Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 100: 100. Oriole Being Shown To The World

Chapter 100: 100. Oriole Being Shown To The World

Lie Fan seeing how emotional Diao Chan is with her body shaking and her eyes showing how frightened she is, makes his heart feel pain so he hugs her and pulls her into his arms while saying those words gently and patting her back to comfort her.

Diao Chan silently sobs while being hugged by Lie Fan, After a few minutes she finally calms down and realizes that she doesn't wear any clothes. Her face burns bright red and she pushes Lie Fan away, using the blanket to cover her body again.

Lie Fan seeing this also embarrassed while coughing turns his head, Diao Chan who sees this feels her heart warm even though they have done it relationship-wise they shouldn't have reached this level yet.

Lie Fan who turned his head in embarrassment suddenly remembered Wang Yun is waiting for him, he stands up and go towards his wardrobe taking out new clothes to change into while all of his movement was seen by Diao Chan.

Diao Chan: "Brother Lie Fan what are you doing shocking me suddenly standing up like that."

Lie Fan: "I was informed before that Your Father is here, he was asking why you haven't gone home yet which is suspicious now that I think about it as Your Father never worried when you come to my residence."

Diao Chan: "M-My Father?! Why did he come here? He should have known that I came to your place and it's only been 3 hours since I left home, Usually, he never even looks for me when he knows I'm here."

Lie Fan: "Let's not think about that for now, do you think you can walk Wife?"

Diso Chan: "Wi-Wife? Yes I can walk Brother but maybe limping as it hurts, and Why are you calling me wife We-"

Lie Gan: "Of course, I called you my wife because of what just happened, I will take responsibility and from now on you should call me Husband when we are alone for now and also we have to explain this to Ying Yue."

Diao Chan feels her face burning, she can only nod her head in acknowledgment not hearing Lie Fan's last sentence. Lie Fan went to the other side of the room to change and told Diao Chan to wear her clothes, it's fortunate that her clothes were located on the bed backrest and doesn't get dirty from the intense movement on the bed before.

Lie Fan leaves the room first waiting for Diao Chan outside, after a few minutes he hears movement walking towards the door. Lie Fan opened the door and met with Diao Chan who was walking slowly due to the pain aftereffects of their incident, Diao Chan held Lie Fan's arm to help her move.

Together they walk slowly toward the study, Every servant that passes by sees them walking like this and doesn't feel there's something suspicious as they always walk like this before, especially in the garden. In the study, Wang Yun is waiting for Lie Fan while drinking the tea served to him.

Wang Yun knows that Lie Fan and Diao Chan should have finished doing it, and calculated the time he came here to the Lie Clan's residence to catch them red-handed using it to take hold of Lie Fan the unstable factor of the enigma in the power struggle.

It pained him deeply to use his daughter like this, but for the future and continuity of the Han Dynasty, he was forced to do it. Lie Fan has been appointed as the honorary bodyguard of the heir apparent, increasing his influence on the Imperial Court.

Wang Yun was too deep in his thought that he doesn't realizes that Lie Fan and Diao Chan is walking in together. Lie Fan help Diao Chan sit down on a chair beside Wang Yun, then he calls out Wang Yun taking him out of his thinking.

Lie Fan: "Master Wang Yun, I'm sorry that I'm a bit late I was picking up Lady Diao Chan on the Market."

Wang Yun: "It's okay Governor Lie, I'm just worried that Diao Chan hasn't told me that she will go out today and when I went to find her she wasn't in her room."

Diao Chan: "What?! But Father I told Xing'er to tell you that we are going out when I was preparing the dishes for Governor Lie Fan."

Lie Fan sees the conversation between Diao Chan and Wang Yun, he was examining Wang Yun's face to see if he acts suspiciously or shows something.

He feels that even if Xing'er doesn't tell Wang Yun which was weird at the same time, how a servant doesn't follow the order of her Master and with Wang Yun's connection in Luoyang he can search for Diao Chan's whereabouts in a short amount of time.

Maybe he is too overly suspicious but he just feels that Wang Yun coming here and his story is weird but he keeps it to himself for now. He will look into this, Oriole will be sent to all corners of Luoyang.

On the other hand, Wang Yun is examining Diao Chan to see if his plan truly works. When Diao Chan was talking and positioning her body on her chair, he saw that she was flinching with her face trying to hide that she felt pain.

Wang Yun: "Now that I have found you here with Governor Lie Fan I can rest easy, why don't you call for Xing'er here I want to ask her for an explanation."

Diao Chan nodded her head and Lie Fan who knew that Diao Chan had a hard time walking, stood up and called Bo Cai to call for Xing'er to come to the study as Diao Chan and Wang Yun are waiting for her.

Lie Fan, Diao Chan, and Wang Yun were talking with each other, Lie Fan and Wang Yun are trading subtle inquiries to test each other. They talked for quite some time but Xing'er was not coming, so Lie Fan stood up and told Liu Pi to call Bo Cai as they had waited for some time and Bo Cai hadn't brought Xing'er.

Continuing to wait for a few minutes, Liu Pi and Bo Cai entered the study bringing bad news. Bo Vai reported that everyone in the mansion hadn't seen Xing'er and an entrance guard told him that Xing'et had left the residence and hadn't come back yet.

