Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 62: Yellow Turbans From Yu Province

Chapter 62: Yellow Turbans From Yu Province

Zhang Chao: "I'm sorry for my abruptness, I'm Zhang Chao Governor of Guangling that was appointed by the Imperial Court, and Brother Of Zhang Miao the Governor of Chenliu"

Lie Fan already expected this man Zhang Chao to become the Governor of Guangling as it matches the timeline where both of the Zhang Brothers will hold this position as they will have to consolidate their influence in the area before they joined Cao Cao and Tao Qian respectively then betraying their lord to join Lu Bu

Lie Fan: "So It's Governor Zhang, then I wanted you to show each report from your departments to be sent right now for me and my advisor to inspect"

Zhang Chao: "Of Course Lord Inspector! Right away!"

When Lie Fan and Jia Xu enter the main hall, Zhang Chao was approached by a man who gave the same age as him in his middle twenties to talk with him

???: "Brother Zhang, it's good that you aren't corrupting the city funds now as our Inspector is here and his advisor is not just a nobody but also with the bearing he has"

Zhang Chao: "It's great that I listened to you Brother Zang Hong, If I haven't listened to you then maybe I will lose this position I just got"

Zang Hong: "Brother Zhang can rest assured, I will collect the reports myself and give them to you to be given to the Inspector and his advisor"

Zang Hong is Zhang Chao's friend and advisor, due to his ingenuity he persuades Zhang Chao to join hands with his brother in the future when to join the coalition against Dong Zhuo which makes them one of the earliest members after Cao Cao

Lie Fan and Jia Xu enter the main hall, seeing the pristine condition of the main hall both of them raise their expectation of the reports under Zhang Chao's leadership

When Zhang Chao and Zang Jong enter the main hall together, they see Lie Fan and Jia Xu waiting for them with Lie Fan sitting at the Governor's seat and Jia Xu at his right side showing their position

Zhang Chao: "My lord inspector, these are the reports from the departments here in Guangling that my advisor also Military Commander have collected"

Zang Hong gives the scroll and books he brings to Jia Xu, Lie Fan from his seat takes a look at the advisor slash military commander that Zhang Chao introduce and knew that this will be Zang Hao that Zhang Chao has as his advisor

Lie Fan: "May I know the name of this gentleman?"

Zang Hong: "My Name is Zang Hong, Inspector Lie thank you for coming and gracing our city"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha! This is my duty as the inspector of Xu Province that was bestowed upon me by Your Majesty"

Using the eye of Erlang Shen Lie Fan wanted to know what attributes Zhang Chao and Zang Hong have as they play an important role in the Cao Cao saga where they dare to betray him and see that they have pretty decent stats

•Zhang Cao

STR: 323(Max) VIT: 70 AGI: 67 INT: 107

•Zang Hong

STR: 450(Max) VIT: 82 AGI: 80 INT: 113

Jia Xu at the side checks the accounts and reports meticulously seeing if there are signs of corruption or money laundering, Finding that it's almost clean except for some clerks and high-ranking officials there's no sign of Zhang Chao corrupting the city funds

Lie Fan that was talking with Zhang Chao and Zang Hong when he was informed of this by Jia Xu immediately Lie Fan praises Zhang Chao and Zang Hong for their honesty and rewarded them by giving them money rewards from the city treasury

Zhang Chao and Zang Hong were relieved that they were not put under any false evidence or claims as they don't know how Lie Fan and Jia Xu personally is

Lie Fan told Zhang Chao and Zang Hong to keep up the good work, he ask them if they are any reports of Yellow Turbans around here and Zang Hong told them that there is a large group of Yellow Turbans that acted as bandits here raiding a couple of villages near the border with Yu Province

Lie Fan says that he will handle them and asked if they wanted to join him in doing so which Zhang Chao rejected but recommended Zang Hong follow and learn under Lie Fan as his battle experience is much more than the two of them even though they are older than Lie Fan

Zang Hong accepted the invitation and Lie Fan told him to meet them tomorrow morning at the western gate of the city as his army is also stationed there, Jia Xu will follow Lie Fan this time as he has nothing to do here in Guangling

Being led to the room where they will rest for the day, Lie Fan lay down on his bed and thought of ways how to make Zang Hong and Zhang Chao join him as both of these men can be used as Governor and General for overseeing cities

The next day, Lie Fan accompanied by his retinue and Zang Hong began their journey toward the border of Xu Province and Yu Province spending a week before they were near the border

When they were near the border they saw some villages and small townships that were sacked by the Yellow Turbans but the dead bodies were not that many

