Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 106 – Concern

Chapter 106 – Concern

(Temporary Perspective Change)

"Huh… that is a pretty nice room to be fair"

'I swear he only ever arrives when those two mortals are about to get busy'

Of course, back visiting the viewing station which the perverted old man Zeus who just so conveniently seems to always want to tune in when those two mortals are getting it on. It was honestly a little boring watching the little phoenix away from her partner for a while but clearly that boredom has now been replaced with blissful perversion… that oddly reminds me of the night before the current one as well with my incarnate but that wasn't a fun thing to watch.

Was it a great idea to reveal to Ikarus my existence though? Maybe that might've been a little impulsive but I did drink a load that night and was still drunk that early morning, just simply because watching Charlotte go through something like that again was terrible, even been twiddling my already dark curly hair again because of it.

I guess I felt like I owed that little phoenix some information since she and her and the blind one did help out a lot… I'm honestly a little surprised my name still holds some meaning even if most myths and legends are forgotten when it comes to the Gods. I'm guessing the world she came from must have a good sense of tracking history or recording legends I presume?

"You might want to switch it off now Zeus… unless you really can't help yourself while I'm working"

I was on break and return to find good ol'father Zeus basically watching smut. I can't exactly say I'm innocent when it comes to that sort of thing but this is supposed to be 'work' watching over the mortals. Ecstasy, alcohol and pleasure is something reserved for when things aren't at a knife-edge and especially with Olympus right now, things are getting close to being at that point. It also doesn't help that news of the prophecy has finally become common knowledge around this place so it should be obvious Zeus might be taking advice from the more irrational Gods now.

"Bah, you mistake my intentions once again boy… I'm only looking for weaknesses in that bird's defence and this just so happens to provide more information"

By the sounds of it, there's no convincing him that Ikarus isn't going to be a threat. Just by that alone, I'm guessing he's thinking of doing something subtle with that blind partner of hers if he's looking for weaknesses… No, I seriously doubt that he'd purposely try and piss of the little phoenix by killing her partner, I could see him taking her form and doing something disturbing in the bedroom together though…

"So… what are you going to do then Zeus? You gonna smite the little bird who hasn't done a thing to you? Must you keep up with this constant paranoia?"

"No Dionysus, even I'm not that impulsive... I'll allow her to remain but the split second I witness or hear about something that could threaten us, that's when I'll enact of the deal I've made"

Sighhh, for the life of me I cannot find out about who he's been contacting about this deal. By the sounds of it, this is just an attempt to remain confidential while someone else does the dirty work of destroying the fourth phoenix. At least we can delay it as long as Zeus doesn't find out about the explosions and she isn't doesn't do anything while he's watching but I think we may be okay for now, Ikarus doesn't seem to want to use it other than for the odd test. I could pass the message along to Charlotte to share with Ikarus but that might end up backfiring if the little phoenix finds herself in danger and refuses to use something in defence. Besides, she spends most of the time alongside the blind one too so she likely won't use it.

In all honesty, I'm not actually that worried for her when it comes to defence though. Unlike the information father has, I've seen firsthand what that little phoenix is capable of. Whether the prophecy is fulfilled or not is irrelevant when you've got a being capable of wielding power equal of even more powerful to the Gods. If father were to get directly involved however unlikely that is, then I'd be extremely worried but there's no chance he's ever want to step foot on mortal lands for anything other than courting a female... actually, there is a chance of him doing something major if he gets too worked up though. Enough worrying about this though, I've done what I can.

"Oh, that reminds me on something, Athena was looking for you boy but she wouldn't say the reason"

Hmm... that's strange why she'd want to speak unless she's found out what I've been up to. I'm doubtful she's going to reprimand me for trying to get in touch with Hades since she always tried to be neutral and not pick a potential side but there's got to be an important reason for it. I already know most of the younger Gods would go against the older lot if forced to but Athena was always debatable. It's impossible to remain neutral forever and she'll need to pick a side someday.

