Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 104: 104. Trying to Recruit Cao Cao’s Future E-Lai

Chapter 104: 104. Trying to Recruit Cao Cao's Future E-Lai

Lie Fan's busyness in organizing many things with Jia Xu and Xun You made 2 months pass by in the blink of an eye, They entered a new year and the day that Lie Fan left Luoyang arrived. Lie Fan hoped that Emperor Ling could hang on for at least a year, He wanted He Jin and Zhang Rang to truly tear down the Court and then Emperor Ling could pass away as at that time no one could take a step back.

Emperor Ling woke up from his coma 5 days after Lie Fan's family left for Xiapi, The deteriorating situation at the court made Emperor Ling decide to enjoy his life ignoring the court. When he knew that Lie Fan would leave for Xu Province, Emperor Ling asked him to return as fast as he could.

Lie Fan gives him an empty promise, this is the last time he will meet Emperor Ling and he doesn't want to return to Luoyang until the Anti-Dong Zhuo Alliance. He knew that this year at Liang Province the Qiang People would rebel, and Han Sui and Ma Teng who would join the Qiang people would gain control of Liang Province.

They were granted military titles to appease them as the Central government (Han Dynasty) failed to suppress them, Lie Fan wanted this rebellion to happen and succeed. This weakened the Han Dynasty further, and his departure from Luoyang reduced the chance of him being appointed to lead the suppression army.

He only wished that Tao Qian died in that battle so that he would not be appointed as Inspector Of Xu Province as he had a high chance of being appointed. Tao Qian is too righteous and he will undo some of his improvement, he can send Oriole to assassinate him in battle which he still thinking about whether to do or not.

Lie Fan leaving Luoyang was known by the whole Capital, and the people of Luoyang were sad that he was leaving because they felt that only he was the one who cared for them. Boarding his carriage with his advisors, they went towards Luoyang West Gate, he was being sent off by the people telling him to stay healthy.

Lie Fan opens the curtains and waves toward them, he tells them to continue to do their best and not to worry that the kitchen soup and all kinds of help that Baohuzhe gives to them will continue even if he leaves Luoyang.

Arriving at the West Gate, Lie Fan saw his 2,000 men waiting for him and the carriages of the Cai Clan numbering between 10 to 20 were also waiting for him. Jia Xu family, the Jia Clan also there with only 6 carriages as they are not a big household.

Lie Fan gets off his carriage and lets Jia Xu alongside Xun You ride this carriage he walks towards Pangu. Jia Xu and Xun You have resigned from their post at the Imperial Court, shocking everyone, especially the Xun Family. Xun You resignation was not expected by the Head of the Xun Family, Xun You was told to go back and resume his position but he refused putting him and his family at odds.

Seeing now that Jia Xu and Xun You turned out to follow Lie Fan to Xu Province, they resigned from a Court official just to become a Province Official which makes them confused. Riding his horse, Lie Fan led his soldiers alongside Huang Zhong, Liu Pi, and Bo Cai They began their ride to Xiapi.

Huang Zhong: "My Lord, before you told me that we will visit a place first before continuing towards Xiapi."

Lie Fan: "Yes that is true, We will go towards Vity of Shangqiu at Jiwu County Yan Province. I have intel that there's a talented general residing there and the rumor is that his strength is unmatched."

Huang Zhong: "Hoh? Haha! This Old General will help My Lord confirm if the intel were true! Please don't blame this old bone if he injured the man My Loed was interested in meeting."

Lie Fan shook his hand in amusement, he remembered that the man he was looking born at that place and if he was lucky enough to meet him, his base strength would increase tremendously. Fortunately, they will pass by Jiwu County as it borders Xu Province near Xiapoei so they don't have to detour looking for another path to Xiapi.

Lie Fan and his group spent almost a month on the road before they reached Shangqiu, The Yellow Turban remnant is still active across Yan Province but they don't dare to attack due to the numbers of Lie Fan men.

Lie Fan decided to also stay at Shangqiu for a couple of days, he wanted to let his soldiers rest, and some of Cai Clan's members stopped complaining about how their bodies first everywhere. He lets the Cai Clan members and the Jia Xu family stay at the Inn, He brings Liu Pi and Bo Cai to a tavern to ask for some information.

Lie Fan and his bodyguards attract everyone's attention at the tavern, Lie Fan with his expensive clothes and his bodyguard's unique masks makes them the the center of attention. Lie Fan doesn't care about people looking toward him, he walks toward the Tavern Keeper.

Lie Fan: "Boss, I was looking for someone and I hope you have news about this man."

Tavern Keeper: "I'm sorry but our tavern doesn't engage in this kind of thing."

Hearing the Tavern Keeper's words, Lie Fan takes out a pouch filled with money and puts it on the table. The Tavern Keeper instantly changes his demeanor, taking the pouch he promised to help Lie Fan.

Lie Fan: "I hear that he was known as a local hero, he helped a family in Xiangyi County assassinate a corrupt official named Li Yong, Do you this man?"

Li Yong: "Oh! You're searching for Dian Wei! He was a frequent visitor of my Tavern, he should come this night looking for a drink. In the day he works as a City Guard Captain so he only has free time at night, You can come again when the sun sets and you should be able to meet him."

Lie Fan: "Thanks, Boss! Here another one as a bonus!"

