Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 105: 105. Dian Wei vs. Huang Zhong

Chapter 105: 105. Dian Wei vs. Huang Zhong

Lie Fan: "Someone told me about you, about what you have done, what you have accomplished on the battlefield, and your prowess. I have been intrigued to meet you since then, but I want to see the prowess that was described to me! How about you have a duel with my general tomorrow morning?"

Dian Wei: "A duel with a general that was arranged by Governor Lie himself, Dian Wei feels honored and would be a fool to not accept it!"

Lie Fan: "That's great! You can go towards the Western Gate tomorrow morning and meet me there, My army is stationed there so you will not miss it."

Dian Wei: "Then I will meet Governor Lie there tomorrow! I will prove my prowess to the Governor to prove that I'm worthy of your interest!"

Lie Fan and Dian Wei agreed to meet tomorrow after breakfast, Seeing that his purpose had been accomplished he told Dian Wei to return to his comrades. Dian Wei salutes him and then turns his body, entering the tavern and leaving Lie Fan with his bodyguards.

Lie Fan returns to the Inn, where he meets Cai Wenji and her handmaidens also returning from their trip. Cai Wenji's beauty can be said to be below Diao Chan and Ying Yue, but her elegance is more refined than theirs.

Lie Fan: "Lady Cai, I hope that you bring protection in the future when you go out. A beautiful and graceful lady like you can become a target."

Cai Wenji: "I will remember what Governor Lie Fan said, in the future, I will bring some guards alongside me. I just searched for some inspiration, maybe I can create a poem while resting."

Lie Fan: "Lady Cai's dedication to the arts is such an example to us all indeed, Master Cai Yong will have his successor in the future!"

Cai Wenji thanked Lie Fan for his compliment, Lie Fan then said goodbye to her as he didn't want to make others think that he was interested in her. Seeing Lie Fan going upstairs, Cai Wenji felt fortunate that Lie Fan took his leave first. She didn't want to have much contact with the opposite gender, to honor the three obediences and four virtues when se had a husband in the future.

Lie Fan took his rest after entering his room, The next day he was woken up by Jia Xu who told him that it was time for breakfast. Remembering that he had an appointment, Lie Fan freshened himself up and quickly changed his clothes.

At the Inn diner, Jia Xu and Xun You have reserved Lie Fan a seat at their table. Food was already served when Lie Fan joined Jia Xu and Xun You, they ate together under the protection of Liu Pi and Bo Cai who had already eaten breakfast.

Lie Fan: "Master Jia Xu Master Xun You, after breakfast, follow me to our army camp outside I have an appointment there."

Jia Xu: "An Appointment My Lord? Who will we meet there? General Huang?"

Lie Fan: "No, yesterday I explored the city and heard rumors of a person with enormous strength and a sense of justice. I searched for this man and managed to meet him, I invited him today to have a duel with General Huang Zhong to see if the rumor is true."

Xun You: "My Lord plans to recruit him under your banner if the rumor were true then? But even if he has enormous strength, can he really win against General Huang?"

Lie Fan: "General Huang Zhong can test him and see if he has the potential, no matter if he wins or loses or even a draw I will still recruit him!"

Jia Xu and Xun You just looked at each other and agreed to come with Lie Fan, They finished eating breakfast, and Lie Fan boarded a carriage alongside Jia Xu and Xun You Together they went towards the army camp.

Huang Zhong in the army camp was leading morning exercises for the soldiers when a soldier suddenly approached him and informed him that a man was looking for Lie Fan. Hearing this Huang Zhong goes outside of the army camp and sees a stalwart muscular bald man holding a double dagger Axe-Ji in each hand.

Dian Wei and Huang Zhong sized up each other, and both of them deduced that the man in front of them was strong and had the aura of an ultimate warrior. When they are sizing up each other, Lie Fan's carriage approaches the entrance of the army camp.

Lie Fan when he gets down from the carriage, sees this image of Dian Wei and Huang Zhong sizing up each other. For him, this was such an exciting picture as in history the two of them never met each other. He uses the eye of Erlang Shen to see Huang Zhong and Dian Wei's stats to compare the two of them who are stronger.

•Huang Zhong

STR: 803 -> 810 VIT: 200 -> 203 AGI: 214 -> 216 INT: 100 -> 105

•Dian Wei

STR: 795 VIT: 235 AGI: 179 INT: 85

Seeing the stats comparison, in theory, Huang Zhong will win but the difference in their strength is not much. Huang Zhong's stats will be balanced between being a general and a warrior, Dian Wei on the other hand is more suited to become a general who truly leads from the front a warrior with unmatched strength.

Dian Wei hasn't reached the prime age of a warrior, he is only 26 this year ( born 160 AD) he has more room to grow than Huang Zhong who will pass his prime in a decade. Huang Zhong and Dian Wei turn their head toward Lie Fan's direction and they immediately salute him when they see that it's Lie Fan who arrived.