"Fine, I'll go see her now since you mentioned it... at least switch it off when those two are getting that into it"

Mortals really do come up with some fun and inventive ways for that sort of thing... you really should give them some privacy than watching on like this, it's a little creepy really.

"No can do boy, no can do..."


"Are you freaking kidding me?"

"What's wrong Ikarus?"

Waking up the next morning in the fancy hotel room we booked last night, I've already got cramping pains and I haven't even gotten up yet, we did sleep in since last time was pretty great... Hang on, that cramping pain isn't what I think it is, right? it seems a little early for what I'm thinking this might be...

"My stomach's been playing up again... you don't reckon I produce eggs when something happens between us?"

It's a bit out there but this hasn't been a month gap and last time I laid wasn't very long after me and Petra first got properly intimate together...

"Heh, it's always possible Ikarus, us phoenixes do have very strange bodies obviously being down to still having a bit of human in us... and I guess dragon as well because of the hatching but point is, anything's possible"

So, she's saying it could be a possibility? That's incredibly stupid that something has to happen between me and Petra for me to lay eggs but oh well, I guess it's just an added benefit I suppose

"*Sighhh*... you mind getting off the bed for a second please?"

"Heh, sure"

I need to get this thing out now then... it's probably best not to describe things in detail since no one wants to hear about me pushing this stupid thing out, right? It also shouldn't be difficult to find something to compare it to as well but I don't need to be that gross.

Well anyways, I change form, lay the egg on this huge bed and then switch back, that didn't take too long simply because I was sleeping commando last night so form change was pretty quick. While I was doing this, Petra has already put her disciple robe back on and is starting to get ready... it's a good thing both of us don't actually take that long since neither care enough about things like makeup on a daily basis. It would make sense though, it's not like trying to make ourselves prettier is needed for what we do except on the rare occasional like the empire showdown. Why use makeup when we both already look perfect?... huh, I guess my inner narcissist has come back around, Petra still looks better then me though.

While she's in the bathroom sorting herself out, I can't help but ask something while I'm looking at another monstrosity of an egg I've laid. Emus and ostriches really have nothing on this bird!

"Petra... you reckon we could get the chef to cook this for us?"

It's already a bit late for breakfast in bed but I'd rather not ask Petra to always cook for me since I'd feel a little guilty if I keep asking. She's already done enough for me so making her my personal chef is unfair really, even if I doubt she'd say no but that would just be taking advantage of her good nature.

"Heh, this place might be a little too high class for that sort of thing Ikarus"

Ah, can't forget about how high tier this hotel room is supposed to be, this room in particular could be comparable to modern civilization back on Earth after all. It's still not as great as the phoenix cave though but it definitely set the romantic scene last night... eh, I wasn't really focusing that much on it though.

"Oh well, I'll put it in storage and save it for a rainy day like when we're starving or out in the wilderness"

[<Despite -user's- thoughts, it's obvious that -user- will want omelette made by target -Petra- very soon>]

Oh, she had a comment on that? I'm guessing she must feel a little talkative then since Aesa can be inconsistent when she wants to talk or not. While Petra's still using the bathroom, we can chat for a second.

'You're just stating the obvious like usual Aesa and besides, I might fancy it poached or fried next time... I'm guessing you have no thoughts on what happened again?'

Despite her being a little annoying at times, I'd feel a tiny amount of guilt if she hated witnessing what me and Petra do. Don't forget, she is definitely more than just a simple AI at this point, she can use freaking sarcasm and can even sigh at me like a human for Christ's sake! I'd actually like to give her a body if possible but that's just an unrealistic idea right now, how would I even do that?

[<While Aesa would prefer not to watch -user-, it's of no noticeable concern regardless>]

'So... you do technically have an opinion then?'

[<*Sigh*... does -user- really need to ask this?>]

'Fine, forget it... was just making conversation after all...'


"There's a lot of people gathered about over there"

"Yes Ikarus... although it might be for a sinister reason though"

"Uh huh, these were always horrible"

"What are you lot complaining about? Public executions used to be the best public event you could go to!"

