Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 105.5 – Romantic (18+)

Chapter 105.5 – Romantic (18+)

"Seriously Petra!? Why the hell did you buy them?"

"Heh, isn't it obvious Ikarus? That's what we're using tonight if you're up for it"

In the end, I spent a good amount of the day just hanging out with the other two phoenixes, mostly stuff like shopping and listening to Zeki complain simply because Petra seemed to take her sweet time looking for 'gifts'. I'm honestly a little disappointed knowing what they are now, she's just laid them out on the bed alongside us both and it just sums up I knew she was a real pervert at heart.

For the night, we booked a fancy hotel room nobles use just simply because I thought it could be romantic and the package this room comes with is definitely like that. Sure, the rose petals, cosy décor and lovey dovey bits around the place like candles do set the mood but there's a more immediate issue with what she's decided to buy.

You see, Petra has clearly found a sex store and bought two very distinct objects which I'm now guessing is apparently are my 'gifts'. Laid out on the double fancy bed are both objects alongside with what very clearly looks to be a harness that goes around the waist. It doesn't take a genius to realize that one of those objects attaches to this harness and the other, I'm not completely sure on, maybe it goes under the belt?

I'm honestly impressed they even have things like this in this world but has she seriously bought two dildos? I mean, I could find some clever way of describing them like Johnsons, snakes or even sausages but that's what they clearly are. Is it weird to be using 'toys' on our second time doing this or is this a normal lesbian thing I'm unaware of? Regardless, I already know Petra's a little perverted so it doesn't matter in the slightest and in all honesty... my curiosity has always gotten the better of me.

The first of the Johnsons looks kinda soft and floppy, have no idea what it's made from but looks like something similar quality from Earth... is it sus that I remember what they look like? Moving on though, the second is a tiny big bigger but looks to be made out of stone so it's rock hard... that phallus is rock hard, hehe... stupid Ikarus.

Also should keep in mind, both aren't exceptionally huge nor long, extreme length is pretty pointless when it comes down to something like this. I don't even have to be a female to realize something that simple, a tongue has always worked better than a large third leg... even if mine was pretty small, I did use to call him my little friend after all.

"There's two of them though... I'm not completely sure about this if I'm being honest"

Eh, I'd say it's a little more just anxiety then anything else, . We are in a hotel basically built for nobles right now as well, got to have a little romance beforehand before the inevitable comes around. Knowing how my mind works, I'll probably change my mind soon but got to at least keep up the appearance that I'm stubborn.

Describing this room though, imagine a modern extravagant king-sized bed hotel room with an on-suite bathroom that's pretty big in size and definitely worth the insane amount of silver it costs for just one night. Obviously the furniture isn't going to be as modern and there's nothing electric around but the fireplace is cosy, the furniture looks comfortable, the bed is huge and matches the carpet being a romantic red and there's even actual plumbing in this place! Even if it's makeshift and I really shouldn't be focusing on that.

"Heh, we don't have to use it Ikarus if you're unsure. Don't push yourself to do anything you don't want to do but it is pretty good though"

Petra be liking the fake D... that's not even funny, just shut it bird!

[<Aesa also agrees with -user-, that's was incredibly unfunny>]

'Don't you be showing up this night, go into shutdown mode or something and buzz off'

[<That would unfortunately destroy both Aesa and -user- but Aesa will be silently cheering you on>]

I seriously hate her sarcasm at times, I'd honestly feel sorry for her having to basically watch what might happen but her personality makes it a hell of a lot easier to not care. I swear she's getting more sarcastic now as well.

"I'm in two minds really, mostly because it's just a little scary, ya know? I mean, you never did anything with that third leg in the dungeon with your gender change... even if that comparison basically makes zero sense"

The pervert Petra clearly has a sly smile from me saying that... hang on...

"Heh, what makes you think that Ikarus?"

"Wait... you used it on someone!? What bitch of a maid deceived you!? I'll fucking go back and kill her!"

Petra actually facepalms at me there, I seriously doubt Petra would ever cheat on me but it wouldn't surprise me if those bitches who kept trying to get close with male king Petra ended up doing something given those six months we spent inside that place. Fuck those maids, shouda killed them before we got rudely kicked out.

