Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 105 – Reveal

Chapter 105 – Reveal

"Hic... wow, your muscles are really stro- hic"

"Erm... not the time Lotte"

Well shit... you must have heard the odd story or two about someone who really can't handle alcohol, you only need to take a quick glance at priestess to realize just a sip is enough to make her unhinged. It's honestly a little funny except from the fact she won't let go of the knight, literally. I'm fearful for him right now.

Still around the feast table, Charlotte is basically clinging onto Nathan like they haven't seen each other in years, I never realized she could be like this but it must be the inner succubus in her coming out. Whatever the reason, alcohol must allow her most inner desires to reveal themselves. Thankfully, she hasn't done anything too unsafe for work just yet but I can't see this going well.

"You know, this has turned into a pleasant evening. A new source of silver has arrived at our front door and the empire's immortal shining light is hammered, this has turned out to be quite the productive day"

"One warns that thou should probably shut it"

"I'm only joking Es; you must see the humour in this though?"

The bastard Desmond appears to be enjoying watching drunk Charlotte basically attack Nathan. Seriously though, I've never seen her so forward and unhinged, she'd basically wrapped herself around his arm and keeps kissing his shoulder as well. The only people finding this still funny are Zeki and Desmond, I'm starting to get more concerned for her now, even Nathan is looking a little afraid.

"Oh come on! Hic... why are you sooo meannn?"

"E-Erm... I feel like I should get her home, would that be okay your majesty?"

"Yayyy! Hic, alone time with Nat! Hic"

Before Desmond can respond though, it seems Petra has some words of warning for him. Even she look a little concerned for his safety.

"That might not be the best of ideas knight"

"Why not Petra?"

"It depends on how far developed you two are. I'm unsure if she's revealed it yet or not but priestess isn't actually human"

"I already know about Lotte being a succubus but what has that got to do with anything?"

Oh, you poor sweet innocent knight, I'm guessing he doesn't actually know all that much about succubus myth. It's clear as day priestess is not herself right now and her hidden species is coming out, I seriously doubt he's got the power to 'fight' her off.

"Look into her eyes knight and tell me you aren't that dense. If you go home alone, you'll be up all night if you catch my meaning"

(Zeki) "Yeah knight, have you really never heard about what happens when a succubus becomes restless?"

(Ariza) "Uh huh"

Immediately after Petra gives Nathan the warning and the other two birds follow it up, his face flushes and I can't help but chuckle under my breath. So much for innocence now, is that seriously what he's in for though? It almost sounds like he has no say on what might happen though, is that how aggressive they can get?

Does alcohol cause succubus-sama this many problems then? It's pretty damn obvious he wouldn't take advantage of this situation since the knight wouldn't do something like that but he may find himself 'attacked' if Petra's warning is true. Of course it is, she's like the undead hunter and succubis have a long history with vampires after all.

"Still thoug... I do trust her enough to fight off those urges... I really should get her home if that's okay with you your majesty, I'll return back when she's asleep"

"No need, take the night off and finally become a ma-..."

The bastard finds a small whack on his shoulder from the wife there, clearly his jokes aren't appreciated when priestess is currently feisty. I'd feel sorry for Nathan but how many guys would actually hate this situation? That's not sexist because everyone knows guys have two brains, ones for thinking and the other rarely thinks.

"... I'm obviously joking but you can take the night off to calm her down... don't look at me like that Esmerelda!"

The dragon misses doesn't even need to speak to get her point across, I can now see why the emperor clearly likes having Nathan around. Whether it's down to actual fighting ability or not, he clearly likes having him just to joke with. At least you can kinda have a friendly relationship with him then, I could never see this type of relationship with that fake smiling dick who used to run the place, he's be thinking of his next way to manipulate someone. Can also see why the knight's more than happy to serve under a new ruler too.

Even though Nathan reckons he can handle her, I feel like that might be blind optimism. The thing with the myths in this world regarding succubis, some are a lot worse than the ones on Earth, we're talking death from exhaustion levels and that's pretty tame for one in the mood. I can see why Petra holds no remorse to both vampires and succubis just simply from the rumoured 'treatment' that prisoners get but then again, some people would be into that sort of death... I'm not thinking about this anymore.

"Do you want a hand bringing her back Nathan?"

"Petra's right, I'll come help succubus-sam-, sorry, priestess as well"

Damn slip of the tongue, the night's getting pretty late now so it seems a good time to leave, I'm not sure if the other phoenixes want to just yet though.

