Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 41: He Started It!

Chapter 41: He Started It!

At this moment, Reyes's voice suddenly rang out from inside the classroom.

"What are you doing staring in here, Ivan? Did I tell you to stand outside the classroom? Face the other way! You are disturbing this class! Just stand right there and stop looking around!"

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows.

He really disliked this teacher.

"Sir, I'm really curious but I just can't find the answer to my question..."

Calvin stared right at sir Reyes, "Just what is the reason that a teacher like you became a demon in this mental asylum? Could it be that you've stared too much into the abyss to the extent that the abyss reeled you in, or could it be because you also tormented others like these students?"

"What are you talking about? You're being disrespectful!"

"You saw what happened earlier, sir Reyes. I am certain that you knew who started everything and who was the one being bullied. I wished to properly reason with him, but he didn't listen and did it the second time. What's worse was that in his next attempt, he even purposely stained my uniform..."

"I was willing to forgive him, but when I took my textbook out, my hand slipped and it accidentally fell on his face..."

"I admit that it was my mistake for letting my hand slip earlier, but does that mean that he did nothing wrong to me? He was the one who started it all!"

"But wait!"

"Actually, all of these did not have to happen!"

"You saw who started it, and he seemed to be very obedient to you. If you spoke up earlier, then there's a huge chance that he'd feel remorse and won't do it again to me or to other students..." Calvin took a deep breath to compose himself.

Sir Reyes wanted to speak up, but before he could do so...

He was interrupted by Calvin.

"But you didn't do anything... Maybe because you thought that it was a waste of time, or maybe you thought that it was just a joke between students. Your life is already stressful enough, so why bother yourself with some things that would just waste your time? Or could it be perhaps that you have an ugly fetish for seeing a student being bullied?"

"That's right..."


"How presumptuous! You're going too far! You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Sir Reyes, why are you being agitated. I'm not saying anything solid here, I'm just making a hypothesis..." Calvin stared right at Reyes and the latter found that Calvin's eyes seemed to be whirlpools of darkness that he was unable to ignore nor look away from.

Calvin lifted a smile.

He still had a lot to say, but the bell suddenly rang.

The bell sounded strange as if it was an amalgamation of somebody screaming in a shrill voice and the sound of a wind chime combined together.

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows hearing that sound, but right when he recovered from his trance.

He saw sir Reyes rushing out of the classroom.

He took one final glance at Calvin and declared, "Young man, you went too far today. You must write me an apology letter duly signed by your parents by tomorrow or else, I will have to go to the Disciplinary Committee! Let's see how sir Nick handles you."

Sir Reyes then swept his gaze at the other students, "The class is over!"

He then rushed out of the classroom as if someone in the classroom was out there to gobble him up.

Calvin shook his head and let out a sigh.

Taking a glance at the clock, it was recess time. In other words, it was time for the students to eat.

Calvin carried his bag and returned to the classroom.

When he walked towards the front row to get to his seat, the students sitting at the front row obediently placed their desks and chairs aside and a phenomenon similar to how Moses parted the Red Sea occurred at this moment.

Calvin only shook his head and chuckled deep inside. Particularly when he saw how these students ran out of the classroom as if they knew that a slaughter would begin at any moment.

'Am I really that scary?'

'Well, I did slap a student with a book...'

'But he's the one who started it...'

Calvin proceeded to ignore what just happened. He walked back to his chair, placed his backpack on his desk, and turned to look at the potentially bullied student from earlier sitting in the chair directly in front of Ziya.

"Hey, classmate... Break time has started already. Aren't you hungry? Would you like to go out and eat with me? I'm a new student, so I'm not really that used to what is going on here, so I would like it if you can help me explore the place."

The student heard Calvin's voice, but he didn't dare to answer. He kept his eyes on his textbook and didn't even dare to pull up his lunchbox to eat his snacks.

"Leonard, someone is talking to you? Are you trying to pretend that you didn't hear what he said?"

From the last row, a student who had stripped off his blazer and was only wearing a Sando stood up to shout. Three students stood up along with him and they walked towards Calvin and the student to surround them.

Hearing his voice, the student seemed to have become filled with fear.

He anxiously held his schoolbag and buried his eyes deeper into the textbook.

"You retard! This is why your parents divorced and none of them even want you!" The boy grabbed the student's textbook and the force he used to grab it was so strong that the math textbook was torn into pieces. However, the student still didn't say anything.

Despite the look of fury and anger on his face, he suppressed his emotions and stood up.

He lowered his head and was about to go out of the classroom, but his collar was grabbed by one of the students who stood up along with the boy.

"Why the hell are you running away? Can't you see that the new student here wants to be friends with you? Why are you being such a buzzkill?" The student named Leonard didn't move. He didn't even speak, he just stood there and didn't resist.

"What a killjoy..." The boy who seemed to be the leader of this mini-gang of students boisterously laughed and grabbed Leonard by his neck, "But that's okays since you seem to be more than willing to be with us than to be with others, then you will stay with us and we will have fun together..."

The students around him also boisterously laughed.

Their laughter seemed to ignore Calvin as they simultaneously mocked Leonard.

The collective laughter seemed to jab onto the spirits of Leonard as he bowed his head down even lower.

"Wait, I can seem to remember this new student asking you a question. What about it? Do you want to be his friend, or do you want to be OUR friend?"

The remaining students in the classroom stared at the unfolding event with interest, they seemed to be interested on seeing Leonard make a fool of himself. With his neck being captured, his textbook torn to pieces, and with him being mocked by all of his classmates...

Leonard seemed to have lost his life, the light in his eyes extinguished and he stood there unmoving.

But after a few seconds of being jeered and mocked. He seemed to be unable to endure it anymore as he slightly opened his mouth and was about to speak when Calvin interrupted him.

"There's no need for you to make a choice, beloved classmate. Once you become my friend, then everyone will become my friend. Choosing is unnecessary since everyone in here will still end up as my friend anyway!" Calvin stretched his hand out to Leonard.

This was the first time that Leonard saw someone stretching out his hand towards him and he subconsciously stretched his hand out in return.

"You traitor!"

The leader of the mini-bullies dragged Leonard down by his neck, but before he could say anything.

A loud boom rang out, silencing everyone.

Calvin crushed his desk by his own hand.

After splitting it into several pieces, he kicked them towards the bullies and the debris all accurately struck their chests, causing them to stagger backward and cry out in pain.

What's more, Calvin kicked his chair up in the air and it fell down like a thunderbolt from the nine heavens onto the head of their leader.


A crisp sound rang out.

Calvin gripped the crumpled paper in his pocket and was about to exorcise these demons when sir Reyes's voice suddenly rang from the door.


"What the fuck are you doing?!"

Sir Reyes was obviously mad for he even cursed right in front of his students.

Calvin abruptly stopped whatever he was doing and directly pointed at the leader of the bullies.


"He started it!"


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