"No Ikarus, didn't use it on anyone but myself if you understand what that means... In all honesty, it's better as a girl but like I just said, it's up to you but please don't force yourself to do anything for my sake"

"You're way too kind for your own good at times... imma be one hundred percent honest Petra, do you really think I'm going to say no to this?"

"Heh, so you're definitely happy trying it then? If so, how about we make tonight all about you?"

What is she on about now? I just said I'm fine with it or am I being dense about something?

"Tonight being about me? What does that mean?"

"Heh, what I mean by that is that I'm focusing on you tonight, can spell it out for you Ikarus but the belt should be enough. Obviously only if you're ready though"

Well great, looks like I'm fucked... or getting fucked, this is a pretty scary thought but at least there's no real penises in sight I guess. Last time was pretty intense so I wonder if this will be the same? I honestly think any reluctance I may have might just be from anxiety a little but I do want to give this a try though. It's not exactly like we can't just stop at anytime.

"Fine then... can we at least make the most of this experience first? It seems a little pointless forking out for this hotel just to hump like rabbits without even experiencing the place first"

My analogy may be crude but it at least gets a further smile outta Petra though.

"Heh, of course Ikarus, that was the plan but just thought you'd like to see your 'surprise' now"

This woman is just... sighhh, let's do some 'romantic' stuff then...


"Erm... it's a little tight in here"

"Heh... just means we can be closer then"


Now in a bathtub together, we thought it would be romantic to share a bubbly bath and clean each other. You'd think that would be a great idea except from the fact this clearly isn't big enough for two people. Basically, we've had to position ourselves in a way where I'm basically sitting crunched up in a ball and she doesn't look any more comfortable either... I'm pretty sure my foot under this thick bubbly water just touched something not safe for work as well... I'm getting out if this keeps happening in a second.

Just as I'm contemplating my stupid existence for suggesting this idea, a knock on the front door of this room arrives. That's good timing except Petra's more eager to get out first.

"Ah, room service, I'll get it so you just stay there looking pretty"


Petra awkwardly gets out of the bath trying to avoid kicking me and grabs a bathrobe I presume; it's taking every bit of my willpower to ignore checking out her sublime bottom and bosoms right now. Seriously though, romance before any of the nasty business... even if this stupid bath ain't romantic in the slightest. I'm guessing we're not cleaning each other now then; I'd be disappointed if this stupid bath hasn't made me irritated.

I hear a little talking and then Petra in the white bathrobe she's put on returns back into the bathroom once again equipped with a bucket of champagne and strawberries. I was right, this bathtub idea was idiotic.

"Heh, I'm going to be honest Ikarus, sharing a bath together wasn't the greatest of ideas"

"Thank you! I didn't want to say anything since it's supposed to be romantic but this tub is freaking tiny... Petra... where's my towel and bathrobe? And even my clothes?"

Did she take both bathrobes hanging on the door as well? My clothes were definitely in sight before she left and now have mysteriously somehow disappeared.

"Heh, looks like I gave the room service the wrong clothes, complete accident that... oh well, just looks like you'll have to remain beautiful as you are"

That was a complete lie that I can easily see through... I bet she's got them hidden away in storage since giving anything enchanted like that to a maid would be all kinds of riskiness. Even if I didn't have this ability, her smile clearly gives her intention away... I wish I could think of stupid little things like that but I am basically a hopeless romantic after all.

"Oh no! Whatever will I do? Looks like I have to steal the robe you have on then once I find someway to dry off!"

At this point, I'm already stepping out of the bubbly bathtub while going through my sarcastic monologue, I actually would like a towel here but I'm guessing I know why's she's done this.

"Heh, no chance... that leads us perfectly onto what we can do next... fancy drying off together by the fireplace Ikarus?"

She thinks she's so clever... jokes on you woman, I don't care about you seeing my birthday suit! It might be better if she strips off as well but I'll play her game if taking off my clothes is how she's going to do things. Also, I did want to cuddle around the fireplace at some point as well...



"You see Ikarus, this one goes inside and this one outside, you'd probably prefer the softer one. Another strawberry as well?"

Oh, perverted Petra, she really must think I'm more innocent than I look. While we're sitting cross-legged cuddling around the roaring fireplace with me in her arms because she seems to want to take the lead tonight, she's actually showing me how the harness thing works with the two objects. Maybe it might be down to her trying to ease any tensions or just her being a perve, I'll go with the tensions thing but it's pretty likely to be the other one as well.

