she seems to linger like a bad smell. Sure, I get that's she's got nothing else to do since her guild isn't actually here just yet but still. Ah, can't forget the dryad as well but she comes and goes as pleases, did say thanks for the picture she drew of me and Petra for my birthday but by the sounds of it, there was no need since Zeki's paying the price. Ria's basically been cuddled up to him as well and he's yet to push her away like normal, clearly this must be the debt he's in.

Oh, that reminds me something about the mages as well, the Magi guild haven't actually moved in properly yet. They're currently off the coast on the main continent simply because it made little sense to move everyone in until a building was created. It also seems that once Penelope finds a suitable place, it will go up pretty quickly due to it being 'magical based', have no idea what that means but fuck it. I just hope a new tower doesn't look stupid on our islands.

You should be able to tell what Ariza was curious on though. Even though she says it's not a big deal, you can definitely sense if given the choice, she would prefer to have a female body. I'm unsure if those two hundred years without potions made it worse or better for her but it's just her 'curse' I guess. All four of us have one except me now since I'm cured. Petra with her pain, Ariza with her gender and Zeki with his dryad apparently.

"Uh huh... that's a shame I guess"

"Lighten up brother, there's some perks to it like pissing standing up and all that, orangey also got forced the other way round"

'He's so unbelievably crude at times, it may be true but still'

"Zeki, I've already told you long ago it's fine. Was just curious on the story behind it, that's all"

Talking about this sort of thing of thing always seems to bring Ariza down a little, it's not as noticeable as Petra's sadness but Ariza has always been pretty sensitive. Thinking about it though, Petra does seem to be thinking on something now.

"Hmm... what happened to the original way of doing that Penelope?"

"You mean the way that the potions were made Petra? The old guy behind such a thing simply just stopped living so the knowledge was lost!"

Zeki did say that he used to buy a load of gender changing potions for Ariza way back before they stopped being sold so it always sounded like that wasn't an option. I guess Petra seems to think there might be more of a story to this.

"You think he had any notes left over from his work? He always was a bit of a pervert but he was intelligent after all"

"Tell me about it older sis, that place of his really was a playboys dream... wish I was allowed multipl-... Ouch... stupid cow!"

Heh, Zeki receives a punch from the dryad for that pointless comment, it should be pretty obvious what he was referring to. It actually makes me wonder though, does Zeki even cheat? My father is clearly different since he just can't help himself at this point but ever since the dryad has taken hold of him, I've heard nothing about Zeki creeping off with women of the night. It did used to happen despite me never bringing it up when we used to travel and you'll be surprised just how easy it is to find that sort of thing basically anywhere you go... remember him saying something about an elves tail once before whatever that means. I guess Ria does look pretty similar to an elf as well, at least her ears are pretty elf looking.

"I'm afraid that old pervert didn't Petra... I do remember him saying it involved a contract with a Mr Loki though! Still have no idea who that is even to this day but the potions were always a byproduct of his work!"

Hang on, hang on... so the original way to change gender involved a method that produced potions as a secondary type of thing and the guy doing it was contracted to someone called Loki? Hold the phone, my obscure knowledge on Gods really can be of help sometimes in this world.

"Am I seriously the only one who knows who that guy might be? Loki has to be a God, right?"

Even if you don't know much about Norse mythology, the name Loki should be pretty noticeable for nearly anything trick or prank related. The guy was a shapeshifter as well so something like gender changing would be a piece of cake for him. Thinking about it as well, he might even have something to do with what happened to me and Ariza as well. If he does, he'll truly regret his decision making, I personally should be thanking him but I'll whoop his arse for Ariza's sake... it wouldn't surprise me if he's as mad as that crazy God Lyssa we came across back in the Magi guild though.

I'm honestly surprised no one has any clue on who I'm talking about, maybe I'm the only one who knows a little on this? It's not exactly like the guy didn't have movies on him as well, you'd think Zeki would recognize that but I think I remember him saying 'superhero films suck ass' so that might be why. Didn't really watch them either but still.

"Hmm... so that guy was employed by a God? That actually makes a lot of sense you mentioning it Ikarus, although the name doesn't ring a bell though"

"So Mr Loki was a God then!? At least that explains why that old pervert was how he was, Gods do tend to corrupt everything around them! That's why our one has the basement!"

I mean, what Penelope says isn't completely true about Dionysus but Charlotte has basically made a single person cult to him so she might have a point. Is it really corrupting though? Priestess seems happy enough.

"So... if we wanted to help out Ariza, we need to find some way of contacting this God then, how hard can that be?"

I'm actually not being sarcastic, two Gods have already contacted me being Dionysus and the mad God Lyssa, this shouldn't be an impossible task I'm hoping. It seems all this attention has kinda made Ariza a little shy though.

"You lot don't need to worry about me, it's honestly fine. I've dealt with it for this long so it really matters little anymore"

"Quiet brother, stop being like that and just accept it, be more selfish and use others to your hearts content"

Zeki always has to make something nice sound nasty but we all just zone him out at this point, the dryad is surprisingly quiet but I guess she's enjoying the hug with Mr obnoxious for once.

