Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 63: New Bodyguards and Back To Huai’An

Chapter 63: New Bodyguards and Back To Huai'An

Gong Du the Yellow Turban Commander also saw this and felt desperate as his army is also being decimated he shouted that he surrender and told his brothers to put down their weapons, Zang Hong who was attacking Gong Du stopped his swing motion surprised that Gong Du surrenders while Lie Fan told Liu Pi to knock out Gong Du

Zang Hong helped Liu Pi by bringing Gong Du with him, hearing the order to surrender and the defeat of their commanders the Yellow Turbans finally surrenders one by one valuing their lives

Lie Fan and Huang Zhong organize the surrendering Yellow Turbans and Jia Xu assessed the number of their prisoners as 5.367 while Lie Fan's army lost 2.657 men reporting this number to Lie Fan

This is the first battle Lie Fan receives heavy casualties and thanks to his high willpower he overcomes this situation and told Jia Xu to bury the bodies here to be remembered as heroes that guarded the border

Lie Fan told Liu Pi and Bo Cai to bring the Yellow Turbans commander to his tent to be interrogated, Jia Xu already know about Lie Fan's bodyguard's true identities, and seeing how he made them so loyal to Lie Fan he help Lie Fan by prepare 2 heads that will be used as evidence to be sent to Luoyang as Zhang Kai heads before

In his tent, Gong Du and He Yi were tied up and put on the floor where Liu Pi with a bucket of water splashed them with it waking them up

He Yi and Gong Du woke up and starts to shout obscene words to Lie Fan and his bodyguards when they see them, Lie Fan doesn't care about the insults in this era as compared to his past life it's nothing

Lie Fan: "Sir Gong Du and He Yi please calm down first, I'm Lie Fan and I have a proposition to make to the two of you"

Gong Du: "So you are Lie Fan?! You are the one who killed our Great Teacher! If I'm not tied up here you would be dead and our revenge for our Great Teacher will be done!"

He Yi: "Teacher Zhang Jiao has died but his dreams still live on with us and we will achieve his dreams of him!"

Lie Fan: "You achieve his dreams by being bandits? Robbing, Killing, and Ravish is the way you achieve Zhang Jiao's dream? Hahaha, that's the funniest line I have here heard!"

Gong Du: "That's the only thing we can do to have supplies and satisfied our soldiers! If you haven't attacked us at Yu Province we will control Runan!"

Lie Fan: "That dream has long gone when Zhang Jiao can't control his large army and let them from justice fighters to become bandits killing people they trying to protect from so-called evil corruption!"

Gong Du and He Yi stay silent, they knew what Lie Fan means as they can't control the large numbers of soldiers and monitor them one by one where they turn to banditry away from their just cause

Lie Fan seeing them turning silent began to persuade them how he also wanted to make the world that Zhang Jiao dreamed of, peace and prosperity for all people but doing it in his own way not like Zhang Jiao's

He Yi the smarter of the two began g ask Lie Fan to just say what he truly wants, no need to sugarcoat it with his aspirations or something blah blah blah

Lie Fan told them that he wanted to recruit them as he was chosen to lead this land back to peace and prosperity, he showed them what he showed to his 4 bodyguards before the 'power' he had

Gong Du and He Yi feel like they just saw something magical like when Zhang Jiao says that they will color the land orange suddenly the orange is there even though it's because of the sunset

Seeing that He Yi and Gong Du began to believe that Lie Fan was chosen to be the successor of Zhang Jiao to achieve lasting peace and prosperity in the land so they swore their oath to help him, Lie Fan used Erlang Shen's eyes to see their attributes

•Gong Du

STR: 337 VIT: 80 AGI: 73 INT: 55

•He Yi

STR: 328 VIT: 76 AGI: 69 INT: 68

Lie Fan is happy that his bodyguards have new people joining their ranks Now he has 6 bodyguards whom he feels are enough, he tells both of them about how they have to use masks for now like when he explains it before to his other bodyguards

Lie Fan makes Huai'An his next destination after they are done in Guangling as he wants to make a mask that symbolizes his bodyguards, so after having HeYi and Gong Du Lie Fan tell them to use a scarf or cloth to hide their faces first

After finishing doing so, Lie Fan when he meets his retinue and Zang Hong back is accompanied by 4 bodyguards with varied masks to hide their faces which was kinda funny if you see it

