Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 106: 106. Arrive Back At Xiapi

Chapter 106: 106. Arrive Back At Xiapi

Lie Fan hearing this was ecstatic, didn't care about his reward, and walked toward Dian Wei who was on his knees telling him to stand up while happily saying that Dian Wei was his E'Lai now due to his ferocity and bravery.

Huang Zhong: "Haha! What My Lord said is not too far from the truth! This brat is still in his mid-twenties but his strength is already at this level, combined with his ferocity saying that he is the E'Lai of our time is not wrong Haha!"

Dian Wei: "My Lord and General Huang Zhong's compliments are too high for me, How can I be compared to the legendary E'Lai?! There are many people stronger than me, where will I put my face if they heard what My Lord said."

Dian Wei is actually a simple-minded man, but it doesn't mean that he is ignorant of the world he only does what his heart wants. Embarrassed Dian Wei scratched his head, Lie Fan on the other hand in his heart agreed there were many strong people but on the level of Dian Wei maybe only Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, and Zhao Yun.

Jia Xu and Xun You just listened to the conversation between the three men, They weren't martial artists but when they heard what Lie Fan said they agreed with him. They already see Dian Wei's ferocity and bravery firsthand, they feel that Lie Fan may be chosen by Heaven to truly restore peace due to his Heaven's luck gaining talent after talent under him.

Lie Fan: "Ah Yes I almost forgot! General Dian Wei this is Master Jia Xu and Master Xun You, The two of them are the brains behind our military and you should always listen to what they say!"

Dian Wei: "Dian Wei have seen Master Jia Xu, Master Xun You! I hope to learn much under the supervision of Master Jia Xu and Master Xun You!"

Jia Xu: "General Dian Wei joining under Our lord truly shows that Heaven blessed My Lord! Not only did he gain General Huang Zhong, but now he also has General Dian Wei! I'm afraid that even without the strategy from me and Xun You, the two of you can win the battle easily Aha-Aha."

Xun You: "I agree with what Master Jia Xu said about Our Lord blessed by Heaven, but no matter how strong General Huang Zhong and General Dian Wei are, at the end of the day they are only one man and can be defeated by overwhelming numbers or a meticulously planned strategy!"

Jia Xu hears Xun You can only sigh, Everyone can see that he is joking but this man is so straight that he takes it seriously. Lie Fan just laughs seeing this, this is one of the reasons why Jia Xu likes Xun You as he can feel at ease near him.

Managed to achieve his purpose on this trip, Lie Fan told everyone to prepare everything they needed and ordered Dian Wei to also bring his family as they would relocate to Xiapi as it's safer there. Dian Wei is touched that Lie Fan cared for the safety of his family, and he promised to repay this kindness as not many high-ranking officials care for the families of his subordinates let alone common people.

2 days later, a Large fleet of carriages was assembled again in a straight line. Cai Clan carriage and Jia Clan carriage with the new addition Dian Wei's family carriage, Dian Wei brought his parents and parents-in-law alongside him so there are 2 carriages.

Lie Fan also meets Dian Wei's son Dian Man who is only 8 years old, While his strength is lower than his father he is perfect as a bodyguard which he thinks can be included in the future as the only maskless Bodyguard.

Dian Man was promoted due to his father, but It can't be denied that he protected Cao Cao with care throughout his entire life before he died and then continued protecting Cao Pi. His contribution to the large-scale picture is not worth mentioning but protecting 2 leaders of Wei without a single accident showed his prowess and contribution to the smaller-scale picture.

Together they continued their journey to Xiapi, 20 days later they reached Xiao Pei where a large moat surrounding Xiao Pei was being built. From the look of it will be finished in 3 months, Chao Bai who was stationed there was recalled to follow Lie Fan returning to Xiapi.

The 5,000 former Yellow Turbans soldiers will continue their work under the supervision of Xiao Pei Governor and Chao Bai's subordinate who was picked to lead the 5.000 soldiers stationed here to keep an eye on the Yellow Turbans. Chao Bai was happy that he was finally recalled, he thought that Lie Fan had forgotten about him.

After recalling Chao Bai, Lie Fan and his group continue their journey to Xiapi. Everyone except for Lie Fan's soldiers, Huang Zhong, Jia Xu, and Chao Bai was amazed by how the people they encountered were happy and had no signs of malnourishment.

Look at the people of Shangqiu before, only people with official rank and merchants can eat until they are full. The common people only can eat small pieces at a time to save it, they only eat to not feel hungry which deprives them of the nutrition.

They know that famine has struck the country due to the uprising from the Yellow Turbans which made many farmers join them, leaving the crops unattended and can't be harvested because they died.

10 days later they reached Xiapi, At the Governor's Castle Chen Gui, Chen Deng, Sun Qian, and Chao Bo were waiting for Lie Fan. Since they entered Xu Province, Chao Bo has been informed by Oriole members working as a courier through letters saying that it was from Jia Xu.

Lie Fan and his group arrived at Xiapi's Western Gate, and his 2,000 soldiers were incorporated back into the army camp under the leadership of Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, and Chao Bai. Cai Clan, Dian Wei's family, and Jia Xu's family were escorted toward the residences that had been prepared for them in the Official district.

The row of carriages entering Xiapi attracted many people's attention, but seeing Lie Fan at the helm common people cheered while the upper-class people didn't dare to do anything as they didn't want to offend this man.

