Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 102: 102. Emperor Ling Fainted, Chaos Erupt

Chapter 102: 102. Emperor Ling Fainted, Chaos Erupt

Wang Yun and Dong Cheng alongside the 30 people made a new Faction named the Han Dynasty Protector, their purpose is supporting the Emperor in tackling the situation that was happening in the Court now. Luoyang's political landscape has a drastic change again, from splitting into 3 groups now 4 with Wang Yun's Faction managed to latch onto Emperor Ling's protection.

He Jin and Zhang Rang were the happiest people on the court right now, They didn't care that the political landscape changed again. Lie Fan and Wang Yun split up means the influence of Baohuzhe in the Court was reduced, and Wang Yun became easy prey to kill if not because of Emperor Ling's protection.

No one knew the reason Lie Fan tear his face at Wang Yun except for Lie Fan, Lie Fan's advisors, Wang Yun, and Doing Cheng. When Lie Fan's announcement passed by, he announced that Wang Yun is a horrendous person and worse than a beast because at least a beast doesn't eat its cub.

Everyone in the middle to upper class in Luoyajg discussed what Lie Fan meant, The main actor Lie Fan now thinking about how to explain this to Diao Chan then Ying Yue in his room. Diao Chan Yue is now staying in the Lie Clan residence and is now being accompanied by Ying Yue, Diao Chan's spirit has recovered a little thanks to Ying Yue and Lie Fan accompanying her.

Diao Chan just managed to get out from the shadow of being betrayed by her handmaiden whom se trusted like a sister, and Lie Fan is afraid that Wang Yun is the mastermind behind their accident will stimulate her even more.

Diao Chan has been asking him the reason why he told her to live here and every time Lie Fan gives a random excuse, he feels that if he continues to hide it the relationship between him and Diao Chan will blow up due to the prolonged duration he was kidding this from her.

Lie Fan decides to tell Diao Chan the truth, along with Ying Yue at least so he hopes that the two of them can look after each other. Due to his temper, he completely broke off with Wang Yun but he never regret doing it.

Leaving his room, he walks toward the gazebo in the garden where Diao Chan and Yung Yue always like to spend their time together in there. Diao Chan and Ying Yue sitting together on the gazebo relaxing their minds with the beautiful scenery, Yung Yue can see that Diao Chan acting weird these past few days like something bothering her and she feels guilty about something.

Ying Yue: "Sister Diao Chan, can you tell me what's wrong? You have been acting weird since you came and lived here under Husband's request."

Diao Chan: "Little Sister, it's not that I don't want to tell you but it isn't the time yet. When the time is right, me and Brother Lie Fan will tell you together."

Ying Yue: "Husband also knows? Then Wh-"

Lie Fan: "I know about what?"

Ying Yue feels left out trying to protest but Lie Fan arrives at the gazebo and hears what Ying Yue asked, feeling intrigued hearing that he knew something he decided to ask.

Diao Chan seeing Lie Fan coming here gives a warm smile and loving eyes since the accident that happened to them even though it's a disaster brought them closer together and pierced that piercing that thin paper that separated them.

Ying Yue hearing Lie Fan's voice turned around and showed a loving smile, she changed her seat and told Lie Fan to sit between her and Diao Chan. Lie Fan takes the seat thinking that it's more convenient that he act as the buffer zone between them with the things he wants to say.

Lie Fan: "Come on why don't you tell me I know about what hmm?"

Ying Yue: "I don't know, you have to ask Sister Diao Chan about that as it looks like only my Husband and Sister Diao Chan is the one who knows Hmph!"

Lie Fan seeing the rare cute puffer face of Ying Yue pouting can't stand the cuteness, he rubs Ying Yu's head and touches her nose in a spoiling manner. Ying Yue receives Lie Fan's spoiling gestures happily thinking that it's compensation for her being excluded.

Lie Fan: "Looks like I know what Sister Diao Chan talking about, Suster Diao Chan I think now it's a good time to tell Yue'er."

Diao Chan: "Are you sure? If you feel it's time then okay, it's better early than hiding it for too long."

Ying Yue: "What is it so serious, I have never seen Husband and Sister Diao Chan talking seriously in front of me before, It looks like this is a big secret!"

Lie Fan takes Ying Yue's hand takes a deep breath and then begins to tell her what happened these past few days, how He and Diao Chan were drugged with Aphrosidiacs by Xing'er Diao Chan's handmaiden making them sleep together and now they are looking for the mastermind that make Xing'er do that.

Ying Yue who was happy at first begins to feel the world around her tearing apart, She never thought that something like this could happen and even though her heart hurts she knows she can't blame the 2 of them because they were drugged.

Ying Yue's eyes began to drop some tears, seeing Lie Fan take her in his arms and Diao Chan apologizing to Ying Yue repeatedly saying it is her fault that something like this happened. Lie Fan hears Diao Chan saying that pains him, as at the end of the day he must protect the two of them from something like this but he failed.

Ying Yue: " *sobs* Si-sister Diao Chan you do-don't have to apo-apologize, it's not your and husband's fault that something like this happened. How can people be so cruel doing this? Has husband found out the mastermind?"

Lie Fan: ' Yes I have, but I want Sister Diao Chan to take a deep breath first."

Lie Fan released Yung Yue from his arm and turned his head towards Diao Chan saying this with a grave tone, Diao Chan's heart began to panic as she felt that she would find something that would crash her world but she still followed Lie Fan's request taking a deep breath.

Lie Fan: "Sister Diao Chan, the one who told Xing'er to put the aphrodisiac in our tea is hah... Your Father Master Wang Yun, I'm sorry."