Regardless of both reasons, this stupid thing is slowly starting to turn me on and I haven't got a damn clue why! Maybe it's the strawberries and alcohol, we have been feeding each other over here as well and she's just put another one to my mouth still while hugging. I kinda wish there was some cream or some sugar but this is nice enough.


I bite into the fruit and realize I'm even stuttering now! Listen okay, I'm not afraid of anything like doing this, I'd say this is similar anxiety to the first time around but it's just overwhelming once again. That rock one really looks intimidating even if that's apparently not for me.

"Heh... we can just spend the evening hugging if you want Ikarus, nothing has to happen or we can even do what we did last time"

This woman really cares too much for me, she even said the same exact thing last time around but I'm not putting it off. It was bound to happen at some point so why not try it early? It's not exactly like we can't stop if it's terrible as well, this isn't even like some gender dude thing I have left over since some guys end up doing this sort of thing... even if that's not really a thought I want to think about right now.

"Seriously Petra, if I really were against it... then I'd have said something"

I've got to say this in the most fake pouting way I can! It's not like I can actually admit I want to try this out now, can I? No, this bird brain doesn't allow it!

"Heh, fair enough... how I about I kick this off then?"

Petra gently takes her cuddling arm off me and goes to retrieve one of the items and the belt. The floppy one has already been attached to it but the hard one still remains untouched, the rock one in particular Petra left close by to the fire I'm guessing in an attempt to warm it up? Regardless, I'm pretty sure I know what she's about to do now.

She takes the rock 'object' and very slowly starts to slide it into her nether region alongside me... she clearly must be feeling the same as me right now since it appears to be going in without much resistance, no saliva or lubricant needed... Ah, I forgot to mention we were cuddling naked as well, that bathrobe she has would've been pretty wet if she didn't disrobe but why am I focusing on that!? This is hot as fuck!

"Give me a hand putting this on, would you Ikarus?"

I'm a little confused, are we doing foreplay or are we going straight for the main course then? Ah, there's probably a reason I'll figure out in a second.

It doesn't really matter that much though, both of us get up with me trying to get this fiddly irritating thing around her waist. I can definitely see why we should do this beforehand now, you'd think that maybe this sort of thing would be easy but trying to get it fit snugly around her waist and under her legs is difficult. Thankfully, that's now done after a little work... is that thing inside her even comfortable though? I guess she's already to look pretty flustered so maybe? Flustered Petra is always a beautiful sight to behold.

Honestly, seeing Petra standing there with that floppy thing dangling from that belt is kinda making me want to laugh as well... it really is tiny to what she had beforehand back in that dungeon but why does my mind keep on wondering!? It might just be I'm trying to turn myself off a little since I'm getting impatient now, yeah that might be it.

"So then... shall we start then Ikarus?"

"Sure sure"

And like that, I return to her to get things going on. I hate to disappoint but there's still going to be a little foreplay beforehand. Face to face in front of each other, both of our hands find themselves lightly touching each other's lower areas while the start of the quick make out session ensues. In all honesty, everything she's been doing up to this point is starting to take its toll on me... I really am impatient at times.

While we're kissing and feeling each other, I can't help but notice something and it's not her warm hands against my bottom... I can feel the slight rubbing of that object against my special area and I really can't tell if she's doing this on purpose or not... I'm starting to get uncomfortable as well now, I hate feeling this turned on!

"Urgh... can we c-continue on the bed?"

"Heh, you really are too easy... sure Ikarus"

Damn it! That was intentional, this evil woman is mentally corrupting me so why the hell am I all for it? Forget it, I just want to go even further now.

Still next to each other, I grab Petra's hand and lead her to the bed. Still kissing, I sit first and she follows basically on top me, that probably looked awkward as hell but at least I'm now flat on the bed with her on top still making out... it's a shame she's not touching my breasts but I can always do that to myself in a second.

"I'll be gentle... I promise Ikarus"


Even now, she's still trying to be reassuring but frankly, it's really not needed... is this even going to be alright for her though? It's not exactly like that thing inside her is going to moving around much but I guess she did say tonight's for me...

