Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 64: Bringing Back The Tuntian System

Chapter 64: Bringing Back The Tuntian System

In his room, Lie Fan decided to sketch the official mask that his bodyguards will wear to be made by the craftsman under the Lie Clan enterprises using the Book Of Knowledge to search for practical designs that can also help protect his bodyguard

Lie Fan sketched the design according to the Japanese iron battle mask with its helmet of course but he make the helmet bit smaller than the original making it a bit ghostly with the colors yellow and black mixed up

Feeling satisfied with the design he make, Lie Fan put the sketch inside his inventory and go changing his clothes the lay down on his bed to take sleep for today as a march from Guangling towards Huai'An is pretty far

The next day Lie Fan woke up feeling refreshed after a long sleep, seeing that he have free time and in a friendly territory where he feels secure he decided to continue the cultivation that he abandoned for almost 3 years to prepare himself for the position he has now

Meditating for some time to accumulate the inner force and opening his meridian, Lie Fan began to do some physical training in his yard like push-ups, hand-to-hand combat, and his halberd combat technique to receive the inner power strengthening his body entering through his meridians

Doing all the exercises he knows of to also improve his body strength and endurance as he also neglected physical exercise so it's like hitting two birds with one stone

Bo Cai and Liu Pi are his bodyguard who was on guard duty just changed their shift with Gong Du and He Yi who was now taking a rest and saw him training they joined him, Lie Fan saw that he was training so they decided to join him in training their skills and strength

Lie Fan approves what they were doing and the three of them continue training until late morning somewhere between 10 and 11 AM when Lie Fan feels he maybe fill up half of the inner power needed to level up his cultivation

Jia Xu enter Lie Fan's courtyard and saw that Lie Fan sitting down meditating while Bo Cai and Liu Pi are dueling against each other, shaking his head at them Jia Xu walk forward toward Lie Fan

Jia Xu: "My Lord, Prefect Lie is looking for you at his study saying that he has something important to talk about with you"

Lie Fan: "Alright, let me clean up first and Master Jia Xu can wait for me at my father's study"

Jia Xu: "Yes My Lord!"

Lie Fan goes to take a bath while Bo Cai and Liu Pi clean up the courtyard and then quickly go rinse themselves when Lie Fan is done taking his bath both of them already waiting for him in from of his door

Lie Fan go walk toward his father's study while reminiscing how far he has grown becoming the youngest inspector in History from the son of a prefect, while he feels delighted with what he has accomplished but now the situation will grow more serious because they are entering a new chapter

Lie Fan reached his father's study meeting with Jia Xu who was waiting for him outside together they enter the study meeting with Lie Shang who was drinking tea

Lie Shang: "Fan'er you're here! Master Jia is here to come and take a sit the both of you"

Lie Fan: " Morning Father, why do you look for me?"

Lie Shang: " It's like this Fan'er, the 10.000 former Yellow Turbans that you send here to become part of your army is burdening our military granaries as our supply is lower than what we should have"

Lie Fan: " Don't we have a lot of food supply now thanks to the Crop rotation system that we implemented?"

Lie Shang: "Yes we have but we use that to sustain the city population, to be used as a trade commodity, and the farmers also need to have their portion of the yield"

Lie Fan: "Hmm that's true, how much do we need to sustain all of the military personnel we have?"

Lie Shang: "60% of what we gain from the farmers, so what should we do?"

Jia Xu: "My Lord If I may, I have an idea that can be implemented"

Lie Fan: "Of Course Master Jia Xu please"

Jia Xu: "Have My Lord and Prefect Lie heard of the Tuntian System?"

Lie Shang was familiar with the system as in the early Han Dynasty it was used but later abolished Lie Fan doesn't know about it but it sounds familiar to him like he have read about it somewhere

Jia Xu: "My Lord the Tuntian system is where soldiers in peacetime used as farmers and cultivate farmland where all crops that we're harvested will be used as a military supply that was set by Emperor Wu, we can use the 10.000 former Yellow Turbans to cultivate the land where they will train their body doing labor and raising crops for us"

Hearing Jia Xu's explanation Lie Fan members this system that was used by Cao Cao where agricultural production in particular was severely disrupted due to the Yellow Turbans rebellion, and population movements from war-ravaged areas led to massive flows of refugees

Lie Fan: "I see what an excellent system! We should also use this system for the refugees of the Yellow Turbans so that our burden will be reduced and we also receive some crops for them while we provided them the tools at low prices"