Diao Chan: "Wh-What? Yo-You're lying, hollow Could My Fa-father do that?! Tell me you're lying or I heard wrongly!"

Diao Chan who heard about this felt like her whole world crumble, Wang Yun her spiritual support for many years the one who instructed Xing'er to do this caused her to almost collapse.

Ying Yue who heard the shocking news shocked to the core, she didn't expect that Diao Chan's father was the one who did this. Seeing that Diao Chan almost fainted, Lie Fan held her in his arms worrying about her mental condition.

Lie Fan: "I'm sorry Sister Diao Chan, I also don't expect Master Wang Yun to be the culprit behind all of this, this is the reason why I told you to stay here for a while."

Diao Chan can only cry silently, she feels that she only wants to be alone right now and Lie Fan seeing her condition can only hold her in his arms. Ying Yue is at the side, forgetting about her own emotions helping Lie Fan give Diao Chan a voice of support to help her calm down.

After crying for a while Diao Chan fell asleep due to mental exhaustion, Lie Fan brought her to her room and told Ying Yue to accompany Diao Chan for a while as he needed to keep an eye on the Imperial Court right now with the sudden changing of its landscape.

Yung Yue agreed and hugged Lie Fan for a while to keep her mind healthy, Lie Fan kissed her on the forehead and released her from his arms. Today is the day for another court meeting to discuss the famine caused by the war and heavy taxes, only Luoyang and Xu Province can be said to be stabilized and recovering from the famine.

Lie Fan goes straight to the Imperial Court with Jia Xu and Xun You alongside his bodyguards after putting Diao Chan in her room, today is an important part for him to show off his fangs at the court to stabilize the restless mind of the 2 old foxes He Jin and Zhang Rang.

The Court begins with Emperor Ling entering the court with a slightly pale face, no one notices this except for Lie Fan who was told by Jia Xu. Seeing Emperor Ling's condition, Lie Fan knew that it was only a matter of time before his illness truly struck him which meant his escape plan back to Xu Province was coming soon to be carried out.

Emperor Ling: "Today it's to discuss the severe condition that hit our country, especially the provinces that were ravaged by the rebels."

He Jin: "Your Majesty, we need to enforce order to the people. We are doing our best to help them but they also need to be patient and not cause riots or even turn towards the path of crime."

Wang Yun: "Your Majesty! What the Grand General saying has some merit but giving sticks without the carrot is just punishment, Why don't we open the Imperial Reserve Granary or the Military Granary to give to the people?"

He Jin: "Master Wang Yun! How dare you sacrifice Important Military supplies and Your Majesty's food!"

Wang Yun and He Jin are arguing against each other, and Zhang Rang as a eunuch doesn't have much to say in the Court unless The Emperor ordered them to talk so he doesn't join this discussion.

Emperor Ling: "Okay Okay Enough! I don't come here to listen to the argument between the 2 of you, Governor Lie Fan what do you think we should do?"

Everyone's attention immediately turns toward Lie Fan, Lie Fan is picked out from the crowd by Emperor Ling and walks a step forward from his position answering Emperor Ling.

Lie Fan: "Your Majesty, what both Grand General and Master Wang Yun said have merits but they lack the flexibility. Give the people some grains, the nobles of the Empire surely have enough money or grain to give to the people, while it's not enough to keep them full but at least they will not be starved and then we enforce the law to pick out the bad fruits from the group"

Lie Fan's words caused a big controversy, All of them can be said to be part of the Noble except the General some of them are grassroots. Lie Fan's idea hurt their interest and forgetting his influence everyone is condemning him.

Emperor Ling actually liked this idea as that meant Noble's power as a group declined, and the Imperial Authority rose but that meant he was offending people who would support his son causing them to even rebel.

Emperor Ling's brain suddenly felt a stinging pain, and his body was trembling no one saw this happening until suddenly Emperor Ling fell off his Throne and fainted.

Everyone immediately panicked when they saw this, Zhang Rang and some eunuchs immediately called for the Imperial Doctor to come while they brought Emperor Ling back.

Emperor Ling had fainted while overseeing the Court shocking the Capital, From nobles to common people everyone knew this news. The people feared another war with the sudden health decline of Emperor Ling, while the nobles began to prepare to put a Crown Prince by force.

He Jin, Zhang Rang, and Wang Yun began to have a big debate on the next day, everyone arrived at the Imperial Court again to see Emperor Ling's condition but Zhang Rang informed them that Emperor Ling haven't awakened yet.

This sparks He Jin to propose a crown prince be put in to help Emperor Ling in overseeing the Empire, Empress He can help the Crown Prince with a regent be appointed among the upper-ranking officials.

Wang Yun hearing this instantly opposed He Jin, saying that Emperor Ling is still healthy he only needs rest and He Jin is trying to rebel by putting a Crown Prince without Emperor Ling's consent. He Jin argued that even if there is no Crown Prince, they still need a figurehead to be appointed to lead them as they don't have a chancellor.

Zhang Rang knew He Jin would say this so he acted as Emperor Ling's voice denied him the chance, saying that everyone only needed to do their duties while Emperor Ling was recuperating.

This caused a three-way debate between the three of them, Lie Fan only watched on the sidelines knowing that the Big Ship of the Han Dynasty had half of its body sunk. Different from everyone's expectations of him joining in, Lie Fan stayed on the sidelines and let this happen as his time to leave Luoyang was coming and he didn't want to be highlighted by anyone.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 185

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 366.700


STR: 510

VIT: 219

AGI: 228

INT: 247

CHR: 90

WIS: 209

WILL: 165

ATR Points: 0


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