Upper-class people were sensitive to the changing political situation, Lie Fan's rise to power in the court was known here in Xiapi alongside his military power here in Xu Province except for stupid and crazy people no one dared to disturb him.

After escorting everyone back, Lie Fan told Jia Xu and Xun You that he wanted to rest first and for them to go to the Governor's Castle and give updates on the situation to the others there. Jia Xu and Xun You take their leave to go to the Governor's Castle, Lie Fan brings his bodyguards toward the Lie Clan residence here in Xiapi.

When he left for Luoyang, Lie Fan ordered the former Governor's Official residence to be renovated as it didn't suit his taste, and all the expenses were paid by the enterprise he built across Xu Province. Now his family has a new and bigger home here in Xiapi, he decided to renovate it also because it will become the symbol of his power in the future.

Arriving at the magnificent Mansion, it was 2 times bigger than the one at Luoyang and it will become his property in 2 or 3 years. Entering his home, He sees Diao Chan, Ying Yue, and Wannian playing with Snow who has grown bigger in the large garden.

He can see that Diao Chan's complexion has improved a lot compared to before and heaves a sigh of relief. Diao Chan who was taking some breath, turned her head and saw Lie Fan standing at the entrance with his bodyguards.

Surprised by this, Diao Chan at first thought that she was hallucinating so she rubbed her eyes. Seeing that Lie Fan still standing there and even giving her a warm smile and opening his arms, for the first time Diao Chan runs toward Lie Fan and hugs him tightly. Ying Yue who was attracted by Diao Chan's sudden movement saw this and joined Diao Chan in hugging Lie Fan.

Diao Chan + Ying Yue: "Husband you're back!"

Lie Fan: "Haha I'm back! Do my wives miss me?"

Diao Chan: "Of Course we are, I was afraid that you didn't want me anymore since our accident."

Lie Fan: "Chan'er how can I not want you, you're my wife now and only woman with this title is missed by me!"

Diao Chan and Ying Yue giggle at the same time, On the way to Xiapi both Diao Chan and Ying Yue's bond has grown stronger. They act as spiritual support toward each other, Ying Yue helping Diao Chan get out of her nightmare and Diao Chan helping Ying Yue become more confident in herself.

Wannian who saw this also joined in, She protested that her big brother and big sisters ignored her and didn't hug her. Lie Fan saw this and thought that his sister had grown cuter, he picked her up and hugged her, saying that he would never ignore the little princes of their family.

Lie Fan's return was welcomed by a feast under Yu Yan's mandate, the family eats lunch together happily. Lie Fan gives special care to his wives, he puts their favorite food in their bowls putting almost all of his attention to them.

Seeing this scene makes Yu Yan miss her husband, she thinks that it may maybe better if she returns to Huai'an to accompany her husband as they haven't seen each other in a long time. The only thing holding her back is Wannian, she is afraid that if she leaves her here, her big brothers and sisters will spoil her.

After their feast, Lie Fan goes to his quarters to take a rest. He cleaned himself and changed into clean clothes, Sitting on his bed he suddenly remembered about the Golden Package he received a long time ago when he finished the west to reach a higher position than his father.

Opening his inventory, he clicked on the golden package and opened it to see what he would receive seeing that it was said to be a milestone which intrigued him.


[ Host has opened the Golden Package, receiving God-level cultivation Yin Yang Separation by Pangu, 150.000 SP, 1.000.000 taels, +3 CHR, 20 Cultivation Pills, Personalized Force Banner, and 500.000 EXP]

•Yin Yang Separation

The fraction of Power that was left by Pangu after separating Heaven and Earth, to maintain the barrier of Sky and Land absorbing the energies of the world.

+22 STR. +18 VIT, +15 AGI, +12 INT, +10 WIS

•Cultivation Pills

Pills that were made in the Alchemy Cauldron of Heaven, eating it can help the Host in their cultivation collecting energy of the world faster.

•Personalized Force Banner

The Force Banner that was bestowed by Heaven, has a large area effect that raises the morale of the army and boosts their combat power as long as the Army morale is high.

Lie Fan was super excited seeing the lucrative rewards he received, especially the God-level cultivation. He doesn't need to search for large amounts of SP now, he remembered from the system store that this is the number 2 God cultivation below Jade Create The Heaven.

Lie Fan immediately replaced his cultivation method, saying goodbye to Sun Tzu's Art Of War that had accompanied him for so long with Ying Yang Separation. He then ate a cultivation pill and began to cultivate, Increasing his power is more important than his rest so he wants to increase his cultivation at least to level 1.

[AT:I see that the PS support has been going down lately, I don't feel everyone has to be obliged to give PS But it's also some kind of moral support for me making RTK, I enjoy making it but sometimes it can get especially hard with how the sometimes IRL stuff keeps happening

I hope that everyone gives their sincere opinion if they feel that my pace is too slow or too many fillers or it's too cringe so I can improve it!

I just want to voice out my heart and this isn't to force everyone to give their PS or looking for pity! ??]


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (186 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 912.000 -> 412.000

Renown: 185

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8) -> Yin Yang Separation (level 0)

SP: 461.700 -> 611.700


STR: 520 -> 525 -> 535 ( 1 Potion)

VIT: 229 -> 239 (1 Potion)

AGI: 238 -> 248 (1 Potion)

INT: 257 -> 262 -> 272 (1 Potion)

CHR: 90 -> 93

WIS: 219 -> 229 (1 Potion)

WILL: 175 -> 185 (1 Potion)

ATR Points: 10 -> 0


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