Red Storm

Chapter 221

Book 6-6.3

Violet hugged Yulian and started to speak.

“I make a request to my ancestors. The Shire’s descendant seeks to go to you. Please open up a gap. Please open up a door to all of you.”

The surroundings started to turn feint as Violet continued to speak.

It was completely different than the last time Yulian entered into the Hero’s Land. Last time, he was in the Hero’s Land in an instant, but this time, that was not the case.

He felt an odd sensation. The surroundings started to change colors, and after it felt like he was falling down from somewhere high, what greeted him was a land that seemed to be destroyed more than ever before.

It really made a person think of hell, with the world completely covered in blood.

The ground was that way and the sky was that way. The entire world was covered in red, sending out that cruel atmosphere and fragrance.


Yulian gathered his energy and shouted as soon as he entered. He was trying to protect Violet from the murderous intent rushing toward them, as well as the thick stench of death.

Even with his shout, the surrounding air started to pressure them to the point that it was difficult to remain standing up. There was definitely something there that they could not see. And whatever that was, it was starting to rile up Yulian’s murderous intent.

Yulian gathered up his internal ki and asked Violet.

“Are you okay?”

Violet was a strong woman. If she was not, she would not have been able to sing in the middle of a battle between tens of thousands of warriors to push up their courage.

Violet nodded her head. But she could not do anything about the fear that was starting to creep up from a corner of her mind.

Yulian was feeling the evil sensation with his ki, but Violet was seeing it with her eyes.

At that moment, a nectarous voice whispered in her ear.

Look! Look at all this darkness and evil.

The moment Violet responded to the voice and looked up, she saw the source of evil. It was an unexplainable sight.

She felt chills throughout her body and all of her strength started to shake from the roots.

You think you can handle it?

Her body started to shake. This unknown voice had instantly made her full of fear.

Leave your mind to me. Take a rest. I will give you peace.

All of the strength in her legs gave out. She really wanted to run. She wanted to run away from that unknown being.

Yulian quickly supported the swaying Violet.

“Uh...ah ... uh...”

As Violet mumbled while severely shaking, Yulian could not understand anything she was saying.


Yulian called out to her in shock. Yulian’s voice, which was already filled with his gathered ki, brought Violet slightly back to normal, as she immediately hugged Yulian and buried her face up in his chest.


Yulian, who felt like something was definitely wrong, hugged Violet with one hand while taking out a greatsword with the other.

It is not there. Come over here. I will rescue you from the fire.

It was definitely not her ancestors. She was sure that it was definitely not even human. That was the devil. The devil was trying to swallow her. Violet hugged Yulian because she realized the devil’s intentions and wanted Yulian’s protection. Yulian was already a completed person; this level of strength could not hurt him.

“Violet, what is it? Is something there? There must be. Right?”

Yulian finally realized that Violet must have seen something and ran away into his arms. Violet was someone who had more guts than even most warriors. For her to suddenly do something like this, it must mean that there was something here that he could not see.

And there was no way that this sticky and ominous feeling trying to suffocate him was something good.

“Violet, snap out of it! Show it to me!”

Yulian called out to Violet in a loud voice, but all Violet could do was shiver in Yulian’s arms.

Seeing Violet so scared, Yulian hugged Violet even tighter as he started to take some deep breaths.

As his body filled up with ki, he gathered it up and shouted out loud as he swung his greatsword.


Both the shout and the noise from Yulian’s sword were extremely loud.


The sound of his greatsword cutting through the air was extremely odd. It sounded like it was cutting through something.

“Violet, snap out of it and show it to me. Show me what you saw.”

Did she manage to snap out of the pressure for a moment? Violet did not lift her head from Yulian’s chest, but she temporarily let go of the arms clenching onto Yulian to use both hands to hit Yulian with some type of energy.

Come to me.

“You damn bastard. Who are you to tell my wife to come or go!”

Swear words came out of Yulian’s mouth as he started to swing his sword. Yulian could now see it as well. He could see the darkness that was wiggling its black tongue in front of him.

Yulian’s sword continued to swing out in front of him. The darkness tried to retreat with the fog, but Yulian lifted Violet up with one arm as he started to chase after the darkness.

After swinging his sword a few times, Yulian finally managed to land a hit on the darkness.


The sharp shriek landed in Yulian’s ear. After that, other darknesses started to reveal themselves one by one.

Violet started to shake even more. She was a talented shaman who had the strength to defeat this darkness, but right now, she was just a woman who was defeated by fear.

In the end, Yulian had to take all of them on alone, but he felt no pressure. To him, even a single shamshir swinging warrior was more dangerous than these ethereal existences.

The martial arts he learned from Chun Myung Hoon was strong, but actually, Chun Myung Hoon’s martial arts was extremely suited for handling ethereal existences.


The strength of this overwhelming shout started to echo through the Hero’s Land.

The devils and darkness hiding around the area started to cause a ruckus. They were trying to run away from Yulian, causing a hurricane in the process.


And the Red Storm responded to Yulian’s shout.

The Red Storm warriors suddenly heard Yulian’s shout from the outside and were responding back.

The darkness that was getting attacked from both sides finally started to reveal its true nature. These were devils with three wings on each side and two long horns on their heads.

They had determined that they could not fight Yulian off with just the darkness and had taken material form to be able to use physical force. The blades of these reapers of death started to approach Yulian.

It was a type of strength that humans did not possess.

The devils were very strong, but they could not easily do anything to Yulian. But it was true that Yulian was being pressured by them.

Because Yulian had given up one arm for Violet who could not come to her senses, he could not use his famed double greatsword style. Yulian started to get pushed back bit by bit.

“Violet! Do not lose that something like this. Snap out of it.”

