Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 42: You're in Trouble!

Chapter 42: You're in Trouble!

"He started it? How dare you lie to my face? I saw you hit them just now!"

For some reason, Reyes returned to the classroom and the first thing that he saw was Calvin sending a bunch of wooden splinters into the chests of the other students. What's more, he even kicked a chair into the air and that chair landed squarely on the head of one of the students!

How preposterous!

"W-Wha... What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill people?!"

The other students who gathered around to jeer quickly shifted their expressions as they moved to help the fallen students get up from the ground. Calvin made sure that the bullies would fall unconscious for he knew that if they were still awake once the teacher returned, he would face more trouble than the trouble he would face if they were asleep.

"Sir! He knocked Gerald out!"

"I know! I don't need you to explain what happened! Help, and get him to the infirmary immediately!" Reyes rushed into the scene and his eyes stared daggers at Calvin, "Why did you fight another student? This time, there's no way that you can subterfuge your way out of taking responsibility for what you did! I saw what happened with my own two eyes!"

"You started the fight!"

"It's not him!"

"You'd better explain everything to me, right now!"

Calvin scrunched his eyebrows and pondered for a moment, "How should I explain all of these..." Calvin put down the wooden splinter that he was holding before glancing at the student lying unconscious on the ground, "You can't really blame me for what happened, professor! I was just protecting myself!"

"I looked at him and his eyes were already bullying me! That is why I launched a pre-emptive attack so his schemes wouldn't succeed! If you don't believe me, sir, then you can ask him once he wakes up!" Calvin declared in a righteous tone of voice.

Reyes was practically trembling out of anger and fury.

It was obvious that reasoning it out with him was now impossible for Calvin.

He was truly angered this time.

"All of you! Get out now and take your snacks! Calvin, you go and stand outside in the corridor!"

"All right..." Calvin calmly replied and even nodded his head as if what was happening at this moment didn't involve him.

Soon, the angry Reyes also left to go somewhere else.

When he walked out of the classroom, the student who seemed to be the leader of the leader and the mastermind behind all of these stood up and glared at Calvin, "Count your lucky stars that sir Reyes returned unexpectedly. But don't be too happy, we'll settle everything after school. Wash your neck."

He then walked out of the classroom.

Calvin stood there in shock after receiving a fierce death threat from an elementary school student.

But inwardly, he was secretly muttering.

"You should be the one that should count your lucky stars, you demon! If not for sir Reyes coming in here for some reason, then I would've already ended your life as a pitiful demon trapped in this place."

Shaking his head, Calvin took his backpack.

Staring at the direction where the student left, he softly uttered.

"All right, I'll see you after school."

Calvin's reply was a soft whisper, but the student seemed to have heard it for he paused on his tracks and coldly snorted.

Calvin's name soon spread throughout the entire school. He was now known as the delinquent student that got punished two times on his first day of school. As Calvin walked through the corridor looking for some quick snack, he could feel the gaze of the students landing on him.

But for some reason, Calvin couldn't find the cafeteria.

Displeased, he carried his backpack and returned to class early despite the recess still being ongoing.

'Yeah as I suspected, this school is definitely filled to the brim with demons. Each and every one of them looks like they have a strange grotesque side to them...'

Before Calvin could return to the classroom, the unique bell rang once again. Just in time for Calvin to arrive in front of his classroom and enter the room. Taking the desk and the chair of the student that he knocked out earlier. He casually sat on it and seemed to be relaxed.

The new teacher started her lecture.

Of course, Calvin wasn't listening for he had his own thoughts in mind.

He took out a pen and paper from his beg and started scribbling down some words in order to conceptualize his thoughts. He knew his final goal, but he had no idea how he could reach that goal. Just how could he escape from this place? He was deeply contemplating his next course of action when a small paper was pushed on his desk.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry..."

These were the words written on the note.

Calvin was astonished.

Every student and every person in this place should be demons!

Demons were made up of negative emotions. They were basically an amalgamation of stress reaching its limits. He thought that only despair and hopelessness existed in this school, yet a demon could actually show appreciation like this to him? That shouldn't be the case!


Calvin glanced at the person who handed over the paper and he discovered that it was Ziya.

Ziya had a small smile on her lips, but she didn't say anything. She directed her gaze to the person sitting in front of her who was Leonard. It was clear from the look on her face that Leonard was actually the one who wanted to thank him, but he was just too embarrassed and ashamed to do so.

Calvin moved his desk closer to Leonard and asked. "Why are you thanking me? I am the reason why they targeted you, so it's natural for me to take responsibility." Calvin said in a matter-of-factly voice to Leonard. But Leonard didn't reply, he seemed to be quite afraid of Calvin.

He sat straight on his chair and Calvin looked like he was talking to himself.

It was obvious that he was pretending that Calvin wasn't talking to him.

"Is it because you are afraid of their retaliation to you, and to me...? That's the reason why you are sorry?" Calvin understood Leonard's worries. Leonard was just a child whose heart was laid bare in front of a hundred-plus years old ancestor like Calvin. It was basically impossible for him to hide his feelings and emotions in front of Calvin.

"I'm sorry..."

A reply came after a long time. It was in the form of another note.

Leonard handed it over to him discreetly.

Calvin also learned his lesson. He wrote his answer on a piece of paper, "You don't have to feel sorry about it. They've crossed the line. They've gone too far and I can't allow them to continue on thinking that it's fine to do that."

Calvin crumpled the paper into a ball and hurled it over to Leonard.

Leonard received it in a panic and after reading the reply, he handed another note over to Calvin. "I know, I don't want them to continue on doing this to me too, but I know that I can't resist. I have no friends to stand up to me, and the teacher favors those that are academically smart like them. I'm dumb so I'm destined to be bullied."


"You're my friend now. You probably know my name already. I'm Ivan. Let's formally introduce ourselves."

Calvin swiftly changed topics.

"I'm Leonard..."

"Got it, can I call you Leo? It sounds easier to pronounce."

"Yeah... But Ivan... I'm really sorry. I should've said something when sir Reyes accused you of being the one who started everything. I'm really sorry that I'm such a coward."

"It's fine, It's fine... You're probably looking down on yourself right now because you've been stuck in this endless loop of bullying and self-loathing for too long. However, a person's personality can always be changed. A person's ability to adapt is tremendously powerful, and so long as you receive the support that you need..."

"I'm sure you'll be a powerful person in the future..."

"Can you tell me more about who you are? I'm sorry if I'm being so forward, but I mean... You're my friend now. It just makes sense for me to ask more about my friend." Calvin handed over the note to Leonard and Leonard took quite a long time to reply. When he gave his reply to Calvin, he could see Leonard's hand continuously tremble.

"All right, I will tell you..."

"But for now..."

"You need to know that because of what you did..."

"You're in trouble."

Calvin read the contents of the note and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Handing over his reply to Leonard, it said "If trouble dares to come my way, then I will deal with it!"

Calvin's declaration was firm and full of confidence.

Leonard was astonished by the reply that he received, but when he remembered how fierce Calvin was earlier.

He didn't doubt him anymore.

He wrote a long, essay-like reply before handing the note over to Calvin.


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