Wondering around the city with the other two phoenixes and sharing hands with Petra, we appear to have arrived at a small crowd gathered around a wooden platform. Up on the platform itself are three prisoners with half a dozen guards around them and attached to the upper beam of the stage itself are three lengths of rope... I shouldn't have to explain what they're used for.

We already knew were Zeki and Ariza were staying at so we picked them up after our five-star noble hotel experience had finished. We've literally not even been walking around this place for less than several minutes and this clearly is what's happening in the market today.

"Hear thee, hear thee, gather round and listen up! These men are condemned for the crimes of murder, banditry, sexual assault, theft and lollygagging. What say you in your final defence?... even if I have to do this last stupid thing even though you've already been proven guilty"

The guard reading of a scroll mumbles that last sentence under his breath but it's obviously still heard. I have heard rumours of how they treat captured death row inmates, originally they'd just 'disappear' inside the prisons down to the sadistic princess and the law that stated no death penalty but clearly things have changed. Is this for the better though?

"We had no choice but to steal, maybe they should've defended that caravan better and they would've lived as well"

"Yeah, what are we supposed to do when we can't afford to eat? Work like the other peasants? Ha!"

"It's not my fault that woman led me on! Dirty whore was asking for it!"

Okay, I at least expected some type of begging or asking for redemption but these three are really despicable, none show any remorse so there's clearly no worries about them being innocent. Despite all this, I'd rather not stick around right now.

"Can we go? I'd rather not watch this"

Ariza actually said that before I had the chance. Sure, killing is great and all but actual public executions aren't my sort of thing...

Not every policy I'm going to agree with that the bastard and the dragon wife have implemented, I'm all for killing criminals who really deserve it but displaying such a thing in public isn't my style. What I mean is more just going out your way to show off doing something like killing, it doesn't have to be secretive but witnessing murder shouldn't be a family activity to be enjoyed, like I'm pretty sure there's even kids over there too. I guess it's a little hypocritical but even I have standards when it comes to murdering other people.

(Ikarus) "Completely agree with you Ariza"

(Petra) "Agreed"

"Erk, fine... clearly you three women can't stomach something as entertaining as this... it's a damn shame they're not putting the criminal scum in a pillory and giving out tomatoes first, life was so much better back then"

Sometimes his nastiness is just... yucky... the idea of pelting someone with a tomato sounds kinda fun though. I can just imagine that splatter or squash sound from the impact and laughing my head off... damn, I'm terrible at times.

Continuing onwards past the cheering crowd about to enjoy the hanging, we go through the city further towards the shopping district and wouldn't you know it, a familiar face has arrived that Zeki absolutely loves.

"Hang on... look who it is kid? It's Misses obnoxious!"

"Err... must you torment my suffering orangey?"

"Yes... yes I must"


"Uh huh, Ikarus is just dishing out karma Zeki"

"I hate you all"

Just by complete coincidence, we've come across the half-naked greed haired dryad just by random chance... that was pure sarcasm there, she seems to be able to find anyone for some spirit magic bullshit reason. There's barely any trees inside the capital so she probably had to walk in from the outskirts thinking about it.

Before we get the chance to say hello, she notices us and runs over to us with an uncomfortable face and a depressing aura, something bad has clearly happened.

"Ah, that's where you four phoeni-, people are... I need your help, desperately!"

She even looks to have a slight tear in her eye, the hell has happened to upset the dryad this badly?

(Ikarus) "What's wrong?"

"Uh huh, what's the problem Ria?"

"Yeah cow, why you look like that?"

(Petra) "..."

"Zeki, this isn't the time for playing... what happened was..."

And then, like the dryad and her infinite wisdom decides to spend the next half an hour describing a story that was incredibly infuriating going into explicit details on things like what she had for breakfast that morning and even the smell of the tree she relived herself under... sighhhhh. Her story telling has always been headache inducing and someone with perfect patience would even get frustrated.

To summarize it since she has done this drawn-out story telling thing before, a few thieves broke into a secretive part of a ruin that apparently contains something powerful and important. She calls it a vigil to the forest, whatever that means. Ah, should also mention we're all around a couple of benches now, no point standing around listening to the dryad speak nonstop for this long.