"Heh, you make that sound like an easy task Ikarus, contacting Gods has always been a one-sided thing nearly impossible to achieve, we've just been incredibly lucky on that"

The way Penelope reacts to that though, it seems Petra's a little misinformed about this. Can't also forget it sounds like my parents have encountered Gods as well.

"You're actually wrong there Petra! There's definitely magical devices that allow you to make communication, just it can end up exploding in your face, literally! There's a cut behind my ear and destroyed one of my previous eyes from a crystal ball I used, that wasn't a fun birthday!"

At this point, we're starting to zone out some of weird stuff Penelope comes out with as well, I'm just happy that wasn't a vivid description of how her eye was destroyed since she shares way too much on that sort of thing... Huh, I guess Penelope's black eyes are unnatural then, I wonder if that would work on Petra but I'm guessing it's a little more to it than just replacing an eye. Good to know it's possible, I guess. No point in asking since Petra's known Penelope for a very long time and something like that would've already come up.

"So... we just need a crystal ball then? I'm guessing you don't have one on you Penelope?"

Despite me asking, I already know things are never that easy. We'll have to find a ball, then contact a God and do whatever bidding they want, then hopefully that'll lead to Ariza having a chance of that sweet female body she desires... It's still pretty obvious that I like how I am now but I'd still be happy either way though. The thought of having bulging muscles and a third leg again is tempting but let's be real, I've got the ideal female body so the chance of coming across the perfect male might be impossible.

As for this plan, this really does sound insane but insane might as well be my middle name at this point... this entire world be like that after all and I'm just fitting in. Either this entire world is as weird as me or I'm slowly corrupting everything, it could work either way but I'm just spouting nonsense for the sake of it now, my mind does tend to wonder when hugging Petra and all the other bloody time.

"Of course I don't! I do know a place where we might find one though, just we'll have to say hello to some old hags-, I mean friends!"

Looks like we're bringing Penelope along with us on this quest then, unsure what to make of that but everything is pretty automatic now so we can afford to leave for things like this. It does appear when one joins us though, another leaves, at least for this time around.

"It's unfortunate but I cannot help you on this quest right now, there's kind of a family thing I'm needed for and I've been running from them long enough, bye everyone! Also... love ya girly boy!"

"Erk... hate you too wench"

Ria did always prefer a quick goodbye... that girly name pisses Zeki off so much as well but it's done in a playful manner so it's alright, I guess? I don't know, everyone tries to ignore that toxic relationship they have.

"Nope Zeki, that's not part of the deal. You've got to be nice, truthful and honest remember?"

Just how much of his sanity did it cost for him to get that picture painted of us? I'm almost starting to feel sorry for him, I do like the gift but if he actually has to be kind because of it, his entire life loses it meaning.

"Erk... just fuck off already! That's only for when we're in private, stupid cow"

Heh, poor Zeki, he even has a bulging vain on his forehead right now but it seems Ria might ha

"Whatever then Zeki, you can tag along with me if you'd rather something different for a change as well, you liked that last family thing I had"

"Tag along with the cow... ah screw it. Sorry brother, I'll give a hand if you're desperate but orangey and sis should be more than enough. The pink one as well seems pretty powerful, there's no real point in me joining"

"I have a name you know!?"

"Don't care"

Zeki's actually turning us down for the dryad? How the tables turn, they both get up leaving the café but Petra seems to have a weird questioning look on her face. I know they can be disgusting but Zeki wanting to go to Ria's family meetup? Something does seem a little off here.

"Heh, Ariza... you any idea why Zeki's just left like that?"

"I... don't really want to say, Zeki's just an arsehole really"

So she knows? This is going to be quite the odd adventure with just the four of us now, the only person who actually remains their gender at birth is currently Petra and even she went through some shenanigans a while back in that dungeon. I kinda feel like Zeki needs to be inflicted with our 'plight' but oh well, it would be pretty funny hearing him whine regardless though.

"Come on... what did he say? We can keep a secret Ariza, honest"

"Heh, you don't have to do that Ikarus but the point does still stand"

Ariza pauses for a second, then gives us a reason we really should've expected... Zeki is a dick after all.

"Apparently... Ria's sister has bigger jugs than her... didn't actually know what that means till he did the hand gestures"

"Hehe... that brother of yours really is terrible! How could he want even bigger melons when that dryad was right next to him!?"

"*Sigh*... tell me about it Miss Penelope, he's despicable"

Okay, I take back what I said about his true feelings and him being tsundere, he's just being a dick once again. At least it's a good thing Ariza and Penelope seem to be getting on pretty well, I seriously doubt it's anything other than just a little bit of friendship since I'm pretty sure Ariza's into guys... but Miss gender bender was a guy but I don't think that counts, or does it?

Ah forget it, point being is there's nothing like that going on between those and Zeki still seems to think Ariza has a wyvern boyfriend anyways... hang on, if Zeki likes bigger jugs, then my mother's form must've made him insane!? No, maybe the dragon counteracts it, he seems his grumpy usually self around her so I'm hoping I don't have to worry about him perving over mother thankfully. That will grant him a groin kick if he does though...

(Ikarus) "We can stay here chatting or pay-... stupid disgusting couple! They've left us with their bill..."


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