Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 40: The Right Way of Dealing With Bullies

Chapter 40: The Right Way of Dealing With Bullies

"Don't you have something else to say?" Reyes glanced at Calvin, "Your seat will be beside Ziya. The seating in this class is determined by the lottery. But since that will only happen after the midterms, I will randomly choose a seat for you, so you go ahead and seat beside Ziya for now. After the lottery, I will naturally change your seat."

Calvin nodded his head, he seemed unconcerned that he was sitting at the second to the last row. Back when he was still a student, Calvin liked seats that were closer to the back since he could secretly munch on some snacks while the class was going on, and even take a sneaky nap.

Taking off his backpack, he carried it towards his desk while the whole class was looking at him.

Their gazes upon him were quite strange, some were excited, some were filled with malice, while some were filled with disinterest.

As for those that had malice against him, they seemed to be coming from the students who witnessed him protecting Ziya earlier.

Calvin stopped next to his seat.

The student sitting on the last row behind Calvin had placed both of his shoes on Calvin's chair.

"Oh? I'm sorry, I didn't expect that there would be a new student today."

The boy slowly lowered his feet.

Calvin gave him a placid smile.

But as he sat down, the boy who was lowering his feet placed both of his feet on Calvin's chair once again, causing his shoes to hit Calvin's pure white uniform, leaving behind a dark muddy mark of his shoe on Calvin's clothing.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I instinctively put my feet on the chair. I really didn't want to do it, it's just a habit of mine." The boy made a rather exaggerated noise. Calvin made a sidelong glance at the boy and proceeded to ignore him. Taking a look at Reyes, he seemed to have gone senile for he was ignoring the bullying that had just happened in front of him.

"All right, quickly get to your seat. We're going to start the first period now. Take your math textbooks, please. As always, sharing is not allowed! If you didn't bring your own issued textbooks, then it's not my fault anymore. It's your fault for neglecting it!" Reyes announced.

"Okay..." Calvin softly uttered. His expression remained calm and placid in the eyes of every student that were staring at him at his moment. Taking out his textbook, everyone expected him to take out a handkerchief to wipe the stain on his uniform, but instead of taking a handkerchief...

He took out his thick math textbook and slammed it on the face of the student behind him!


The textbook shattered upon impact on the student's head. The class turned silent. Even Reyes was astonished by the loud sound and was looking at Calvin in disbelief.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it. It's just a habit of mine..." Calvin apologized with a smile. Afterwards, he then sat down on his chair and acted like how a student should act.

"You... How dare you hit a fellow classmate?! Come here! Come over here!" Reyes trembled. No one knew if he was shivering due to shock or anger.

"All right..." Calvin obediently replied.

He made a sidelong glance at Ziya and realized that she was looking at him in horror.

She really didn't expect that Calvin would do something like this.

The pristine math textbook issued to the students in this school was now scraps of paper on the ground. Traces of blood could be seen on the paper, obviously. The impact was quite strong since the student that Calvin slapped with the textbook was now unconscious on the floor.

Everything happened so fast. It has only been a few minutes since Calvin entered the classroom to the student being slapped with a thick textbook to him collapsing onto the ground.

Placing his bag on his shoulder, Calvin didn't even glance at the student whom he just knocked out before walking over to sir Reyes.

"You... Stand outside the classroom!" Reyes glared angrily at Calvin.

This was the first time that Reyes encountered a student like Calvin. He had ignored the presence of a teacher and openly used brute force against a fellow student and even right before the teacher! He was too unruly!

He was too arrogant!

"With all due respect, sir Reyes. You can go ahead and punish me according to the school rules, but you must keep in mind that he was the one who started everything. He said that it was his habit of deliberately placing his feet on my chair even though I was sitting on it, so I just responded in kind and told him that it was my habit to slap retards like him."

Calvin calmly replied.

The other students gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Those that stared at him with malice before were now having second thoughts.

Those that were previously disinterested at him were now looking at him with interest, while the others that were looking at him with excitement earlier were now somewhat afraid. Calvin was really being scary. To think that he would slap a fellow student with such a thick textbook and even in front of a teacher!

He deserved to be punished!

Some jeered at Calvin for his stupidity.

If he had just endured that student earlier and retaliated against him after class, then he wouldn't be punished like this!

Alas, he was too hasty.

Some may call it being decisive, but some of the students just judged him for being too impatient and stupid.

Calvin walked out of the room.

He took one final glance at Ziya, but then he noticed that the student he slapped to submission was now trying to climb back up from the ground. Blood dripped down his head and it slid down his cheeks to the corner of his lips, making him look particularly intimidating.

Anger could be seen boiling in his eyes and his expression was distorted and twisted along with that anger. However, when Reyes turned to look at him. His expression swiftly changed. From being angry, he became distressed and sad, he even had tears welling up in his eyes making him look incredibly pitiful.

'Wow, he sure knows how to act. The nominated Oscar actors would be embarrassed when compared to him! However, people like him are indeed wise. To know when to retreat and to attack is a talent itself. He has two masks in front of his victims and to the figures of authority...'

'While facing the latter, they would be meek, obedient, and tame... But facing their victims, they are relentless and could be described as a ball of pure anger and fury as they vent all of their stress to other students.'

'However, just what is the reason why I am being targeted by bullies? Could it be that to get out of this place, I need to educate these bullies and change their ways with my own methods? Or could it be that I just have to save Ziya from being bullied?' Calvin pondered.

Calvin stood by the window. He then peered inside through the window, 'Aside from Ziya, that student sitting on the row in front of me is also being bullied. The blemish left by shoes on his uniform alone is enough evidence that he is being bullied. After all, who would deliberately step on their clean uniforms?'

'I have no idea how to get out of this place, but I will help these students nevertheless.'

Calvin made a decision.


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