Hearing this Lie Fan and Diao Chan were sure now that Xing'er was the one who put the aphrodisiac, Diao Chan was shocked and sad by the betrayal Xing'et had done to her while Lie Fan instantly told Bo Cai to call for Jia Xu.

Lie Fan promise to Diao Chan and Wang Yun that he will find Xing'et, for now, he suggests that they go home and wait for the news that he found her. Wang Yun agrees with Lie Fan's suggestion and in his heart feels relieved that he has told Xing'er to leave Luoyang immediately to go back to her hometown.

Diao Chan holding Wang Yun's arm walked together toward the Wang Clan carriage to hide her condition from Wang Yun, she purposely walk slowly and talked about the scenery in Lie Clan's garden. Wang Yun who knows Diao Chan purposely doing this follows her lead while also indulging her to relieve the guilt that's growing inside of him.

Lie Fan doesn't escort Diao Chan and Wang Yun, after seeing them walk away from the study he walks straight toward the classroom where Jia Xu and the others are teaching right now. He was even more suspicious than Wang Yun accept heartily his decision.

In the Classroom, Sima Yi and Sima Lang were being tutored by Xun You while Jia Xu was examining reports from Oriole when suddenly Lie Fan entered the class attracting everyone's attention there.

Lie Fan: "I'm sorry that I disturbed your class Master Xun You, I have something urgent to discuss with Master Jia Xu."

Xun You: "It's okay My Lord, you can talk with Master Jia Xu outside to not disturb the class."

Lie Fan: "Of Course! Master Jia Xu, please follow me outside."

Jia Xu acknowledged Lie Fan's order, put down the scrolls, and followed him outside. Lie Fan and Jia Xu walk together in silence toward the meeting room, Jia Xu can see that Lie Fan has something in his mind, and from his body language he is enraged about something.

Arriving at the meeting room, Lie Fan explains what just happened excluding the intimate parts, saying how he and Diao Chan were drugged with aphrodisiac and the one who did it was Diao Chan's handmaiden named Xing'er who now had run away after saying that Lie Fan slams his hand to the table.

Jia Xu: "Please stay calm My Lord, I will send the oriole to search for her trace immediately but I think she is only the tool, and from my reports all of Lady Diao Chan's handmaidens were handpicked by Wang Yun and Lady Diao Chan's treated them like a sister which means that the mastermind is somewhere out there."

Lie Fan: "Then find it! I don't care if all of Luoyang was turned upside down, Utilize all of Oriole in Luoyang and see who Xing'er has seen these past few weeks! Also, this means that our security has been compromised and from now on all the servants will be replaced by Oriole members!"

Jia Xu: "Yes My Lord! Don't worry My Lord, right now you need to appease Lady Diao Chan as she must have been traumatized because of this happening to her."

Lie Fan hearing Jia Xu's words agrees with him, and he decides to visit Diao Chan tomorrow and spend time with her.

After that conversation between Lie Fan and Jia Xu, the Luoyang noble's circle and the bourgeoise circle were in a full-scale panic as they were infiltrated by a group of black-masked people asking for someone named Xing'er, have they seen her and talked with her or had any contact with her.

Luoyang was searched thoroughly by Oriole under Xu Kai and Jia Xu's lead, this was the first time in the Han Dynasty that they had seen such an organized operation of people breaking in searching for information about someone.

Xing'er's name was being talked about across all Noble and Bourgeois classes, They were hoping that the Oriole search to come out or someone who caused them to do this come out and give them an explanation.

Wang Yun and Dong Chen who were meeting up in Wang Yun's residence also heard about this phenomenon and they for the first time feel fear towards Lie Fan, they don't expect Lie Fan to have subordinates with this kind of masterclass expertise and how brazen Lie Fan is sensing them not caring about the mastermind which was them to know.

Lie Fan also began to feel that beggars and street urchins were an important part of the information group, fortunately Some of the Oriole members were part of this group so he also utilized them to research the streets of Luoyang.

Lie Fan and Oriole's unscrupulous method causes Luoyang to be in disorder, entering and exiting Luoyang Noble and Burgeoise's residence with a high level of security easily alerting even the Palace which Emperor Ling called for more Imperial Guards to patrol the area.

After a few days of searching, eventually Lie Fan received a report from Jia Xu that one of the Oriole members that were assigned to Wang Yun's residence received word from the maids there that Xing'et meet with Wang Yun the day before her disappearance. They don't know what Xing'ee and Wang Yun are talking about but they knew before that Xing'er was given money to cure the illness that her parents have.

Receiving this report, Lie Fan was immediately sure that Wang Yun was the mastermind behind all of this. He was confused as to what caused Wang Yun to do this. Yes, they have their differences but he treated him closely like an uncle even a future father-in-law. now Lie Fan is on his way to meet with Wang Yun in his residence accompanied by his bodyguards and Jia Xu.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 185.

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 366.700


STR: 510

VIT: 219

AGI: 228

INT: 247

CHR: 90

WIS: 209

WILL: 165

ATR Points: 0


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