Still on top of me, Petra gradually positions herself to be slightly lower ready to put that thing into use, I'm happy she's skipping a lot of the other stuff right now since I'm getting even more impatient by the second now. It's not helping with her trying to go as slow as possible guiding the thing around that specific sensitive area still not putting inside just yet. Thankfully, she's not in an extremely teasing mode today it seems she's now ready to go.

Feeling it very slowly go inside is definitely something different and nothing I can even have words for describing... that's not necessarily a bad thing, just... different. It takes a second for the squishy object to go fully inside but once inside, I can really feel the fullness of it and honestly... this already feels incredible. I know being turned on is a natural lubricant for this sort of thing but it kind of feel like it perfectly fits... just keep reminding yourself it's not a real penis Ikarus and you'll be okay.

Next, Petra learns forward and places both her arms on the bed alongside me... and begins the slowest thrust imaginable, I get that she's trying to be careful but it's not like I'm made of glass or something. Looking at her smiling face and perfect body from below is pretty nice though.

It takes a few of these very slow thrusts before she gets to a better pacing before I can really start to appreciate this feeling, still not particularly fast but it's definitely starting to feel... urgh...

I'm now at odds as the pacing begins to quicker even more, I feel the urge to grab something like Petra's hips or my breasts... I'm just going to grope myself once again... the rhythm of this is really starting to get mind-blowing now... this is unbelievable!

Petra tries thrusting at various speeds but sticks with one when she clearly finds the optimum pacing with and... I'm speechless and even struggling to even catch my breath now... this shouldn't be this good... dear God, urgh...

The feeling of it going in and out combined with my insistence on playing with my breasts again and even the slight quivering I'm doing is already starting to become overwhelming... it's rapidly getting closer now and my body's starting to fight with my mind to make this last even longer... God, I'm even making moaning sounds now.

Like I already said, Petra doesn't seem to be that much in a teasing mood today but there's always got to be something she does so just as I'm getting close, her rhythm seems to slow down a little. Fuck... I'm not complaining since this is still pleasurable as hell and this is a way load better than it completely stopping prematurely but I'd like it if she were to continue... urgh, she's picked up the speed again thankfully... it's coming, I'm right at the edge now...

And just like the last orgasm, it builds up like an internal explosion causing me to shake uncontrollably and even clench down on that foreign object no longer thrusting inside of me... I actually want to cry happy tears right now, why the hell is this so intense and pleasurable!? That shaking still doesn't stop even while going through the long blissful period so I'm still getting jolts of sensitivity even afterwards... to think I'm this out of breath just from that alone, I think need to get used to this more to build up my stamina...

"Heh... you finish really quickly Ikarus, you can try holding it a little longer"

"*Huff huff huff* I can't"

I can't even think up a funny response and just precede to keep breathing heavily. Seriously though, I shouldn't be finishing this quickly, right? Damn that uncontrollable shaking, it makes things even more sensitive when there's already something already inside to clench onto, you wouldn't think losing that sort of other gender virginity would be that great as well but damn... maybe I'm more perverted than I first thought...

"Heh... enjoy that then Ikarus? Want to continue further??"

"*Huff huff*... yeah... *huff*... and NO!"

This woman and her perverted tendencies... at least I'm in familiar company, one climax is enough for now at least until my body can get used to this more. Thankfully, she's already started to kindly take the thing out of me now... that really sounds weird. Regardless, I've got something I want to say now.

"Gimme a sec and I'll return the favour... *Huff*... you want me to do that to you now or the other thing we did last time around?"

It makes sense for us both to experience some pleasure after all, even if she looked like she enjoyed that as well, there's no chance she climaxed just from that rock thing between her legs.

"Heh, the plan was just for you tonight Ikarus, don't need any more than this as well"

We're going to have an argument if she's going to be this generous and expect the evening to end like that, we'll probably spoon after we're done but I'm not letting her get away that easy.

"I'll repeat what you said to me last time around... don't think I can allow such selfless behaviour from you"

She actually has a proper chuckle from that, she said it first after all! Just repeating and using her own words against her, it's how a healthy relationship works apparently. It's definitely not like people do that to start up arguments but we've always been weird when it comes to this sort of thing.

"Heh, did say that after all... let's go with your tongue like last time then... should obviously take this off and get this out first"

Looks like I'll do that to her then...


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