Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 60: Killing Zhang Kai

Chapter 60: Killing Zhang Kai

The training continues for about an hour when Huang Zhong defeated Lie Fan with the score of 3 and 1, Lie Fan accepted the defeat in front of his soldier with a big heart and even laughed about it while saying that this was a fun experience which then they put their weapons down and walk back towards the command tent together

Huang Zhong is like the character he read in the novel, old but vigorous and very energetic like new blood having this personality also pushes him to have the strength he has now not stopping training for a single day

Lie Fan: "In the end, I still lost against General Huang which I already predicted will happen but from the looks of it My strength has risen considerably from our last duel"

Huang Zhong: "I can feel My Lord's strength has considerable improvement from before, it makes me more rest assured that My Lord can protect yourself on the battlefield"

Lie Fan: "Of course! I don't want to be a Lord that relied on his subordinate to do some self-defense!"

Huang Zhong: "Hahaha! What My Lord said is a testament that not all Officials are cowards!"

Huang Zhong liked the spirit of Lie Fan and laugh out loud, in the command tent Chao Bai and Zang Ba was discussing the duel between Lie Fana and Huang Zhong trading the insight they received

Chao Bai was more focused on the strength and raw power that Huang Zhong and Lie Fan showed what position is vulnerable to be breakthrough by force while Zang Ba saw it from Martial Skills that Lie Fan and Huang Zhong showed

This complements the insight they get and can't wait to train what they learned, Lie Fana and Huang Zhong laugh seeing the seriousness between the two, and Lie Fan told everyone to take a rest as tomorrow they will do an expedition

Lie Fan left the command tent accompanied by Bo Cai and Liu Pi who also got discussing their insight from the duel, Lie Fan is happy that his generals are improving as when the real opening for the three kingdoms era started well their enemies will be on high levels

In his tent, Lie Fan takes off the training armor and puts his halberd on the weapon stand feeling that his improvement is pretty good with how he never even held a sharp weapon except maybe a knife in his past life

Even though this new world is a bit boring when he has nothing to do like at a time like this except for training or study or reading everything is a bit bland for entertainment except for poetry or watching dances

Knowing that he rarely checked the system store, he sees if there's something interesting for him to buy considering he got an ample amount of SP to spend

Looking at the store he found some things that interest him like a sleeve arrow and sleeve blade design which can help his Oriole when doing an infiltration and Assasination operation in the future

Looking at the price it's 30.000 SP each, he found it was worth it and buy the two of them spending 60.000 SP on one then storing it in the inventory which allow him to see the sees Anti-aging pills that he received

He also buys a water wheel layout sheet, which will help his crop rotation system as they also need devices to do the farming where the water wheel is an innovation that is even used in modern days paying 15.000 SP

Taking on pill out and seeing that it has the effect that can make his body grow older slower than normal which was an advantage to Generals and strategists alike as that means their bodies can stay younger than their adversaries making them superior

Seeing that he got 5 of these, one is obviously for him while Diao Chan and Ying Yue will receive one also for selfish reasons 'Ahem' while the rest he will keep for now while thinking like that he swallows the pill not feeling anything

Knowing that the effect will not be shown immediately, Lie Fan then continues enjoying his time reading the book of knowledge and also us Vision Map to see the location of The Yellow Turbans Langye Governor talk about

After doing all these things Lie Fan sees that it's already nighttime, and feeling a bit hungry he tells Bo Cai to order someone to bring him some food and tea

After enjoying the food and drink in some warm tea Lie Fan feels tired, and his body aching a bit thanks to the duel he did with Huang Zhong so he lay down on his bed to sleep

The next day waking up from his sleep due to the sound of his army most likely entering formation, Lie Fan wears his armor from his storage and takes out his halberd also holding it when he walks out from his tent

Bo Cai and Liu Pi are still guarding the entrance of his tent, asking if have they taken a rest yet which they reply yes as they do some shifts with the Guard Battalion

Assure that they were rested, Lie Fan leads them toward the command tent where when he enters everyone is already there waiting for him Huang Zhong who saw Lie Fan enters began to report that the Army is ready to go whenever he wanted to

Lie Fan: "That's Great! Leave 10.000 men here as a reinforcement for Langye's military and the rest will follow us to explore the surrounding area"

Huang Zhong: "Who will lead the 10.000 men My Lord? Do we have to leave one of the generals here?"

