Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 101: 101. The Break Of a Relation and a Faction

Chapter 101: 101. The Break Of a Relation and a Faction

Receiving this report, Lie Fan was immediately sure that Wang Yun was the mastermind behind all of this. He was confused as to what caused Wang Yun to do this. Yes, they have their differences but he treated him closely like an uncle even a future father-in-law. now Lie Fan is on his way to meet with Wang Yun in his residence accompanied by his bodyguards and Jia Xu.

Jia Xu can see that Lie Fan is in a state of confusion and anger, He following Lie Fan right now is to try and mitigate the consequences that can happen due to Lie Fan's Actions.

He and the rest of the advisors know that they can't persuade Lie Fan right now, what Wang Yun has done directly broke Lie Fan's bottom line which also confused them as to what caused Wang Yun to do this.

Wang Yun just needs to wait and Lie Fan will have an affinity with Diao Chan, the outsiders can see that it's only a matter of time before it blossoms but what Wang Yun did can destroy that flower bud.

Arriving at Wang Yun's residence, Lie Fan and his entourage get out of their carriage and Wang Yun's Clan guard allow them to enter as it's Lie Fan thinks that he wanted to visit Diao Chan just like the days before.

Lie Fan told them that he wanted to meet with Wang Yun and that he will wait for him at the Main hall as he have something he wanted to discuss with Wang Yun face to face.

The guard obviously listened to Lie Fan's words and go to notify Wang Yun, not knowing that this maybe can be the last time Lie Fan will visit Wang Yun's residence if anything goes wrong. Lie Fan brought his entourage to sit in the main hall and wait for Wang Yun, the guard that went to notify Wang Yun immediately go to Wang Yun's study.

Inside the study, Wang Yun was meeting with Dong Cheng and several core members of the hardcore loyalist faction. They are now discussing ways to increase their influence inside Baohuzhe, Wang Yun and Dong Cheng do this to try to suppress Lie Fan's power in Luoyang.

They have seen how Lie Fan grasped Luoyang, having a group of black-clothed people infiltrating Luoyang to search for Xing'er. This show of power that only both of them can see frightened them to the core, What if Lie Fan decided to assassinate the entirety of the Court Officials purging them to let him become the only powerful person in the court.

They of course don't dare to tell anyone about the existence of the black-clothed group yet, at least until they manage to make Lie Fan join their side consolidating loyalist power in the court. After that, they will try to at least dismantle or minimize Lie Fan's influence when the loyalists and Emperor Ling manage to take control of the court.

Their discussion was suddenly interrupted by Wang Yun's guard bringing news that Lie Fan visited Wang Clan:a residence and wanted to meet with Wang Yun. Excel the other loyalists, Wang Yun and Dong Chen began to have a bad feeling as to why Lie Fan suddenly visited.

Wang Yun stood up and tell everyone to continue while he will meet with Lie Fan, Dong Cheng asked Wang Yun if he wanted some company to meet Lie Fan which he declines. If Lie Fan's visit is because of his honey trap, then he doesn't want to implicate Doing Cheng so as to not let the Loyalists lose two of their leaders.

In the main hall where Lie Fan alongside his entourage is waiting for Wang Yun, Oriole members that were placed in the Wang Clan give reports to Jia Xu about the secret meeting.

Jia Xu reading this relays the message to Lie Fan, and Wang Yun the one Factor they always think will be stable grew unstable and now become a very big thorn in their side.

After reading the message, Lie Fan crumpled the paper and put it in his pocket. While Lie Fan do this movement, Wang Yun entered the main Hall and when Wang Yun meets face to face with Lie Fan the tension in the room grew to the point suffocated the servants that follow behind Wang Yun bringing tea for Lie Fan.

Wang Yun let the servants serve the tea first, and after they finish he told them to leave. He also ordered that no one could enter the main hall until he said so, he didn't want the servants to hear what they were talking about and gossip with each other which could let people outside the Mansion know.

Wang Yun: "Governor Lie Fan what a surprise! Usually, you go meet with My daughter straight away, and suddenly now you wanted to meet me. It's not that you wanted to propose the engagement between YouHaha Chan'er right haha!"

Lie Fan: *bang* "Wang Yun stop your hypocrisy! I trusted you as a close friend of my father and never treated you with disrespect! I even treat you like a father-in-law due to my relationship with your daughter and now you ensnare I alongside your own daughter in a complicated mess!?"

Lie Fan seeing Wang Yun acting like they can't hold his anger, slammed the table beside him causing a small hole due to the strength he put in. Jia Xu and the bodyguards were shocked by Lie Fan's sudden outburst but they kept quiet to let Lie Fan let out the things inside him that brewing for so long.

Wang Yun hearing this close his eyes and sighed, off all the scenarios he doesn't expect that Lie Fan will found out this fast at least until Lie Fan and Diao Chan's marriage he will slowly reveal to Lie Fan.

