Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 61: Wiping Out Yellow Turbans in Xu Province

Chapter 61: Wiping Out Yellow Turbans in Xu Province

Zhang Kai was in a compromised situation and when he tried to hold his sword to deflect Lie Fan's halberd his head was sliced from the top as his sword can't handle the pressure and broke down killing him immediately, Lie Fan doesn't even try to recruit him as he is naturally evil and greedy than the Yellow Turbans commander he received that believe in Zhang Jiao's cause even though they were bandits


[ Congratulations Host for Killing Zhang Kai and Stopping Ze Rong from going down the dark path you completed the achievement 'No More Cao Cao's Revenge'

Host Received 200.000 EXP, 250.000 tales, and Necklace Of Protection as your reward]

•Necklace Of Protection

Necklace that can help protect the host from live-threatening injuries once and will be broken when its used to protect the host

Without caring for the rewards, Lie Fan helps the woman up and puts some cloth over her to cover her. The woman was crying while thanking Lie Fan for saving her life to which Lie Fan reply for her to stay here until the battle is over

Leaving the house, Lie Fan guarded by Bo Cai and Liu Pi fights alongside his soldiers to kill the Yellow Turbans in the village, as this is a small village that's why almost all of the Yellow Turbans wait outside for their turns

On the other side, Huang Zhong commands the army as their Chief General when Lie Fan or Jia Xu is not in position, Huang Zhong pinpoint some area that was used by the Yellow Turbans soldier to runaway

From the 4.000 men, he sends 2.000 to support the infantries while the rest continue sniping Yellow Turbans that tried to run away deserting the battle to stop them from forming groups

Chao Bai is like a tiger that hasn't eaten yet, Using his large mace to kill the yellow turbans left and right with a precise hit on their head and Zang Ba led the cavalry attacking from the flank and surrounding the Yellow turbans in one big circle

The Battle ensued for about an hour ending with The Yellow Turbans soldier surrendering leaving 1.000 soldiers from their 8.000 soldiers, When Lie Fan arrive back at the battlefield Huang Zhong is organizing the prisoners

Huang Zhong: "My Lord! It's good to see that you are uninjured if you are then we are going to receive a long nagging from Advisor Jia"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha with Bo Cai and Liu Pi at my side the chance of me getting injured is low, How is the battle? Do we have any casualties?"

Huang Zhong: "We lost 500 men My Lord with 300 heavy injuries and 1.000 light injuries, we managed to capture 1.000 Yellow Turbans as prisoners and the rest is killed in battle"

Lie Fan: "Bring our dead brothers back to Xiapi to be buried there, their families will receive compensation and do their best to treat our injured brothers"

Huang Zhong heed the orders and everything was done exactly like Lie Fan's order, the Yellow Turbans were used as a prisoner army like when he was campaigning against The Main army of the Yellow Turbans

The survivors of the Yellow Turbans attack were put under one group, there are only 100 survivors mostly women and children while the rest are elderly people

Lie Fan brought them along back to Langye after they finished cleaning up the area with the dead bodies of the Yellow Turbans ordered by Lie Fan to be piled up and then burned to prevent sickness to be spread

After spending 5 days to finally return to Langye, Lie Fan was told by Huang Zhong that the bodies of their fallen soldiers started to decompose so he ordered them to be buried here in Langye to be remembered as heroes

When Lie Fan come back to Langye after putting the survivors in a safe place, Jia Xu received him at the camp and informed him of how the Oriole have collected enough corruption evidence to either cleaned up the government or hold them under a leash

Lie Fan: "What do Master Jia Xu think we should do?"

Jia Xu: "I think we should hold on to them with this leash like how we make the Xiapi officials give back 80% of the wealth they corrupted from the City funds and have the Oriole watch them from the shadows to monitor them"

Lie Fan: "Then we do as Master Jia Xu suggested, Tomorrow we will hold a meeting at the Main hall to inform them of this, we do the same way we do it like at Xiapi"

The next day, under the evidence that was shown to them Lie Fan and Jia Xu, makes them return the wealth to the city while they still hold their position but with a knife above their head where this evidence can make them lose everything

With the job at Langye done, Lie Fan decided to continue heading south bringing his army to cleanse Xu Province from the remnants of the Yellow Turbans stopping at Xiapi to resupply and then heading towards Xiaopei continued by going to Guangling near Wu Province becoming their last stop

Before leaving Langye, Lie Fan takes 5.000 soldiers from Langue Military resulting in them having 5.000 soldiers from their 10.000 to be included in his army, so he brought 30.900 men with him to begin to explore Xu Province