Lie Fan: "No need, appoint one of your vice generals to lead them, I need our generals with me"

Huang Zhong executed the order and in an hour everything is ready, Jia Xu sent a letter that told him to stay safe and reported that the Oriole is slowly collecting Corruption Evidence here although the corruption is not as bad as in Xiapi

Trusting Jia Xu's judgment, he told the messenger that to convey his message that he trust him and he can do whatever he thinks it's needed giving him a free rein

Getting on Pangu, Lie Fan accompanied by his retinues lead his army to march east toward Xiaopei, on the way there they saw some villages that were plundered by the yellow turbans dead bodies scattered everywhere

Lie Fan feels angry when he sees this and pushes his army to march faster as from the oath of destruction the Yellow Turbans left either their leader is greedy or not so smart as he leaves evidence for people like him to catch them

5 days later they arrived at a village near the border of Yan Province that was under attack by an army of Yellow Turbans numbering around 8.000 people, screams can be heard from the villages, and people fighting can be seen trying to protect their family members

Lie Fan: "Huang Zhong, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba lead your battalions to attack the Yellow Turbans army from behind, alongside Ze Rong, Bo Cai, and Liu Pi will bring the Guard Battalion to rescue the village!"

Huang Zhong the veteran tells Lie Fan to calm down first which he did so by cursing himself as he let his emotions control him, after calming himself down then he orders Huang Zhong to lead his battalions to shoot arrows toward the yellow turban

Zang Ba will lead the Cavalry to do a lighting attack piercing their formation followed by Chao Bai leading the infantries from behind to begin their attack, after giving the orders Lie Fan brought Ze Rong and his bodyguards leading the Guard Battalion to rescue the village

Huang Zhong led his archer battalion into a position where they can maximize the most damage, Zang Ba was told by Huang Zhong to charge at the Yellow Turbans after he finished raining down arrows at the Yellow Turbans

The Yellow Turbans that were waiting for their turn to pillage or take some women were shot down by arrows raining at them, 4.000 people shooting their arrows led by Huang Zhong caused massive damage

When The Yellow Turbans were panicking and helping their brothers, Zang Ba led 3.000 Cavalry storming down the Yellow Turbans making a beeline towards the front of the Yellow Turbans' formation

The Yellow Turbans that were panicking from the arrows that shot them, were either slashed or stabbed, or trampled by the Cavalries led by Zang Ba

Chao Bai leading 7.000 Infantries began to attack with a war cry leading from the front holding his weapon a large mace, the warcry intimidated some of the Yellow Turbans but the others who did not immediately enter a defensive position

While the battle at that front is brewing, Lie Fan led the 1.000 Guard Batallion that we're either from Lie Fan's original battalion and promoted soldiers from another battalion toward the village with Liu Pi and Bo Cai beside him to protect him while Ze Rong at his front

Reaching the village they heard women and children cry while men were fighting the yellow turbans to protect the others, As his Guard Battalion is an elite troop Lie Fan told them you get off their horses and attack the Yellow Turbans on foot

Ze Rong led the Guard Battalion while Lie Fan follows from behind protected by Bo Cai and Liu Pi, Lie Fan checked some houses where they heard women and children cry to save them killing some yellow turbans in the process

A swing from Lie Fan's halberd kills a yellow turban easily due to his strength where he can even decapitate their heads but control his strength to not traumatize the children more

When they reached a big house, Lie Fan heard a woman yelling for someone to stop while a laugh full of desire follows knowing what will happen without Lie Fan's order Bo Cai kicked down the door

Zhang Kai: "Who dares to interrupt me Zhang Kai the leader of the Yellow Turbans from having fun!"

Hearing the name Lie Fan knew that this was the Yellow Turbans commander that joined under Tao Qian but later betrayed him alongside Ze Rong by killing Cao Cao's father Cao Song and taking their wealth causing Cao Cao to invade Xu Province relentlessly killing many people

Lie Fan: "You Yellow Turbans dog! Receive my Halberd that was sent down to punish you!"

Zhang Kai was in a compromised situation and when he tried to hold his sword to deflect Lie Fan's halberd his head was sliced from the top as his sword can't handle the pressure and broke down killing him immediately, Lie Fan doesn't even try to recruit him as he is naturally evil and greedy than the Yellow Turbans commander he received that believe in Zhang Jiao's cause even though they were bandits


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 145 -> 150

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 246.700 -> 176.700


STR: 409

VIT: 165

AGI: 175

INT: 180 -> 182

CHR: 90

WIS: 143

WILL: 115

ATR Points: 0


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