Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 104 – Return

Chapter 104 – Return

"Been too long since we were last here"

"Heh, yeah Ikarus, it does feel a little different"

(Zeki) "Well obviously older sis! The streets were flowing with blood and flame not that long ago"

(Ariza) "That's not what she meant Zeki"

And so, we've just arrived back at the capital, already said the goodbyes and sorted out all of the mundane stuff we deal with on a daily basis, just made sure to transport as much ore as possible so there's now a smelting backlog. There's no real need to recap on what else happened before we left, it's just the same type of stuff like usual. The only difference is that the dragons are still on the island and Garry the gnome has basically taken over the smelting operation. That old grumpy guy actually holds a great amount of respect for the dwarf so the turnover of power went pretty easily, even if they're more like business partners than being an actual boss.

As for why it's back to us four travelling phoenixes, no specific reason why we brought them along other than the fact they wanted to come with us, I'm guessing they miss spending time with Petra? I guess I do hog her a bit but I'm happy to share... obviously not in that sort of way but I know what I mean. In all honesty, the idea of having an open relationship or sharing partners has always been something I'm against. Don't be expecting any threesomes or stuff like that between us... although I wouldn't mind spending another night with Petra alone during this trip, we'll see how that goes.

All we really need to do here is negotiate a deal with a bank for currency exchanges every now and then and we should be all done? At least for the main goal, I'd like to meet our two previous travelling companions if possible. I actually know where they're staying now so I'm hoping Petra's down for that afterwards.

"Let's head over to a bank then, you two don't have to join us since it might be boring"

We literally have just only walked into the outskirts of the capital and still need to get inside the gate, it seems Mr obnoxious has a response for me though.

"Nah, we'll stick with ya... ah orangey, might not need to head to the bank... I'm sure I remember something that dragon lover said about silver... or was it sliver?"

"Really Zeki? Forget it, Desmond and Esmerelda did say something about a silver shortage Ikarus but it was just a passing comment they made when we were working for them"

"It wasn't working brother; it was just a few favours really"

"We literally got paid Zeki! How the heck isn't that working?"

"We did some favours in exchange for money, that isn't work, this red-haired beast doesn't EVER work"

(Ariza) "*Sigh*"

Ignoring those two and Petra's facepalming from Zeki as well, I can't help but think this world is full of coincidences... you'd think it would be a poorly written novel at this point. Seriously though, our luck is becoming a little suspect especially when it comes to gold and silver. Maybe its karma paying up for a lifetime of cruelty towards Petra but it shouldn't be affecting my luck as well so something isn't adding up right now.

I'm not going to overthink this though. It'll be good to meet the bastard and the dragon once again, they'll probably be busy but I'd rather set up trade with another leader if possible. Besides, just gives an excuse to not have to speak with strangers which is a plus.

"Then we're off to the palace..."


On the journey through the capital, me and Petra have finally seen the consequences of our actions and honestly... it's pretty messed up. Everything is peaceful now but spotting the odd burnt down building or anything else that's still in ruins really is eye opening to how bad the riots actually got. It's not like I feel an inch of guilt but it's still noticeable regardless.

Got a rough sense of the riots caused by the people in favour to the old royals from the odd conversation with the other two phoenixes but actually seeing it in person is a completely different thing. Thankfully enough, everything seems to be more back to normal now, just there's a load more guards patrolling the city and if anything, a happier vibe floating around the capital. Maybe not happier but the common citizen does seem more relaxed and there even appears to be slightly more men around, is the war in the east over or something? Probably not, haven't heard anything like that but I can ask about it soon if I remember.

"At least we're finally here... gotta inform the guard like usual I guess"

Having just arrived at one of the gates to the palace courtyard, Zeki has a surpassingly happy smile on his face after my stating of the obvious.

"Hehe, you're completely wrong this time orangey, we can just walk in and this idiot will let us right through"

Zeki steps ahead of the group and one of the gate guards opens it without even questioning or looking up at him. Just from that reaction alone, Zeki might have a reputation in the capital now...

"Heh, I'm guessing you two visited this place a lot when we were gone?"

"I guess so Petra, there was a lot of infighting and a lot of chaos... too much death"

"Brother's right even though she's wrong about the death thing, you can never have enough death"

Huh, funny how Zeki calls Ariza brother still but is willing to use she? Did they have words on that or has he always used she before? Urgh, I'm not thinking on this again, she works fine for Ariza so I'm just sticking with it.

Anyways, we all walk unescorted being guided by Zeki into the new and improved Sierran Empire palace. Being serious though, it looks basically the exact same, I'm guessing they had more important things then dealing with something like decorating... although that room that the princess died in may have needed it, the floor especially with all that bloody mess.

