Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 97.1: Pay In Full Before Provision of Service (1)

Chapter 97.1: Pay In Full Before Provision of Service (1)

When Song Shiyu lost consciousness, he was not sure whether he would make it.

Therefore, when he woke up and was hit by the fact that he was still alive, happiness and agony overwhelmed him, he was still alive in this world where Ji Fanyin existed.

He looked around the room strenuously. In the room together with him were his parents. Mother Song was guarding his bedside while Father Song was catching some sleep in the visitor chair at the foot of the bed. Fatigue was apparent on his face.

Youre awake! Mother Song rushed towards him and bent down to feel his forehead. Her eyes were red with worry. Poor child, why do you have to work so hard? We are not short of money. You are still so young , to nearly lose your life to overexertion Youre our only child! If youre gone, how are we going to live?!

Mother Song could not help the tears gushing out of her eyes as she berated Song Shiyu.

Despite his lack of strength, Song Shiyu reached out and took Mother Songs hand in his.

The only ones by his bedside were his parents Of course, he should not have expected anything else.

Mother Song wiped the tears from her face and activated the nurse call button. Only when the doctors had completed a series of checks and informed her that Song Shiyu was out of danger did she finally relax and ask Song Shiyu about the events leading up to his attack.

If the company is strapped for cash, just seek help from us. She patted Song Shiyus arm. What is more important than your own life? Nothing is worth betting your life for!

Song Shiyu listened to Mother Song absentmindedly.

In his mind, he kept replaying the words Ji Fanyin once said to him, the Ji Fanyin who has feelings for you is already not around. When he first heard it, he had not made much of it but at this juncture, the words were like a mountain weighing on him, crushing him.

Did Ji Fanyin once risk her life to test his affection?

But that was already a thing of the past.

Ji Fanyin knew there was a high chance Song Shiyu would drown his sorrows in alcohol but never did she expect the news to be the next time she would see him.

Lakeside City A man was on the brink of death from excessive drinking while working overnight. According to our reporters investigations, this man was a young entrepreneur. In the eyes of his staff, he was a humble person who had achieved great success in his career

Ji Fanyin put down her phone before finishing the article.

The man was already dying, even the gossip tabloids would post positive reviews of him.

But to be on the brink of death meant Song Shiyu was still alive.

He was saved by his assistant at the eleventh hour. Zhang Ning had gotten hold of some insider information. She shared, Before he passed out, he had managed to call his assistant. Luckily, the call went through and his assistant immediately called for an ambulance. When help arrived, he was still breathing. Luckily, they were able to bring him back but I heard there may be some long-term complications.

Ji Fanyin asked, What kind of long-term complications?

Zhang Ning squinted her eyes. Judging from how he had to leave his company in the lurch and go back to the Song Family Home with his parents, his condition must have been serious.

Oh. Ji Fanyin picked up her phone and launched the Temptation of Home app to check on the progress.

Apart from Song Shiyu, it seemed Li Xiaoxing and Ji Xinxin were having an eventful time too.

If I didnt remember wrongly, Song Shiyus partner is not a simple person. I suppose by the time Song Shiyu returns from his break, the ownership of the company would have changed. Zhang Ning added, But before that, someone elses company would most probably fold first

Ji Fanyin looked at her, Whose company?

Of course its Father and Mother Jis company.

To be desperate enough to seek help from her, it was obvious how dire the companys situation was.


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