Lie Fan praises Zang Hong for his valor in his first battle and that he has a bright future as a General if he trained more in military tactics and way of life which can contribute much to the safety of Guangling

Zang Hong was happy with the praise and promised to learn military tactics to protect Guangling, After giving Zang Hong the praise Lie Fan decide to go back to Guangling so he orders his general to ready up the army to go back to Guangling to drop off Zang Hong and then go upwards toward Huai'An

Spending a week before they finally reached Guangling Lie Fan decided to immediately continue his journey back to Huai'An, so Zang Hong says goodbye to everyone and hope they have a chance to meet again in the future which Lie Fan promised they will meet again

Leaving Guangling, they march north where they see that villages are growing a bit more prosperous the nearer they are to Huai'An, and in 2 months they finally arrived at Huai'An

In Huai'An there's a big army camp where Lie Fan 10.000 former Yellow Turbans soldiers are stationed there, it can be seen that they are being trained in formation but Lie Fan doesn't know who is training them

Lie Fan ordered Huang Zhong to make camp beside the Ex-Yellow Turbans Campground and stationed the soldiers there, also to keep on the lookout for the prisoners as either they will be used as soldiers or labor worker

Jia Xu was amazed by the people he met along the way when they enter Huai'An, people are smiling and had no signs of being malnourished, and children are playing carefreely with no signs of hunger in their faces, not unlike Xiapi and other big cities where you can still see signs of malnourished people and people suffering from taxes

Lie Shang was doing some documents in the main hall when he was told that Lie Fan is back bringing along an army and now heading towards the prefect castle Lie Shang was overjoyed as finally, his son is back and with a position higher than him now

Lie Fan was riding alongside Jia Xu and his bodyguards when they reached the castle they were at the entrance where Lie Shang is waiting for him and was laughing when he sees them

Lie Shang: "I welcome Lord Inspector to this humble city of Huai'An"

Lie Fan: "Father! What are you doing please stand up!"

Lie Shang bowed toward Lie Fan to greet him as they were in public and according to the etiquette the lower rank have yo now before the higher rank which is why Lie Shang does that

When Lie Fan help up Lie Shang suddenly he heard a notification from his system so he opened the system window


[Host Completed the Quest 'Have a Higher Status and Power than your Father!'

The host received 1 Golden Package as a reward for completing the mission before the time limit!"]

•Golden Package

The 1st milestone gift that the host received for completing the host's 1st main mission when he come to this world

Astonished by the quest he just completed, Lie Fan even forgot he received that Quest as he rarely checked the quest list with how busy he has become now and that the system never reminded him of the quest which is fortunate as he can die if his promotion is late by 3 years

Lie Shang brought his son and his retinue entering the main hall and there he began to ask about how Lie Fan is, the condition of his mother, sister, and Ying Yue, and the last praised Lie Fan for his accomplishment which of course Lie Fan answered every question and thanked him for the compliment

Lie Fan: "Father let me introduce you to my advisor Master Jia Xu, I invited him to join me when I was appointed by Your Majesty to become the Inspector Of Xu Province"

Jia Xu: "Prefect Lie Shang I'm Jia Xu, Inspector Lie Fan's advisor in all kinds of things"

Lie Shang: "Haha! Look at you now you can even recruit people to join you, it's nice meeting you Master Jia Xu please take care of my son and I'm sorry I have to ask but where is Master Sun Qian?"

Lie Fan: "Master Sun Qian is staying in Luoyang acting as my ambassador there and keeping Mother and the others safe"

Lie Shang feels happy that his son put a trusted person to keep their family safe, Lie Shang wanted to celebrate his son's arrival back to Huai'An with a banquet but was denied by Lie Fan as he wanted to focus on doing something in Huai'Ab before going back to Xiapi

Lie Shang went along with Lie Fan's decision and seeing as the time is already evening they decided to have dinner together and then Lie Shang let Lie Fan and his retinue take a rest for today

In his room, Lie Fan decided to sketch the official mask that his bodyguards will wear to be made by the craftsman under the Lie Clan enterprises using the Book Of Knowledge to search for practical designs that can help protect his bodyguard also


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 712.000

Renown: 153

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 176.700


STR: 422

VIT: 167

AGI: 178

INT: 186

CHR: 90

WIS: 143

WILL: 115

ATR Points: 0


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