Jia Xu and Lie Shang marveled at the idea that Lie Fan gave so together the three of them draw up the system to accommodate their situation where then it will be implemented at Huai'An as the testing site where if it proved fruitful then combined with the crop rotation system Xu Province will become massive crop machine

The three of them draw up the Tuntian system until late afternoon and then they down the hunger strikes as they haven't had breakfast yet so after Lie Shang ordered a page to call for the Head of the Agriculture Department the three of them have lunch while waiting for the Head of the Agriculture Department

Lie Shang praised Lie Fan for the marvelous idea of introducing the Tuntian system to the civilian where it was used as a military system in the past, Jia Xu agree with what Lie Shang said as even he hadn't thought about using it as a civilian system also

Lie Fan smile at both of them while receiving the praise and doesn't feel ashamed of ripping off Cao Cao's future idea that he will implement himself as this is the benefit of having a future knowledge

When they finished having lunch, Lie Shang was informed that the Head of the Agriculture Department already waiting for them path the main hall so they walked there to meet him

Arriving at the main hall, the three of them saw the Head of the Agriculture Department waiting for them so they go toward their respective position before Lie Shang informed him of their plan

Lie Shang: "I called you here because Master Jia Xu and my son just draft up a new plan to counter the crisis of military supply that all of you can't solve"

HAD: "How can it be?! All of us worked day and night to come up with a new plan"

The Head of the Agriculture Department receive the plan from Lie Shang and began to read it slowly and meticulously, he was shocked when he the paper containing the plan that Lie Fana and Jia Xu made

He knows about the Tuntian system but doesn't know it can be made becoming a civilian system also and if this proves successful then not only have they managed to solve the emergency but have plentiful crops for them to store

HAD: "Marvelous! Marvelous! What an ingenious way to solve our emergency! Young Lord I mean Lord Inspector managed to blow our mind as always"

Lie Shang: "So do you think the agriculture department can handle this alongside the military department?"

HAD: "Of Course My Lord! Please excuse me as I have to inform the others to prepare for this"

The head of the Agriculture Department hurriedly says goodbye and takes his leave to go back to the Agriculture Office, seeing that he has free time Lie Fan dismissed Jia Xu and spends some time with his father

Lie Fan and Lie Shang spend some time together talking about their family and when will Lie Fan marries Ying Yue to their clan as Lie Shang can't wait to hold his grandchildren and teach them like how he taught Lie Fan and Wannian before

Lie Fan told Lie Shang that he planned to marry Ying Yue here at Huai'An but due to the position he has now he will hold the marriage at Xiapi as the number of guests he needs to invite will be massive and he is afraid that Huai'An can't accommodate the guest

Lie Shang: "Father agrees with your choice Fan'er, Even though Father wants you to hold your wedding here at Huai'An but considering the status you have now it's better to hold it at Xiapi as the list of guests you will invite will mock you and look down on you if we held it at Huai'An"

Lie Fan: "Father we don't have to care about what they think, I'm choosing to hold my wedding at Xiapi to accommodate the number of guests we will have!"

Lie Shang: "Public opinion is important Fan'er no matter what you think, You will do politics from now on and you must remember that"

Lie Fan: "Okay Father I understand, it's not that I don't care about public opinion it's just their opinion will be worth nothing in a couple of years"

Feeling the situation turning awkward, Lie Fan decided to change the topics and talk about his expedition which Lie Shang is immediately interested in so they spend time together until the evening when they have dinner together and after dinner goes back to their rooms

Before going back to his room, Lie Fan called a trusted page that the Lie Clan has cultivated to bring his sketch for his bodyguards to the blacksmith and craftsman that the Lie Clan have in their workshop to make 6 of the mask and helmet then he goes back to his room

Lie Fan inside his room decided to cultivate seeing as he doesn't have anything to do, sitting down on his bed he began to take a deep breath and concentrate on opening his meridian

As his cultivation is called the art of war, there are two ways he can cultivate by practicing his martial arts and physic but also by reading military books with the utmost concentration to embed the energy they have toward his meridian which is what he will do tonight


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 712.000

Renown: 153

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 176.700


STR: 422 -> 426

VIT: 167 -> 169

AGI: 178 -> 180

INT: 186

CHR: 90

WIS: 143

WILL: 115

ATR Points: 0


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