Red Storm

Chapter 222


I pray that this is the last war with other humans

Book 6-7.1

Yulian urgently returned to the Castle of Storm and called for a Meeting of Greatest.

“What is the current situation?”

Once everyone gathered together, Yulian quickly asked.

“Although we were prepared, we have already lost one oasis.”

“What did we do in response?”

“Pere-nim is prepared at the location Venersis is in the vanguard. He should be able to last if he focuses on defending.”

Yulian thought for a moment at Runa’s report before responding.

“I will head out. Runa, when you are distributing troops, you will put me in front of Venersis. Then use the warriors on the other side to take over the other Shuarei locations.”

“Yes, Glow.”

Once Runa responded, Yulian slightly nodded his head and looked back toward the warriors and continued to speak.

“Let’s use this opportunity to unify the entire desire. Everyone will need to be completely focused.”

“Yes, Glow.”

“Move all available forces to quickly take the Shuarei down. That is my opinion, Runa.”

“It will go as the Glow wills.”

Two days later, 120,000 warriors left the Castle of Storm to head to war.

When Yulian and the 120,000 warriors arrived, the front line was being heavily pushed back. And based on Venersis’s movement, he was surrounding Pareia’s troops like he was trying to completely eat them up.

‘Venersis, you made a mistake. You should have done whatever you can to take at least one more oasis before I arrived. But I will not give away any oasis so easily now that I am here.’

Yulian said that to himself as he started to prepare the warriors.

And then the battle started.

A brutal battle with this oasis in the middle.

They were biting at each other’s tail, and Pareia and Shuarei started a time of give and take over and over.

Death seemed like the natural conclusion for all warriors involved.

Both Pareia and Shuarei didn’t seem to get tired as they spent three months continuously fighting each other. The situation was more favorable to Pareia, but that was only the slightest advantage.

All the war was doing was taking lives and time from both sides.

The doors that were hidden around the continent were starting to open. They flicked their burning tongues and exploded the suppressed energy to open these doors.

“I have returned.”

The monsters of the other world started to appear around the continent.

The masters of the other world who were loyal to the order of the father instinctively started to show their strengths.

This power controlled all of the monsters, even bringing forth the chaos that was hidden around the world.

“You have been sleeping for too long. Wake up. Children of the father. Creatures of light and creatures of darkness. All of you, it is time to wake up and receive the Promise of Creation. It is now time for us to move.”

The other world masters used their strengths to wake the darkness and destroy the light.

“It is time to show our strength to those who suppressed us until now. Death to those who have ignored the issues of the past.”

Their anger started to be directed toward the humans.


Shopping, who was a Giant Sand Dragon, the desert’s greatest monster, lifted up his large body to the sky and let out a roar. He then dropped his body back and started to squirm.

Thankfully, he was out in the desert to look for food. If he did this at the Castle of Storm, he would have destroyed a portion of the castle with his movement.

Shopping looked around the desert with bloodshot eyes. Something was clearly here. Something that dared to pressure him was currently in this Monster’s Desert.

That was something extremely annoying for Shopping, and it made him squirm to protect his territory.

As he started to move, he noticed amazing things that he had never seen before. Shopping let out another roar before charging toward these new existences that continued to appear.

This large desert worm’s charge started to cause chaos for the monsters who had just made their way to the desert.

Although they were just born, these monsters naturally prided themselves for their violent nature. However, none of these violent monsters could defend against this giant desert worm’s charge.

Shopping did not feel any better after destroying these monsters. The force that made him feel danger had not disappeared.

Shopping continued to destroy the monsters that were shaking after hearing his roar as he continued to look for that dangerous force.

And then Shopping saw it. Far in the distance was a human-like existence that was sitting down.

Shopping hesitated for a moment. His owner had forbidden him from harming humans. After hesitating for a bit longer, Shopping slowly started to approach that individual. The response will come as long as he got closer.

The majority of humans were completely scared by just looking at him. Shopping wanted to verify that was true with this individual as well.

Even though he got closer, this human-like individual did not move an inch. Shopping continued to get closer. Once Shopping was about an arm’s distance away, that individual stretched out his hand.


Shopping thrust his large body backwards as he let out a roar of pain.

“You, a creature of the father, has been domesticated by a human. You won’t be any help at all.”

After flailing in pain for a moment, Shopping let out a roar of anger as he opened his body back up. He did not know how he was attacked, but he was not going to lose like this.


Shopping raised his body before bringing it back down and opening his mouth. His teeth were the size of a human’s arm and sharper than any monster in the desert. He rushed toward the individual, trying to chomp down with his sharp teeth. Even if he will end up getting beaten up by his owner for harming a human, he wanted to get rid of this annoying feeling.


The human snorted at Shopping’s charge before opening up his fingers. In that instant, his body suddenly became larger, as he started to run toward Shopping as well.


With a loud noise, a large hand was on top of Shopping’s head.

“I guess it is true that the dumb are extremely strong, but you are still not there.”

A fist flew toward Shopping once the man finished speaking.

Shopping felt intense pain around his neck and flew backwards.


Shopping did his best to come back to his senses and raised his body.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Shopping’s eyes started to fill with fear while looking at this existence that was smaller than him, but still decently large. It was a feeling he had not felt before, other than from his two owners.

“What a funny creature.”

This individual that was just born, Demon King Asmodeus, laughed while looking at the large worm moving away from him. He then thought about something as he urgently started to run.


Shopping felt immense fear seeing the Demon King charging toward him, and used all of his strength to dig underground. He then started to run.

Creatures that feel fear will naturally rush to their safe place, and Shopping was no different.

Shopping started to rush forward, and Asmodeus chased after him.


Shopping urgently shouted as soon as he saw the gates to the Castle of Storm, and prayed that his owner could save him.

The warriors guarding the gate saw Shopping returning and opened the door for him. As soon as Shopping passed through the gate, he shouted once more toward the location of his owner’s residence.

“Is it here?”

Asmodeus looked toward the Castle of Storm in the desert with curious eyes as he mumbled to himself.

“I guess it wouldn’t be bad to make this place my castle. I do need somewhere to live.”

The warriors who were guarding the gate saw an unknown foreigner approaching and called out to him.

“Welcome guest. May we ask who you are?”

“Me? Asmodeus. The Demon King of the desert who will be your master.”

The desert people enjoyed treating gusts. However, Asmodeus just introduced himself in a way that went against Glow Yulian. The warriors looked at each other and nodded before blocking his way.

“Please state your full identity as well as the reason for your visit. You seem to be someone from the continent.”

“Didn’t I tell you already? I am the Demon King who will be your master.”

Even the Glow only governed them, he was not their master. The warriors showed anger at this guest’s mocking words.

“Ho~ you plan on going against me?”

The lead warrior who was responsible for the gate could not hold back anymore and gave the command.

“First, catch this foreigner. We must figure out the reason for his visit.”

The warriors received their commands and approached Asmodeus. Asmodeus just started to smile. His smile was extremely charming, even to these fellow male warriors. However, his action was not so charming.

“In the end, humans are creatures who do not believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes.”

Once Asmodeus let out a bit of his strength, sharp and murderous winds rushed the warriors.

“He is strong.”

The lead warrior who had been through many wars instantly felt a sense of danger. He felt that although there was only one foreigner, there was a chance that they would all end up dead.

The lead warrior trusted his instinct that had saved his life many times. That was why he decisively blew into the warning whistle.



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