Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 97.2: Pay In Full Before Provision of Service (2)

Chapter 97.2: Pay In Full Before Provision of Service (2)

When Father and Mother Ji had failed to secure help from their two daughters nor get a loan, Father Ji had been forced to sell the Ji Family Mansion. However, misfortune never comes singly. He had to fire all the helpers in the mansion including the cleaners and gardeners, sell all properties he owned including three cars, and retrench two-thirds of the employees at their company. Only then was he able to raise sufficient funds to save the company temporarily from bankruptcy.

The couple now resided in a 90 square meter apartment located in a small neighborhood. Mother Ji had to quit being a full time housewife and was forced to handle all matters personally, whether big or small.

However, Ji Fanyin believed their current efforts were only enough to sustain the company for a few more days. The company was doomed to fail.

To put it bluntly, Father Ji did not possess any business sense.

The company could probably still survive with an advisor providing Father Ji help and instructing him on what to do. Without a leader-like figure, Father Jis company was bound to be tripped up by many obstacles.

To make things worse, this amateur had a short temper and viewed others with contempt which resulted in his unwillingness to seek help regarding the companys operations. The only thing he was interested in was to rise up the social ladder through his daughters marriages.

Ji Fanyin shook her head.

If their elder daughter was still alive and successfully became a researcher, breaking into higher society was just a matter of time. However, there was no need to let Father and Mother Ji know this.

She was satisfied with them going bankrupt.

A few days later, a guest arrived at the studio.

Ji Fanyin was outside, supervising the filming of a new movie, when Shen Qi called her from the studio. Without hesitation, she immediately made her way back to the office.

Because the visitor was Li Mingyue.

Li Mingyues presence at the studio spoke volumes about her sincerity as she could have settled things on the phone.

Considering she was one of the few people who knew about her real identity, Li Mingyue was the best person in the Li Family to negotiate terms with her.

As for what they were going to negotiate about?

Of course it had something to do with Li Xiaoxing.

It was an hour ride for Ji Fanyin to get back to the studio. When Li Mingyue saw her walk in, she immediately stood up to greet her, It has been a long time since we last met.

Ji Fanyin shook Li Mingyues hand and took in her complexion. She said with a smile on her face, Take good care of your body. If you experience any chest pain, do seek medical help at the hospital before theres any serious damage.

Youve heard about what happened to Song Shiyu? Li Mingyue immediately caught Ji Fanyins drift. My apologies, I have been keeping track of things relating to you.

Its understandable. Ji Fanyin closed the door to her office and gestured to Li Mingyue for her to take a seat.

Is Song Shiyu also aware of your true identity? Li Mingyue could not help asking.

He doesnt know. Ji Fanyin shook her head.

It was more advantageous to keep that piece of information from Song Shiyu.


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