Now at the throne room, it's guarded by two guards and like the gate guy, Zeki doesn't even acknowledge them and just walks in without any issue with us following. I'd say it's pretty careless from the guards to allow potential strangers in but I'm guessing there may have been some 'accidental' friendly fire when things were really bad. The fact no one looks Zeki in the eyes says it all really, at least Ariza got a few smiles her way from the servants when we were walking through this building.

"Alright dragon lover, how's things going?"

Well... ain't that a great way of greeting the new emperor, It's the exact same thing though. Even with the royal guards, none dare look at him other than the two people on the thrones. None of the royal guards loitering the walls nor the several advisors who were just talking to Emperor Desmond and Empress Esmerelda even turn around, I'd rather stay in the dark then know in detail what he's been up to.

"Look what the cat dragged in... I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you all but you wouldn't be here if it was something good"

You know, I never once got intimidated from Alistair when he sat upon that throne yet Desmond almost seems to have an intimidating aura surrounding him when he says that. Both him and the dragon misses both are wearing the same type of clothing they were originally and have the same hairstyle, his being blonde and long and hers being purple. The only difference excluding the aura is that their clothing seems to been adjusted slightly so there's bits of gold and other fancy bits to it.

"Nothing of the sorts, having that sort of power is starting to make you worrisome ol'mighty and brilliant dragon lover Desmond"

While Zeki's giving him a sarcastic response, I can't help but notice someone standing with the royal guards.

"Hang on... is that you Nathan!?"

Standing in line with some of the royal guards is a very familiar face but he doesn't respond to me nor even look in my direction. He hasn't forgotten about me already, has he? Nah, there's no chance anybody would ever forget about me, I'm Ikarus for Christ's sake!

"You can be at ease knight, no point for formalities around old friends"

"If you insist your imperial majesty... yeah Ikarus, things went a little mad after the incident that occurred. It just so happened there was an opening for an royal knight that I was clearly not worthy for so it's just a lucky promotion I guess"

The dragon hiding in human form Esmerelda actually looks a little irked from what the unconfident knight just said. Going from prison guard to knight, and now royal knight clearly hasn't made him arrogant so that's kinda good even if he could be a little more confident sometimes.

"Thou should learn to have some confidence in oneself, little brown-haired nun won't be best pleased"

'Heh, that should be obvious who that nun is'

"Apologies Empress Esmerelda... apparently I'm one of the strongest remaining knights Ikarus so the role was given to me... even if I feel like I'm way above my station"

"*Sigh*, thou just told you to stop"

So knight Nathan is one of the most powerful knights? Seriously? Just how far has he developed or how weak are the knights that remain?

'Heh, it's also pretty funny he hasn't realized there's a dragon in the room otherwise that stutter would be back... status'

[Name: Nathan | Species: Human | Level: 99]

[Health 5,400/5,400]

[Stamina 4,191/4,500]

[Magicka 0/0]

'Damn... don't bother telling me how many he's levelled by Aesa; I don't actually care that much. I'm more curios just how much death he's inflicted, I know he would've helped 'clean' up the capital but royal knight Nathan really has gotten stronger'

[<Aesa could work out the specific number of wolf deaths if -user- really wanted to know but does -user- care that much about EXP levelling?>]

'Eh, you're right... that's just opening another can of worms'

I've basically forgotten just how normal levelling works because it's just pointless to even think about at this point, all I know if that Nathan would've killed a lot to get to that level. You'd think his personality might change a little from that as well but he still seems the same ol'nomraly Nathan apparently.

Even just looking at him, he does have a stronger and more intimidating vibe to him as well but that might down to his new custom darkened armour... which also seems to have father's scale on it as well. I'm surprised Esmerelda is fine with having one of the knights wearing what is basically dragon skin but dragons are carefree about a lot I guess.

"How's Charlotte then anyways? Still praying to her 'God' whoever that may be"

"Yeah... Lotte's been good although I think she's been a little bored with the lack of bandit hunting recently, most have been destroyed or have fled due to the increase on cutting down crime so her crusade has been put on halt for now"

Charlotte's crusade against heathens or bandits... it does have a nice ring to it but shouldn't that be a good thing? Isn't that what she's aiming for? I guess if there aren't any heathens left to slaughter, maybe she feels a little useless but I'm just looking into it too much.

Before any of us can bring the conversation back around where it should be going, Esmerelda brings it even further off track.

"Hmm... one believes we should continue this natter over food"

"Es... we've got advisors in this room as well"

"Thous can wait till one and Des are ready, visitors are very important mortals... let's prepare a grant feast"

Heh, this purple haired dragon really likes to feed people it seems, the Empress isn't going to cook for us though, right? Also noticing the looks on the advisors faces, none have said a thing nor even plan to, I'm unsure if they're running an empire based on fear but it could also just be down to respect, things have sounded positive recently. I think it might be fear though...