When Lie Fan sends Huang Zhong to ask what happened there, he finds some survivors who described that the Yellow Turbans come and took all their supplies and kidnap some women while trying not to kill many people so they can have as little time as possible to evade an imperial army

They also told Huang Zhong that they were safe before but due to Yu Province being scoured by the Imperial Army the Yellow Gurbans ran here and stayed for a while now they pillaged villages and small townships for supplies to go back to Yu Province

Lie Fan receiving the reports, immediately orders his troops to advance at top speed chasing this Yellow Turbans group that managed to evade him and Zhu Jun's army before when they were sent to Yu Province

3 days later when they arrived at a small township named Jiujiang, They saw that the city was under siege, and Lie Fan held a meeting to how to attack the Yellow Turbans

Putting down Vision Map, Jia Xu loved this mal as it was so detailed and pointed out that from the looks of the Yellow Turbans army they were numbering between 5.000 to 10.000 people which Lie Fan can see surely from the map they were numbered 10.000

Jia Xu told Zang Ba to lead the 1.500 Cavalries each to do a pincer attack from their flank don't ever stop to have that rhythm, Zang Hong will lead the 7.000 infantries to attack from their rear and Huang Zhong led his 4.000 archers to rain down arrows nonstop

Lie Fan asked where will he be positioned and Jia Xu objected Lie Fan entered the battle personally so his 1.000 Guard Battalion will stay put acting as reinforcement when Jia Xu feels what zone needed reinforcement

Lie Fan feels sad but understands the situation as he has to keep himself safe but he wanted the Yellow Turbans leader to be captured alive as he wanted to meet them

After the meeting, the battle began as Jia Xu have planned, and Zang Hong who was appointed to lead an army for the first time feels a bit nervous Lie Fan seeing that he ordered Bo Cai to accompany him

Bo Cai accompanying Zang Hong lead the cavalries to attack the yellow turbans from their left flank and Zang Ba attacked from the right flank, followed by Huang Zhong archers raining down arrows continuously before Chao Bai leading his infantry clashed with the Yellow Turbans

The Yellow Turbans were a bit more battle-hardened than the average Yellow Turbans they met so the resistance is a bit more than before, seeing the struggle of the combined army of Xiapi, Langye, and Prisoners army Jia Xu send Lie Fan to reinforce Zang Hong who was leading the infantry

Finally having some action to be done, Lie Fan cautiously lead his battalion with Liu Pi beside him attacking the Yellow Turbans from the left flank

The elite guard battalions led by Lie Fan entering the fray change the battle killing Yellow Turbans left and right, when they reached where Zang Hong was they saw Bo Cai having a duel with looks like a Yellow Turbans Commander

Lie Fan: "Zang Hong does the man dueling Bo Cai says his name when he initiated the duel?"

Zang Hong: "Yes Lord Inspector, he called himself He Yi and challenged me at first but Sir Bo Cai accepted it as I was nervous"

Lie Fan: "It's okay it's normal to be nervous but you have to learn to turn that into gutsiness if you wanted to survive"

Zang Hong: "Yes thank you, Lor-"

???: "You there I'm Going Du Yellow Turbans Commander! Accept my blade"

When Zang Hong wanted to thank Lie Fan for his encouragement, a Yellow Turban commander with name Gong Du attacked Zang Hong with a Guandao

Liu Pi at the side received the surprise attack with his Podao, Zang Hong that was almost attacked was shocked and Lie Fan at the side felt ashamed if he doesn't talk with Zang Hong maybe they will not be ambushed like this telling himself to not repeat it in the future

Zang Hong feels embarrassed to be attacked in front of Lie Fan feeling his honor to be besmirched and told Liu Pi that he will handle this Gong Du, holding his Hu Yagiang(tiger fang spear) replacing Liu Pi attacking Gong Du

Lei Fan is at the side watching Zang Hong protected by Liu Pi and his Guard Battalion, helping Zang Hong perfect his martial arts as by strength he already dominated the duel while doing so he saw Bo Cai knocking out this He Yi with the handle of his Glaive capturing him in the process

Gong Du the Yellow Turban Commander also saw this and felt desperate as his army is also being decimated he shouted that he surrender and told his brothers to put down their weapons, Zang Hong who was attacking Gong Du stopped his swing motion surprised that Gong Du surrenders while Lie Fan told Liu Pi to knock out Gong Du


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 712.000

Renown: 150 -> 153

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 176.700


STR: 422

VIT: 167

AGI: 178

INT: 186

CHR: 90

WIS: 143

WILL: 115

ATR Points: 0


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