Yulian blocked one of the reaper’s attack and continued to talk to Violet as he moved back and forth, but Violet could not easily come back to her senses. This woman who was more confident than any warrior on the battlefield was actually afraid of fighting those non-human existences.

The moment Yulian was starting to feel overwhelmed about taking on these devils, a sudden change occurred.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Yulian heard the drums of war as a thick scent of blood filled the air. Someone was heading their way.

My left hand is strength, my right hand is justice.

With his coarse black hair flowing in the wind, it was someone as tall as the sky. He was so tall that his every step made it sound like a drum. That individual was enunciating every word as he approached Yulian.

My outstretched hand is the hand that defeats the devil. The path that I walk is a path of justice. No one can stop me.

A gust of wind surrounded Yulian and Violet.

Once the reapers’ blades were hindered by the wind, Yulian’s movement started to come back alive.

The devils started to retreat. They were wrong to think that he would be an easy prey.

In an instant, the strong wind died down and the murderous intent and odd sensation that Yulian had been feeling had disappeared.

Once Yulian realized that all of the devils had retreated, he lifted his head and looked toward the black haired giant standing in front of him. He then bowed to the giant.

“The descendant of the desert, Yulian Provoke, pays his respect to the great ancestor, Madland Endo-nim.”

Yulian was very familiar with the giant man standing in front of him. This was the Hero of the Desert, Madland Endo, whose image was drawn in many wall art and books.

This ancestor, who passed away long before Yulian’s time, was standing in front of him.

I was lamenting the fact that I was unable to meet you last time, my dear descendant.

Yulian respectfully responded to his comment.

“Please forgive this descendant for being unable to visit.”

I know that you have a dream, and that you also have a Heaven’s Mandate. Move forward according to your will. However, the time has come, so make the necessary preparations.

“This descendant does not now anything. Please give me the wisdom to know, and the strength to make it into reality.”

The heaven and earth may remember, but the people inside do not. The twisted strength that was brought on by the haughtiness of humans and the Heaven’s Mandates that are not resolved properly lead to the destruction of the world.

Madland Endo put his palm out in front of Yulian and Violet.

Yulian hesitated for a moment before taking his shoes off and jumping on to his palm.


After a moment of feeling numb, Yulian was already up at Madland’s eye level. But Yulian was not scared looking into the black pupils that were the size of his entire body. Instead, he felt an odd sense of excitement.


MIdland blew some air toward them, and they could feel a warm wind blow by them.


As soon as the warm wind hit her, Violet came back to her senses and let out a yelp in surprise, but she was not afraid.

Descendant of the Shire. If you cannot firm your resolve, you will not be able to help when the time comes. You can stop training to strengthen your ability to bring forth power from the other worlds. Instead, you must train your heart.

“I will do as the ancestor instructed.”

Even while Violet was respectfully responding, Yulian was looking down at a spot in the Hero’s Land.

“What are you looking at?”

Seeing Yulian silently looking at a single location, Violet also lifted up her head.


Violet instantly lost strength in her legs and plopped down. Her entire body was sweating, and her breathing became extremely rough.

You are not completed yet. Keep your eyes closed.

As Madland blew the warm air once more and informed her, Violet quickly closed her eyes and nodded her head.

This is what Violet had seen.

The thing that made her whole body sweat and shocked her heart to the point of making her breathing rough in that short instant was absolute strength.

Whether that was good or evil was up to each person to decide.

Yulian stared at that strength and bit down on his lip. If he was even slightly evil, he would not even have the strength to dare to stare at it.

Yulian’s internal ki that was countering that absolute strength was causing his clothes to swell up, making it look like it would blow up if it was poked with a needle.

“What is that?”

Madland could not hide his shock at Yulian’s posture and question. It was almost impossible for a human to face that strength, but Yulian was facing it without any issue.

Madland started to smile.

That is the beginning and the end. That is chaos. The majority cannot even oppose it. They can only manage to defend against the strength that is derived from it.

“Is that perhaps what is creating the monsters?”

It has now started. Many humans will shed their blood and heroes will be born. However, only twelve individuals have the strength to defend against that.

“Am I one of those twelve?”

Yulian could feel his Heaven’s Mandate as he asked.

He had continued to hear this after first hearing it in the Magic Tower. He was now feeling like everything was to prepare him for this.

Your dream is not simply to grow your territory and preventing the forces of the continent from taking advantage of your desert. You may not have realized it yet, but I know you must feel it in your heart.

Yulian could feel his heart jump. He did not know what was making his heart jump. However, he could definitely feel his heart jump.

His Heaven’s Mandate. Something he had always treated as something vague.

This Heaven’s Mandate that told him that he would be used in this war for humanity.

All you have to do is do your best in the things that are within your control. There is nothing more important than this. I am looking forward to your help as you give all of your heart and all of your strength. In that instant, you will gain the qualifications to come here.

After looking toward that strength once more, Madland lowered Yulian and Violet back down to the ground and started to speak.

Return. The two of you cannot help the battle in this place just yet. Instead, I ask for even more cheers and singing to give us strength. You may leave.

The moment Yulian and Violet’s feet touched the ground, the two of them had already transported out of the Hero’s Land.

While Yulian and Violet were looking confused at the sudden change in scenery, Haisha quickly approached them.

“You are late again this time.”


Yulian was nervous because he did not know what Haisha meant, before remembering the last time he traveled to the Hero’s Land. He asked Haisha for clarification.

“Was I gone a long time again?”

“Yes. It has already been one month and fifteen days.”


Yulian questioned his ears after listening to Haisha’s answer.

“It has already been that long?”

“Yes. But more importantly, we need to hurry up and return. The Shuarei have invaded.”

Yulian questioned his ears once more.

End of chapter

Next up:


I pray that this is the last war with other humans


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