(Zeki) "You two going is more than enough so I'm staying... it's not because the food is good or anything like that"

(Ariza) "Yeah, I'd rather stay if that's okay as well"

Succubus-sama and her redness might be getting worse right now; I think it's pretty fair to call her that when she's that red... and horny apparently. I'm not a huge fan of that word but it's the bluntest I can realistically be.

"Hic... are Ikarus-sama and Petra-sama joining us as well!? Sharing can be borin- hic, but it can also be fun!"

Oh priestess... you really have lost all that innocence, maybe I'm just dirty minded but it should be obvious what she means by that. Since I'm not into sharing that way, hell no.

"I really can't let you drink again Lotte... come on, let's get you home"

"Yayyy!- hic"

Nathan picks up Charlotte in a princess carry, she snuggles into his shoulder and just before we leave, Desmond still can't help but mock or whatever it is he's doing. I can see the funny side to this all but we've known priestess for a long time, this could end slightly dangerously.

"It's been a real pleasure to you see you two again, this whole thing has definitely been special"

"Des may mock but thou and one do appreciate shiny metal, return whenever thou pleases to do so"

I guess this is goodbye for now then, if that's what the dragon even said. Let's just get priestess back home...


"Ouch... my head... how did we end up back here?"

In Charlotte and Nathan's house, priestess has just woken up with a banging headache and us three on the other sofa. We got no sleep at all last night; I shouldn't need to explain why...

In the end, me and Petra obviously had to stay the night just so Nathan didn't get gobbled up, I reckon he would've survived but there's no chance he would've been able to hold her off alone. It took all three of us basically needing to forcibly stop her otherwise this boring couple would've entered a level both are not ready for. Seriously though, the amount of filth that flowed out of priestess's mouth and what she tried to do would've made anyone go insane from embarrassment. From the looks of it, she's starting to regain her memory just now.

Should I really go through what was said? Nah, it's not fair on her to repeat something like that, just imagine her desperately trying to convince the knight to do certain things and leave it at that. I always thought Petra was bad but just listening to an actual succubus wanting to get it on really puts the entire world into perspective... Petra still my favourite perve around though.

"Oh... no, that tea was... no no no... I'm really sorry Nat!"

She almost looks like she's about to burst into tears, I guess it really isn't that big of a deal though. Sure, we saw the real succubus-sama last night but me and Petra skip sleep loads and there's no way the knight would hate you for such a thing.

"It's fine Lotte... it might've been bad if Ikarus and Petra weren't around though but don't worry about it that much"

Despite him telling her not to worry, that's never going to help with someone this worked up. I've never actually seen Charlotte go teary eyed like this, this is horrible.

"I'm really, really sorry Ikarus-sama and Petra-sama... I just... I'm really a disgusting person..."

We seriously need to cheer her up quickly but what do you say to someone who looks like they might be close to having a mental breakdown? At least there appears someone out there who knows how to help with this sort of thing.

"... Oh! My Lord... erm... he says he want to speak to you... he says thank you for helping out my incarnate out and... oh, the second thing was just for me... I guess that helps a little, sorry again though"

So... priestess's Lord saw that then? This might be difficult for priestess to translate over but I'm kinda curious on this, I wonder if I'll get an answer or will I just get bullshit like I'm not ready to know that information just yet. She has already cheered up a little just from hearing that guy's voice alone so I can provide further distraction by being curious! Seriously though, her face already seems much more brighter from what that voice inside her head just said, I guess Aesa is always great at distractions by irritating me too.

[<-User- gets irritated way too easily>]

"*Sigh*... so then priestess, does your all-seeing Lord have a name or is he secretive about that? Even just a nickname could work better"

I'm not the only one curious it seems, even Petra looks to spark up a little from my questioning. I seriously doubt I'll get an answer since secrets and all that but it doesn't hurt to try.

"My Lord does have a name but it feels disrespectful to say... fine, I'll say it then since you insist my Lord. His name is Dionysus and he says it's a pleasure to speak once again little phoenix... when did you speak to Ikarus-sama my Lord?"

Hang the fuck on, am I seriously the only one who knows that name? Petra has no reaction and the same thing with Nathan, priestess's God is an actual God and not fake...

"Your Lord is freaking Dionysus!? You know how ironic this is... he's literally the God of alcohol"

Priestess pauses for a second, clearly Dionysus doesn't answer straight away or she's just waiting for him to finish. This type of communication is going to be a little awkward to get around I guess, this is why I don't like people asking what Aesa says.