Lie Fan: "General Huang Zhong! Sir Dian Wei! Looks like the two of you have met each other, General Huang this is the person I told you and Sir Dian Wei this is my general whom you will duel. How is it? I heard that when strong warriors meet each other, you can judge if they are worthy opponents or not."

Huang Zhong: "Haha! So this is the man My Lord told me, Dian Wei is it?! I'm Huang Zhong from Nanyang!"

Dian Wei: "Dian Wei of Shangqiu! Old Man I can see that you are strong, but you will grow old sooner or later and Governor Lie Fan will need a new replacement for you!"

Huang Zhong: "Haha! You little brat, these bones may be old but I can still teach you a lesson!"

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei began to taunt each other, Lie Fan seeing this stopped them and told them to settle this with a duel. The two warriors immediately prepare their weapons, Dian Wei with his dual dagger axe-Ji and Huang Zhong with his Guandao both get on the horse prepared for them.

Lie Fan, Xun You, and Jia Xu watch from afar, the duel between Huang Zhong and Dian Wei also attracts a commotion among Lie Fan's soldiers as they want to see who is brave enough to challenge Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong: "Brat, I have promised My Lord to test your strength! Show me your full strength or I will inform My Lord that you are not worthy of joining him!"

Dian Wei: "Humph! I wanted to go easy on you seeing as you are an elder, alright Then let me show Governor Lie Fan my prowess! Hya!!!!"

After Dian Wei finishes saying that, he rides his horse at full speed toward Huang Zhong with his double dagger axe-ji in the attacking position. Huang Zhong also rides his horse when he sees Dian Wei ride towards him, He raises his Guandao and does a powerful downward slash to Dian Wei when he enters his range.

Dian Wei realized that he was at a disadvantage with his range shorter than Huang Zhong's, so he changed from attack to defending with his dual dagger axe-ji do a cross form. The impact of their weapons clashing was so loud, that the city guards at the gate heard the impact.

Dian Wei receiving Huang Zhong's move, pushes Huang Zhong's Guandao and uses one of his dagger axe-ji to attack Huang Zhong managing to leave a cut mark on his armor. Huang Zhong immediately distances himself and does a piercing attack on Dian Wei which manages to be parried by Dian Wei before leaving a cut mark on his cheek.

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei continued their duel, attack after attack was done by each of them. Jia Xu and Xun You were impressed by Dian Wei, they see with their own eyes someone who can fight with Huang Zhong on par.

Lie Fan can see that Huang Zhong and Dian Wei become more and more excited each time their opponent manages to receive their attack, They have already done 200 movements in total and there's no sign of stopping. Just like he predicted, even though in theory Huang Zhong would win Dian Wei can stand toe to toe with Huang Zhong due to his endurance.

When they reached 350 moves, Lie Fan thought it was enough as he could see the duel between the 2 generals who said can rivaled Lu Bu in their prime.

Lie Fan: "Okay that's enough! General Huang Zhong, Sir Dian Wei! Both of you can stop now!"

Hearing Lie Fan, both of them stopped their movement at the same time. Dian Wei's dagger axe-ji stopped right before touching Huang Zhong's abdomen, while Huang Zhong Guandao stopped before touching Dian Wei's shoulder.

Both of them see the admiration for each other in their eyes, laughing loudly Both of them lower their weapons and toward Lie Fan.

Huang Zhong: "My Lord! The rumor about this brat is true! My old bones can still hold against him now but in 10 years, he will definitely overpower me! My Lord has truly found a hidden tiger Haha!"

Dian Wei: "Governor Lie Fan and General Huang Zhong are jesting. If this is truly a combat between the two of us, he will manage to kill me before reaching 300 moves"

Lie Fan: "Haha! The two of you are too humble, I have seen many generals in my time serving in the Imperial Army and I can boldly say that the two of you defeated all the generals I have ever met!"

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei were proud to hear Lie Fan's appraisal of the two of them, Lie Fan told the soldiers to take the horses back and then he brought everyone entering the main tent.

Lie Fan: "I have seen your prowess, Sir Dian Wei! Then are you willing to join me and bring peace to our land?"

Dian Wei: "My Lord, Dian Wei willing to follow the honorable Governor Lie Fan onto the battlefield and bring peace to our country!"


[Congratulations Host For completing the achievement 'The Three Kingdom E'Lai' by recruiting Dian Wei to become your General

Received 95.000 SP, 10 strength potion, and 300.000 EXP ]

Lie Fan hearing this was ecstatic, didn't care about his reward, and walked toward Dian Wei who was on his knees telling him to stand up while happily saying that Dian Wei was his E'Lai now due to his ferocity and bravery.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (186 AD)

Level: 13 -> 14

Next Level: 12.000 -> 1.212.000 -> 912.000

Renown: 185

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 366.700 -> 461.700


STR: 520

VIT: 229

AGI: 238

INT: 257

CHR: 90

WIS: 219

WILL: 175

ATR Points: 0 -> 10


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