Lie Fan throws another pouch toward the Tavern Keeper, and then he leaves the tavern. Yes, that's right, the Man he is looking for is Dian Wei and he doesn't want this great star to die young thanks to Cao Cao can't stop his lower body. Lie Fan and his bodyguards go toward the Inn where the Cai Clan members and the Jia Family reside to meet with Jia Xu and Xun You.

At the Inn, Lie Fan eats lunch alongside Jia Xu and Xun You then he spends some time with them discussing the current situation of the Han Dynasty. Right now the Capital should have received news about the Liang Province rebellion and sent Zhang Wen, Huangfu Song, Dong Zhuo, and Tao Qian as the main commanding Generals to suppress it.

Jia Xu: "My Lord's intuition was true! Thanks to My Lord telling me to send some Oriole Members there to scope the situation, we would never have known that the Qiang People would rebel, holding it from starting for almost a year, and manage to suppress the news from reaching Luoyang!"

Lie Fan: "It's not intuition if Master Jia Xu and Xun You also focused on those tribes, you would recognize that they would surely use this chance to rebel as the Han Dynasty is weak."

Xun You: "Then why should we stop it from happening for almost a year My Lord? That means it should have started 2 years ago at 184 AD and a year ago the news reached Luoyang."

Lie Fan: "Because I want to destabilize the Luoyang Political landscape further, and now with the Liang Province rebellion happening it will become more chaotic as the news of the rebellion arrives in Luoyang."

Jia Xu and Xun You marvel at the way Lie Fan can see the bigger picture, what they don't know is Lie Fan is only using the knowledge he has from the future to set up the situation. They spend time talking with each other until the evening, seeing the sun is already gone Lie Fan brings his bodyguard towards the Tavern he visited before.

At the Tavern right now, a muscular stalwart man with a bald head was drinking alongside a group of people. The tavern keeper sees him approach him and tells him about how some people are looking for him at midday.

Dian Wei: "Huh?! People are looking for me?"

Tavern Keeper: "Yes, he is a young man accompanied by 2 weird-looking masked man who looks like his bodyguard. He even knew about the Li Yong incident and asked me about it."

Dian Wei: "A Brat is looking for me? Humph! Let him come, if he dares to mess with me I will break him in two!"

The people around Dian Wei cheered hearing him saying that, raising their jars of wine toward him. The tavern keeper can only shake his head, Dian Wei is a smart man but when he is drinking his emotions are over the top which stimulates him to do something reckless.

Lie Fan entered the tavern welcomed by this scene, he saw the Tavern Keeper standing beside a table where a big muscular bald man was sitting. Seeing this man, Lie Fan immediately knows that he is Dian Wei due to his physical feature that is very recognizable.

He walked toward that table, accompanied by Liu Pi and Bo Cai who branded Dian Wei as a a very strong man due to the intense aura he had. They were afraid that they couldn't protect Lie Fan as they were considerably weaker than Dian Wei, and they felt that only Huang Zhong could match up to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei who was laughing, saw Lie Fan approaching him with two weird masked men following him.

Lie Fan: "Are you Sir Dian Wei?"

Dian Wei: "Humph! Yes, I am! Who are you, little boy?"

Liu Pi and Bo Cai who heard this immediately offended by Dian Wei's remarks, Lie Fan is their lord and an insult to Lie Fan is an insult to them. Lie Fan knew a bit about Dian Wei's temper, so he ordered Liu Pi and Bo Cai to stand down as he didn't want to cause a scene.

Lie Fan: "Let Me Introduce Myself, I'm the Governor Of Xu Province and General Of The Left Lie Fan! I think Sir Dian Wei should know who I am."

Dian Wei and everyone hearing this were immediately shocked, they didn't expect the young man standing in front of them to be Lie Fan. Everyone has heard of this Young Governor, who managed to pacify the Yellow Turbans and even killed the leader Zhang Jiao.

Dian Wei: "You're Lie Fan?! Haha! I heard of you when I joined the subjugation force against Yellow Turbans in Yan province! But what can you prove that you're really Governor Lie Fan, Many people can say that but only one man can prove that identity!"

Lie Fan isn't surprised that Dian Wei doubted him, he takes out the token symbol that was Governor of Xu Province alongside the token of him as The General Of The Left. Dian Wei seeing this knew that it was authentic, as he had a token of his position as City Guard Captain so he could see the symbol of the Han Dynasty which was carved on the side.

Dian Wei: "This small captain greets Governor Lie Fan, I apologize for my disrespectful attitude before!"

Hearing Dian Wei, everyone at the tavern immediately bowed as Lie Fan is a man whom they Would never have met if not because of Dian Wei. Lie Fan told them to stand up and continue doing what their are doing, he asked Dian Wei to follow him outside as he had something we wanted to talk about with him.

Lie Fan: "Sir Dian Wei, I came here from Luoyajg with only one purpose and that is to invite you to join me."

Dian Wei: "May I know the reason for Governor Lie Fan to try and recruit me?"

Lie Fan: "Someone told me about you, about what you have done, what you have accomplished on the battlefield, and your prowess. I have been intrigued to meet you since then, but I want to see the prowess that was described to me! How about you have a duel with my general tomorrow morning?"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (186 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 185

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 366.700


STR: 510 -> 520 (Potion)

VIT: 219 -> 229 (Potion)

AGI: 228 -> 238 (Potion)

INT: 247 -> 257 (Potion)

CHR: 90

WIS: 209 -> 219 (Potion)

WILL: 165 -> 175 (Potion)

ATR Points: 0


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