'Looks like we're getting dinner then...'


"...What's happening in the east anyways? Is the war still ongoing?"

During the huge feast we've been served in the palace dining room, it's a perfect time for such a question even if I know the rough idea. As for the feast itself, imagine a gigantic long table filled with roasted meats, vegetables, different breads and loads of other little bit and pieces. Basically this is fit for a Viking longhouse with the amount of food here, the quantity was kinda needed since there's eight of us here.

I should also add who's around this table. You see the brilliant Esmerelda in all her wisdom actually thought to invite priestess and the knight to this and I'm all for it. Charlotte has been asking me nonstop questions though about what's gone on since we last spoke so the second I've answered enough of them and she's now satisfied, I need to speak with Desmond. As much as I'm happy to see priestess once again, I never enjoy having to repeat or recap on things multiple times though.

"*Sigh*... that neglected war is a burden we're stuck with unfortunately. The rebels have hit a point where they hold more than enough power to be a pain towards us especially considering I've cut down on the mandatory draft law as well. Even if Jekyll is struggling with manpower, sending out unmotivated and untrained soldiers is something we both disagree with but that's not something you need to concern yourself with Ikarus. The draft will be stopped completely one day though, just for obvious reasons it can't at the moment"

Ah, so my idea of stopping mandatory conscription for men has actually been implemented, or at least there are plans to do so. There's no point asking why can't Esmerelda just fly over and burn everything to the ground, that tactic could work for a battlefield but even the new emperor has no intention of burning down an entire city... not all of Alistair's policies were shit after all. Also... can Esmerelda even use fire? Her specialty is poison after all.

"Are thous enjoying the food?"

(Zeki) "It's alright I guess"

(Ariza) "Uh huh"

(Petra) "..."

(Charlotte) "It's lovely Esmerelda-sama"

(Nathan) "Yeah, it's good"

Having the entire table try to converse all at once it obviously going to be a pain but the purple haired dragon does look happy about everyone stuffing their faces. I can definitely tell she hasn't cooked this herself since she's the second best cook I've come across but having a feast like this even if it's not as tasty is definitely a nice change. Enough delaying now though, it's time to sell some silver, or exchange.

(Ikarus) "Anyways... we have business to discuss Desmond"

"Business? That's the reason for your visit?"

"Me and Ikarus have come across a large amount of silver that we should be getting consistently and have a need to exchange it for lower currency"

"Oh... is it that silver from the trade deal you made with the dwarfs?..."

As soon as he says that, us four phoenixes look at each other in confusion, that information shouldn't be known so why does he have it? We've already told Zeki and Ariza what's going on but that was after they returned so they haven't told him that.

"... You really don't need to look surprised, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that is honestly too fucking boring to discuss... your visit has come up at a decent time though. How about we agree to same type of thing the kingdom are doing and finish any negotiation here? Just obviously we'll be exchanging silver instead of gold, also do the same ship thing they're doing as well"

You can definitely tell he knows about the entire deal in detail, did the dwarven leader snitch on us? There might be more of a relationship between the new empire and the dwarven kingdom then realized. It's either that or there's a spy giving out info.

"Heh, we had heard a rumour or two that the empire were lacking in silver, shouldn't that bump the price up a little? Or a lot?"

Petra the negotiator has now arrived, I can't see this working though I'm afraid.

"Don't even bother, your mind games don't work on me Petra... and besides, who do you think spread that rumour? Of course we're in need to balance out the currency a little more and the silver would help but nearly every country, kingdom or empire has a slight currency imbalance. Bartering won't work I'm afraid"

"Heh... fair enough then"

Did he just imply that he spread the rumour of there being a silver shortage inside the empire? Sighhh, some of this type of stuff I really don't have a clue on, Petra seems to have a look of realization on the reason behind it but I really have no clue this time around. I guess that comment did bring us here instead of a bank but that's the only thing I can think of. At least they say ignorance is bliss I guess although I wish that wasn't the case for me.

While we're discussing the finer details of like when to send the ships and boring things like that, I can't help but notice something happening off to my side. It appears the knight is concerned about priestess.

"You... might not want to drink that Lotte"

"Why not? This tea is nice and sweet Nat, you have some"

"No, I'm good. You sure you're okay drinking that?"

"You don't need to worry so much about me Nat, it's fine"


Hang on... has priestess not noticed that tea is alcoholic or doesn't she care? I swear she doesn't drink and her God doesn't like it either so this must be a mistake. Or has she turned into someone less boring all of a sudden? Somethings not right here.

'I guess it's only half a glass of it, what's the worst that can happen?'



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