Wang Yun: " Maybe it's too abrupt, but this is the only plan that I can think of to not let you grow astray from our first aspiration when we meet for the first time! Don't think that sacrificing my own daughter doesn't hurt me, but for the sake of the Han Dynasty I can even sacrifice my own life and as my daughter, she also has to play her part in protecting the Han Dynasty!"

Lie Fan: "You beast! How could you say without a single remorse? She was trembling in fear, scared when she opened her eyes and saw the situation that was laid out across her eyes! For the Han Dynasty? Don't you see that it is already dying and nothing you can do to stop it! She is your own daughter god damn it! What if you abandoned her easily because she is adopted? Is that the reason?!"

Wang Yun: "No matter her origin, She is My daughter and I don't abandon her! She is doing her part in keeping the Han Dynasty future and Dying?! Don't be naive Lie Fan, you're young but maybe you haven't heard of the phrase the lean camel is still bigger than the horse! I'm a fool for trusting you in the beginning, Now you have shown your true goal and I will stop you and all the others from reaching what you truly want!"

Lie Fan and Wang Yun were in a shouting match, People outside the main hall can hear it but due Wang Yun's order no one dared to enter. Diao Chan was informed by her handmaiden that Lie Fan visited the Wang Clan's residence and come here to see Lie Fan heard the shouting in the main hall.

When she wanted to enter to see what was going on as she was familiar with both Wang Yun and Lie Fan's voices was stopped by the guards under Wang Yun's order that no one can enter, Diao Chan can only hold her hand together waiting anxiously outside.

Inside the Main Hall, Lie Fan who was flabbergasted by Wang Yun's action grew even more impatient facing the mad loyalists of Han. He threw a teacup from the table towards the floor, breaking it into pieces.

Lie Fan: "Tell me the reason why you do this?! Is there no other way huh?! Why do you have to hurt her like that and betray both of our trust in you?!"

Wang Yun: "You wanted to know why? Because you have grown so powerful, I was scared that your power has changed you and it looks like it has, or maybe that is your true face since the beginning."

Lie Fan: 'Haha! Just for a dying Han Dynasty, you broke our 2 years of friendship and trust! Then hear this Wang Yun, from now on you and those little group loyalists of yours were kicked out from Baohuzhe! Go and make your own Faction to compete with He Jin and Zhnag Rang!"

Wang Yun who heard this tremble slightly, He and Doing Cheng was planning to increase the members of Loyalist in Baohuzhe but Lie Fan cut them off and even kicked them out. This is even more precarious than the situation he had when he battled with the Eunuchs.

Lie Fan after saying this doesn't have many words left to say Sit down while taking deep breaths to calm himself, Jia Xu on the other hand hears Lie Fan's decision he can't reverse it as Baohuzhe is Lie Fan's small kingdom.

Jia Xu: "Master Wang Yun, you don't need to think that you can invite the officials and bourgeoise to Baohuzhe. Excluding your loyalists group, we have consolidated them to My Lord's side and all of you are just playing in the palm of My Lord this whole time so please just enjoy your retirement."

Wang Yun who hears this is like a nail in the final coffin and coughs out some blood due to the heavy blow he is receiving. Lie Fan and his entourage doesn't care about this, they stand up and leave the main hall leaving Wang Yun there alone.

Lie Fan left the Main Hall and saw Diao Chan waiting outside anxiously He went toward her, and Dioa Chan saw this hold Lie Fan's hand when he was in front of her.

Diao Chan: "Brother what's going on? Why have I heard you and My Father shouting?"

Lie Fan: "It's hard to explain sister, for now Just follow me as it's not safe for you here."

Diao Chan: "What? Follow you where and why is it not safe here, there's My Father and a group of guards of course it's safe here."

Lie Fan: "Do you trust me?".

Diao Chan's eyes meet with Lie Fan's eyes full of gentleness and solemnity, sucked in the whirlpool of that eye nods her head to indicate that she trusts Lie Fan. Lie Fan seeing this holds her hand and takes her alongside him to leave the Wang Clan's Mansion, Diao Chan's two remaining handmaidens saw this and in panic follow them.

After Lie Fan visits Wang Clan's estate, the shocking news spread in Luoyang that Lie Fan as the leader of Baohuzhe kicked out Wang Yun, Dong Cheng, and 30 people out from Baohuzhe. Everyone including He Jin and Zhang Rang was surprised when this news was made out, as everyone knew how close Lie Fan and Wang Yun's is these past 2 years.

Wang Yun and Dong Cheng alongside the 30 people made a new Faction named the Han Dynasty Protector, their purpose is supporting the Emperor in tackling the situation that was happening in the Court now. Luoyang's political landscape has a drastic change again, from splitting into 3 groups now 4 with Wang Yun's Faction managed to latch onto Emperor Ling's protection.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 185.

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 366.700


STR: 510

VIT: 219

AGI: 228

INT: 247

CHR: 90

WIS: 209

WILL: 165

ATR Points: 0


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