Red Storm

Chapter 223

Book 6-7.2

Although the Greatest Warriors and many warriors were not at the castle, the Castle of Storm was Pareia’s capital. There were at least 5,000 warriors protecting this castle.


The lead warrior wanted the other warriors to quickly come reinforce them and blew the whistle once more. At that moment, Asmodeus had an annoyed expression as he started to move.


Asmodeus instantly arrived in front of a warrior and stabbed his hand through the warrior’s chest.

The arm pierced through the back of the screaming warrior, and in Asmodeus’s hand was a still beating heart.

“Everybody, attack.”

Since he blew the whistle, the inside of the castle should already be on alert. In order to buy time for the warriors inside to prepare, the lead warrior ordered an attack on the foreigner.

The warriors were more angry at how viciously their comrade was killed than scared, as they tightly clenched their shamshirs and started to attack the foreigner.


The warriors showed the teamwork of a squad that has been together for a long time. Half othem attacked while half of them moved to fill the gaps left in the defense once the attackers moved.

But Asmodeus too easily blocked those warriors’ attack. He continued to pierce his hand through the warriors’ chests and enjoyed the flowing blood and beating hearts.

That image really did fit the name of a Demon King.

While the warriors were getting murdered one by one like that, there was movement from inside the castle. The warriors inside had responded to the lead warrior’s whistle.

The warriors who were grouped in tens and sometimes hundreds came out of the castle gate and became shocked at the sight in front of them. They saw the warriors dead on the ground with giant holes in their chests. They also saw the other warriors who were now filled with fear.

Three thousand warriors started to fight against Asmodeus. Asmodeus was extremely annoyed. This attack from the humans was not as easy to handle. He thought that they would be filled with fear and either kill themselves or run away without ever looking back after he took care of a couple of them. But these humans were different.

They were acting very differently compared to the humans he remembered dealing with in the past.

Even though a numerous amount continued to get their hearts pierced out by him, these humans continued to aggressively attack. As time went on, Asmodeus started to feel uncomfortable as well.

He didn’t know whether it was magic or divine power, but those humans mumbling in the distance were extremely annoying to his ear, and these warriors in front of him were not managing to pierce through his skin, but they were still causing quite terrible pains.

He probably would be able to get rid of all of these humans eventually, but Asmodeus found that to be extremely annoying. In addition, if he somehow made a big mistake, he might even end up actually losing a limb.

‘Humans have a leader and they will fall into chaos when you kill the leader.’

Once Asmodeus came to that conclusion, he stopped dealing with the warriors and started to run forward.

There were castles like this in the past as well. The location of the leader was bound to be different. Asmodeus immediately started to run toward the inside of the castle where Grace was resting.

“Block him!”

The lead warrior who was close to becoming a Greatest Warrior and left in charge of the Castle of Storm urgently shouted toward the warriors.

If something were to happen to the Mother of Pareia’s safety, that issue will escalate endlessly. Even if all of them were to die today, they needed to make sure nothing happened to Grace.

The warriors all chased after Asmodeus, but they could not catch up to him.


Asmodeus heard the giant worm that he had chased back to the castle as he ran forward and started to smile. A normal human would not have been able to tame that type of monster. That meant that the humans here had to be the leader.

Well, based on the strength of that giant worm, that person should be decently strong as well, but in the end, weren’t they just a puny human?

Humans were weak existences that could get their chests pierced by his bare hand. Other than the extremely rare monster-like humans, all humans were pretty much the same. And based on his memories, he never saw a human leader who was monster-like and extremely strong.

Asmodeus arrived where the giant worm was located and started to smile at the sight in front of him.

Surprisingly, the human leader seemed to be a woman. This really was going to be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

“A woman!”

Asmodeus saw Grace who was consoling the shocked Shopping and started to speak in a gentle voice. Asmodeus’s other name was the Demon King of Lust.

In human terms, a lecherous Demon King. As Asmodeus used his natural charm to speak, Grace could feel her heart shake.


Shopping was calming down at Grace’s consoling, but started to flail around once more after Asmodeus appeared once again.


Grace patted Shopping’s nose to calm him down before looking toward Asmodeus and starting to speak.

“May I ask who you are?”

Grace looked toward Asmodeus and started to think. For a man to get all the way here without anybody telling her, she felt that this guest must not have good intentions. In addition, she was able to figure out that the reason Shopping was scared was because of this man in front of her. That was why Grace’s voice was filled with hostility.

“You are quite a talented woman.”

Listening to Asmodeus’s voice that was filled with extreme allurement, Grace subconsciously started to think of Yulian.

Asmodeus called out to her and motioned with his hand.

“Come over here.”

Grace started to lose consciousness after hearing this voice and motion that felt like a father who was calling his daughter over.

“Come over here.”

As Asmodeus called her over once more, Grace’s hand lifted off of Shopping’s nose and she started to walk.


Shopping let out a noise and bit down on the hem of Grace’s clothes to pull her and prevent her from going over, but the corner of her shirt just ripped off as Grace continued to move toward Asmodeus one step at a time.

“Good girl. I like humans, especially women, who listen to me. Come over here.”

Grace’s eyes seemed blank as she slowly approached Asmodeus.


At that moment, Shopping charged toward Asmodeus. His feelings for Grace had helped him overcome his fear.

Asmodeus had a faint smile as he started to reach out, but Grace’s blank eyes blinked before starting to glow.


And then she charged toward him. In her hand were two sosoontas that were not there before.

Asmodeus was shocked for a moment, but calmed himself down and first reached his hand out to defend against Shopping’s charge.

A human’s sword will not be an issue, but even he would get hurt crashing against that large worm.

But at that moment, something unbelievable happened.

Grace’s sosoonta cut deep into Asmodeus’s forearm, and dark red blood started to shoot out of the injured location.

The one who was most surprised at this was none other than Asmodeus. A puny human, and a woman at that, had managed to injure his body.


And then he felt a strong shock throughout his body.

He had forgotten about Shopping’s charge.

His body started to fly and crashed into a castle wall.


This other noise was the sound of that wall falling down on Asmodeus.

Grace had an extremely nervous expression on her face as she continued to clench onto the sosoontas in her hand as she slowly approached the fallen Asmodeus. The red plate on her neck started to shine brightly as smoke started to rise out of it.

That plate was the gift Chun Myung Hoon had given her when he first dragged Shopping over. It was a magic plate that was imbued with a protection magic spell that provided ultimate protection against monsters and evil forces. That was how Grace was initially able to safely tame Shopping, and the reason she was able to resist against Asmodeus’s temptation just now.

That plate was slowly disappearing, using up its energy to respond to Asmodeus’s ultimate evil energy.

Thanks to that, Grace stopped walking and moved back away in the other direction.

At that moment, all of the warriors who had chased after Asmodeus let out a sigh of relief after seeing that Grace was safe. They then looked toward the fallen Asmodeus and were all extremely shocked.

But that only lasted an instant. Asmodeus let out a shout of anger as he stood back up and the battle started up once more.

Grace’s magic plate had lowered Asmodeus’s evil aura, and Shopping’s charge prevented the warriors from being decimated like earlier, but in the end, the warriors were on the losing end.

As time went on, the number of corpses started to grow, and even the plate on Grace’s neck was now only the size of a fingernail. As the plate got smaller, Asmodeus’s evil aura started to rise once more.

“Grace-nim, please run away!”


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