"My lord says it's technically wine and a few other things like vegetation, fertility and ecstasy but he understands the irony... he also says it's a good way to remain confidential"

So the God Dionysus encourages his incarnate to not drink to avoid suspicion from other Gods perhaps? If true, that's pretty clever... even if the reason could just be down to succubus-sama as well. Maybe he doesn't want to see her in that state but then again, he might enjoy it. I don't really know but he does seem to be treating her well I guess.

"Why did you choose priestess to be your incarnate then? There must be some reason to it"

"Ah, I can answer that Ikarus-sama... back in my younger days, I came very close to losing my life and if it wasn't for God's embrace, I wouldn't have survived. Through his unending wisdom, I set upon a better life for myself and turned to religion"

Well damn, I knew Charlotte's past was bad but she seriously would be dead if it wasn't for a God? There's of course a load of questions I'd like to ask but using priestess as a translator when she's still hungover is a little cruel, at this point the knight has sat alongside her and has even gotten a wet rag to hold against her head.

There is something else though, there's no chance a God who is as sinful as Dionysus would be purposely encouraging his incarnate to turn to religion... unless that's his coverup and he's much slyer than realized.

"You mean the God of basically partying and drinking somehow turned you to religion?"

"Yes Ikarus-sama... although my Lord denies he had any part in that but he at least guided me in the right direction... he denies that as well"

Okay... at least that confirms it, priestess is batshit crazy. That's not meant in a nasty way but if she's somehow taken up religion from a God whose entire deal is basically committing sin and doesn't sound like he wants to be worshipped, then she has basically turned into a cultist. Whatever makes her happy, I guess.

"Well then... at least we've got you on our side for whatever reason then high and mighty Dionysus... what a weird turn of events this trip has turned out to be"

"Heh, agreed Ikarus"


As we're leaving after having breakfast and saying our goodbyes round the no longer boring couple, there's something that's come up on my mind now while walking through the capital. You can thank priestess for this since she was trying way too much last night and now... it's kinda put me in the mood... only with Petra of course!

"Hey Petra... you fancy doing something later on tonight?"

"Heh... what could that something be Ikarus?"

Sighhh, in her defence, I don't feel like she's teased in a little while so playful Petra did need to return... even if I already know this is just gonna end with me being embarrassed.

"Must you do this? Do I really need to spell it out?"

"Heh, yes you do Ikarus otherwise how will I know what you're speaking about?"

She knows EXACTLY what I'm referring to. We haven't had another batch of not safe for work content since that first time and now after everything that went on last night, I'm up for some more. You can blame Charlotte for this now, stupid succubus-sama...

"Urgh... well... later on tonight at let's say something like a fancy hotel room... do you want to do something?"

"Heh, still don't know what that something is Ikarus"

Damn it woman! You know very well I have tsundere tendencies, urghhh...

"The type of something that is not suitable for younger eyes... THAT sort of something... *Sigh*... can we just do something intimate later on please?"

She really can't help but want to see me blush, I can't say I disagree with it but the only ways I can return the favour is when doing physical actions since she's so resistant to nearly everything. The problem with that is when kissing and doing things like that, I don't set out to tease because enjoying the moment is so much better... she's just evil really, I've clearly fallen in love with a seductive devil who's slowly causing my distinct orangeness to go red.

"Heh... why didn't you say so Ikarus? Already said you don't need to ask before, did say I'll never turn you down"

"Yeah but-... forget it, you're terrible... at least that settles what we're doing later then"

I'm looking forward to that now. Even if you exclude last night basically being about helping keep priestess out of the knight's pants, it's not exactly like we're even tired in the slightest.

I'm not forgetting about Zeki and Ariza though, we'll go find them and spend the rest of the day together, then we'll have our alone time. Petra does seem to be thinking pretty heavily on something right now though.

"Heh, it does... there is something I need to buy first but I'd rather be alone for that though"

"Wait, why do you need to be alone?"

Why do we need to be alone all of a sudden? Okay, I realize how clingy that sounds but look at what happened last time we split up! I nuked a bunch of pirates and she massacred a group of vampires, clearly fate is agreeing with my clinginess! Forget that though, Petra for some reason pokes my nose in a playful manner while responding though.

"Never you mind, it's a surprise Ikarus. You'll just have to be patient for a little while"

Is Petra getting me a gift? There's still a few months to my birthday so what could it be if it's that? Unless this is something for later on that I'm being dense on...

I guess I can go hang around the other phoenixes for a while then, I do feel like pouting a little but it's not like we can always be together.

"See you later then... I guess"

"Heh, you don't need sound so depressed Ikarus, it won't be too long... love you and see you later"

"L-Love you too..."

Might as well have a goodbye kiss as well...


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