It can be said that Xu Province is relatively peaceful and not many Yellow Turbans remnants headed to Xu Province as big as the Zhang Kai group, the 30.900 men army intimidated many Yellow Turbans resulting in either total annihilation of them or the surrendering which Lie Fan incorporated them to his army

When they finally reached Xiaopei after a month, Lie Fan's army needle more supplies thanks to their number increasing making Jia Xu suggested to Lie Fan to cut their armies, Lie Fan not wanting to lose his manpower for future battles denied this at first

Jia Xu argued by saying that it was not worth it to bring an army of this size, so he compromised by suggesting that Lie Fan put his 15.300 men in Xiapi while the rest from Xiapi and Langye military alongside the Prisoners army numbering 17.600 men will be used as their military power to do this job

Lie Fan thought about Jia Xu's plan, he can save his Elite manpower while also training the 'new' army and even if they died the damage will not be as big as losing his original soldiers

Seeing that Lie Fan finally relented Jia Xu has a sigh of relief as to many soldiers can bring their enter supply down, Jia Xu recommends Ze Rong lead the troops back to Xiapi which Lie Fan agrees with so he convened a meeting explaining the plan

Ze Rong was happy as he finally was appointed to do something important by Lie Fan, he promised to live up to the trust that Lie Fan gave him which Lie Fan trust that he will do so.

Ze Rong was touched by the trust Lie Fan puts in him and Solemnly swears his loyalty to Lie Fan, Lie Fan laughs and says that he already swear his loyalty before but replied to Ze Rong that before is different now he will serve Lie Fan wholeheartedly

Not expecting to have another general at his disposal, Lie Fan happily accepted Ze Rong's loyalty even though his strength will be lower than all of his generals and bodyguards but he need generals like this as a low-middle-ranked general

With Ze Rong leading 15.300 men back, Lie Fan now have 17.600 men plus the 2.000 Yellow Turbans taken as prisoner army having 19.600 men at his disposal and with the army shrinking in size Lie Fan and Jia Xu began to come up with new strategies and using the Vision Map to see the terrain that they will encounter

Lie Fan at Xiaopei prioritizes seeing their defenses as their wall and watch tower if they were in good condition as Xiaopei is the biggest city that acts as a buffer zone between Xu Province and Yan Province where Cao Cao will build its base power

Jia Xu pointed out that due to the geographical condition that Xiaopei is almost a plains area on all sides building a canal for Xiaopei as they don't have one yet and it can raise Xiaopei's defense

Lie Fan approved of Jia Xu's idea but lamented the funds Xiaopei has aren't enough for building one, Jia Xu told him it's not required to build one right now they can amass the funds and manpower first needed to make the canal

Lamented the lack of funds, Lie Fan focused on gathering more manpower by making the Yellow Turbans soldiers surrender which they then can be used as manpower for building structures or as a farmer

After spending time at Xiaopei, He continued south toward Guangling where there they find heavier resistances thanks to Yellow Turbans that originated from Yu Province and Yan Province fled to the southern Xu Province where lack the presence of the Imperial Army spending almost 3 months before he reached Guangling

Needing more manpower for labor, Lie Fan and Jia Xu use tactics such as ambush and cutting off their supply line making them go low on supply until they surrender then the talented ones were incorporated into the prisoner army making his army now numbering 20.600 men and the rest about 5.000 Yellow Turbans was sent to Xiaopei

Under Chao Bai's supervision and 5.000 soldiers, he escorted the Yellow Turbans there to start 'volunteering' to build the canal, when Lie Fan reach Guangling he meets with the Governor of Guangling

???: "Hello Inspector Lie, It's nice to finally meet you at Guangling the lonely city here in Xu Province!"

Lie Fan: "Greetings, while maybe geographically Guangling is the only big city in southern Xu Province but it plays an important role as a buffer zone between Xu and Yang Province"

Jia Xu: "Hello Governor I'm Jia Xu Inspector Lie's advisor, may I know your name as you haven't introduced yourself"

Zhang Chao: "I'm sorry for my abruptness, I'm Zhang Chao Governor of Guangling that was appointed by the Imperial Court and Brother Of Zhang Miao the Governor of Chenliu"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000 -> 712.000

Renown: 150

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 176.700


STR: 409 -> 422

VIT: 165 -> 167

AGI: 175 -> 178

INT: 182 -> 186

CHR: 90

WIS: 143

WILL: 115

ATR Points: 0


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