"So... basically someone stole a marble in a ruin that's important to the forest? And you want us to find it?"

"You don't have to sound so condescending about it though, it's more important than that!"

I'm not trying to sound condescending to the dryad but I guess it's just something I have a tendency to do. By the sounds of it, a group of people, maybe bandits decided to take something that's basically a magic marble. I do actually remember about the whole holy grail thing that happened in Yggdrasil before but by the sounds of it, this might be a little different.

"Ikarus is right though dryad, you haven't actually said why this is such a big deal"

Even Petra's questioning her, it's not like we're against giving a friend some help but with this odd dryad, you can understand our hesitation. I guess she counts as a friend, anybody who torments Zeki is definitely someone worthy of such a title.

"You're not understanding the importance of that vigil. Without it sitting on that pedestal, the entire forest could shrivel up and die!"

Okay... now I'm liking this potential quest... even if that thing she said seems a little off and it's taking this long for her to say something like that. The entire forest dying is definitely more of an important risk but she might just be over exaggerating a little.

"I've just got to point something out Ria, you say could? This isn't one of those things were nothing happens and we've just been sent on a bullshit quest that is actually fucking pointless"

Huh, Zeki just used her actual name for once, I guess even he isn't going to be a dick when the situation is apparently dire.

"I may be exaggerating slightly with the entire forest but it could end with a lot of trees dying though"

That still doesn't sound right but I'll just give her the benefit of the doubt simply because she seems really worked up right now. Maybe there is some importance to that marble that is hard for her to describe. Regardless, I guess we can offer some help in exchange for a reward, it's her duty to protect the forest after all. It's not like we're a charity... even though we'll still probably help even if there's no reward, it's more just motivation really.

(Ikarus) "Another question, do we actually get anything for helping? If you say something like spending a night with a dryad again, I will hit you"


Petra clearly remembers that stupid reward that was offered way back in the tree of Yggdrasil, it's what introduced us to the perverted nature of the dryad. That and I guess she's basically always half naked as well.

The dryad pauses for a second thinking of something, then seems to spark up as she comes up with an idea.

"I guess... I could give you the holy grail as payment, it's not exactly doing anything right now and good do with a permanent owner"

Huh? She's offering the holy grail that apparently has to sit inside the huge tree that if taken, the entire tree will die?

"Wait dryad, you told us that stealing it would destroy Yggdrasil?"

"That's not technically true though, it's more like it decides who's worthy to hold it sort of thing, those pesky elves were definitely not worthy so it could've caused the tree to destroy itself... at least, I think that was the case... Ah, as for the grail itself, drinking from it does make you feel stronger as well... apparently"

Sighhh... I can already tell we're going to regret this, so it turns out that whole save the tree thing back in the elven city of Aurora could've have ended with a nice shiny reward. At least it apparently has an actual effect to it I suppose, I always thought drinking from the holy grail is supposed to achieve immortality but I guess not then.

At least she's gotten us alright three phoenixes on board, Ariza was nodding earlier so confirmation wasn't need but Zeki now has something to bargain on.

"I'll help Ria... but only if you leave me permanently alone from now on"

"He-he-he... I'd rather watch the entire forest die if I'm being honest then leave you alone"

"Damn it cow! *Sigh*... whatever, I'll tag along since you three are going to help anyways"

Did Zeki really think he could get out of whatever this is this easily? You've gotta give her credit, the spirit tasked with protecting the trees would literally allow the forest to die just so she could pester Zeki... can't say she isn't determined to get her way. Those two definitely don't have a healthy relationship if it isn't obvious by now, might as well make a joke about it since they're as bad as each other.

"Looks like we'll help then dryad but we'll need a little more to go off, like for example where the thieves have even gone to?"

Agree with Petra, it's not like we even know what temple they stole from or even where they are now. Thankfully, it shouldn't be something hat takes up too much time.

"I do actually know where the thieves have gone... it's just that it might take a while to get there, I'll show you on your map..."


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